As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 115 Have enough troubles?

Chapter 115 Have enough troubles?
And then, when Jax gets started by a promise, level 1 duels are going to be very, very, very difficult. .
The reason why it is said to be very is not the problem of the skill mechanism, but the difference in the attack distance between the two.

That's right.

As a part of the alliance, Nuoshou's attack range is 175, which is 125 yards longer than Jax's 50 attack range.

Some people may think that 50 yards is nothing, but in the hands of the top experts, this distance can really kill you.

You have been beaten for nothing by me, but you can't fight back.

So when Jax was slashed by Nuo Shou for the first time, Khan didn't even want to run directly to his home, and had no intention of standing with Nuo Shou at all.

As for whether to use the e skill to fight back. .

joke. . .

The essence of Jax's e skill in the early stage is to avoid key general attacks and use the hatred of minions to increase damage.

If you don't take these into consideration, aside from the 16-second cd, the damage it can cause is really impressive.

According to the calculation of skill damage, Jax's level-55 E skill can cause 0.5+[-] extra ad in damage.

Dolan sword at the first level, 60 damage for full hit.

Counting the physical damage reduction caused by the armor, it is not even as good as the 90-point attack Li Nuo's one-handed strike, let alone Lin Xiu has a backswing A+w to reset the normal attack.

The 90% deceleration caused by that, coupled with Nuoshou's attack distance, made Jax unable to run away even if Nuoshou was stunned in the first level.

Also, that can be called the most terrifying passive at the first level - blood rage.

Thinking about this, why do you fight Nuoshou? ? ?
So brother, it's better to run away quickly, don't look back.

Even so, Khan was slashed twice in vain, but he couldn't go home. After all, it was about 1 minute and 20 seconds.

If he goes back, he will lose troops and be suppressed in terms of experience. This kind of thing is definitely not what Jax wants to see.

"Siba, it seems that I have to be a little cowardly."

Khan had a gloomy face, waiting silently to go online, while Lin Xiu himself stood directly in front of his own line because of the small blood volume advantage in the early stage.

It was precisely because of Lin Xiu's stop that he directly attracted the hatred of the blue front row soldiers, and at the same time used the grass to eliminate the hatred.

In this way, Khan's top single melee soldiers will gather more, so that the line of troops will naturally push towards Lin Xiu.

Then the right to choose immediately came to Khan.

Do you want to coax?
I'm sorry, brother will forcefully release the line for you.

Either you can't make up a soldier for me, or you can force me out.


As Khan who also stayed in the LPL for a while, seeing this scene now, he couldn't help but feel fragrant.

It's not that I collapsed just now, it's mainly because I'm suffocated. . .

Miss me, Khan, who was obviously ranked second in the overall score among the top laners in this session, but you were suppressed at the beginning of the game?Doesn't this tm seem like I'm a badass. .

Of course, if Lin Xiu knew what Khan was thinking at this time, she would definitely scoff. . .

Don't you guys know that the fist is the famous drug nai? ? ?

Besides, things like rankings are not allowed. The typical representative here is Xiangguo.

Look at other people's ratings, it's only fifth. .

They are far behind Little Peanut and Anzhangmen, but in fact, no one dares to underestimate Xiangguo. God knows how restrained the jungler this reckless player is.

Thanks to the extreme style of Xiangguo, only RNG can control it at present, otherwise his ranking may drop further. "Forget it, although I'm very upset now, but now, I can't cause trouble to my teammates."

Although it is very uncomfortable, but looking at my teammates, everyone is still developing steadily.

Even the prince is still playing red solo. When he comes up, there is still a lot of time for him to rise to 3 after brushing the blue buff.

Therefore, for that moment, he had to hold back.

It is precisely because in such an embarrassing situation, the levels of the two sides began to have a small time difference.

Seeing that Lin Xiu was about to be promoted to 3, Jax was only 3/1 experience short of reaching 2.

What's worse is that Jax only has 6 knives now, compared to Lin Xiu's 4 waves of pawns without missing 25 knives, the gap between them is self-evident.

"This is really a full display of the strength of Nuo Shou..."

Miller sighed: "I don't feel too worried about the situation on the road next."

On the map, Xiangguo and Cuzz have already arrived in their first half of the field.

Maybe these two junglers have different gank abilities in the early stage, but because they have very useful displacement skills, the overall support speed will become very fast.

If the dragon ball is caught rashly, it is very likely that Lin Xiu will hold it back, and then cooperate with the Zhumei who came to fight back.

"It's true to be honest."

Wei Shen on the side gently pushed his glasses, and there seemed to be light shining in them: "But if it's me on the road now, I will definitely take the initiative to do things."

"Because it's a very stupid thing to delay the tempo when playing against lck. I think Lin Xiu knows this better than me."

Who is Wei Shen?

If it weren't for the fact that he was too inflated back then, this guy's self-confidence and strength have always been the pinnacle of domestic players.

Therefore, in essence, he is the same kind of confident and proud player as Lin Xiu. Letting such players waste the advantages gained in the early stage is really more uncomfortable than slaughtering them.

It is true that in the early stage of combat ability, promise hands are stronger than weapons, but in the later stage. . .

Whether it's a team or a solo belt, Jax's abilities are all off the charts, so you and Khan delay the development, which is very stupid in itself.

It seems to be to confirm Wei Shen's words. When Nuo's hand reached 3, he dealt with the bottom line a little bit, and then moved forward and started to press forward.

It has to be said that Lin Xiu's current position can be described as astonishingly oppressive.

As if a huge vortex lay between Jax and the pawn line, Jax was once again forced to make a choice.

In the end, continue cowardly? ?
Still fight with me. . .

Then the ax with a slightly scarlet glow on the fiber optics of the canyon was eager to fight.

Then. .


Watching Lin Xiu move, the veins on Khan's forehead immediately burst out.

"It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable! Your tm is already level 3, and you still play like this??"

This is Hong Guoguo's provocation! ! !

It's even an attitude that borders on contempt and insult. .

At the first level, if we think about it, we can bear it. We are about to be promoted to the third level, and you still play like this? ? ?

"Now I do have a disadvantage in making up, but don't forget that my blood volume is still very healthy."

Surrounded by a faint blue light.

Jax, who was suppressed by a level in the early stage, suddenly reached level 3, and then the opposite was Nuo Shou who was about to reach level 4.

At this moment, when both sides are level 3 and the equipment is equal, the outcome itself is a [-]-[-] number. Why do you suppress me so much? ?

Is it because you have an extra piece of equipment for me, or is it because your summoner talent has been ignited? ?

Really, the more I think about it, the more angry I get, and it's unbearable to take another step back.

"Let you be a dog."

Khan gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to be crazy! Crazy! Labor and capital will fight you!!"

In lck, Khan said when he had been so angry, he couldn't help but said: "Cuzz, hurry up!! Fuck him!! I'll fight him first!!".

Cuzz dared not speak loudly.

Because he had never seen Khan so irritable, he could only hold back a word while moving up: "Okay."

Then, I saw Jax's q skill jumping and slashing, and he went straight to Nuoshou's face.

"Tsk, can you finally take it no longer???"

Lin Xiu expressed that she was very comfortable.

To be reasonable, he is really not afraid that this Khan will bring his wild father to arrest him, anyway, he has been arrested like this for so many years.

On the contrary, if Khan can really hold on, it will be really troublesome.

It is true that Lin Xiu has encountered many capable top laners, but there are really not many top laners with Khan's level of operation.

"It's a pity that you don't have the stability of 957. Otherwise, maybe you can really delay until you grow up..."

If you want to fight, then we will fight to the end.

Of course, Lin Xiu is also very clear that in terms of the LCK's style of play, even if the top laner will win, it is impossible to do things that are not sure.

Quickly calculating the possible location of the prince in his mind at this time, Lin Xiu has almost seen through the prince under the fog of war, waiting for him in the river.

"Incense Pot!"

"I'm here!"

As far as RNG's Ueno understanding is concerned, when Khan jumped up, Xiangguo immediately thought of being with Lin Xiu.

But he can't use his q skill casually.

The cooldown time of 20 seconds at the beginning made Zhumei's most stable movement control in the early stage very precious, so he had to go up on foot.

As for the scene on the road, Lin Xiu had to support it by herself.

Speaking of which, Khan's grasp of the details of the top laner is indeed not bad. When he jumped up, Jax's passivity did not disappear.

As we all know, Jax's passive popular point will be that the faster the a, the faster.

His passive is in a decreasing mode after expansion, so when he jumps in front of Nuoshou, Q+A+A+w+A.

The passive instant attack speed is fully stacked, and the enthusiasm for war is also the first to reach the 6th floor.

Faster attack speed, mixed injuries, plus Nuoshou's inability to use the q skill to restore blood in close combat, these are the capital of the third-level weapon and Nuoshou's reckless fight.

Regarding this, Lin Xiu was not in a hurry, so she and Khan only focused on taking A, without considering using the E skill to fight back against the storm.

They all know that in these three levels of confrontation, whoever uses their skills more effectively and accurately will have a greater winning rate.

"I can hold on a little longer."

Seeing the Nuo hand in front of him slashing at him without panic, Khan's mood gradually stabilized.

You and Nuo are facing a, and it is normal for Jax to play two or three more a's with his current passive, but all of this is based on the fact that Jax has not been hit by Blood Rage.

He had to activate the e skill directly when three layers of bleeding effect appeared on his body.

Only in this way can we avoid the damage of Nuo Shou's follow-up basic attack, or keep the distance or wait for the cooperation of the prince.

As for why it was pulled away when the third floor appeared, it was because Lin Xiu had no use for any skills so far.

Level 3 passive, if Lin Xiu A+W+A+E+A.

His own Jax will be directly hit with the blood rage effect in an instant, and such a thing is definitely not what he wants to see.

But in the next second, he felt a little more relaxed.

Because, Lin Xiu handed over w directly.

Nuoshou's w skill belongs to the kind of skill that does not have a forward swing, but a particularly large backward swing.

Looking at the 3rd layer of passive that he has already appeared, Khan started to walk a while letting himself stick to Nuo's hand and walk to the rear.

"Cuzz, go!! I will use the e skill!"


As he spoke, he saw the brass lamp in the weapon master's hand begin to rotate slightly.

Countering the Storm, on.

"Let you dress up for labor and management again..."

Khan glanced at his q skill, level 8 q, [-] seconds cd.

Counting the kung fu spent on direct basic attack entanglement, the cd of the q skill is only 3 seconds left.

"A non-moving Nuo hand facing Jax will either get dizzy, or just flash to distance."

No matter which one Lin Xiu chooses, under the stable control of the prince's early damage and eq+ flash, it is extremely dangerous.

It was also when the dizzy time of the counterattack storm was coming to an end, Cuzz's prince rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Although Cuzz is a rookie, but his brain is very good.

He is very clear that there is no need to hand over his skills now.

The so-called gank must not let the control chain overlap, and don't be unable to keep up because the reaction is too slow.

"Anyway, Jax's E can stun for 1.25 seconds, don't panic at all..."

However, just as he was waiting for this moment, Lin Xiu moved.

Nuoshou suddenly stretched out his arm forward, and the pitch-black battle ax formed an undercut with the help of the blade, and suddenly pulled Jax in front of him towards him.

Then. . .

Khan: "???"

Fuck, what the hell is going on with this tm? ?
At first glance, the operation of Nuo Shou is more than sb, it is simply sb.

People are going to faint you, but you still pull them over? ? ?

But looking at the results, this tm is completely different from the imagination. . .

Pull is pulled over.

However, Jax's body was like a rubber ball. When he was pulled over, he touched the model of Nuo's hand, and then bounced out again.

This kind of visual feeling, like the e skill of the wine barrel hitting it, directly formed a short-term suspension in the air.

Then Lin Xiu walked away from the dizzy range of Jax's counterattack storm in such a preposterous manner.

I heard that you fought back against the storm, it's cheating? ?

Sorry, the ruthless iron hands of labor and management are even more fraudulent! !
"Fuck, this is okay??"

Khan was highly concentrated: "However, I'm not done yet!! Cuzz!!"

Almost staring at the last moment when his e skill ended, Khan pressed a flash, trying to stun Lin Xiu's promise hand.

At the same time, the prince's eq did not hesitate to keep up.

At this time, the skill to save is sb. . .

However, Lin Xiu's reaction could never be slower than theirs, or in Lin Xiu's eyes, all their movements were no different from slow motion.

You want to stun me with a flash, take control? ?

Sorry, labor and management also flashed! !

Moreover, it is still flashing in reverse! !
Even the promised hand handed over q before flashing. .

So this is, Q Flash. .

The edge of the q skill was perfectly cut on Jax who was staggered with him.

After another general attack on the street, the scarlet blood ax immediately hung high above Jax's forehead. It can be seen that Jax, who was still half-blooded, was constantly decreasing his health.

Like, the aorta takes a whack. . .

"It's over!"

In an instant, this idea appeared in the hearts of Khan and Cuzz.

They don't have any skills now, but Nuoshou's state is still 70%.

Don't say that this state is enough to support Xiangguo to rescue him. I'm afraid it won't be a big problem if he hits two by himself.

Then next. .

Lin Xiu whispered to herself: "It's my turn..."

(End of this chapter)

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