As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 117 Is This the Blood Volume of the Noxus?

Chapter 117 Is This the Blood Volume of the Noxus?
"There's nothing wrong with saying that."

Cuzz, who has not yet reached level 6, looked at his experience bar: "But my current big move, at least two more wild waves to get it."

It's not that you can't catch without the big move, but without the big move, it's really unstable to catch this promise to death.

Now the Ueno combination on the Dragon Ball side, like Lin Xiu, is still on the CD.

If you deal with such a Nuo Shou who is being held by the prince, then this Nuo Shou will never escape, after all, it is really not difficult to frame him, close the door and beat the dog.

But what if the Nuoshou on the opposite side gets nervous and resists, or the pig girl who has more experience than himself squats over instead.

That problem is really big.

"Don't think about it."

After BDD finished speaking, he moved directly towards his own blue buff: "Give me a blue buff first, and then we will go up together."

"If I remember correctly, when you swipe another wave of wild monsters, the flash of Nuo Shou on the opposite side will also be improved."

The so-called gank, the best way is to seize the opponent's most vulnerable time.

At this time, Nuo Shou didn't flash, not to mention, and even the equipment on his body was not further updated. If he didn't take the opportunity to kill him at this time, then this is not the style of daring to fight and fight for Dragon Ball.

"So, everyone, come on!"


After taking the blue buff, Syndra's line pushing speed suddenly increased because of the extra pair of magic shoes + lost chapter on her body.

BDD first spared no effort to push back the pawn line that Malzaha pushed over, and then moved towards his own wild area again.

Target, the exploding cone next to the blue buff.

Originally, it was very troublesome for the blue side to swim on the road, because the red side's field of vision on the river side was easy to control, but with this explosive fruit, bdd was able to cross the most troublesome terrain and turn to hit Lin Xiu directly.

Even the prince is on the move.

As for Khan on the road, the distance is still quite good.

At first glance, it seems that he has not changed from before, and he is still very cowardly, but if there is a real fight, he can drive e+q to get close to Nuoshou at the first time.

To put it bluntly, this is called the acting skills of the top laner, so that you can't tell whether there is anyone around you.

If a top laner who is a little more cautious sees Khan like this, he will probably become a lot more cautious.

After all, in the canyon, this so-called unknown is the most frustrating thing.

However, what Khan met was Lin Xiu.

It is true that my field of vision on the road is relatively not very deep, but at least the protection is still achieved.

Triangular grass, in the middle of the river.

It can be said that as long as Dragon Ball comes up, Lin Xiu will definitely notice it.

So why should I care if there is someone behind you who will squat back? ?
Keep applying pressure and you're done, and that pressure is the most effective way to break Khan's show.

Because, I'm not trying to scare you.

If you dare not retreat, I will directly hack you to death.

If you hesitate a little bit, then I can tell that there is someone beside you.

It was precisely because of Lin Xiu's abrupt step forward that Khan almost instinctively exposed his flaws.


Lin Xiu frowned slightly: "This guy's position is a little bit forward than before..."

Now that I have attack speed boots + small wooden hammer, it would be dangerous for Jax to keep himself at the limit distance of q, and he can easily walk away with double acceleration.

But the current Jax clearly has more to say.

He thought, playing with himself.

Level 6 Jax is playing against level 7 Nuo, why do you stand like this?

So this shows that there must be someone around Jax.

As for whether it is the prince or not. . .Lin Xiu didn't care.

Our pig girl has just reached 6 after brushing for a long time. You, a prince, can't come faster than him.

With such a level difference and situation, the opponent has no reason to bet with himself, and it will be over if he continues to procrastinate.

Look at the middle again.

I see. .

As if there was a tacit understanding, Xiaohu was also frantically signaling: "Sindra is missing in the middle, please be careful."

"I understand."

Lin Xiu nodded: "The other party should come to arrest me..."

As he said that, the mouse moved quickly on the computer screen to show his judgment on the Dragon Ball gank route.

The order is to move upwards from the blue buff side, and then telegraph an explosive fruit, which falls directly into the grass in the river on the road.

"I come up??"

Xiangguo's sister Zhu just finished playing the blue buff at this time, and is preparing to fight the toad in front of her.

"No need."

Lin Xiu looked very cold: "My bushes have vision here, I won't die so easily, but you, you must go to the road."

Incense Pot: "..."

It is true that Xiangguo will come and go very quickly at this time.

It's over as soon as you get out of the blue buff, but that's the case. .

"I fucking don't die so easily."

Lin Xiu's eyes were shining brightly: "If you want to procrastinate, I will accompany them to procrastinate."

He flashed by himself, and there was only less than half a minute left.

As long as you persist for half a minute, Li Linxiu at that time will definitely make the opponent very comfortable.

"Everyone, let's split up, I'm going first."

With that said, Lin Xiu's actions became more aggressive.

I saw him relying on the high attack speed to start walking directly, and with a single ax down, the small wooden hammer was passively triggered, and he accelerated to walk, and the whole person walked towards Jax in front of him.

Why he did this, this is the so-called empirical judgment.

Is it too late to retreat now? ?
From the view of the river, Lin Xiu clearly saw that Syndra and the prince had arrived.

It's useless to back off.

"Now, Lin Xiu feels like she's going to suffer a lot."

Miller looked at Lin Xiu a little worried: "Dragon Ball is coming up very fast, and the route is very weird. The hero Nuoshou is very clumsy when he doesn't flash."

Everyone's mood was actually similar to that of Miller.

No matter how you look at it, now that the promising player on the road, who has no flash and no defense, has come to a dead end, what is Lin Xiu going to do? ?

To this, Lin Xiu gave only one answer.

Since it is useless to retreat, change your thinking.

Instead of passively fleeing, it is better to hold the initiative in your own hands.

Even if all three of you in Dragon Ball come up, all three of you have control, but which of the three of you has the most stable control? ?
There is no doubt that this person is definitely Jax's e skill.

With the fixed-point release of the Q skill, Jax's E skill can almost be said to be unavoidable in close quarters.

So if you want to break the game, the best way is to take the initiative to break the most stable point on the opposite side.

"I heard that you want to catch one out of three??"

"Then I'll kill one of you first."

"This guy...".
Khan looked at Nuoshou who was walking towards him and frowned.

He is very entangled now, whether to fight him or not.

Although toughness is definitely not tough, but now that I have a lot of double resistance, and I also have the E skill to evade common attacks, it is basically impossible for this promise to kill him directly.

But if I go too impatiently, it is very likely that the teammates around me will not be able to keep up.

However, while Khan was still struggling, Nuo Shou had already entered Jax's attack range with double acceleration.

After all, the dual acceleration is here, and Jax's position is near the outer circle Q of Nuo's hand without taking a few steps.

Without further ado, Lin Xiu's Q skill was activated directly.

Since Nuoshou's q skill can move and cast spells, basically if Jax doesn't turn in the skill, he will definitely eat this Q in the outer circle.

Given the difference in equipment and levels between the two, not to mention the amount of blood lost, at least 15% of Jax's blood would definitely be lost.

The point is, this promise hand can still save blood.

"do not care."

After thinking about it for a while, Khan didn't talk to Lin Xiu, and used his big move, the Grand Master's Power, directly.

At the same time, the E skill is opened directly.

"This time Khan has learned the lesson from last time.",

Wei Shen looked at the somewhat "reckless" Khan and commented: "Because he knows very well that if he doesn't activate the e skill in advance, it is very likely that Nuo's E skill will counterattack him and counterattack the storm."

Jax, who doesn't have a counterattack storm, will definitely be kited by all kinds of kites when facing Lin Xiu.

So what he has to do is to stun Nuo's hand as quickly as possible, and then let his teammates around him make up for the damage.


Seeing this scene, Lin Xiu smiled.

Is it useful to activate the e skill in advance? ?

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Jax appeared in front of Lin Xiu, when the skills of both summoners were the same, it was absolutely impossible for the weapon to stun Nuo once.

Is it true that the promises of labor and capital were chosen blindly? ?
If you are a promising player, you may be very powerful in the later stage.

But right now, you're just a younger brother.

There are three people on the side. .

To be honest, Lin Xiu hasn't enjoyed this familiar treatment for a long time since S7's bot lane has become more and more important.

Three catch one.

It's hard to imagine that this is an operation that will be played in the era of top laners.

Lin Xiu's eyes were clear.

He first asked Nuoshou to retreat back.

Whether the Q in the outer circle can deal damage is not the key, the key is that he pulls back like this, directly buying himself a short time, so that the delayed release of the q skill can be topped off.

Then, Jax jumped in the face.

At this time, Khan was pressing his e skill desperately, trying to stop the counterattack storm early, but when the weapon was in the air, it was forcibly pulled down.

Stab. .

Accompanied by the tooth-piercing sound effects, Jax's body bounced strangely a few times, and the brass lamp in his hand lit up lonely.

Fighting back against the storm, it was empty again.

"This tm..."

Khan roared in the voice: "How can labor and management stun him??"

Early e doesn't work, close e doesn't work either, Lin Xiu can also dodge flash e.

Seeing clearly that Jax, a laborer, is living worse than Nuoshou, so Ning's Nuoshou is playing the so-called pull of the king? ?

"Don't panic, I'm coming!"

Watching everything silently, BDD, who was about to enter the casting range, stared at Lin Xiu's position.


Plus EQ Erlian.

Syndra's super long-distance stun.

They all knew that to beat a Noxian, the most important thing was to kill him directly.

As long as it can be controlled, the prince's EQ can keep up, Syndra stacks two more balls, and it is basically stable.

"Unfortunately, it's still too slow."

Facing Syndra who lost her skills like this, Lin Xiu made a very weird move.

He, walked towards Syndra's face.

then. . .

Syndra's EQ, Null!


BDD is also a bit confused: "Is this okay?? Is he so courageous?"

Speaking of predictions, BDD dares to swear that there was absolutely no problem just now. What he judged was that Lin Xiu might move to the right and up, which is also the method Lin Xiu and Jax did when they were arguing.

However, what BDD doesn't know is that Lin Xiu never exposes his positioning habits.

"So, he predicted my prediction??"

This idea suddenly appeared in BDD's mind.

In fact, for Lin Xiu, moving positions has always been out of necessity.

If he doesn't need to, then he will never move around.

You must know that many professional players will behave subconsciously, just like a puppy is used to walking in a figure 8, and with their own amazing reactions, they can make temporary changes.

Like Lin Xiu, there are no rules to be found at all, let alone the situation of extreme calmness and high concentration at this time.

"At first, I still wanted to kill someone first, but now, there are more targets."

Just killed the weapon because it was close.

Now there is a little crispy skin that dares to flash on my face, and there is a prince who is about to move.

This kind of chaotic battle is simply Nuoshou's favorite.

Apart from anything else, Lin Xiu slashed at Jax's body with another basic attack, and the trigger was accelerated as the enthusiasm for war was superimposed.

Prince EQ.

With the help of walking position, dodge.

The prince just fell beside Nuoshou, and the main body didn't knock Nuoshou away.

Another general attack, using the prince as a springboard, the enthusiasm for war continues to superimpose, and the trigger is accelerated.

"No, is he going to hit me?"

BDD threw his W skill in front of Nuoshou, trying to interrupt Nuoshou and slow him down on his way forward, and the prince's golden shield was also activated.

"Not enough..."

The dark orbs slowly falling from the sky, when they appeared, everything was projected in front of Lin Xiu's eyes like in slow motion.

Walk sideways and reverse again.

Syndra's W skill is also empty, and by the way, Nuo handed another A on the prince, then W+A, and then added A. . .


Cuzz, suddenly reacted.

He seemed to be standing too close to Nuoshou, and Nuoshou's superimposed bleeding effect on himself seemed a little too fast.

After all, he was Nuoshou with attack speed boots + attack speed dagger, and his attack speed increased by nearly 50%. The supposedly heavy ax was actually very light at the moment.

While the sword light was flying, another general attack was launched.


As if it was the sound of a certain demon waking up, a bloody battle ax appeared above the prince's head.

Blood Rage, come out.

"Kill him quickly!"

Khan said angrily: "We can't let him cut it out, otherwise, something big will happen."


Although they no longer have any control skills, the output of these three people is still there.

Jax carries the R skill passive + W mixed damage heavy blow, the prince carries the passive effect [War Rhythm] strike, and Syndra stacks another ball to release the big move.

These things fell together in an instant.

Nuoshou's blood bar seemed to have been hit by a violent storm. It dropped from full blood to less than 20%. It seemed that if he was hit again, he would die.

But. . .

Lin Xiu still had a smile on her face, it was an excited and happy smile.

I am bleeding.

But there is a saying that I don’t know if you have heard it.

That is in the canyon, what can never be believed, is the blood bar of the Noxus.

At this time, a blue light flashed, Lin Xiu, upgraded.

The Q skill released just now, with a CD of 6 seconds, was over after a fight.

So, the eighth-level Nuoshou gave his Q skill another level.

Slightly adjust the position, kill the Quartet, come out!

The sharp ax blade accurately cut across the bodies of the three Dragon Ball players, and then emerald green light flickered.

Max healing triggers.

This can directly restore the treatment of 45% of the lost health, and directly raise the blood volume of the dying Nuoshou to half blood. At the same time, with the prince's blood rage, the health reaches 30%.

"It's time to end."

Lin Xiu, under Cuzz's terrified gaze, swung a basic attack, bleeding 5 layers, and continued to maintain it.

In this way, Nuoshou's ultimate move can enjoy a 100% damage bonus.

Then well. . .

cut! ! !
Nuo Shou, who used the skin of Braveheart, leaped high, and the ax in his hand shone with a pale blue light.

When the ax was raised high until it reached the top of Nuoshou's head, it suddenly fell down again, flashing a poignant and cold light.

Bang! !

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.Cuzz]!!"

It's not over yet. . .

When the enemy dies from Nuo Shou's ultimate move, Blood Rage will be completely unsealed. Any damage from Lin Xiu Nuo's hand will directly cause 5 layers of bleeding on the target, allowing Blood Rage to continue to trigger.

Turn around and face the weapon whose ult time has passed.

One knife, another knife.

After calculating that the weapon should have better Q skills, regardless of whether the ultimate move can be refreshed, the second cut appeared again.

Bang! !

The blood volume of the weapon is directly bottomed out.

"Hold on!!"

Khan's palms are full of sweat, he still has 200 points of blood! !
It stands to reason that it may not necessarily die.

However, after the promise hand in front of him landed on the ground, he almost jumped at the same time as Jax and took a general attack in an understatement.

"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.Khan]!! Double kill!!!"

Holy shit! !
BDD, confused.

All his teammates are dead? ?

Then what should I do now?Only one word, run! ! !

Syndra's E skill has a CD of 16 seconds at the first level. Counting the fight just now, her E skill has at least half of the CD.

So, Syndra desperately walked towards the river.

Then the most painful thing happened.

At this moment in Dragon Ball, no one can support, and Lin Xiu's hands are staring at Syndra who is not far away.

Because of his flash.

The flash that lasted less than 30 seconds just now will end soon.

"I said, if you want to come, you must be prepared..."

When Syndra's second EQ is good, the dark magic ball + the weak will disperse!
Lin Xiu, flashing through the shuttle, approached directly.


Move a little bit, Q skill outer circle, E skill pull back, then A.

Five layers of bleeding and blood rage have come out, and I turn back confidently.

"Drip, drip, drip,,,"

Looking at the back of Lin Xiunuo's hands away, BDD wanted to struggle, but her damaged body no longer supported her to continue to be willful.

Her life is still passing.


"[RNG.Lin] killed [LZ.BDD]!! Three kills!!"

Hit the road, 1v3. .

Dragon Ball, all destroyed! !

In the Dragon Ball team, the three Ue Nakano fell into a deep silence. .
Three hit one and all were killed.

This is no longer a matter of whether you can play, but whether you are stupid or not.


BDD tugged at his hair in pain: "I just now, I should have acted more decisively..."

Cuzz was speechless, and Khan remained silent.

Now their only feeling is that the lights are so dazzling and the world is so cold.

The mountain roar and tsunami at the scene brought endless heat waves, but at this time it was like the cold wind of the arctic blowing through everyone in Dragon Ball.

Then, for the fans.


"Fuck, shit,,"

"Fuck, shit, shit,,"

Whether it's the lpl audience watching the game live, or the crowd watching the game through live broadcast platforms and other means.

When they saw Lin Xiu's wonderful top lane 1v3, they really felt that their vocabulary was not enough.

It seems that at this time, the only thing that can express their feelings is this exclamation.

"This Lin Xiu is really too fierce..."

In the commentary seat, even the quite rational Miller couldn't help but start to blow wildly, "I can say very responsibly that Lin Xiu's operation just now definitely reflects the quality that the top top laner should have. "

Extreme calm, extreme manipulation, and amazing talent.

When all these things come together 1, Lin Xiu, who can be called the top lane demon king, is finally produced.

"Indeed, very fierce."

Admiration flashed in the eyes of Wei Shen beside him, and at the same time he began to quickly analyze: "In the wave just on the road, if the control of Syndra, Jax, and the prince didn't want to hit so much at the same time, maybe Lin Xiu would have already died."

It can be seen that even Lin Xiu, who just moved around in various positions, was almost killed directly by taking Syndra's ultimate move + Jax's W + Prince's basic attack.

If Dragon Ball can hit one of the three control skills just now, and let them make up for a little more damage, then Nuo Shou will never be able to delay the time when his second Q cooldown improves.

Unfortunately, everything is not if.

"Just now Lin Xiu really showed what is called the pull of the king."

"The ingenious use of the E skill first made Jax lose control, and then he made full use of the pull to bring out the advantages of his equipment."

"What's even better is that the flash, it's just such a coincidence, or Dragon Ball just didn't seize the opportunity."

Why Dragon Ball came up, the original purpose was for the CD before Kalin Xiunuo's hand flashed better.

However, this CD was dragged by Lin Xiu in a daze, who could resist it.

The point is, it's not over yet.

After the top lane blossomed, RNG's bottom lane also blossomed.

Xiangguo, who had already circled to the bottom lane, clenched his fists tightly: "Fuck, wave, why are you so fucking fierce."

Lin Xiu: "→_→"

Nonsense, fierce labor and capital is not a one-day thing, okay? .

"No, we tm can't be cowardly either!!"

Xiaohu's eyes froze.

Although usually I am a bit of a mess, but now my teammates have created such a big advantage for me.

A support advantage that is completely stress-free and does not have to worry about being turned over.

If he can't create an advantage for his teammates at this time, then Xiaohu is really stupid.

Besides, Xiaohu can be regarded as an excellent player in the domestic mid laner, so it is impossible for him not to seize this opportunity.


You Thresh Jiaxia can run very well, but RNG also has as much control.

Xiao Ming's W flash was forced to dodge, and Xiao Hu's Malzaha directly flashed over, threw silence and used a big move to suppress it.

As a result, Xia was quickly arrested.

Then it was the puppy's output replenishment time, the little cannon was on the face, the E skill was hung up, and after a few clicks, Xia suddenly, the little cannon's W skill was refreshed.

Then everything was done in the same way, one back and one back, and the Dragon Ball Bottom duo was also wiped out.

Coupled with the triple kill on the top lane, it was a group kill for Dragon Ball in less than 7 minutes.

The four of RNG did not leave after taking down the earth dragon, and the four of them continued to force the first tower.

There was not much left in the 7-minute defense tower protection mechanism, and in the end, one tower and one dragon were all included in the bag.

The head ratio is 7 to 0.

Economic advantage, came to 4000.


The Dragon Ball coaches were still in the audience, and they were stunned.

its not right.

How can I say that I played Dragon Ball back and forth with SKT, a very aggressive team, why did the situation collapse all of a sudden?

And it's still bloody. .

Just ask you how to play if you are 7 yuan behind in 4000 minutes? ? ?
Not to mention RNG, any seeded team in a theater can firmly grasp this advantage, and then roll the advantage of Dragon Ball Roll to death.

So under such circumstances, the first match between the Dragon Ball team and RNG, which is also the first match in the group stage of the World Championship, seems to have entered the stage of slow death.

The five-headed Nuoshou on the road, after returning home, Lin Xiu directly took out a handful of three-phase power from his pocket.

That's right.

In less than 8 minutes, the formed three-phase power! ! !

At the same time, he also has a fresh blue buff gifted by bdd, which is level 8, which beats Jax by level 2.

How is this Khan fighting now? ?

As long as the promise hand is close to him for a moment, he has to use the E skill, otherwise the promise hand with W will cut him off with a knife, and 3/1 of Jax's blood will be chopped off.

Then tm really hit the main artery with an axe.

On the road side, they are completely stocked. Unless the prince is out of his mind, otherwise he will never trouble Lin Xiu again, so he can only take roundabout delays, trying to use the line of soldiers to hold Nuo's hand.

But in this case, another problem is also exposed.

Little Cannon, how to deal with it?

With constant tugging, the puppy's outfit is in rapid prototyping.

This version of the small cannon is very interesting. You can see that this version of AD, either the special effect flow is based on the sheep knife, or the crit flow is based on endless.

And the little cannon of the puppy obviously brought his own understanding.

The build order he chose was attack speed shoes + broken + black cut + artillery + endless + green fork.

Some people may not understand why Sa must first be broken and black cut. The advantage of this is that the development cycle of the small cannon is greatly shortened.

The strength of Xiaopao, a hero in the later stage, has always been at the forefront of lol shooters. However, the too long development cycle always makes him collapsed before he takes shape.

Like the puppy now, the small cannon with 2 pieces of equipment can single out anyone in Dragon Ball, and then paired with an earth dragon, it finally forms an even more embarrassing situation.

Lin Xiu, just crushed Jax, he couldn't move at all, the yuppie who demolished the tower quickly in three events.

Puppy, under the protection of a group of people, we demolished crazily. After an E skill is finished, a quarter of the health of the defense tower is gone.

In this way, Dragon Ball's outer towers are constantly being eroded, and they haven't even gotten a single head or a neutral resource from RNG.

Looking at RNG's posture, the lck audience seemed to think of something terrible.

"Speaking of which, if things go on like this, will RNG,,, create a Linglong Tower??"

(End of this chapter)

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