As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 126 Rambo, why are you here?

Chapter 126 Rambo, why are you here?

"Huh? This guy's replenishment pace has sped up."
Lin Xiu frowned.

Why does a top laner, especially one who is at a disadvantage, speed up his replenishment frequency?Even at the expense of using W skills to push the line?

It's almost a no-brainer.

Everything, in order to grab the level and line rights, and then take the initiative to attack, or cooperate with the jungler.

The biggest advantage of Rambo playing Qinggangying in the early stage is that before Tiamat comes out, Qinggangying's pawn line will basically be suppressed by Rambo all the time.

But wither chose Qinggangying as the hero, obviously not planning to wait until that time.

Now, he wants to establish his own advantage.

If you want to make trouble, you can't let your troops continue to be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, his choice is speed push.

And the effect brought about by this is also obvious. When two blue lights flashed almost at the same time, both Rambo and Qinggang Ying reached level 2.


The moment Qinggangying rose to level 2, Lin Xiu had already noticed a little more light on wither's body.

That is, corrosive potion.

This guy is on drugs and ready for action.

Sure enough, in the next second, Wither directly chose an unusually tricky angle to use his E skill, and then rammed headlong towards Lin Xiu.

There is one thing to say, Qinggangying playing Rambo, with all the skills, can really be used for nothing.

After being kicked up, people are stunned, A twice, triggering the adaptive magic shield.

After Rambo wakes up, relying on the thick yuppie shield in the early stage, he can take two more A's against Rambo's damage and retreat.

If Rambo drove W to chase, Qing Gangying backhanded W to slow down, cutting off Rambo's idea of ​​chasing.

Under such a cycle, when Qinggangying is passive, Rambo's state will become extremely poor. The so-called hero advantage is as simple as that.

"Now is the time for me to wither and prove myself!!"

Serious, dignified, and a little bit of excitement, all kinds of expressions flickered in the withered eyes.

Thinking of the grievances I have suffered before, and the days I have lived in these years, bitter tears almost flow down.

And this jio full of anger is the beginning of a reversal offensive! !

However. . .

On the RNG side, Lin Xiu smiled: "Damn, you think too much."

Want to crush me? ?Want to kick me? ?
lck's first green steel shadow? ?

It's a good thing you're not in lck, otherwise I'd beat your head to pieces.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the imaginary result that Camille should kick Rambo and cause dizziness did not appear.

There is not even the impact sound of the Qinggangying E skill touching the unit.

"Withered E, empty??"

Everyone, a little confused.

"What is this??"

Wither is also a bit confused: "He predicted my prediction?? Or is it such a thorough one??"

Can Camille empty e?

The answer is yes, but the probability of this is really very small.

Although Qinggangying's E skill is not a directional skill, the judgment range of this skill is ridiculously large. The audience can often see the scene where Camille's prediction is not very accurate, but the E skill can still be accurately triggered.

At this time, Rookie sighed softly: "As expected of Lin Xiu, although Qing Gang Ying is very good at withering, don't forget that Lin Xiu's mastery of the hero Qing Gang Ying is equally terrifying.

When Qinggang Ying was at its peak, almost no one dared to release Lin Xiu's Qinggang Ying.

That is to say, now Qinggangying has been hacked too many knives, and his dominance is no longer there, so the top laner will occasionally appear twice.

Facing Lin Xiu, who has an equally astonishing mastery of Qinggang Shadow, Lin Xiu actually sees clearly what Zhu Zhi is thinking and what he wants to do next.

When you fight Rambo with Camille, the biggest advantage of the counter is the E skill.

Now that your E skill is empty, what can you use to fight Rambo?
At the moment when Camille and Rambo both reached 2 and Qing Gangying stepped out, Rambo, who was also at level [-], didn't learn the q skill, he just clicked a W silently. .

It was at this time that the advantages of Lin Xiu's shoes for going out were revealed.

With the acceleration of the W skill and the basic movement speed of the shoes, the two cooperate with each other to make Rambo's movement speed at this time about 100 points higher than that of Qinggangying.

Then Lin Xiuxian pretended to retreat, but went the opposite way and turned back suddenly.

In such a ghostly turn back and move, the judgment range of Camille's E skill was completely empty, and he hit the air directly.

The point is, it's not over yet.

I thought that after Lin Xiu twisted Camille's E skill with this kind of supernatural positioning, the next thing he should do was to open his position, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiu would not retreat but advance instead.

Why did he do this, because Camille's W skill has not been released yet.

It seemed that Wither was also a little dizzy from Lin Xiulanbo's close approach, and he saw him moving backward while releasing his W skill.

This is Camille's skill characteristic, mobile casting.

But wither soon discovered something was wrong: "Wait, why did he predict it again??"

It is said to be a prediction, but to be precise, Lin Xiu moved ahead of time.

The moment Camille moved, Lin Xiu's Rambo walked out on almost the same trajectory as Camille, so Rambo and Camille overlapped almost completely.

Camille's W skill was originally a fan-shaped skill.

Lin Xiu is so close to the bottom of the fan, the end result is to avoid Camille's W skill skillfully and precisely.

"Now, it's my turn."

At this time, Rambo still has e skills that he has not used.

After Camille's round of skills was released, Lin Xiu decided to continue pulling.

a, give E, slow down and pull.

Take another slap and keep pulling.


Withering looked at the amount of blood he had been beaten for nothing, and he was very angry: "Why, labor and management can't touch him??"

Fortunately, both sides are only at the second level now. If the third-level withering is done like this by Lin Xiu, they will be knocked out of half of their health.

It also seems that because of being teased by Lin Xiu, Camille obviously became cowardly.

To be reasonable, it is not enough to be cowardly now.

Not to mention that Lin Xiu's control over Camille's skill release and mechanism is really good, the difference in blood volume between the two is also something that must be considered.

Today's Rambo, the compound potion on his body has not moved at all, and his blood volume remains at about 90%.

Camille, it's worth 60%.

Although this time the junglers of both sides can be described as tacit early development, once Camille's blood volume is too low, it will be very dangerous to wither with the blind monk's beheading of low blood volume heroes.

In response to this situation, all Blight can do is continue to take drugs.

Even if he is very upset, he can live with cowardice.

At least wait until the subsequent skills are complete before looking for a method.

But withering then found out one thing, when he wanted to coax him, by the way, to see if the pig girl had a chance to come up and make trouble. .
Lin Xiu, she suddenly didn't give her a chance.

Although this guy's positioning is still delicate and tricky, he just suppresses Qing Gangying and doesn't give him the chance to touch him with his E skill.

Head An originally wanted to find out if he could cooperate with Qing Gangying in a gank, but when he saw Lin Xiu doing this on the road, he immediately lost interest.

On the contrary, he went back and forth on the road to observe two waves, and he was stunned that his development speed was slower than that of Xiangguo.

At the same time, because of Lin Xiu's very solid basic skills of making up damage and good grasp of skill damage, Rambo's making up time is actually about 15 more than Qing Gangying's.

"However, the calm at the scene will soon be broken."

Rookie saw that the two sides may be the quietest fight in this BO5 so far, and commented: "Because the time is coming to 6 minutes soon, and the first dragon is the earth dragon."

Earth Dragon, this dragon can be said to be of great help to the lineups of both sides.

On RNG's side, the speed of tower demolition will become astonishing with the combination of small cannons and earth dragons.

On the Samsung side, if Verus gets the earth dragon, he can find an opportunity to quickly kill the dragon in the mid-term.

For this resource, the two sides will definitely find a rhythm in the mid-term.

And at this point in time, the strength of the lineups of both sides can be said to have their own advantages.

At this time, because there are no deaths on the field, all characters will reach level 6.

On Samsung's side, the sixth-level pig girl cooperates with Qinggangying, and her ability to single-handedly catch is almost invincible. If this is used to target RNG, it is very likely that RNG will directly reduce its staff.

On the RNG side, the six-level Rambo, Galio, and Prince are horribly linked. Once the control is connected, basically don't even think about it.

"So the next wave will determine the tone of the entire game..."

But well. . .That being said, when Lin Xiu finished pushing the line, he went straight home.

For the equipment, make up French shoes and two small books.

The advantage of this kind of equipment is that the cost is relatively low, but the damage bonus is quite large.

Rambo's skill base damage is not low, and the cumulative damage effect is even more terrifying with the penetration bonus.

Then when he finished this wave of equipment, he didn't see him go home.

He began to target the bottom lane.

On the top lane, because Qinggangying did not make up the most critical Tiamat, clearing the line was very slow.

There is no need to worry about the pawn line at least for the next 20 seconds.

"You're a bit flamboyant."

Xiangguo, who has already reached the sixth level, said: "This tm walked directly from the top road, and you are probably the only one who can do this."


Lin Xiu chuckled and said, "Laozi has been developing on the road for so long, it's time to bring something back."

Xiangguo: "Okay, this realization is not in vain for your usual wild father to support you like this."

"Ha ha."

The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth moved symbolically, and he sneered: "Aren't you planning to kill another wild monster?"

I can call you wild dad!But you can't call yourself that! !
This is a matter of dignity! !
Incense Pot: "..."

abuse. .

Then, listening to the dialogue between his own unscrupulous Ueno, RNG's bot lane has been unable to complain.

God tm growled for so long.

If I remember correctly, from the appearance of the pawn line, you have developed a total of less than 5 minutes, and it turns out that this is called long? ?

How do you let us go down the road?
God knows how long it will take to go down the road to have combat effectiveness?If the ad has a lot of combat power in 6 minutes, the puppy will probably be so happy that he can cry.

But the reason why Xiangguo commented is because he is really cool now.

Lin Xiu's going down this wave can directly help Xiangguo control the crabs in the lower half of the area.

Everyone in Xiaolongtuan knew they were going to fight, and whoever controlled the river swift crab first would definitely gain the upper hand.

The blind monk goes deep into the wild alone. Once the old Yin, the head of security, squats down, throws a big move, and cooperates with Syndra who can support in time from the middle, the blind monk will become very dangerous.

Now that Lin Xiu is behind, Xiangguo's worries are solved directly, and they can even take the initiative to look for opportunities to see if they can take the lead in opening a breakthrough.

Of course, if the contestants could hear the reaction of the audience at this time, rng Ueno would probably feel that that pig girl is probably doing something wrong too.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Guo, you're about to bump into a pig, okay?"

Look at it from God's point of view.

Head An happened to be right in front of the incense pot where there was no view. At the same time, head An himself did not see the incense pot because of the corner of the terrain.

The two of them were about to collide.



Then in the next second, both Xiangguo and Anzhangmen were shocked.

This is, love around the corner?

Almost at the same time, the mid laners of both sides were frantically signaling. With both sides having all skills, it is definitely not a problem to fight.

"Guys, I'll hold off first! You can make a wave!!"

When I met the blind monk from Xiangguo, head An looked very calm at this moment: "I'm wearing a defense suit, and I'm very cold."


Crown in the middle and Verus in the bottom lane are supporting at the same time.

Head An himself began to pull. Of course, his most critical Q and R skills have not yet been handed in. This is to ensure the stability of the control and the guarantee of playing by ear.


Xiangguo, who already had a strong intention to kill, was really angry when he saw the ghostly appearance of Head An: "You guys, are you confident???"

These few minutes of development make you think that this RNG is going to continue to play with you?

Actually, nonexistent.

Even if the position is poor, Syndra of the crown will come to support first, but now Xiangguo knows what he should do.

So without further ado, he went straight to W and touched his eyes, and came behind Zhumei.

R skill, Raptor position
Under the forced displacement of the raptor's position, Zhu Mei, together with her huge body, flew towards the place where the blind monk was.

"Is this guy crazy??"

Head An looked at the blind guy who handed over R directly and fell into thought. .

You said you kicked me away, I can understand.

I can understand when you say you're walking away with your eyes.

But why did you kick me this way? ? ?Could it be that there is someone on your side? ?
The two from your family have not rushed over yet, okay?

Pig girl's equipment, mercury shoes + blue wild knife, plus the existence of innate pigskin, her frankness is not low.

And the most important thing is the support problem mentioned earlier. Compared with the tiger's Galio, Syndra will come faster because the position is closer to the river in the lower half of the area.

This blind monk without any magic resistance equipment was caught by Syndra, and he would never die or be disabled.

So, I heard Head An yelling: "Crown, get ready, kill the blind,,, huh? Huh!!"

When An Zhangmen's aerial repelling effect passed through the wall and came to a completely unfamiliar place, there was a sudden burst of very evil laughter in front of him.

It was a "hehehe..." weird smile.

And the sky is still glowing with flames burning orange light.


Head An was dumbfounded, "Who can tm tell me why this Lambo is here??"

(End of this chapter)

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