As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 135 Labor and management have enmity with you?

Chapter 135 Labor and management have enmity with you?

But I have to say that RNG chose to let Xiaohu take Karma, which is really a chicken thief. .
You have to insist on laning strength, but the BDD technology is really not blown out.

The world's second-ranked mid laner, whether it's detailed operations or laning suppression, is head-to-head. Even the current Li Ge can't say that he dares to be steady.

However, facing such an opponent, RNG made very smart choices.

Aren't you cheating on the line? Well, I choose to hang on.

Karma is invincible in mixed lanes.

As long as I don't have a brain convulsion, you, Syndra, will never try to kill me.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. From just now to the present, this Syndra has done nothing except for a small lead in replenishment.

BDD, the role of the first choice Syndra, completely disappeared.

Dragon Ball's BP is definitely Ta Meow's blood loss.

Some people may wonder, this RNG's mid laner can choose to use this method to avoid the opponent's strong points, so why can't other teams use the same method to target RNG?
This is because the middle lane and the top lane are, after all, two completely different lanes.

The line on the middle road is too short, as long as you are determined to develop, you can hide in the defense tower to gain experience with peace of mind.

No matter how hard the opponent is, in this version where the assassin has been hacked into a mentally handicapped version, it is impossible to jump over the tower and kill you.

The line of soldiers is even more difficult to control.

So the middle lane can be mixed, and the middle lane is expensive to support and drive the rhythm. This is not a collapse, and it is the best ending for a mid laner.

Even a player as strong as Brother Li can't rely on the online advantage to establish enough advantages to play one against five.

Support and stability are the core factors in the middle lane.

On the other hand, the road is completely different.

The line on the road is too long.

The knowledge of line control alone is enough to distinguish the difference between top laners and ordinary top laners.

At the same time, it is the ability of the top laner to roll the blood ball. If the line is too long, it will make the vision very difficult. The disadvantaged side will easily fall into the passive all the time, and even have no chance to develop.

Then when facing Lin Xiu, this blood-rolling ability will be further amplified.

When you are at a disadvantage, not only can you not fight against the lane, but you can't even do normal lane eating.

In addition, there is always a fragrant pot on the side watching.

On the road, it becomes the easiest position for RNG to destroy the opponent, and even make you completely invisible for the whole game.

Today, Khan is facing just such a dilemma.

It is no longer a question of being able to fight but not being able to fight against the lane. He simply does not dare to attack the lane.

If you don't eat soldiers, where's the economy?

Do you bring an auxiliary equipment? ?

Obviously this is impossible.

At the same time, Lin Xiu himself has no control over what he wants to do or what he wants to do.

"Now, that Xin Zhao is almost 6..."

"What if the jungler on the opposite side gives him another set of wild monsters??"

Questions like this have been lingering in Khan's mind.

"Hold on!"

After hearing Khan's thoughts, BDD said in a deep voice: "Continue to fight in line first, and when the opponent reaches level six, I will protect you with sister pig."

"Then wait for your next teleportation to turn around, we can go to the next lane to do things."

"That's all it can do now."

Khan sighed slightly.

Xin Zhao in front of him has disappeared again, he habitually sent a miss signal in the middle: "But no matter what, you have to be careful now."

That Xin Zhao must be 6 levels ahead of Syndra.

And Xin Zhao, who has a level disadvantage, is single-handedly invincible at this point in time.

Even, he can jump over the tower and forcefully replace anyone.

As a relatively crispy middle laner, he didn't want Syndra in the middle lane to be messed up like this.

"I see."

BDD nodded, and at the same time glanced at his experience progress bar.

Is it 50%?

That is to say, this Xin Zhao and I are about half a level behind in experience. From this point of view, the gap is not unacceptable.

Khan thought so.

However, in fact, Khan Sang, the top laner of Dragon Ball, has already noticed something is wrong.

He himself, including his teammates, still looked down on Lin Xiu too much.

"Perhaps you have already noticed that I am going to do something."

"Unfortunately, your reaction is still too slow."

What was Khan thinking just now? ?

He was thinking, what if Lin Xiu ate a wave of wild monsters and reached level six? ?
The truth is, he was right.

At the moment when the red square F4 was refreshed, Lin Xiu and Qing Gangying came to the birthplace of the Raptor after pushing the pawn line.

Apart from anything else, Lin Xiu completely gave up the experience of the Raptor.

So when the opponent's Kenan was still controlling the line and wanted to take a wave of pawns safely, Lin Xiu's Xin Zhao had already reached level 6.

"Then it's time to do something."

At level six, although she didn't flash, Lin Xiu, who has equipment advantages and is in excellent condition, set her sights on Dragon Ball's mid laner.

Syndra is it? ?

A traditional mage without displacement is also the most critical point to restrict Xiaohu from roaming around.

"If Syndra can be killed once at this time, with Karma's mobility, Xiaohu can completely help the puppies in the bottom lane to establish an advantage."

"At the same time, it can also make Dragon Ball the most reliable point in the middle lane"

"It's up to you."

Lin Xiu lightly gave Xiaohu and Xiangguo a signal, and then said: "Brothers, hurry up!! I'll go around!!"



Karma at level 5 and Qinggang Ying at level 4 received this message, Xiaohu and Xiangguo nodded at the same time.

They didn't need to go first, since Lin Xiu was there anyway.

What they have to do is very simple, that is, to keep up with Lin Xiu's rhythm and operate as much as possible.

At this moment, Lin Xiu was still circling her field of vision.

He didn't appear from the bushes on both sides of the regular middle lane, because here, basically, there must be a defensive eye position arranged by the opponent's mid laner.

He chose to go around directly from the point on the outer wall of the blue square blue buff, which is close to the river.

"Baby, are you ready..."

Looking at Syndra, who was wearing black shai slim socks, Lin Xiu had an evil smile on her face: "You, it's time to confess here."

RNG's Ue Nakano looked very excited at this time.

Because they know that giving Syndra a serious injury at this time will undoubtedly make Dragon Ball even worse.

Don't forget, what they were thinking just now was to rely on Syndra's super high burst of level 6 to see if they could fight a small-scale team battle.

Who knows, RNG Zhao Xin + Qinggang Ying, these two reckless men, are simply unreasonable when they double rush forward.

At the same time, because RNG's explosion was too fast, from the beginning to the end, Lin Xiu only resisted two towers.

At level 6, Xin Zhao, who is almost full of blood, resisted the tower twice.

Not sure what's wrong with it at all.

So Lin Xiu came out from the range of the defense tower very easily, leaving behind the belated sister Zhu with a dazed look on her face.

Afterwards, Lin Xiu returned to the city and said earnestly, "Tiger, grow up well."

"You see, I'm going all the way to help you fight against opponents, and don't forget your top laner father later."

Xiaohu: "???"

You tower meow. . .

Xiaohu said: "You are obviously a K-head! Also, you dare to call yourself my top single father?? You forgot how Xiangguo worked so hard to raise you??"


Lin Xiu frowned: "This statement sounds very reasonable, then, Daddy Jungle, how kind are you?"

Xiaohu: "..."

Incense Pot: "..."

Forget it, the labor and management didn't say anything, this guy has no integrity.

Of course, regardless of this atmosphere, whether it is RNG or Dragon Ball, they are very clear that everything now is just the beginning.

Just now, it was just one to six Xin Zhao.

Next, there will be a blue steel shadow up to 6.

It's hard to imagine what the scene will look like if these two extremely reckless heroes continue to hold on to a point.

"Are they going to go back and catch it? Or continue to catch it??"

Cuzz fell into deep painful thinking.

If he made a wrong judgment, it would mean that his support would be delayed again.

The feeling of powerlessness made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

But he had to admit that the current personal characteristics of this spicy pot are too prominent, and he has been completely suppressed in this game.

Normal people can't understand what he's thinking at all.

Just now, he obviously had an excellent development time in the time after Zhumei and Xin Zhao were replaced.

But he put a lot of energy into vision control and situation analysis.

resources, grab very small portions.

My mind is full, it seems that I only think about how to gank.

It is also this situation that makes his rhythm impossible for most people to keep up with.

"You, don't think so much now!!"

It seems to be aware of the confusion of the teammates around him. Whether it is Khan or BDD, they are now very calm and serious.

Khan gritted his teeth and said: "Now, what you want to think about is to brush! Brush to 6 as soon as possible, and then find a chance to play a wave of 4 packs of 2..."

"I, Kenan, as long as I can reach level 6, a wave of perfect teleportation will be able to fight back the disadvantage!"

This, Khan thought very clearly.

If he goes solo, it means he has to use the special effect of attack speed.

But the special effect of attack speed, this kind of thing is an idiot in front of Xin Zhao. Didn't you see the big move just now? Now Xin Zhao is definitely a nightmare for long-range shooters.

Therefore, what he wants to leave is the ap group flow.

What is needed is a wave of explosive thunder.

"Khan is right!"

The revived BDD also nodded: "Now we can't be led by the nose!"

Obviously all kinds of scenarios have been predicted, and many things have been planned long ago, how can the pace be completely messed up because of a small matter now? ? ?

Pig girl's big move.

Kenan's big move.

These two combos that can cooperate perfectly must not go astray. .

However, this waiting process seemed very painful.

After returning home again, Lin Xiu, taking into account the economy of online promotion, went home to make up for it with a small wooden hammer + straw sandals.

As soon as these two pieces of equipment come out, it means that Xin Zhao's battle is completely invincible.

Relying on the lead and the bonus of movement speed, he can keep chasing the target to fight, and the little squishy in Dragon Ball except the jungler can't hold it at all.

At the same time, this situation also made Kenan, who was on the road, go from being a cowardly thief to completely giving up on the lane.

He dare not come out now.

Can only wait in the defense tower.

Because he knew that as long as Xin Zhao could reach him, Lin Xiu could jump over the tower and kill him alone.

"Laozi, you must hold on!!"

Silently watching his slow but very firm economic growth, Khan wanted to cry.

But he had to hold back.

"Going home this time, I guess I can make it out and put on shoes..."

"Double Dolan + Fa wear shoes, barely able to fight..."

You said that the equipment on the opposite side hammered me? ?
Sorry, I don't know anything.

Well, this is probably the state of mind of Khan at this time.

Then, it was precisely because even people like Khan were scared, and the pig girl was desperately in the upper half to prevent them from being surrounded by Qinggang shadows and jumping over the tower. A little bit.

Because of the confrontation on the road and the confrontation in the middle, the two sides went to the middle field, and the summoner skills of a total of six players are slowly improving.

The levels that each urgently needs are gradually arriving.

The imaginary conflicts didn't seem to appear frequently, on the contrary, the two sides who were restrained all of a sudden seemed to be planning something important.

"Speaking of this time, although the fight was fierce, the interest of both sides in Xiaolong is really very low."

On the commentary, Miller said: "It's already going to be 10 minutes, and there is no one fighting Xiaolong. Even if the first one is a water dragon, everyone has to show face?"

After speaking, Miller himself laughed.

mmp, this version is a wind dragon, I really don't know what it is useful for.

Not to mention fire and soil, the strategic significance is extremely high.

Water Dragon can at least make laning comfortable.

This wind dragon feels like the kind of existence that is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard, so neither side wants to touch it.

It is completely unnecessary to waste unnecessary operations and resources for such a stubborn and windy dragon.

It was also at this time that the silent duo in the Dragon Ball bot lane suddenly said, "I, the first piece of equipment is out!!"

Immediately, everyone's attention in Dragon Ball was attracted by the speaker.


This guy can be called the most experienced guy in Dragon Ball. He played Xia with one hand, and now he has a blue sword + attack speed shoes in his hand.

At the same time, Gorilla Nami's incense burner was also made.

Although the heads-up is not particularly strong, it symbolizes that the Dragon Ball team is about to start to exert strength in the bottom lane.

"Let's move!"

Gorilla was obviously holding back his anger: "The bottom duo on the opposite side has always relied on the advantages of other lanes to overwhelm us."

"Their lines are deep."

"I'll find a chance to place a laning eye, teleport and get ready, team battle, let's go!"

"It seems that Dragon Ball is finally about to start action.".
Seemingly noticing the movement of the Dragon Ball crowd, Wei Shen said in the commentary: "They probably want to make trouble this time, and then beat back all the disadvantages in front of them in one go."

Miller nodded in response.

Because from the perspective of God, their actions are too obvious.

Everyone in Dragon Ball started to go home almost at the same time, and their equipment was also updated.

The most important of these is the equipment of the three cs.

Xia's equipment has been mentioned earlier, blue sword + attack speed shoes.

Syndra in the middle, Luden + Fa wear shoes; top laner Kenan, Fa wear shoes + push.

I have to say that professional players' reasonable control of resources and their ability to supplement development are too strong. Rao Dragon Ball once collapsed in front of it, and they were developed for a while.

This is also one of the most difficult places in the LCK.

Maybe in the early stage, you can indeed build enough advantages on them, but if you want to kill the opponent, the effort required may be far higher than imagined.

It can be seen that although this RNG has advantages, after all, everyone in Dragon Ball has made very critical equipment. Now they can start fighting when the equipment gap has not yet undergone a qualitative change.

"At the same time, their timing must be said to be very clever..."

"Since this is to take advantage of the time when the equipment has not undergone a qualitative change, then for Dragon Ball, there are two choices."

Wei Shen gestured with his fingers: "One, when both sides have big moves, that is to say, about 3 minutes ago."

"At that time, Dragon Ball Kenan was big, and Pig Girl was big, so it's perfectly fine to gamble."

"But they chose to delay until now, which is the second opportunity."

"The advantage at this point in time is that risks and benefits coexist..."

At this point in time, it's very interesting.

First of all, the 7-minute protection mechanism of the defense towers of both sides has disappeared. Without the protection mechanism of the defense towers, once one party destroys the team, or the number of players is poor, it basically declares that a certain lane will be directly pushed away.

With the assistance of the incense burner, and the first piece of equipment formed AD, it already has a good ability to dismantle towers.

"So, the next wave is very critical. RNG won, and the game is over."

"If RNG loses, then Dragon Ball will start to fight back."

After hearing Wei Shen's explanation, everyone had a little understanding, and at the same time, they were a little more worried about the situation on the field.

After all, no matter how you say it, the opponent is the second seed team of lck.

If the preparations in all aspects are not perfect, it may be serious, right? ?

However, RNG was very clear about the opponent's plan, so they moved first.

"Everyone, hurry back!"

Lin Xiu said quickly: "Nine out of ten times out of ten, the opponent wants to make a move."

After all, it is a mouse that can only save its life by flashing. Xiao Ming's Luo is more of a team leader.

A mouse with only such a life-saving skill is very likely to die suddenly under the two super-large-scale group control of Dragon Ball.


Everyone in RNG nodded, without saying a word, they all started to return to the city.

Lin Xiu was the first to go home. After this wave of his return, the equipment was a bit scary.

Mercury shoes + Tiamat + three-phase power.

At first glance, it seems that it is half more than Kenan, but there is an economic gap. . .

French shoes + rocket belt, 3600 yuan.

Not even as good as a three-phase price.

Counting the extra white swords on Lin Xiu's body, he was ahead of the matchup economy by about 2000 yuan, and his level, level 9, dominated the audience.

At this time, Xin Zhao's threat to the back row is self-evident.

"I'm going down first."

Because he had already returned home once, Xiangguo never returned to the city again.

After he ate the candied fruit on the top road, he moved directly to the bottom road. The route he chose was to detour from the rear. In this way, with Qinggangying's mechanism, whether it was an ultra-long-distance attack with the first hand or a counterattack with the backhand, there was an extreme advantage. good location.

Then came Xiaohu.

This guy thinks very clearly.

Xiao Ming didn't choose a censer for his first piece of equipment, so Karma himself had to make up a censer.

For shoes, go directly to the cd shoes, and then add a devil's code to further pile up cds.

At this time, Karma, with the blue buff on his body, coupled with the runes that come with him, the cd directly reached 40%.

With such a reduction in cooldown, coupled with the choice of equipment, Xiaohu can fully play the functionality of Karma's mid laner.

Xiao Ming rearranged his eye position after returning home, everything was just as Lin Xiu said, the possibility of the opponent moving down the road was extremely high.

Now on the side of the river, especially the side near the blue side, the field of vision is completely emptied, and the darkness puts great pressure on the bottom lane.

"Speaking of which, how are we going to fight next?"

At this time, Xiao Ming seemed a little confused. After all, this was his first time participating in the World Championship, and it was also the first time he faced such a sudden and anxious situation, facing a top team.

"Do you want me to go first??"

Xiao Ming tentatively asked: "I have all the skills here, give me a vision advantage, I should be able to drive to the opposite side..."


Hearing this, Lin Xiu shook her head resolutely: "You take the initiative to drive a hammer, those two old men on the opposite side of the road will give you a chance?"

The current Pray and Gorilla are just called Xuan Ming Er Lao, and they are not really old.

Their reaction speed and concentration are still there. As long as Xiao Ming dares to start the team first, relying on Nami's backhand mechanism and Xia's ultimate move, Xiao Ming is guaranteed to die there immediately after starting the team.

"This one will be opened by me or Xiangguo."

Lin Xiu's thinking is very clear: "In our game, there are three heroes who force open, and the opponent's life-saving skills are only [-]-[-] compared with our team-starting methods."

"So, Luo's skills should be left behind."

"That AD, if you don't hand in the big move, you don't even go in. As long as you kill the opponent's AD, the opponent will lose the biggest support for counterattack, understand??"


Xiao Ming nodded, expressing his understanding.

To put it bluntly, it is to stare at the opponent's ad, and it's over if you keep one hand.

After saying this, Lin Xiu herself began to think.

"How should I enter the arena now?"

(End of this chapter)

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