As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 149 Old silver coin SKT, start to take tactics

Chapter 149 Old silver coin SKT, start to take tactics
"Fuck?? Really finished killing??".
Xiangguo looked at the fallen corpses on the ground, and almost jumped up: "Dog, why are you so fierce??"

"Mmp, don't you look at who I am?"

Lin Xiu also smiled happily: "I'm the kind of person who talks casually!! If I say I can fight, I will definitely be able to fight."

4 heads, and two waves of soldiers on the line, and the last tower that Xiangguo cooperated with himself to push down directly.

After returning home, I had more than 2500 yuan on my body.

Do you think there is anything more exciting than this for a top laner? ?
Looking at this scene at the same time, the audience and the commentators on the stage were all dumbfounded.

Just now, what the hell happened? ?
RNG's Ueno, 2 people directly killed 4 people on the opposite side? ?
Are we reading a fantasy novel? ?
You know, it's only less than 10 minutes now, even if Lin Xiu has the lead, she won't be able to play like this.

The most important thing is why is Lin Xiu still alive? ?
Even in addition to the decrease in mana, his health is actually getting more and more? ?

At the same time, the message on the screen is not completely over.

Down the road, on Xiaohu's side, he also successfully cooperated with the RNG team to jump over the tower and catch Xiaopao to death.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [SKT.Bang]!!"

In other words, the group is destroyed? ?

"Who would have thought that in 10 minutes, RNG, who was originally at a disadvantage in the bottom lane, would actually play a wave of wipeouts??"

The baby's face was full of disbelief: "I have a strong feeling now that the hero Illaoi will definitely be weakened by Lin Xiu."

Because no one thought that the hero Mother Octopus could really play such a terrifying role in the world arena.


For this evaluation of the doll, Rookie on the side seems to disagree.

He said softly: "The hero strength of Illaoi is very important, but the most important thing is who will use it."

On the big screen, the replay just now is given in a timely manner.

"Lin Xiu handled this wave really calmly."

"If you switch to the rest of the top laners, you will basically dodge and pull away immediately, but Lin Xiu has been making arrangements since he started."

"His flash was held until the last second to minimize the trouble Li Gegalio caused him."

"Also, Ueno's cooperation in team battles, and the small details of various positioning operations."

At first glance, it looks very cheating and handsome.

But this is a style of play that is almost impossible to replicate.

It is precisely because of this wave of cooperation between Lin Xiu and Xiangguo that the situation between RNG and SKT has been completely reversed.

Now, SKT, blow up.

"We, inadvertently, completely raised a monster..."

Little Peanut looked at Lin Xiu who had returned to the line, his face turned black.

10 minutes.

Black Cut + Mercury Shoes + Pickaxe.

Is this equipment that can be produced by one person? ?

The most important thing is that his level will soon reach level 11, and then he will suppress Xiaohu, the second highest level on the field, level 3.

This level, with that kind of equipment, with that kind of players.

On the road side belt, how to call?
How to fight team battles? ?

Also, do you still dare to catch it? ?I am afraid that a few will come and a few will die.

This is Lin Xiu's top lane, and it has become a restricted area that SKT absolutely does not want to touch.

"Don't rush."

Brother Li is actually very annoying, he can't find a way to solve Illaoi.

However, as the core of the team, he must not say something depressing at this time, because the ace player has to stand up and give encouragement at this time.

"Let's try our best to see if we can find a breakthrough from the bottom lane again."

"That's on the road, I can't control it for the time being."

"I guess unless we can kill him instantly, we won't be able to beat him once he uses his big move."

Um. . .The idea is beautiful.

But at this time, Huni asked weakly: "But, what if that guy starts joining the group??"

Brother Li: "..."

The rest of SKT and others: "..."

"Give it to me, shut up!"

Little Peanut was a little annoyed: "If you were more stable, you wouldn't be like this anymore."

"And when is it now, are you still talking about sao??"

Huni expressed that he was really wronged: "Oh, I'm sorry..."

To be reasonable, if you can't beat this pairing, you can't beat it. What can I do about it?
You really have the ability, you fucking go face to face with Lin Xiu!
Of course, Huni can only hold back these words and secretly slander in his heart. If he really wants to complain, it must not work.

Because he is afraid of death.

Huni thinks he has done his best, but I really haven't faced Illaoi in the World Championship.

This unit is a position that relies heavily on experience accumulation.

Besides, every word of Huni's worries is true.

Unlike other heroes, Illaoi is really a hero who is nnnnnnnn times more fierce than a single belt.

Anyway, what this hero has to do in a team fight is actually similar to that of a stone man, using the R skill to hit as many opponents as possible.

As far as the current version is concerned, no one can stand it in Illaoi Manda.

So under such a mechanism, if Illaoi starts to join the group, what will it be like? ? ,

It is estimated that SKT, positively, can't take it at all.

"If that's the case, I don't know how to fight."

Li Ge was not angry, he thought for a while, and sighed: "If he really starts to cuddle, I think we can start thinking about the change of the next round and the adjustment of our mentality."

Then, it seemed that Lin Xiu had heard SKT's worries.

This guy disappeared directly from the top lane and turned into a group with RNG bottom lane.

If you want to ask why you do this, it's all because of the first dragon spawned, the earth dragon. .

When facing SKT, the little dragons like Earth Dragon, which can effectively help obtain map resources, are very useful.

At the same time, if SKT's small cannon gets the earth dragon, the speed of pushing the tower with his E skill is outrageous.

To sum up, whether it is for himself or to limit the opponent, RNG must start to control the dragon.

So after Lin Xiu came down, she didn't hide it, and just stopped at the pass where the red square blue buff led to the river, silently acting as a patron saint.

Come on, wolf, your robot, please Q me.

I am worried about my short legs.


Looking at Illaoi who was so arrogant, wolf was very angry, but he didn't dare to attack.

Because he was afraid that he would be impulsive, and would directly hook up a big daddy, oh no, a real mother.

Finally, the first earth dragon, put.

At the same time, RNG, who were transferred collectively, easily took the next tower.

Rhythm officially fell into the hands of RNG.

"I have to say, RNG played very smartly.".
In the audience, komma watched RNG's movements at this time and let out a long sigh.

To be reasonable, a reckless man is terrible, but a reckless man who knows the art of war is even more terrifying.

The sudden grouping of your tower meow can be said to give full play to the advantages of RNG at this time.

Relying on the advantage of Lin Xiu's top laner, which is almost crushing, RNG can give as much resources as possible on the map, so that the puppies who were originally underdeveloped can grow faster and faster.

At the same time, the most important thing is that as long as Lin Xiu is on the field, Wolf's robot will be disabled immediately.

The advantage of frontal team battles is still Illaoi's characteristics. As long as Lin Xiu stands in front of everyone, SKT's key robot will go first and dare not let go.

Because this Lin Xiu's equipment was directly supplemented with a dance of death after returning home. With the damage reduction characteristics of this equipment, and Illaoi's level.

SKT thinks they can't beat him in seconds.

An Illaoi who can't fall for a second, is dragged into the crowd, that is a monster.

So soon, SKT was slowly worn out with 5 outer towers.

Except for the second tower in the bottom lane, the view of the map has been completely controlled by RNG.

Next, the rhythm begins to enter an infinite loop.

The second dragon, Wind Dragon, fell into the hands of RNG.

The third dragon, Earth Dragon, fell into the hands of RNG.

When the time came to about 20 minutes, RNG took advantage of the situation and the dragon forced the group. At this time, Illaoi, who has black cut + dance of death + blood hand, still has the dominance.

In the end, RNG took advantage of Lin Xiu's advantage to win the game.

In this BO5, the first match between RNG and SKT, RNG finally won the first victory.


When the game was over, everyone in RNG, especially Lin Xiu, was obviously relieved.

"My tameow is trying my best to ensure that I can get enough C..."

Just now, in the situation of going on the road, maybe changing any hero by myself, can't give SKT so much pressure in the frontal team battle.

All this is because of the hero Illaoi, the advantage in the current version is indeed much stronger than imagined.

It is precisely because of this strength that Lin Xiu finally succeeded in recovering the disadvantages of RNG in the early stage.

"But, next time, will SKT continue to play this thing??"

Everyone couldn't help but have this question in their hearts.

In other words, this is also a question that must be considered.

SKT at this point, they didn't look very upset after losing the first game.

In the training room, Komma first criticized Xiahuni for some low-level mistakes, and then quickly revealed what happened in the last game.

Because of SKT, the strongest team has never been BO1, but BO5.

"In the last competition, although Temporary Man did not get the result he wanted, there are still some problems that can be confirmed."

Komma gently turned the pen in his hand, and said at the same time: "That is, targeting the lower half of RNG, including the mid laner, is definitely an effective method."

Why did Lin Xiu insist on taking such a gamble just now, because he was afraid that SKT would snowball infinitely.

Once the linkage between the spider and Galio and the auxiliary robot is fully established, their gank ability is too strong.

"Coach, well said."

Hearing Komma's words, Brother Li also nodded: "So for the next round, our priority is to choose a hero like Galio, and I will infinitely help fight in the second half."

"On the road, he's strong."

"But the times have changed after all. It is impossible for him to hit four in one."

"As long as we maximize the advantage that belongs to our lower half, then we can completely overwhelm the opponent before the opponent's top laner can use his c-position ability!"

Everyone in SKT nodded.

Everyone's face is full of fighting spirit, including Huni who was defeated in the last round.

"If you can't fight in lane, then I try to choose a top laner who can develop steadily."

"Because as long as I can hold you back for longer, the less useful you will be in the team."

"And this kind of transaction of using my low-grade horse to exchange your high-grade horse is bloody money!!"

So the second round, in such an arrangement, officially began.

SKT, which gave priority to side selection, chose the blue side in this game, and RNG was on the red side.

Then SKT was very decisive and continued to kill things like Qinggangying, Prince, and Jess in the first round.

The reason why Illaoi was not banned was because they were betting that RNG would definitely reserve the counter position for Lin Xiu, and SKT could completely ban them in the second round and then ban them.

At the same time, it is also because SKT thinks they have found a way to deal with Illaoi. They are not afraid of you doing it again.

RNG's brother Feng obviously guessed this, so they won Illaoi in the first three moves.

As a result, for SKT, the lineup was basically adjusted slightly, and one was selected so that RNG was quite helpless.

captain. . .

One may not have an advantage, but if you insist on developing with you, you really can't beat my series.

At the same time, because they chose a well-developed captain for the top lane, SKT also left the heavy responsibility of starting the team on Peanut.

In the end, SKT's lineup for the second game was the top laner captain, jungler Zac, mid laner Galio, and bottom laner Dazui + Luo.

On the other hand, RNG's plastic surgery in the second round, the top laner Illaoi, the wild boar girl, the mid laner Grasshopper, and the bottom laner Mouse+Lulu.

It's a pity that in this second game, although RNG tried very hard to implement the previous game's style of play, it was really too fast for Brother Li to support.

No matter what, he can always find an extremely tricky time to support other paths.

On the top lane, Lin Xiu's Illaoi is still strong, but after all, he can't play the God of War mode with one against four.

For RNG, it will be difficult for RNG to develop without infinitely expanding their advantages.

Also in the later stage, there are two big c's ad, the mouse output environment is much worse than SKT's big mouth.

Galio's big, the captain's big, and Luo's skills can make this big mouth output almost without any pressure.

In the end, SKT fought fiercely for 40 minutes with a very clever tactic, and won the game.

The score was temporarily tied at 1-1.

"Depend on..".
After the second game, the expressions of everyone in RNG were obviously not very good.

Especially the mid laner Xiaohu.

"Coach, I don't think I can continue to play a hero like Grasshopper."

"I'm so stupid, I can't look down on Brother Li! And I don't want to be a bastard either..."

To tell the truth, Xiaohu himself was helpless.

It stands to reason that Grasshopper should be ahead of Galio in both online pushing ability and gank success rate.

However, Galio, a hero, obviously did not perform well in the LPL, but he radiated magical power in Li Ge's hands.

Why is he always behind his teammates?

Why is this guy's support always one step ahead of me? ?

Anyway, he doesn't understand this question.

Of course, the explanation is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is the gap in personal strength.

This gap is not reflected in the operation level of the hero.

This year's Xiaohu, in fact, is not bad in personal ability, and Li Ge, whose laning level has been declining, may not necessarily suffer.

Even when encountering assassin heroes, Brother Li may not be able to beat him this year.

But the point is, Brother Li won't play with you anymore, my friend.

Brother Li's skills are indeed not as terrifying as the peak, but now he focuses more on support and fighting.

You can't overwhelm me online, you can't match me in coordination, and the same is true in team fights.

The gap between experience and the overall situation is clearly manifested at this time.


Lin Xiu looked at Xiaohu and understood how aggrieved this guy was: "Since that's the case, let's just ban Galio in the next move."

"Oh, by the way, let's disable the first-hand captain, and then everyone will watch your show..."

Xiaohu: "..."

Nima, who can guarantee that he will look good? ?

"and also."

Xiao Ming heard the words, and asked weakly: "Is this really good?"

"If we do this, the jungler on the opposite side won't be able to target it!!"

In the first two rounds, RNG's bp definitely spent a lot of effort in suppressing Peanut.

"rest assured.."

While listening to the discussion of the team members, Brother Feng was silently doing homework for the next round: "When it is released, it will be released. The routine itself is not static."

Most importantly, haven't you seen that Xiangguo is also very excited now? ?
They are obviously the top junglers in the world, why should they be suppressed by you all the time?

We have been preparing for such a long time, just for the final decisive battle, how can Ta Meow be seen through so easily by you? ? ?
"Brothers, don't panic, keep going!"

"Our game has just begun!"

Then, in their respective minds, their third battle officially began.

"I don't know, how will RNG and the others deal with it??"

Seeing the two teams re-entering the field, the commentators were honestly still a little worried.

Because this year's SKT is really fierce.

Their paper strength is indeed not as good as when they were at their peak, but they are obedient and know who is the big daddy in the room.

Then just fight around this big daddy.

"Execution, synergy are beyond the charts, and SKT is not weak at the same time."

"I met RNG who is quite strong in personal strength and has amazing explosive power."

This year, it seems that it is really not as easy to play as last year.

Then, amid the cheers from the scene, the BP of the third game officially started.

According to the side rotation, it was RNG's turn to choose a side again. They also chose the blue side, which has a more advantageous bottom lane.


Komma, was still thinking about what to say to the other side, but when he saw RNG's BP suddenly changed completely, he was confused.

What is this tm?
Come up, ban the captain, Galio, Luo? ?
What are these things? ?What about targeting the jungler together? ? ?
Feelings are only the third one, so why don't you just ignore it?
However, RNG can let Little Peanut go, SKT actually became cowardly at this time, they dare not let Xiangguo go.

"If mlxg, a reckless man, gets the most comfortable team-starting hero, no matter how we catch him, he may be picked up by the opponent."

So SKT, after thinking about it, still continued the same BP as before.

Qing Gangying, Prince, Jess.

I'm sorry, I just want to kill you Malaxiangguo.

"Nimma, these people are really ruthless!"

Xiangguo gritted his teeth and said: "It makes me and you seem to have revenge for killing your father, why are you targeting me like this?"

Could it be that this group of people insisted on banning the prince and Qinggang Ying for 5 rounds? ?
"rest assured."

Lin Xiu said with a smirk as she quickly chatted with Brother Feng BB next to her, "I promise, the bigger they will be, the more uncomfortable they will be."

BO5, why is it so difficult to fight.

It is because you can never guarantee whether your opponent will have a backhand.

You have to be prepared for the opponent to change their moves at any time, and at the same time, you have to show enough skills to deal with it randomly.

Otherwise, once the BP blows up, it is very likely that the game will not be played, and half of the game will be lost directly.

This is really not an exaggeration. You must know that in the past, the LPL could not beat the LCK, and BP definitely suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, this aspect is not a disadvantage of RNG.

RNG single-handedly won a hero that SKT had never thought of, the jungler—Zac? ?

"I knew it."

Seeing the incense pot, Xiao Huasheng's face was a little dignified when he took the jungler that he had never used before.

He knew very well that Xiangguo belonged to the kind of people who were quite confident.

He can lose the game, but it is absolutely impossible to play heroes randomly, so he has definitely practiced Zac in this hand.

"Using the election instead of ban, robbing the comfortable Zac we used in previous games?"

Komma shook his head: "Then let's pay attention to the next step."

With Zac here, he can't easily play things like Big Mouth Mouse in the bottom lane.

Really, it's too easy to get fired.

So SKT went down the road and chose Xia, who has a strong self-protection ability, and Lulu as a support.

Among other things, the anti-gank ability and late-game ability of this bot lane combination are absolutely top-notch.


Brother Feng, he smiled.

You, after all, have exposed your flaws. .

Xia and Lulu are definitely very restrained Zach, a super long-distance striker, but they inadvertently released a very terrifying combination.

Backhand, RNG.

Skateboard shoes + Thresh.

The Shadow Island duo can be called the best bot lane duo in the canyon.


The factory manager looked at this and couldn't help nodding: "SKT is too impatient here, and at the same time, Xiaogou's personal strength is too good. They gave priority to a safe combination in order to avoid losses in the laning team."

"So it releases two other things that are more imba."

Meanwhile, the problem came to SKT's fourth move.

They, in the end, take the jungler or the mid laner.

After all, after this hand is taken, it will enter the second round of BP.

SKT can only get any of the most comfortable choices in the middle and field in the first half of the selection.

Faced with this choice, SKT hardly thought about it.

Who is stronger in the middle and wild of SKT?Obviously Brother Li.

Brother Li is not afraid of being targeted, but Peanut is not.

Therefore, in the third hand, Peanut must be taken. Zhumei, this T1-level jungler, must be taken.

"This time, it suddenly became interesting..."

Looking at the situation on the court, Rookie looked very curious: "Both sides, the ones who have not made a choice are middle and upper."

These two positions are of great significance to both teams.

What are they going to do next?
Or continue to be a brainless hero like Illaoi? ?
(End of this chapter)

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