As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 183 Twin Ponytails Are the Strongest

Chapter 183 Twin Ponytails Are the Strongest
But it is said that Lin Xiu used the double ponytails to fight the phantom god Aoun, there should be something to say. .
It's just that everyone fell into deep thinking while looking at the loading interface.

In other words, is there really no problem? ? ?

Summoner skills, regular flash teleportation.

The cornerstone talent, the regular Grasp of the Undying.

It really doesn't have any features, okay? It's true that Bobby, the hero S6, is quite popular, but the times have changed now, my lord. . .

In the current version where all kinds of control and explosion are greatly improved because of talents, the hero Bobby seems to be too cumbersome, and it is easy to be played to death.

Maybe he's good in lane, especially against tanks, but so what?
The more you fight back, the role of Aoun will only increase.

That Ornn's perfect sheep came to ult could make Poppy feel hopeless.

"So, we must see what Lin Xiu is going to do."

Even in his heart, he expected Gou Linxiu to overturn once, but on the surface he still had to pretend to be serious.

Soon, the reading interface ends.

During this not-so-long reading process, the two teams seemed to have fully prepared for the warm-up.

When each hero just appeared from his summoner platform, and when the enchantment that restricted them from leaving their homes disappeared, the two teams walked towards the red buff wild area very tacitly.

Even Prince and Mantis need the mana recovery effect given by the blue buff in the early stage, but they understand that this game must maintain sufficient field strength in the early stage.

And the red buff is the best choice.

Just at this time, a certain KF colonel who can be called a fool jumped out.

Then give the odds map. . .

The ultimate number of 55 in the whole process is really worthy of being a colonel.

But as I said before, the lineups of both sides are actually quite balanced in terms of strength.

In the early stage of IG, there is the point support of mantis ez, and in the later stage, it is the team battle of Clockwork Ornn. They are very likely to continue to create various unscientific team battles.

On the RNG side, it's similar. There are heroes like VN and Ryze, who are particularly strong in single-point operations.

It can be said that this is a duel between IG in team battles and RNG in personal abilities.

At first glance, it is actually quite strange.

After all, if you don't look at the ID, the styles of the two teams seem to have been exchanged.

"Then in this one, who can play more comfortably, it all depends on who has a better early rhythm between us and the opposing jungler."

As the backbone of IG, Rookie quickly observed his teammates while giving his own opinions.

"Don't worry, I won't be cowardly."

Although entering the professional game did not rely on the jungler to start, King Ning has also grown a lot this year.

He was no longer the guy who would be carried away by the opponent's jungle rhythm, even if he faced the incense pot, he didn't care.

At the same time, because he chose a hero like Mantis, he was destined to play aggressively.

Because if the mantis and the prince develop each other, the initiative will always be on RNG's side.

The W skill has been weakened, so unless the mantis evolves the W skill, it will not have a soft control on its body, and there is no way to take the initiative to find opportunities.

On the contrary, the prince can choose to attack or counter-squat according to the actual situation. The efficiency of this gank is a crushing victory for the prince.

Then, if he wanted to suppress the rhythm of Xiangguo, there were only two things King Ning could do.

First, invade the opponent's wild area, capture the prince, and use the characteristics of the mantis wild area to single out the current invincibility.

Second, than consciousness, fight by squatting.

If it can't be done, it will be a bug instead of a praying mantis. Faced with this moment of needing to bring the rhythm of the whole team, King Ning is both excited and eager to try.

Of course, it is impossible for Xiangguo to think of the reckless style of play that King Ning can think of.

The current King Ning can only be regarded as the second generation of reckless men at best.

The first King Mang has not yet fallen.

Xiangguo silently glanced at Lin Xiu's skill bar, it's good, she hasn't learned the skill yet.

That means he can hack too.

When the time comes, the prince will smash his body to pieces with a huge dragon attack, and Bobby will give him another flash e wall dong, a perfect batch.

"Laozi, I'm going to find the other side to fight! The middle and the lower are the first to fight."

The incense pot roared. .

Little Tiger: . . .

puppy:. . .

mmp.Labor and management almost forgot.

It is estimated that there was a period of time when all the members did not attack, and Xiaohu's face turned black.

When Lin Xiu and Xiang Guo were together, they didn't seem to be at peace.

But I, Ryze, don't want to fight, hey. .

Therefore, with Xiaohu terrified and ready to support at any time, the junglers of both sides started the game almost mirror-image.

Their choices are very interesting.

Qiqi didn't start from Hong, but started from the stone man.

This is a very interesting style of play. Because of the revision of the Golem, the Golem is now the wild monster with the highest experience in the early stage. Teammates help to fight it and then go to the red brush, and then you can go directly to the river to find opportunities at level 2.

If you can counter-squat in the middle, you can counter-squat, and if you can’t counter-squat, you can find river crabs. From this experience, the suppression of experience will rise, and then invade the opponent’s wild area.

It's a pity that it was precisely because of this mirror image that they didn't encounter it at all. . .

In the middle, I said it, the level 1 Ryze and the level 1 clockwork are both garbage among garbage.

No matter how strong Rookie is, he can't be crushed, and no matter how cowardly Xiaohu is, nothing can happen.

So no chance.

In the bottom lane, both vn and ez push the line too slowly. The puppy can suppress it a little, but the pawn line can't push it through, and it is still at a safe enough distance.

Looking at each other across the sea like this, the two reckless men rolled back to the wild area silently.

The camera zooms from the second to the upper road. . .

Twin ponytails, fight Ornn. .

Um. .

Speaking of it, Aoun is actually very detailed here. His starting equipment is just a compound potion, and there is nothing else.

And this is actually something that must be learned to play Ornn, which is to care about every detail.

According to the normal production equipment, it should be a bottle of blood with Doran's shield +50.

An extra blood of 50 yuan is very useful for most heroes, but Ornn can buy equipment out of battle.

Therefore, Aoun only needs to fight another 150, and then retreat a little, so that Dolan's +[-] compound potion can be matched.

It's a pity that this is the case, and Aoun of TheShy seems to have murmured about Poppy's strength.

Although it was only about 2 minutes, the situation on the road was very delicate.

That Ornn's blood volume has already been knocked out by a bottle of blood medicine, but Lin Xiu's Poppy is still almost full?
"It shouldn't be."
Although I don't know what happened on the road, but this does not affect the hero Aoun's strength in the eyes of everyone.

Aoun, a hero, is basically impossible to fall into a disadvantage when facing most melee top laners.

Not to mention that TheShy is still a combination of Dolan Shield + compound potion.

However, it is such a style of play that will make him disadvantaged at the beginning?
The director seemed to have heard and understood the doubts of the commentators, so the camera shot was on the road.

In fact, to be reasonable, the director didn't want to give this shot at first. After all, who wants to watch two Tiehanhan melee tanks fight when they have nothing to do?
But when the camera was slightly aligned, everyone couldn't move their eyes away.

Because, this tm's start is definitely intrigue.

It's not that TheShy doesn't know how to play Ornn, on the contrary, he plays Ornn very well, but Lin Xiu's positioning is really good.

Originally, Aoun's q or w skills at the first level were very effective in facing different melee combat, but Lin Xiu didn't give him a chance at all.

He kept Bobby at a safe distance all the time.

Neither will be hit by Ornn w, nor easy to be hit by his q.

Seeing this, TheShy didn't intend to force it, so he was going to learn a q skill to push the line and disgust the opponent by the way.

But as soon as his q skill was released, Lin Xiu's Bobby moved forward a few points and was triggered passively at the same time.

Suddenly, a golden discus appeared in the sky and hit Aoun on the head.

Minion hatred attracted?
It doesn't matter, Poppy's passive can perfectly trigger the Grip of the Undying, so that Poppy can be consumed as an ad for a short time.

Then TheShy seemed to notice something, he wanted to twist his body a little bit, but he didn't want the pair of ponytails to rush over again suddenly.

E skill, heroic charge.

To put it simply, it is wall dong, of course, when there is a wall behind the opponent.

At the same time, this angle is very tricky, allowing Bobby's body to just pass through the round shield that he passively dropped.

Picking up the passive round shield with his backhand, a small golden shield wrapped around Bobby, providing her with a short-term shield.

Then, rely on this thing.

Oh yes, and with that outrageous Dolan sword outfit, he started to go crazy, and started to exchange blood with Aoun.

This kind of blood exchange relying on the existence of passive shields basically will not lose money, and then silently calculated the time when the opponent Ornn's Q skills will improve, and Bobby pulled towards the grass beside him.

After coming and going, the blood volume once again took the advantage.

You Ornn, you are a panacea for laning, all beings are equal.

But this also has to be able to speak when you are at level 3 Ornn.

What Lin Xiu seized was this period before he reached the third level and frantically punished him, forcibly making Ornn uncomfortable, and also eliminated his advantage of having an extra bottle of blood, and it became Lin Xiu's advantage when he went on the road for a while. Bureau.

"Do you want me to catch a wave for you?"

Realizing that although TheShy is not being suppressed now, but is being disgusted in various ways, King Ning, who has already applied the blue buff, is asking TheShy
But TheShy just shook his head: "No, you can't catch him to death."


King Ning didn't believe it.

After all, labor and capital are also praying mantises, with Ornn as the control, electrocution + isolation and helplessness, and Bobby who has no defense equipment can't make good arrangements?
"It's useless."

"Both he and I have been promoted to level 2. As long as he learns a w skill, how do you catch it?"


After thinking about Bobby's skills, King Ning couldn't seem to find any reason to refute.

Because that ratio is really hard to grasp.

To be reasonable, when the fight really started, TheShy found out how uncomfortable Aoun was when he faced Poppy.

You really don't underestimate Poppy in single-handed battles. Poppy is even more disgusting. The most important thing is that Poppy may not be able to kill anyone. His anti-gank and dashing methods are really excellent.

Others may still be a little bit handy once they hit Ornn's q, but Poppy is probably playing a w with a firm demeanor, waiting for you to come over.

At that time, it will be the kind of iron-headed baby who hits the earth and never returns.

"So, I'll do it myself."

While TheShy has been promoted to the second level, his men's last hits are still stable, maintaining the same perfect stats as Lin Xiu.

At the same time, the light of excitement in his eyes still exists.

He has seen many players who are very good at playing offensive top laners, and those players may not be able to play better than himself when they are in good condition.

But the existence of that kind of hero itself has a strong heroic color, and it is really capable to play a half-meat fighter with the demeanor of attacking the top laner.

"Your Bobby is a suppressive Bobby, and my Ornn is definitely not a grass-eating Ornn."

TheShy, who also started pulling, began to upgrade silently.

Seeing this, Lin Xiu also began to control his passive, basically use it directly if it can be used, to ensure that the shield can save his life when it is critical.

At first glance, the two youngest top laners in the league suddenly fell silent.

That scene was quite funny, after all no one tm expected to be so gentle and friendly.

But that's not the case.

Just a faint light flashed, and Ornn and Poppy both reached level 3 at the same time.

All skills at hand.

As if there was a telepathy, the friendship and coexistence just now disappeared completely.

Lin Xiu's Bobby and TheShy's Ao En moved at the same time.

Whether it's Poppy or Ornn, if the blood volume is excellent, the two heroes are quite strong when they reach level 3.

I saw that TheShy didn't hand in the e skill, and the angle of his q skill this time was extremely tricky, which caught Lin Xiuping's a shot for a moment.

Immediately, the q skill was released.

A streak of crimson lava appears on the ground passing through Poppy, slowing down and forming a terrain after a short delay.

Under normal circumstances, Ornn's q skill is generally used to create this kind of terrain, and then cooperate with e skill to knock into the air.

But the premise of this is that Ornn's e skill charge can touch Poppy, and Poppy with w is obviously impossible to give a chance.

So, what TheShy has to do is just slow down.

Then, fight!
The decelerated Bobby has already entered Ornn's w circle, the red flame is being released, and the end is directly facing Bobby in the grill.

A bit like. . .Lambo flames that don't last?
鏉ヤ 钖楋纻
Looking at the flames burning on her face, Lin Xiu looked very calm, even a little relieved.

mmp, you can finally start a head-to-head fight.

Come, come, come, labor and management want to see whether your hammer is better or mine.
Anyway, I choose double ponytails!Double ponytail race high!

In addition, it must be mentioned here that Ornn's current laning strength is so high. Another important reason is the shield of w. .
Although TheShy is very clear that it is impossible to play a regular qwe combo on his side, but as the original version of Ornn, his w will have a shield after it is activated.

Then, coupled with the fragile effect of w, once it is matched, it will almost never be at a disadvantage.

If Lin Xiuzhen's tricks are confirmed, even if TheShy doesn't release the e skill to hit him, he will definitely lose blood.

However, at this time, Lin Xiu did something unexpected.

Logically speaking, there are only two choices at this time, either to drive W to retreat, or to adjust the intensity and forcefully confront Aoun.

But Lin Xiu, does neither.

At first glance, it seemed that he was walking towards Ornn, but in fact, the whole person seemed to have predicted TheShy's fire breathing. Almost at the moment when the w skill was released on the opposite side, Poppy also suddenly charged forward.

E skills, use!

And the point is that the e-skill is not aimed at Aoun, but the blue soldiers next to Aoun.

As a result, Bobby's position was forcibly adjusted to a rather delicate position. At this time, he was just right on the upper left of Ornn's body, and the fan-shaped flames could not burn him.

At the same time, if Aoun wants to trigger the vulnerable effect of the w skill, he must touch the opponent for the last time.

Such a style of using minions as displacement skills to forcefully make up for Poppy's short hands is also a technique often used by various high-end Poppy.

TheShy wanted to adjust the angle, and Poppy's w skill was activated. After gaining a short acceleration, Poppy continued to adjust the position.

In the end TheShy's Ornn w's flames fell into the gloom rather feebly.

That should be Ornn's most critical consumption skill, is it empty? ,

"Looks like you're done."

Lin Xiu grinned, and under the brisk manipulation of her fingers, the giant hammer in Bobby's hand flipped lightly and began to swing towards Aoun.

To make a complaint, what would it be like if the heroes now have their own thoughts.

That hammer is reasonable or made by Aoun, why am I going to be hit by something I made myself?

Really hit the hammer.

"It's a little troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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