As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 186 Give me the handle, a weak jungler

Chapter 186 Give me the handle, a weak jungler

It was also Lin Xiu's sudden wave, basically declaring that as long as TheShy appeared in front of Lin Xiu, he would not even think about amplifying his moves. .
Whether it's Bobby's R skill that knocks him into the air, or his W skill that blocks Ornn's second-stage release, it will definitely restrain Ornn's ultimate move.

If Braum's big move is counted later, then there are not many skills that Ornn can basically use.

Just like now.

This Lin Xiu not only blocked Aoun's ultimate move, but also prevented Aoun's e skill from being released.

Lin Xiu, like an insurmountable wall, erected the safest wall for his teammates behind him.


Seeing Lin Xiu come out like this, not only made Ornn unable to approach him, but also hindered the praying mantis who also did not flash.

Xiaogou knows that the space left for him to operate is infinite. Originally, this operation may be very difficult in the face of blood horse serial control like IG, but now Lin Xiu has created a wonderful environment for Xiaogou.

First of all, the toad behind,,

Although Baolan has tried very hard to block the retreat, he and his teammates clearly aimed at Xiao Ming at first, so he didn't put any passive or deceleration on vn.

With a few seconds left for his big move, it was enough for him to continue to be unable to touch himself.

On the other side, IG's two breakthrough heroes, Aoun and Mantis, couldn't get in because of Lin Xiu's relationship. Even Lin Xiu, who was outputting against Aoun and Mantis, started to hammer and hit hard on the top lane in the previous wave. IG Ueno, who came out with two moves.

A loud sound and a bright golden light appeared together.

Then. . .Ornn and Mantis. . .take off.

Of course, according to the effect of Bobby's ultimate move, the direction of the knock-up of the R skill is towards the water spring of the knock-up target, and because of concerns about the duration of the w skill, Lin Xiu has not fully charged.

Rao still beat IG's Ueno directly in front of his own tower.

Get off the road and clear the field directly! !

The only remaining targets are the auxiliary Toad, and IG's strongest output at this time, Rookie's clockwork.

It is estimated that there is a tacit understanding between the so-called strong people. When Rookie also found out the current situation, he and the puppy made almost the same decision.

Granted, it's a team game, but there will come a day when your most trusted teammates aren't around.

At this time, what the top players have to do is to stand up bravely.

Believe in yourself and play with a big heart.

So, I saw Rookie's e skill suddenly put a shield on himself, as if he was resisting the puppy's a.

On the other side, the puppy suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"The stance, and the feeling of pressing in, doesn't feel like a normal clockwork."

Somehow, a guy's figure came to the puppy's head.

In a happy family base, Wei Shen suddenly started sneezing while watching the game.

He rubbed his nose, as if guessing something.

Then. . .

Two faint white lights flickered, and the two flashes were pressed out at the same time.

"That's it, clockwork R flash?"

The baby spoke quickly: "Rookie is so bold in this wave, but the situation is a little bit wrong."

Why do you say the situation is wrong.

Because under normal circumstances, basically no one can react to the trick of clockwork, which is used to set e for oneself, and then flashed during the short-term casting process with the help of r skill.

It's a pity that Rookie met the few people who are currently the fastest responders in lol.

His actions were seen through by the puppy, so his flash was also revealed.

Not only that, but Rookie, who saw the puppy took his ultimate move and wanted to continue outputting with the converted qw skill, suddenly discovered it.

he. . .Can't move.

Or he was in a dizzy state at this time, and the defense tower was attacking the clockwork monster.

"That guy, did a VN e flash??"

Rookie's eyes were a little astonished.

To be reasonable, being able to react to his sudden R flash with that speed in this kind of melee is already worth bragging about.

But the result is that the puppy not only dodged his r skills, he even wanted to fight back?
At the same time, because vn's q skill is strengthened, the early damage of vn against qw is quite high.

Cooperating with the attack of the defensive tower, the blood volume of the clockwork after only one third ring has already fallen below half blood.

After finally waking up, Rookie still hasn't given up fighting back, and throws his skills to vn whose ult time is over, but doesn't want to use the puppy healer.

Relying on the movement speed bonus and small movement, continue to evade skills.

Even dodged a big move by Ah Shui ez Laman in the distance? ? ?
"This tm..."

The Ah Shui people in the back looked dumbfounded: "ad, can you still play like this?"

To be reasonable, Ah Shui feels that he is quite strong this year, and basically has the confidence to do it with anyone he meets.

But seeing this year's puppy, he really felt that it was outrageous. In the S8 season, the puppy's condition seems to be still improving? ?His fighting power is still rising? ?
The promised veteran may decline, hey.

I'm going to be stupid if I look at tm, okay? ?

Even Rookie herself has lingering fears, that vn. . .It's so agile.

Fortunately, this vn definitely has a lot of money on him that is useless, it is just a blood-sucking scepter with 1100 attack speed shoes + 900.

As long as there is an extra recurve bow or a small dilapidated bow in hand, Rookie is probably going to be cold.

"I'll save you!"

Seeing that Rookie is like this, Baolan next to him doesn't want to help with output or anything.

The position where he drove himself was very good, on the edge of the range of the defense tower, but this time it actually helped the puppy.

Without further ado, Baolan, who hadn't turned into hiding behind the ad, flashed up, ate Rookie, and walked outside.

"Want to run?"

From the beginning to the end, the puppy who has basically never been touched by the opponent not only successfully reduced the opponent's blood volume, but the most important point is that he bought enough time for his teammates.

A faint blue light fell, and at the same time the TP on the other side ended, and Xiaohu's Ruiz was already in place.

Xiangguo, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the distance was not enough, so he flashed eq directly to provoke the toad.

That speed is too fast.

Even if Baolan wanted to spit out Rookie in advance, she could only watch her being picked up.

It was not easy for Rookie to come out of Toad's w skill, and the prince's ultimate move also fell.

Look at my divine power, I am invincible! !

Crimson magma began to appear around the ground, followed by a circular pothole that enveloped Rookie and Sapphire in it. .
This sudden terrain directly put IG's mid laner supporters who hadn't flashed into an inescapable desperate situation.

Not only that, but the damage this time is definitely full.

Dazed, he beat the clockwork, which had only about one-third of its blood volume, until it was on the verge of death.

Seeing this, Xiaohu didn't hesitate, and directly flashed over to ew to imprison the clockwork, and then finished with the q skill.

"[RNG.Xiaohu] killed [IG.Rookie]!!"

Clockwork, poured. .

Without the big brother by his side, Toad is really just a younger brother.

Soon under the output of the puppy vn, his e skill was almost as good as a piece of paper, and his blood volume also bottomed out after a while.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [IG.Baolan]!!"

At this point, the two most vicious people who charged before are all gone.


King Ning and TheShy are almost pissed off now.

Originally, according to the normal style of play, it was impossible for them to fight like this.

But who would have thought that Bobby would bring such a big trouble to IG.

"At first, I thought that the prodigal son was just blindly choosing Jill, but I didn't expect that he almost rotted the head of TheShy."

A w speeds up, and an e skill enters the field, abolishing Ornn's most critical second-stage ult.

Then an extremely tricky big hammer sent Mantis and Aoun home directly, completely away from the battlefield, and could only watch from the distance between the next tower of their own house and the opposite tower.

Even ez without the protection of his teammates and without forming equipment cannot output.

"That person is really like a sword that no one knows when it will be unsheathed."

"You can think he's suddenly stabilized, but at some point he's going to suddenly shine again."

"The most important thing is that this sharp edge is too sharp and unreasonable. All the opponent can do is to fight hard, or be beaten into a crippled state."

After all, he is not only an offensive top laner, but also a core that can drive the team.

"Don't think about it too much."

The screen has gone black, and Rookie has gradually returned to calmness: "Sorry, I was impulsive. There is no need to continue fighting this wave. Let's retreat first."

Hey. .

took a long sigh.

Even though there was a lot of reluctance in their hearts, seeing that Rookie and Baolan were all dead, Ornn and Mantis, who wanted to follow up with follow-up support, could only turn around, and even ez on the other side silently walked towards their defense tower e.

At this time, the disadvantages of the ad of ez can already be reflected.

Although this version of ez benefits from the enhancement of Stealing Omen, it will develop very fast in the bottom lane.

But in this wave of level six, the combat power of ez is really too weak.

Unless you get a huge advantage in the early stage, it will be difficult for this ez to keep up with his teammates rushing into the formation. At best, he will q the minions in the distance.

Of course, this still has to ignore the case of minions.

As long as the minions on rng's side give some strength to block ez's two q skills, and by the way avoid ez's big move, Ah Shui now has 0 output.

In the end, it also showed the huge gap between the two sides' ad performance on the spot.

"This wave is really beautiful."

And after the team battle on the road ended, amidst the cheers on the scene, the commentators couldn't help cheering.

"It can only be said that the fight between the two teams is really good."

Miller sighed: "Sometimes I don't even know what they think. Why should they fight in that situation?"

Can you say there is a problem with the operation of IG?
Obviously this point of view is not valid, because everyone on IG is considered to be full of operations, but if you replace other opponents, you will probably be beaten to death directly.

However, what IG encountered was RNG's strongest double c.

IG is on the show, and RNG has one and only one way to deal with it, which is to be more showy.

In the end, the reason for losing this wave of team battles in the bottom lane can only be because one side was better and won, that's all.

So here, the situation on the field suddenly began to tilt towards RNG.

Although Lin Xiu didn't get any kills in this wave, his assists and battlefield division ability are enough to give IG a headache.

Especially after the dog returned home and threw an ice punch. . .

The equipment on his body is Mercury Shoes + Ice Fist + Xiao Riyan.

With this kind of equipment, Aoun's head hurts when he sees it, and he will definitely not be able to kill him if he hits it.

Including Bron, who made a mistake in the last wave, Aoun, who thought he would have a lot of room to play, was completely useless.

Next is the puppy.

According to the normal development speed, if the puppy wants to quickly dispose of the front row of IG, he has to wait for at least a 3-piece suit, or even longer.

However, after returning home in this wave, he directly took out the broken + cross pick + recurve bow.

As long as he is given another 5 minutes, he can make the equipment combination of ruin + sheep knife in about 15 minutes.

At this point in time, Aoun absolutely can't carry this equipment, let alone the rest of the front row.

Let a late-stage big brother come to the strong period ahead of time, and the result can be imagined.

Also enjoying this benefit is Ryze. . .

After a wave of support, the Archangel is in place, and has begun to move closer to the second piece of equipment, the ghost book.

Up and down lane 3c, RNG has reached the stage of overall leadership.

On the other hand, the development of IG is due to the fact that the strength of the opposite side is being squeezed out of space and resources are being grabbed at the same time, and the space for making money is getting smaller and smaller.

Although several small-scale team battles still broke out in the middle, and the heads of the two sides went back and forth, the final economic gap reached 18 in about 4000 minutes.

At the same time, a fire dragon + earth dragon held by RNG must be counted.

After 20 minutes, once the big dragon is refreshed, this disadvantage will be further expanded.

The result of the fact is indeed the case.

The following games were basically very strange. Although the fights continued non-stop, by the time the dragon refreshed, the disadvantages of the two sides had reached the point where there was no way to make up for it.

In the end, with a big enough advantage, RNG successfully won the dragon and flattened the IG base.

This is the first game of the LPL opening game, which was won by RNG.

"Huh, is it over?".
When the lights came back on, the players on both sides seemed upset.

It's not that there was anything wrong with the last game, it was purely because of it. . .I don't feel like killing enough.

"To be reasonable, in this round of the game, the kills of the two teams are a bit too much..."

The commentators glanced at the statistics on the big screen.


The two sides were added together, and a total of 50 heads were beaten out.

Although RNG is indeed a step forward in strategy, IG's unscientific team battles are indeed too troublesome. Basically, RNG has to pay a corresponding price for every subsequent conflict.

After going back and forth like this, this outrageous game was played in the end.

Time, 26 minutes.

Head count, 50.

It is probably because of this that the players on both sides were so red-eyed. Seeing that the game ended so simply, they wished they had to take a half-time break and just start doing it.

Fortunately, there are coaches from both sides. . .Otherwise, God knows what will happen.

However, the audience watched it very well, and the questions that the coaching teams of both sides were thinking at this time were very different from those of the audience.

RNG is okay to say, the main reason is that the lineup should not be too fancy.

It can be seen that the last lineup of RNG actually took the route of skirmishes and heads-up. If you really want to play a team, the upper limit is much lower than that of IG.

The so-called greater the risk, the greater the return, it is estimated that this is the case.

On the other hand, the same problems exist on IG's side.

When the players returned to the waiting room, Coach Jin's face was serious.

Because he saw dissatisfaction on the faces of everyone in IG. To put it bluntly, this was the beginning of the above.

However, in professional competitions, basically all the people or teams above did not end well.

Even if it's just the regular season, Coach Jin doesn't want to see IG playing without any rules because of the vindictiveness of the top.

so. .

He paused, and then began to speak in an unhurried tone: ""In the last match, everyone seemed to be playing back and forth, but didn't you realize that you still have problems now? "

Everyone in IG was a little unconvinced after hearing the words.

The first to bear the brunt is the Ueno combination.

King Ning's face was full of displeasure: "It's reasonable, I'm not good as a hero, my functionality and gank efficiency are much worse than that of the prince, but if you give me an excavator, can I be like this?"

TheShy performed similarly.

"It's mainly because of the hero Aoun. The Bobby who was created by him is too restrained."

"As long as you get me a late-stage father, will I be like this?"

Rookie: . . .

A water:. . .

sapphire:. . .

(End of this chapter)

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