As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 190 The Final Cooperation, Flying Immortal

Chapter 190 The Final Cooperation, Flying Immortal

It is estimated that at this time, if a mage player asks him what is the sub-type talent of the Ice Girl, he will tell you to choose the perfect time in all likelihood. .
Because there is no weakened version in this perfect timing, 6 minutes gives you a one-time stopwatch is so sweet.

Except for Roaming APs like Cliffs that need to increase bursts, or APs like Vampires that continue to enhance blood-sucking with the talent of Red Executioners, perfect timing is almost standard for all mages.

Not to mention, Ice Maiden.

The ice girl with stopwatch + R skills can bring too much pressure to the opponent in the middle and early stages, and delay a lot of time.

Lin Xiu's choice really shocked everyone's jaws.

"Could it be that he slipped his hands and made a mistake?"

This is the feeling in everyone's heart at the moment.

But if you think about it more carefully, you will feel that it is very wrong.

Because of the wave just now, aside from the lack of a stopwatch, Lissandra's operation just now was actually quite outrageous.

Why can Hex flash out immediately after the second stage of Ice Girl's E skill is released?
As we all know, although Hex Flash can provide a displacement similar to Flash, this skill requires a rather long channeling time.

If it is in front of others, use Hex to flash. .

Ha ha. .

Your tower meow hasn't flashed out yet, the bones are already cold.

However, this kind of situation did not appear in Lin Xiu's body at all, and even the delay was pitifully small. Cooperating with the second-stage displacement of the rocket belt, this was such an outrageous and unreasonable entry.

Meanwhile, Lin Xiu's entry is just the beginning.

When Lin Xiu's set was full of damage with the rocket belt + electrocution, the rock sparrow's blood volume had reached about [-]% in an instant.

If it receives a little more attack, it is very likely that it will die suddenly.

So at this time, Rookie is pulling his position, and he needs to adjust himself to a safe enough position.

With the help of the vision provided by Lin Xiu, a dark red wave rushed along the ground where Rookie couldn't see, and hit the rock sparrow's head precisely.

If it hurts. .

so so.

More than 100 points, although the life value of the rock sparrow has dropped to a little more than [-]%, but it is not fatal.

But the key is who sent this shock wave.

"not good!"

Taking a look at his blood volume, Rookie already noticed something was wrong.Fen
This dark red fluctuation. . .It is the q skill of the excavator's burrowing state!
Immediately after this, a sharp and ear-piercing howl suddenly came from above the canyon, and then a huge void creature disappeared out of thin air, escaping into a crack that no one could reach.

That's the big trick of the excavator.

R skill - void dash!
Passive: When dealing damage to an enemy hero, the hero will be marked for 5 seconds.

Active: Rek'Sai lets out a chilling scream, then dives underground, searching for a marked target.After a while, she leaps out of the ground, dealing 100/250/400 (+1.75AD) plus 20/25/30% of the target's missing health as physical damage.

Different from the original version of the excavator's ultimate move, which is to find a pothole teleportation of its own e skills, as early as the last revision of the S7 excavator, because of the rework of the ultimate move, the excavator's ultimate move has become a self-contained invincible and A powerful finisher with a beheading effect.

And its casting range is outrageous, 25000 yards.

Some people may not know what the concept of 25000 yards is. Let's put it this way, the card's ultimate move is 55000 yards.

In simple conversion, the effective range of the excavator's R skill is about a quarter of the map.

As long as you are marked by the excavator and the blood volume is not high, the release range of 25000 yards means that people with residual blood will definitely be hit by him no matter where they flash in advance.

Today's Rookie has lost more than 70% of his health, and in order to pursue output, Xiangguo is equipped with violent equipment such as red jungle knife + Tiamat.

After this R skill, it is estimated that at least it can cause close to 400 points of damage.

With the current blood volume of Rookie, it is absolutely unbearable.

Earlier, I wondered why Lissandra didn't order perfect timing, but Rookie didn't actually have one.

Because for laning and bursting, the main talent points are typical, and the secondary talent points are blue-type water walking and movement speed bonus.

Normally, this kind of triggering would make the rock sparrow's movement speed very fast, and at the same time, the burst was quite extraordinary. Unfortunately, at this moment, he was different from Lin Xiu, he had no way to protect himself with the R skill.

so. .

"Ah Shui, just one mouthful!"

At this time, Rookie shouted at Ah Shui while waiting for the excavator to come out of his body.

The flashing CD is quite long, but Ah Shui's treatment is definitely enough now.

"it is good!"

Saying that, Ah Shui and Rookie approached at the same time, and Baolan's bull's head was also there.

If the excavator didn't kill the rock sparrow when it was lifted up, then the bull's head could also control him.

"After he comes down, second him!"


"After the excavator is processed, we will engage in the ice girl!!"

"Wood problem!"

The fast-talking IG people are in various discussions.

It's just that in the blink of an eye, no one expected that something would hit the faces of everyone in IG. It looked like an emerald green elf ball, and a group of tricky people hit the ground, directly knocking Rookie and Ah Shui into the air.



At this moment, both Ah Shui and Rookie were stunned.

Because the timing of this knock-up is so ingenious, it is as precise as a scalpel, and no flaws can be found.

The result of this is that in the process of knocking into the air, the treatment of the double c Liah water without mercury can't be pressed at all, and the w skill of the rock sparrow can't be released.

At the same time, taking advantage of this extremely short control time, the excavator appeared.

The Q skill is activated, the A + Tiamat + full anger E skill is bitten, and the electrocution is also played.

So the rock sparrow that hadn't come down from the sky in the next second, all the life points seemed to be drained, completely gone.

"[RNG.MLXG] killed [IG.Rookie]!!"

That rock sparrow, dead? ?

In front of the other four people on IG, died in a situation where he thought he could be saved? ?

"What kind of coordination is this?".
The commentators were scratching their heads frantically: "It's just, Flying Immortal??"

The baby looked at this scene and made up all kinds of words in her mind, but in the end she could only hold back this sentence.

Because, it's really outrageous.

You must know that IG's strongest combat power at this time must be the rock sparrow, but with the wonderful cooperation of the RNG people, this rock sparrow didn't come down from the sky after such a long distance, and was played to death alive.

What equipment is good, what if there is Luden, and how to wear shoes?

The output that cannot be played, no matter how well equipped you are, it is still a waste.

That could be called the ultimate blow from Titianwai, and it directly shattered the place that IG was most proud of at this point in time.

And Rookie herself was very helpless: "How do those guys communicate?"

Lin Xiu started a team, the excavator searched for the enemy in the void, and the bottom lane team threw the poke ball to control.

Super long-distance, no dead ends, no gaps in the control chain at all, just to kill the rock sparrow in front of the other four people in IG?

If you say that this has been rehearsed in advance, Rookie can believe that it is relatively easy to do, but it is really too difficult to do this step on the spot.

How can a team achieve this step with the cooperation? Is this the advantage of the whole country? ? ?
Unfortunately, these are all Rookie's own brain supplements.

The actual situation. . .It doesn't matter half a dime.

Because this thing is purely a tacit understanding, and has nothing to do with the composition of the members.

You don't trust yourself to listen to the voice.

What the hell is that tm in RNG's voice, a group of people are crying and howling in the microphone, wanting to burst their throats.

After all, this RNG communication has always been the biggest obstacle. Only whose voice is more penetrating and whose voice is louder can have the right to speak.

But these are not the key.

"We can still fight."

Although he has been dropped in seconds, Rookie's eyes are still determined and sharp, as if the opponent's wonderful cooperation just now has been completely ignored.

"This wave of ice girls, skateboard shoes, and excavators have no big moves. RNG is not in a good state now."

"And one thing, now their back row is a bit out of touch, we're not powerless."


Hearing Rookie's words, King Ning also nodded: "Anyway, even if we retreat from this wave, we will explode if RNG takes Canyon Pioneer and operates it."

"When the future situation is already so bad, what do we have to fear?"

Anyway, if you fight, you will collapse, and if you don't fight, you will collapse.

At the same time, it is a collapse, so you have to gamble.

"Give labor and capital a rush!!"

King Ning let out a roar and began to forge ahead.

When everyone felt that IG could no longer fight this wave and had to retreat quickly, the prince moved.

Flash directly pulled into the distance, and then used the speed of light eq Erlian directly.

Goal, straight to the puppy.

"This wave of IG, won't you retreat?"

"They still want to fight??"

Be it the commentary, everyone in RNG fell into a short-term blinded state.

Reasonably speaking, RNG with Lin Xiu is already very tm reckless, but the IG group is even more tm reckless.

4 against 5?

What a fool, go straight up and fuck him!

But having said that, this Mang is definitely not blind Jill Mang. As Rookie said, RNG is actually a bit out of touch now.

The entry of the ice girl and the big move of the excavator made these two heroes who were supposed to control and act as tanks in the front have penetrated into the center of IG.

After the puppy threw Xiao Ming out, it is true that he cooperated with his teammates to complete the knock-up, and because of this, Bron was not by the puppy's side, and he could not give the puppy timely protection.

The only one who can give a little help is Xiaohu's Ruiz.

And Ryze's W skill has been said many times before, it is meaningless to the prince.

In addition, King Ning's wave of eq can be said to be tricky and accurate, and he has definitely worked hard.

Once the spear with the q skill at that position penetrates down, what awaits the puppy and Ryze will be a double double-click.


Xiaohu originally wanted to take a step, but seeing this, he absolutely couldn't dodge, so he had to dodge.

It's just that this flashing position gave him a headache.

RNG has actually been blocked by IG at the only pass from the blue Fanglan buff to Dalong. If Ryze flashes backwards, he will be even more out of touch, and if he flashes forward, he will also put himself in danger.

No matter what kind of operation it is, as long as there is a slight problem, it may make Xiaohu's development for more than ten minutes completely useless.

At this time, someone's reaction was faster than Xiaohu's.

"Look at me, look at me!"

The puppy shouted desperately there, and as if he had predicted King Ning's operation in advance, the q skill of the Spear of Vengeance was thrown forward and triggered the passive of the Spear of Vengeance, and the whole person was forcibly displaced to the left.

"Yes, this is it."

Xiaohu, who was still a little hesitant, understood instantly.

If you don't know where to flash, the easiest way is to hold a group with double cs.

So, the back hair kept up, and Flash also pushed out, perfectly blocking the puppy.

"As expected of uzi, why is he still in such a good state??"

"But don't try to run!"

King Ning gritted his teeth, but still did not give up.

Look at my divine power, I am invincible!
Prince, cover up your big move.

At the same time, the big moves of the four people on the field were also pressed out at the same time as the prince's big move, IG and RNG, two each?
On the IG side, Jackeylove, who has been waiting for a long time, is first.

His thinking was very clear, and he drove directly to repel Lin Xiu beside him.

He couldn't deal with the ice girl hero.

And it would be very troublesome to let the ice girl stick to him. The key is to drive the ice girl back from the battlefield first.

On the other side, TheShy's ult from the rocket belt was thrown on the faces of skateboard shoes and Ryze. At the same time, King Ning tacitly waited for the vampire's e skill to recharge, and then canceled the ult to let the vampire with the rocket belt enter the field.

At this point in time, although the vampire's equipment is not enough, the damage of TheShy's red anger q + full charge e + full ult is still terrifying, let alone having an ez ult to support.

Then there is the RNG side.

"Leave me alone, I can operate!"

The puppy's hand speed was stretched to the limit at this time, and the dense clicks of the mouse and keyboard were like piano rhapsody.

He is in a.

Always in a, Ning's prince obviously has an attack range of 195, but he couldn't touch the puppy in such a narrow terrain.

And it was as if he had opened his eyes. When the vampire's e skill was about to explode, he made another weird side jump, allowing himself to cleverly avoid the vampire's e skill. .

From the beginning to the end, except for the vampire's touch, no one else could threaten this guy at all?
His blood volume can still be operated.


Seeing the puppies tugging, Lin Xiu felt a lot more relaxed.

The more it is at this time, the more it depends on the spirituality of the players. Obviously, the puppy does not need anyone to tell him what to do at this time, he can handle everything by himself.

Then Lin Xiu has time to help those teammates.

"Don't panic, you can fight and fight!"

Lin Xiu spoke nonsense quickly: "Little Tiger is running! Xiao Ming is blocking the road!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The two responded at the same time.

Then needless to say, everyone started to act.

Ryze, who did not flash, could only forcefully attack the prince, relying on the passive shield to resist a wave, and at the same time activated the big move, the target IG was completely unaware.

"Quickly interrupt that Ryze!"

King Ning was shouting: "He has already lost his blood, he can be killed, he can be killed!"

There are only two situations for a hero like Ryze, either kill him, or he can output.

If this Ryze adjusts his position well, he can still operate it even if his blood volume is not enough.

IG's attack in this wave is a surprise. Once the firepower of the two sides faces Gang, the firepower of IG without a rock sparrow must be weak.

So this Ryze must die.

But I have to say that Xiaohu handled this wave with great detail.

Although Ryze can't use the golden body to expand, you must have an interrupt skill if you want to stop Ryze's big move.

At this time, Xiao Ming on the other side played a key role, because the prince and the vampire had no interrupt skills, and if IG wanted to kill the double c in the middle and bottom, it would inevitably need the bull head to enter the field.

However, before Niutou came in, he was already knocked into the air by Xiaoming Bron's big move.

It is true that Baolan's speed is not slow, and Niutou opened up and released the control and continued to press forward.

But the time wasted enough for Ryze to fully read it.


Xiaohu's eyes glowed with the blue light that flickered when Ryze opened the door: "Wait for me!"

To be reasonable, although Xiaohu is far behind the peak spiritually, he still has one thing at least.

That is, he knows that at this time, he must not be a bastard.

Even if it is a gangster, it is necessary to display the last value of a gangster when he is dying, and Ruiz, who has disappeared from the vision of everyone in IG, still has a role!
On the other hand, IG is here.

"Fuck, let him run away!"

King Ning was very annoyed when he saw that Ryze was gone.

The puppy was already very irritable because he couldn't touch it, and Naruiz's blood volume was less than a quarter just now, as long as he replenished a little bit, just a little bit of damage, he would die. . .

It's a pity that it's just such a little bit, but I can't touch it anyway.


Unexpectedly, the voice of Rookie, who was about to be resurrected, suddenly raised a bit: "Ah Shui, look behind you!!"


Ah Shui's small cannon is already firing the q skill to output the fragrant pot.

Xiangguo's excavator had a small cannon's e skill on its head, and it was obviously impossible to resist after it exploded, but when Rookie yelled at him like that, Ah Shui was also a little dazed.

Ruiz, the message is behind Ah Shui?
"He wants to go around?"

In the blind spot of the big dragon pit near the red buff area of ​​the red square? ?

The key point is that these are not important points. Although the position of ez should be a very safe output position, he doesn't need to coax Xiaohu at all, but when he clicked on Ryze's profile picture, he suddenly noticed the changes on Ryze.

That's a shield.

The ridiculously thick shield tops out all the damage caused by the small cannon's q skill + matching dilapidation, and there is even a residual shield.

"And, shit, his archangel, is it ready?!"

(End of this chapter)

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