As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 193 This is RNG Lin Xiu, the last dance

Chapter 193 This is RNG Lin Xiu, the last dance

Um. .
A standard incense pot voice started the group, but the effect was quite effective.

Because of Ryze's teleportation array, it's really crucial to open it.

Xiaohu not only sent the excavator in, but also sent himself along with the teleportation array.

Under normal circumstances, Xiaohu would definitely not do this, but he has a golden body, which gives him the capital to go in and do things.

And the moment Ryze came out, even though Rookie was fighting alone, he still didn't lose his composure.

Rock sparrow's e skill + w skill are thrown at the same time, all they want is the moment when Ryze lands on the ground.

Xiaohu didn't hesitate to answer Rookie's shot, and the crisp sound sounded, and Ryze's golden body opened, successfully avoiding this wave of damage.

"I'll go first."

Xiangguo glanced at Xiaohu, who was fine for the time being, and Niutou, who wanted to wait for Xiaohu's golden body to finish and catch up with the control. 1
At this time, Xiangguo's judgment is very smart.

It doesn't make any sense to hit a bull head with a big move.

The only key is to drop Rookie in the back row of IG who is now out of touch. In order to protect Rookie, I don't believe that your support will still control our mid laner.

This is a typical case of attacking the enemy and having to save oneself.

Therefore, after finding the correct distance, the excavator flashed directly to the top.

Even though the equipment on this excavator is as shabby as the prince's, his output hits Rookie quite painfully.

Q skill three general attacks + electrocution + e skill full of anger and bite, directly reducing the rock sparrow's blood volume by one-third.

"It's not over yet, I have big ones!"

At the same time, Xiaoming Bron, who thought that the rock sparrow was about to land, was used by the little dog who returned to the back row after roaring.

A glacier protruded from the ground, causing the rock sparrow to fly again.

Xiaohu was resurrected, and Niutou also succeeded. Because the IG mid laner was set on fire, he had to switch from pressing up to protecting his teammates.

But this gave Xiaohu room to output.

And in the face of all kinds of crag sparrows that are controlled to fly, Xiaohu can completely use the combo that Ryze maximizes.

The q skill starts.

The e skill is used, the w is used to level a after another shot, and at the same time, the cd of the second q skill is refreshed because of the passive relationship.

Wait for the cd of the e skill, and finally another q skill with double damage landed on the rock sparrow's face.

"[RNG.xiaohu] killed [IG.Rookie]!!"

Rock sparrow, it's getting cold.

Rookie: "Can you still run, stop hitting, run quickly!"


He doesn't want to talk.

No one wants to touch the bull head who uses the ultimate move, and anyone can play with him on the auxiliary bull head RNG who does not have the ultimate move.

How did he run?Can't bear the damage of RNG at all.

So after a few seconds.

[RNG.Xiaohu] killed [IG.Baolan]! !Double kill! ! "

So far, because of the disconnection caused by TheShy and Ning Wang's aggressive advances on IG's side, all the back rows are dead.

The bodies of three heroes of the IG team lay quietly in the long river, unwilling but helpless.


Seeing the death of his own family, the ad was killed in advance, and it is also dangerous to be shown his blood by the puppy.

At this moment, King Ning knew clearly that this wave of team battles was over.

On the other side, TheShy didn't have any expression on his face. He still wanted to operate seriously, but the puppy's pull and Lin Xiu's control made this vampire who was supposed to be getting stronger and stronger suddenly had his leg broken.

He couldn't step out, couldn't move.

Even if there are two stopwatches on their body, it doesn't make any sense in the end, and the only thing waiting for them is to be harvested by RNG one by one.

"[RNG.UZI] killed [IG.Ning]!!"

"[RNG.Lin] killed [IG.TheShy]!!"

Group off.

All of a sudden, the entire arena resounded with a shocking roar.

Because the audience knows that after RNG wins the big dragon battle, the balance of victory in this game will finally be tilted.

The first is the timing, which is too embarrassing.

The 1-minute team battle before the canyon vanguard is about to disappear is over. After RNG lightspeed beats the canyon vanguard, it doesn't matter whether it wants to eat tower money or not, and releases the canyon vanguard directly in the middle.

The result of this is that even if RNG doesn't care about the middle lane, Canyon Pioneer's unique mechanism will help RNG unplug IG's middle lane, which is still very tenacious.

Then, directly open the newborn Baron.

Sufficient damage bearing, the beheading mechanism of skateboard shoes, the old Ryze's magic machine gun, and the bonus of two earth dragons.

The newborn dragon estimated that he had already ended his first life in a daze, and after the RNG people finished taking the dragon, they strengthened and returned to the city to go home collectively to replenish their equipment.

Like before, the equipment gap between RNG and IG is actually not that big. After all, IG fought back in several group battles relying on personal strength.

But after this wave of RNG returned, the key c-position equipment was fully blossomed, and the gap was directly widened.

Xiaohu went home and got a magic stick directly. Puppy went home with two crit suits, he added a blood-sucking scepter, and Lin Xiu was flattered that Lissandra should be the most important core supplement. come out.

With a stopwatch in hand, the ice girl can start all kinds of operations to kill the faces of the opposite crowd.

Then, the rhythm of the single belt also rose.

Ryze and Ice Girl's double teleportation and double additions, with 131 points, made IG's pawn line completely out of defense. There is absolutely no way to deal with this kind of pawn line by relying on only one rock sparrow.

After a fairly simple operation, the three roads were broken.

IG seems to want the last wave, but the last wave of team battles really emptied IG's family.

A vampire is just a golden body, there is no way to enter the arena.

The prince's brother Chun was also kicked out before, and he couldn't come back after entering.

This so-called last fight is actually a dying struggle.

But no matter in the style of IG or the current situation of RNG, it is impossible for them to choose to escape.

If you want to touch, then let's have a good time.

In the end, in front of the water spring of IG, everyone in IG was killed again.

The RNG heroes took away the last crystal in the base with their regular attacks.

So far, this is the end of the opening year of the LPL.

The winner is, RNG.

"Is it finally over?"

"It feels like I haven't watched a really cool game for a long time."

"Yeah, I feel like I'm so fucking excited to death..."

As soon as the game ended, the bullet screens on the major live broadcast platforms immediately exploded.

The reason is actually very simple, because no matter who is the winner in this game, it is really cool to watch.

Anyway, all in all, all the two teams were doing was fighting.

That kind of fighting is definitely not a random killing style. In fact, they have various small operations in every conflict.

Different from the previous LCK operation, it is no longer the kind of fighting for the sake of operation, and it has been transformed into achieving its own operation through fighting.

In the end, in 25 minutes, the total number of heads of both sides was close to 60.

Even in that kind of passerby game where all kinds of gods and demons dance wildly, it is really too difficult to have such terrifying heads and confrontation. It can only be said that this is indeed a close battle.

It can also be seen on the big screen that there is sweat on the foreheads of the team members who have already started to shake hands, as if they have just experienced a hearty multiplayer sport=,=?

And when shaking hands, you can also see the expressions on the faces of everyone on IG.

Like Rookie is that kind. . .

I'm also very helpless, either being targeted or being fucked. Although I have tried my best, this game will definitely not be able to do one against five.

Ah Shui and Baolan didn't speak.

What can I do, with my configuration, it's pretty good that the laning puppy doesn't crash, okay?

King Ning's face was full of displeasure.

Even though he knew that Lin Xiu was fierce, he still wanted to defeat him with his own hands. It was this kind of bloodthirsty fighting spirit that made King Ning's progress so obvious in this spring competition.

The last Theshy.

This young man who hadn't been injured yet, hadn't had any changes in his mentality, and was at the peak of everything, his eyes flashed disappointment, and at the same time were full of fighting spirit.

Facing Lin Xiu, he just cast another serious and firm look.

There is no need to explain what Lin Xiu has already understood, it is the fighting spirit of a professional player.

"Speaking of which, this is really the most beautiful age."

Coach Jin in the morning lounge sighed slightly after looking at Theshy.

If it is when a professional player is the most fulfilling and memorable, then the answer is definitely before reaching the top.

Because at this time you will feel that you are constantly getting stronger and defeating opponents one by one.

On the other hand, you have a goal that you have always wanted to surpass, so that you can continue to struggle.

This kind of path of progress with a strong purpose is likely to be only once in a lifetime.

Rookie also chased Li Ge like this when he was young, and this time he went to the unit, he knew that Theshy was very much like himself back then.

It's just his final height, where can he go?

Although he didn't say it, Coach Jin saw it clearly in his heart.

There will always be geniuses in LOL. Although Theshy's talent is rare, it is by no means unique.

He is a peerless gem, but for now, the gap between Theshy and Lin Xiu still exists.

His operation is indeed quite fierce, but he is too protected by the jungler.

Don't you see how much time King Ning's prince wasted in this game to protect the development of this vampire on the road. There is no way to play an absolute crush in the lane, and sometimes he will even be counter-suppressed when facing Lin Xiu.

It is definitely not a particularly good thing for the top lane to slow down the rhythm of the jungler.

Even more important is support.

Theshy's support was really bad.

In frontal team battles and single belts, he can indeed fully squeeze out all the potential of the current equipment, and the effect is also quite good.

However, this can only be used to fight against players who can't handle the laning. Once the opponent can handle it, such disadvantages will also come out.

IG's side will often turn into playing more with less because the top laner can't support quickly.

At that time, IG had no choice but to make a hard change. If the change was not enough, it would be a loss, and if the loss was too much, it would explode.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Theshy is a double-edged sword.

However, even if it is a double-edged sword, as long as it is sharp enough.

"It seems that in the days to come, this guy has to be well trained, and his talent still has room to grow."

After thinking silently in his heart, Coach Jin has decided on the management method for Theshy in the future.

The topic changed a bit, and the commentators still heard a familiar voice from the commentary platform: "I am very grateful to these two teams, whether it is RNG or IG, they really gave us too many surprises."

"IG really still inherited the previous reckless style of play as before, while RNG is still more sophisticated while maintaining the original lineup."

"Although IG did not win this game, I believe they will learn their lessons and continue to fight again in the days to come."

Don't forget, because of the relationship between the groups, RNG and IG are ranked first and second in the same group this season.

This season they are destined to have a second fight. If there are no unexpected circumstances, their battle will still be very long.

It is conceivable that in the days to come, these two teams will grow rapidly in this more motivating LPL environment.

At the same time, the most important thing for these two teams is to raise the level of the entire LPL Spring Split for a whole quarter.

If you think about it for a while, you will know that this is the first match of the LPL Spring Split.

It's not just the fans of these two teams who are paying attention to this game. At this time, all teams including LPL and teams from all divisions around the world are paying attention to this game.

Such a high-level opening game put too much pressure on the teams behind the LPL.

They must give full play to the strength of their team as much as possible, otherwise the method will pale in comparison and the gap will be too large.

Everyone is a professional player, who wants to lose such a person.

Raising the starting point too high, God knows whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Of course, the audience is absolutely right.

After all, the better you play, the more interested everyone will be.

It's just that with the end of the game, Lin Xiu's expression was very complicated.

Sitting in his seat, he looked at his teammates with a sigh in his eyes.

"Unconsciously, I seem to have really been playing in LPL for a year."

The days in RNG are often disgusting, but for Lin Xiu, meeting such teammates at the beginning of his career is by no means a bad thing.


Any dance party has its end, and there will be no banquet in this world that lasts forever.

Seemingly hearing the incense pot beside her calling her, Lin Xiu smiled lightly and stood up.

"In the future, it will be a new beginning."

"This should also be the last dance for me in RNG."

He didn't say much, and even his teammates didn't notice anything unusual.

He just stood up as usual, waved towards the audience, and then followed the team back to the rest.

Under the stands, Brother Feng looked at Lin Xiu with an extremely complicated expression.

All kinds of things in the club may not be clear to the players, but as a coach, he still understands the way.

"It's not just you. If there are no accidents, my story will come to an end for now."

It seemed to be muttering to himself, and also seemed to be laughing at himself. Only the familiar but unfamiliar back was left on the stage.

But soon, everyone finally found out what was wrong.

For the duel between Taobao and JD, Lin Xiu did not play for the first time.

Even if RNG still wins in the end, the victory can be said to be extremely difficult.

On the one hand, it is because JD's team has made great progress in the continuous running-in, and on the other hand, the pressure of RNG on the road without Lin Xiu has suddenly decreased.

Fortunately, Aoun, the hero Letme, played really well, and the arrival of Tank League finally allowed the game to go on smoothly.

But this still can't be hidden from those who are interested. Everyone is clearly aware that Lin Xiu's existence has been weakened.

In other words, since the transfer period, this has been a problem that has troubled the audience for a long time.

Even though Lin Xiu still came out in the opening match, and even though the spring split had already started, there was still no news from RNG about renewing Lin Xiu's contract.

You know, Lin Xiu at this time is no longer the ordinary LPL rookie she was last year.

What he contains is huge commercial value and future potential. It stands to reason that no club is willing to let go of this enthusiasm.

But now the attitudes of Lin Xiu and RNG are too weird.

"It doesn't feel right."

"It stands to reason that the transfer period is about to end, there should be some news, right?"

"Could it be that Lin Xiu's affiliation will change?"

In fact, there is no need to break the news, as long as interested people pay attention, they will find some clues.

After all, Lin Xiu has not played since the start of the German Cup.

Although you can say that the official calling him over as a commentator can bring more traffic, but for a championship team, having the original few people together can definitely bring more topics.

But in this situation, it is hard not to think that Lin Xiu's contract may change.

"RNG, won't there be any changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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