As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 196 Hurry, hurry, I'm a stone man master

Chapter 196 Hurry, hurry, I'm a stone man master

But that being said, everyone knows the role of the Golem, so it becomes very clear to reduce the role of the Golem. .
"Although it's a pity that I can't confront Prodigal Brother head-on, but what should be done must be done."

While waiting to read the interface, zoom is communicating with the clid next to it.

This time, the strategy is simple.

We don't want to catch the stone man to death, but we must make him uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and uncomfortable.

JD’s Ueno combination is Qinggangying+Spider. The gank ability of this Ueno combination is the highest in the entire league. If you get this combination and don’t do anything, then there is basically something wrong. .

And the left hand is also thinking at this time.

"Do you want me to go up and help the prodigal brother back squat?"

"It stands to reason that this prodigal son has a high probability of being targeted by the opponent."


A blind man, if he back squats, what do you think will happen?
Let's put it this way, there are many kinds of junglers. Regardless of the grass-eating and carnivore junglers, most people prefer to divide the junglers into three categories, rhythm, team battle, and jungle.

The latter two have a natural advantage in anti-squat, because these junglers are usually very level-dependent.

Therefore, they often squat back directly after brushing a circle of wild monsters.

But rhythm jungle heroes, such as the blind monk, absolutely cannot play the anti-squat style. There are only two things they have to do.

One, anti-wild.

Second, arrest people.

Because if these two things are not done, the early stage of the rhythm hero will become meaningless, on the contrary, the later the game will become weaker and weaker.

If King Ning went on the road to help Lin Xiu squat back, then the blind man would be dragged down all the time, making it impossible to clear the jungle and help others.

At that time, the blind man's choice is not self-confidence, but a typical head iron series.

But if you don't help the prodigal son, will you be beaten to death when you go back? ? ?

Thinking of this King Ning was a little timid, he compared his arm with Lin Xiu's.


It is estimated that the three of them will also be confused by Lin Xiu. . .

"Do not think too much."

At this time, Lin Xiu suddenly said: "I know what you are worried about, don't worry about me, the key is what you want."

"You are the jungler, the most important point connecting the entire team."

"Whether it's judgment or tactics, you still have to make your own judgment after communicating with your teammates."

If a jungler only works for his teammates, then this kind of jungler is not worth mentioning, at best he is just a high-level tool person.


Hearing that King Ning didn't speak, he just looked at the screen that had entered the game interface and took a deep breath.

"In that case, I know what to do, Brother Prodigal, take care..."

Lin Xiu: "???"

Why does this sentence sound so sad, as if I'm going to die, this group of people are definitely stone people who look down on the old man too much.

Later, we will see how labor and management use stone men to slap your faces and rot them.

The topic returned to the game again. After the restriction on the spring was lifted, the teams from both teams walked towards their own red buff area in a tacit understanding.

Spiders and blind monks are all immediately popular!

The reason is simple, because these two heroes are really strong at level 2.

How can 2 people add up to 2 skills at level 8? Taking a red buff to find the right opportunity is basically to catch one and use the summoner skill. If the opponent makes a mistake, he can even directly catch him to death.

On the road side, the build of zoom is more confident.

Because he is fighting a stone man, a hero whose damage level is much worse than Qinggangying, so the starting equipment is directly Dolan Sword + Yihong.

On the other hand, the stone man is a corrosive potion.

"One thing to say, if the conqueror is here, I probably wouldn't play things like stone men."

"But now your Qinggang Shadow, obviously the threat is not enough."

Qinggangying's talent brings strong attacks.

Although this skill matches Qinggangying's q skill very well, it is not strong in continuous combat ability, and at the same time, the strong attack is more effective when facing crispy skin.

If the Golem's HP and armor piled up, it would be difficult for Qing Gangying to deal enough damage with skills other than the second-stage q.

Similar problems do not only appear on Qing Gangying, almost all top laners are like this.

This is the reason why fighters can't top lane now, the damage of strong attack is limited, the electrocution is weak in the later stage, and finally the tank is king.

Only when the Conqueror, a ghost talent capable of changing the top laner environment, came out, then the tank top laner began to go downhill completely. In the current version, the tank hero is basically the father of all top laner heroes.

Even if the opponent is Qing Gangying.

So you can see Lin coming up and beating, it seems very fierce?
Logically speaking, if your stone man meets my Qinggang Ying at the first level, you should withdraw, right?

I'm sorry, Lin Xiu said that she didn't know what the withdrawal was.

The way of walking is very simple, walking directly towards Qing Gangying's face.

"Brother Prodigal, is this because you have learned e-skills and want to fight against me?"

Seeing the stone man's style of play, zoom frowned slightly, and put his fingers on the keyboard without adding skills immediately.

Because he was actually not sure what the stone man was going to do.

If it is said that the full armor talent of the Golem point, the level 1 e skill directly beats each other, unless Qinggangying + q skill, otherwise it will not be able to take advantage.

But if the stone man has the q skill, then Qinggang Yingxue q will be mentally handicapped in place.

Therefore, we must look at the addition points of this stone man.

So, Lightspeed put the mouse on the stone man's head. .

emmmmm. . .

Ability power close to 20?
Then, the wheels roll?
I saw a large stone plate on the ground smashed towards Qinggang Ying's face, and Qinggang Ying in zoom was directly consumed 1 small block of blood without even responding.

And the most irritating thing is that Lin Xiu started to move left and right immediately after the acceleration of the q skill.

In terms of position, Lin Xiu's position is extremely disgusting, it is in the position where you seem to be able to touch it with the w skill of Qinggang Shadow, but it is particularly difficult to touch it.

Then the zoom is very embarrassing.

In the end, does he want to learn a w skill?
In terms of the range of skills, although Qinggangying's w skill can be moved and released, but this skill has an obvious forward swing before Tiamat or q, and the judgment range is not different from that of Golem's q skill. How many.

Put w randomly once, and the waiting time for cooling will be much longer than that of the stone man.

After thinking about it, bear with it.

It's a pity that this ninja Lin Xiu almost died laughing. . .

Friends, my stone man ordered the cooldown reduction.

Originally, the q skill with only an 8-second cd is quite disgusting in the early stage, even if it only reduces the time by nearly 1 second.

Therefore, the second q skill hit again.

This time, Lin Xiu's q skill was stuck in Qinggang Yingping's a minion and shot instantly. Even if the zoom was clicked on the w skill, it could not be released in seconds, and at the same time, he took a mouthful of corrosive potion to increase the damage.

In the second round, the rolling wheels hit again, and Qing Gangying's health bar was hit by Bai Piao again.

Then, continue to leave.

Very sb, very simple, but very tm effective. .

zoom: "..."

Why do you feel a little disgusted? ?
Feeling offended again.

From here, it can only be said that the simpler the hero, the better the player's personal level can be seen. .
As I said before, the hero of the Stone Man is definitely the easiest in the league in terms of difficulty. However, this simplicity only means that his skill composition and operational upper limit are simple.

Unless there are major version changes like these things, there is no way to change them.

However, what professional players can do is to artificially handle the laning.

No matter how weak the hero of the stone man is, it can't change the fact that he, like Qinggangying, is a relatively short-handed melee hero in the early stage.

If the strong period of Qinggangying wants to come, basically it must wait for level 3, otherwise it may not be profitable to go up and exchange blood rashly.

Then, based on the principle of taking advantage of your weakness to kill you, Lin Xiu handled it well online at this time.

When the second level came, Qinggang Ying could be seen and had to swallow the only bottle of red medicine, because her blood volume had been consumed by half in total.

As for a top laner hero, if he only has half blood at level 2, you can imagine whether the jungler hero on the opposite side will come to mess with you.

Zoom is not stupid, so it may have a certain impact on the subsequent lanes. He must keep his blood volume healthy.

"Sure enough, I still can't be too anxious."

While working hard to learn Lin Xiu's control over the distance between the two, zoom looked for opportunities as much as possible.

He wanted to find a pattern in Lin Xiu's movements, but unfortunately he couldn't.

Because Lin Xiu's positioning is not fancy at all, it is actually the simplest and purest basic skill and distance control.

It is also this kind of basic skill that allows Zoom's Qinggang Ying to play a set unreasonably unless it has level 3.

Otherwise, he will always suffer a lot of small losses on the line, and finally fall short.

"So just wait for me."

Hearing that he said so on the road, JD's jungler clid is also calm.

His spider, blue square, red open.

Brush up all the way, get the double buff and stabilize to the third level, and will definitely come to the top road.

At this time, there is basically no risk in attacking the road. Even if you encounter a blind monk in the river, it is absolutely worthwhile for the spider to fight one-on-one.

If it can cooperate with Qinggangying, then the final kill is basically a certainty.

It's a pity that clid didn't think of it, or the whole JD didn't think of it.

That's King Ning's wild route, which is very strange.

Obviously, in the early stage, the speed and state of the blind monk are not as good as the spider, but King Ning is the first red buff, and he can directly learn a w skill after finishing the red buff.

Then walked to the vicinity of the Dalong Pit, w touched the eyes, went down the pit, and went straight to the blue buff.

That's right, is he going against the blue?
"This King Ning is really courageous."

Duoduo couldn't help complaining: "If he slows down at this time, he will be caught by the spider. If he hits the jungler with double shots in the wild, King Ning will explode."

that's the truth.

It can be said that King Ning was indeed betting, but he won the bet.

At the same time, JD's enchantress suffered a loss in the early stage because of Xiaohu Syndra's pressure line, and Qinggangying on the road did not dare to win casually because she had not reached level 3. In this way, IG's wild area can be said to be without any pressure.

In the end, the invasion was a perfect success.


Perhaps it was because he returned to himself after getting the blind monk. When the blue buff was reversed, King Ning seemed to relax a lot.

"Lin Xiu, I've organized the wild area opposite you, so you can grow with peace of mind."


To be reasonable, this is the rhythm that Lin Xiu wants.

When a jungler helps top lane, it doesn't necessarily mean helping him gain a kill advantage, the key is to enable the top laner to develop steadily and smoothly.

Especially for heroes like the blind monk, as long as they can find a rhythm point for catching people and fighting against the wild, the next game will be much easier to play.

On the other hand, Spider, when Clid came up and looked at his own blue, the whole person fell into silence for 5 seconds, and then his face was full of disbelief: "Laozi's blue, is it gone?"

"Have you been reversed by the other side?"

Zoom, who was still waiting for the spider to come up, frowned: "I'll talk about being obscene first, you can brush up your level, don't worry too much."

Slightly glanced at the clid who was sitting on the side, zoom could clearly notice that his face was ugly, so he spoke to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Clid just shook his head.

This is not because he thinks the anti-wild is weird, but mainly because he didn't expect the mentality of the opponent to adjust so quickly.

"In the last match, he was beaten like that by me, but he still has such courage in this match."

"Are young people nothing to be afraid of?"

And according to the normal rhythm, this wave has a great impact on spiders.

Although the spider hero jungler can basically achieve no damage through the little spider to take damage and switch skills, even after brushing 3 wolves and toad states, there is absolutely no problem.

But the problem is that the spider's skills consume too much mana.

The blue buff in the early stage can give the spider a very efficient field clearing ability. Now that it comes out, even if the next spider reaches level 3, it is difficult to do things, because his state cannot support him to play a full set.

"No way, if it's really not possible, just wait for you to level six."

While brushing the level, while observing the road.

Clid, who finished brushing wild monsters in the first half and was about to go home, had no choice but to make this choice with zoom.

To be honest, they can't help it.

Because of King Ning, they missed the best time to catch the stone man, that is, before level 3.

After leveling up, although Qinggangying's laning pressure is much lower, but because the stone man directly replenishes the dark seal + straw sandals after returning home, he can't take advantage of the consumption.

Unless it is to wait until level [-], when Camille's r and Spider's Flying Invincible are forced to jump over the tower, the key is to let JD's Ueno quickly make up the level in the next time.

Of course, Lin Xiu is also very aware of this.

At this time, he and Qinggangying are both at level 5, and they still have at most 70% experience before reaching level [-].

The time spent peacefully in the early stage is about to pass, and when the sixth level is reached, the battles on each road will suddenly speed up.

(End of this chapter)

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