As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 198 The whole world of Malphite's brains are here

Chapter 198 The whole world of Malphite's brains are here

Of course, that being said, even if JDG did lose a lot in this wave, it will even have an impact on the next game.

But I have to say that only when the player is really standing opposite Lin Xiu and playing against him can he understand how difficult this guy is.

"Maybe in another scene, I can do what I just did."

"But in the situation just now, I don't think I can do it." Zoom, who was teleported online again after being resurrected, looked at his hands, they were trembling.

It wasn't out of fear, it was pure excitement and agitation.

Anyway, switching to zoom, he would never dare to say that he can play like this.

In other words, he was already defeated in the laning, so how could such a weak top laner like the Golem play so well in his hands?
Even if the current top laner position generally does not have enough damage, it should not be the case.

In fact, many times professional players will face such a situation, not to say that they can’t play well in operation, but that they can’t play well on the field.

When facing a special situation, you must have a strong enough mentality to stabilize yourself and keep the operation from deforming, so that it is possible to perform some extreme operations.

And these are often the key to distinguish star players from first-class players.

As it is now, although there are many top laners like LPL, zoom obviously doesn't have this ability yet.

The gap in experience, skills, and mentality made it even more obvious when he actually faced Lin Xiu.

"However, we still have to continue to look for opportunities."

Even though he played with admiration and helplessness, JD's current thinking cannot be messed up.

The current situation on the court is that Lin Xiu has an advantage in level and equipment on the top lane, and is one flash ahead.

However, the Golem's weakness is still outstanding. During the cooling vacuum period of his level 1 ultimate move, his combat effectiveness is extremely weak, so he must not cause trouble for JD in a short time on the road.

The next thing JD has to do is to make moves before the stone man's next ult turns into a good move.

Otherwise, continue to catch on the road, and if one doesn't work, three or even four will come.

Anyway, his bot lane ad is Verus, even if this kind of hero can't be defeated and hides behind to clear the pawns, he is still stable.

Ad held on, and then let the green hair catch it too.

Labor and management don't believe in four people, you stone man is still alive?
Of course, that's just saying.

Clid is very aware of the risks, so it's okay to forcefully catch it. If he can't catch it, the next tower will be pushed down by Big Mouth, and even a fire dragon will fall.

Giving a later stage AD this kind of development is a pit in the brain.

At the same time, there is also a big problem in the middle lane on the other side.

The last toothpaste's Yao Ji played really well, but the premise of the last one was that Clid defeated King Ning and brought the Yao Ji's rhythm back.

On the other hand, in this one, no one interfered in the middle, and he confidently took Syndra. Rookie did not say that the toothpaste was smashed in the middle, but he definitely suppressed it.

The current enchantress doesn't dare to be skinny at all, and can only wait for the line of soldiers to come over before handing in the w skill to clear the line. Otherwise, when Syndra sees you using w, she will directly throw her face with the skill, and the enchantress' body can be set by Syndra The burst knocked out nearly half of the blood.

Therefore, it can be said that JD's middle lane is equivalent to being tied up.

Then the right to choose comes to this spider who has not flashed, but has to bring the rhythm.

In the end is caught, or caught?

But next, even if the spider still has time to hesitate, IG doesn't want to give them a chance. .
"Nate, what are you doing in the middle?"

Lin Xiu, who originally controlled a wave of lines and was growing up happily, didn't want to complain, but seeing Rookie's current actions, she couldn't help but start complaining.

This tm, really can't complain.

"What, what's wrong?"

There was some doubt in Rookie's voice, from his point of view, he felt that he played quite well.

Syndra, dragging the Enchantress in the lane, and then taking the lead with a make-up, is very comfortable.

But in Lin Xiu's eyes, this style of play is definitely not the effect that Rookie and King Ning's middle field should play.

"You have such a big advantage now, what are you doing in the middle?"

A Syndra, of course, can be called a line bully, but among professional players, a line bully hero does not mean that he can win the game, because a short-term laning advantage does not equal an overall advantage.

At the same time, your own advantage does not mean that you can win this game.

Like the current toothpaste, it was sold by Syndra for more than 20 dollars. Is there any loss?

Obviously not.

"And King Ning, you can't arrest anyone except you?"

Lin Xiu sighed: "Tamao, you have such a big advantage in the start, but you can't find a chance for a long time. What is this?"


King Ning opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute something, and then closed his mouth decisively.

It can only be said that King Ning still hesitated in his heart.

On the one hand, there are a group of Rookies who have a good relationship with him, and on the other hand, the prodigal brother who admires and is a little flustered.

If you don't go in the middle, you will definitely be accused when you go back.

If you don't go on the road, the prodigal son shouldn't suddenly beat me up in the middle of a game, right? ?

After all, the jungler was sitting on the side of the top laner, and I was a little flustered. . .

Of course, these towers are just excuses.

Judging from the actual situation, IG's mid-field combination has returned to the old problem.

As far as the future is bright, the current situation of old confusion and inexperience in the competition is still obvious.

When it comes to this, some people may complain, isn't Lin Xiu also a rookie who started with Wu Di. . .It's meaningless to compare normal people with wall hangings.

But at this time, the role of the seniors is still very important.

If you are a rookie and don't know how to do it, the old man can help him. That's why Lin Xiu appeared on the stage.

and so.

"Don't stand around stupidly, take blue, and follow me to arrest people."

Rookie: "..."

Hey, hey, prodigal son, what are you talking about like a stone man?
I think you are not a green steel shadow, why would you want to arrest someone when you don't have a big move?
However, Lin Xiu's decision is definitely the most suitable method for the current IG mid lane. Lin Xiu's eyes quickly scanned his own map. First of all, his blue buff has been refreshed.

Because this blind man turned red and reversed the opponent's blue buff, this caused the blue buff on IG's side to be cleared very late. Syndra can completely eat her own blue buff in this wave.

Unlike Enchantress, once Syndra gets the blue buff, her line pushing speed will rise several levels at once.

Just relying on the q skill with a relatively short cd, Syndra basically has a wave of soldiers in 5 seconds. On the other hand, the enchantress on the opposite side is much slower without the blue buff.

The time difference in the middle is the key to doing things.

But Ning Wang's movements were also very fast. With an attitude of learning with an open mind, he almost completed Lin Xiu's orders quite efficiently.

Soon, IG's Nakano was ready.

"But who are we supposed to catch?"

That being said, when King Ning's blind monk was able to swing around, he fell into thinking again.

On the road, although Qinggangying did not flash, it was too difficult to kill a small wooden hammer made of the first piece of equipment just to be on the safe side.

In the middle lane, there is no need to say more about the flexibility of the enchantress, and the difficulty of catching her will only be higher than that in the top lane.

So that is to say, to catch the bottom road?

As soon as this idea came out, Lin Xiu's head was full of black lines.

"My tm, do you only have normal alignment in your eyes?"

King Ning: "(⊙o⊙)??"

"At this time, why do you want to catch the line?"

Lin Xiudao: "If you don't take the initiative to fight on the bottom lane, why do you go forward with Verus' line-clearing speed? Ah Shui started a group with his body?"

That tm is probably dreaming.

I dare say that as long as Ah Shui makes one stop forward, unless there are four people in JD's bot lane, the first thing JD's bot lane thinks of must be to retreat.

Don't ask why, it's a deterrent.

There are only two situations for the current bot lane matchup with IG. Either a group of people come down to engage in IG's bot lane, or IG's bot lane is pressing the opponent all the way to fight, and this is the strategic value brought by Ah Shui , the advantage of a natural path.

It is quite inefficient to help Ah Shui take the initiative to attack. On the contrary, the defensive counterattack will be more effective. After all, the opponent's desire to grab the bottom lane is much stronger than that of IG.

That is to say.

"Now, just follow me to find the spider."

With that said, Lin Xiu started to push the wire directly.

As mentioned above, Qinggangying chose the small wooden hammer as the first piece of equipment, and the problem arose, because Qinggangying's line pushing speed itself is actually very slow, and she is very dependent on the equipment of Tiamat.

Even if the small wooden hammer can guarantee the comfort of the laning period, don't think too much about the subsequent laning rights.

On the other hand, after Lin Xiu returned home and made up a small ice armor, the cooling reduction and the passiveness of w made him push the line quite fast here. Without controlling the line, w turned on a a few times, and an e skill can be directly done. Then he retreated back and pretended to go home.

At this time, Qinggang Ying basically would never come to trouble the Golem. This equipment is inferior, and it is not a disease of the brain to press the line to find the Golem?

To be honest, the Qinggang film control line has developed a wave, isn't it fragrant?
Then, Lin Xiu can take this opportunity to start dispatching.

His target is very clear, the spider in the wild.

"The spider is not flashing now, and our third line of soldiers is basically an advantage. The key is to further squeeze the development space of this spider and make her crippled."


King Ning paused: "How to find him?"


Sighing silently, while quietly lowering her fist, Lin Xiudao: "Can you use ideas to be smart?"


"I can figure out the wild route and time on the opposite side, but you can't figure it out?"

As we all know, the refresh time of wild monsters has a fixed value.

This value, combined with the opening route before the jungler and the time it appeared on the line, can basically calculate where the spider is now.

"We have a ward in the blue square triangle area in the bottom lane. Xiao Ming just put down his ward at the opponent's stone man. We can be sure that the wild area in the lower half of the area has been cleared."

"Plus that the spider is red, there is no problem with this kind of wild farming."

"Then the bottom lane is no longer in the jungle, and there are no resources in the jungle, where will he be?"

After a simple elimination method, the target position is almost locked. . .Spider, definitely in the top half.

Either it doesn't develop, or it just continues to wait for the opportunity to see if it can catch the time when the stone man has no big move and fight back the disadvantage of being on the road.

"Unfortunately, you can't wait until the time to fight back the disadvantage."

While approaching the wild area of ​​the JD blue side, King Ning and Rookie are also gradually approaching.

Do you want to do something?
Well, I took the initiative to send it to my door, although I brought two younger brothers.

Of course, at this time, Clid would never have guessed what a terrible plan a certain team was planning. At this time, the spider was still fighting the three wolves conscientiously. .
No way, the current spider equipment is too poor.

According to the normal situation, the current spider is either very smooth and straight to the five-speed shoes, or it is strong in stacking skills.

On the other hand, the current spider is limited in development due to the reversed buff in the front, and on the other hand, it delays time because of the failure of the top lane gank. At this time, she only has a red jungle knife + a pair of straw sandals, and two true vision guards.

At the same time, although the level of the jungler is the same as that of the bottom lane, the experience has fallen behind.

For a jungler, this has almost reached the stage of rhythm collapse.

After all, the easiest way to see what a jungler's current rhythm is is to observe his level and that of the bottom laner.

Obviously now the spider has to make up for his experience and level quickly, otherwise the role of the spider will become smaller and smaller, and the blind monk on the opposite side will play a greater role in the mid-term because of the leading level and equipment.

"After I reach the sixth level, go on the road, just wait for me."

I secretly complained in my heart. .

However, as soon as the cruel words were uttered in his heart, the next second, Clid discovered a very serious thing, that is, there seemed to be a ray of light spreading towards him from afar.

That is, the search fruit in the wild?
"Is the opposite side in the upper half?"

In most cases, the location of the search fruit is fixed.

If you want to see this position, under normal circumstances, you can only use it from the front of the IG red buff near the Dalong Pit.

Or, use it from the front of the blue side's own blue buff.

Of course, in most cases, the jungler will definitely not think of the latter, because this tm is also our wild area, and it is less than 10 minutes now.

But having said that, when Clid paused for a moment, he realized that something was wrong with the form.

"Bridge bean sack, there seems to be something wrong with this angle."

If it really popped out from the search fruit on the other side of the Great Dragon Pit, then it would definitely not be the current range of vision expansion.

This movement that spreads upwards from the bottom right is tm the fruit of our family's search?

Then, the enchantress in the middle is still dealing with the pawn line, Qinggang Ying, and the middle control line.

At the same time, there was no sign of the upper middle field on the opposite side, that is to say, those dogs are invading our home wild area? ? ?

The idea has just been finalized, and the mutation will regenerate in the next second.

Even though Clid's spiders were retreating subconsciously, he would never have thought that IG's movements would come so fast, and IG's attack range was too large.

The spider obviously hadn't taken a few steps, but suddenly froze in place.

That is, Syndra's ultra-long-range qe second company.

Because this Syndra Rookie uses the skin of Atlantis, the special effects of this skin itself are rather dim. In this same dim wild area, the dark blue magic ball almost blends with the environment.

The extremely hidden and confusing QE Erlian almost stopped the spider without any difficulty.

Moreover, this is not over yet.

When the spider was still in the process of being dizzy, two things jumped out from below and above him at the same time.

Below, is a shimmering sky sound wave.

On the top, there is a stone man who walks very stupidly, but looks like a thief.


While exhaling the fragrance, clid shouted: "Hurry up and save me."

toothpaste:? ? ?
zoom:? ? ?
Wait, they invaded the jungle directly?

Anyway, no matter whether others have thought of it or not, JD at this time must have not thought of it.

It's not that the timing is not good, it's purely because JD could clearly feel King Ning and Rookie in the last game. Although this pair of IG's No. [-] midfield combination played well online, the mid-term rhythm was very chaotic.

Not to mention looking for an opportunity to invade the wild area, I'm afraid they may not be able to do a good job even if they support the bottom lane.

How could such two people choose such a tricky time to make a move?Could it be that his meow has code x? ?
No way, completely ignoring the line of soldiers, JD's upper and middle duo began to support.

But this is a bitter clid.

What about this tm?
My little spider, I just spawned a wild monster in the wild area, but the three of you came to catch me together?

And he is still attacking up and down?
Especially the stone man, don't think that Lin Xiu's current position has no big moves, but this stone man's swaying here is almost more uncomfortable than killing a spider.

Because there is no flash on the spider now, if he wants to escape, there are only two ways.

One is to move upwards, to fight Qinggang Ying at the fastest speed.

But in this case, the enchantress in the middle will fall into a 1v2 situation of support, which will easily cause a disconnect between up and down.

At the same time, this opportunity was blocked by Lin Xiu, so the first plan was directly ruled out.

As for the second method, it is to fly to see if you can find a wild monster or soldier to hang it.

It's a pity that King Ning didn't give this step.

In other words, this guy's blind monk is really good at playing. When he q hits the spider, the first step is not q at all. His choice is w to cross the wall of the blue buff, and then directly close to the e skill to slap the floor to deal damage.

This is actually the safest method for Lee Sin players when they have a very high gank success rate.

Because as long as you don't use the second stage of your q skill until the mark on the opponent's body disappears, you can use the q skill to track it.

It's not over yet, when the blind monk passed by, in the second step, King Ning directly punished the bloody toad.

On the one hand, it is to prevent the spider from relying on punishment toads to recover blood, and on the other hand, it is to prevent the spider from flying into the sky after pulling away.

"Fuck, these guys are really amazing."

To be honest, Clid still held a glimmer of hope. After all, his team's combat effectiveness in small and medium-scale team battles is not bad. Maybe he can not only survive but even fight back.

But IG's cooperation is typical of the no-friend series.

Then, don't give it a chance.

The spider's dizziness ended, and the blind monk's r skill knocked into the air to continue to control, and at the same time kicked the spider towards Lin Xiu's face.

Syndra added a w skill in the middle, and after the spider fell on the stone man's face, he added a q skill to finish the thunder.

In the end, the stone man qe had no brains, and took away the remaining HP of the spider, whose knock-up effect had not yet ended and could not use any skills.

"[IG.Lin] killed [JD.Clid]!!"

Ok. . .

Stone man, K-head succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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