As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 206 I Really Can't Stand It Anymore

Chapter 206 I Really Can't Stand It Anymore
"What is the reaction speed of this tm?"

To be reasonable, watching this transmission, Dionb's eyes widened.

If you want to talk about the speed of teleportation support, professional players will definitely not be far behind.

But because things like tp need to choose a good location and time point, it means that no matter how fast your speed is, there will inevitably be a rather fatal period of judgment.

And how to shorten the length of this judgment period is the key to determining whether a top laner is at the top level.

Obviously, this wave of teleportation by Lin Xiu is no longer a matter of being top notch.

In other words, he predicted what RW was going to do after finishing punching.

So almost at the moment when everyone in RW appeared, Lin Xiu's teleportation had already fallen.

Outrageous on Nima.

After all, that is not something that can be done with hand speed at all, it is purely because Lin Xiu has completely touched RW's psychology.

At the same time, this seems to be just a second or two of teleportation ahead, which will completely affect the entire battle situation in the bottom lane.

"Fuck, Lin Xiu, you tp~!!!"

"I tm, I feel better!"

Lin Xiu: →_→

Isn't this nonsense?
How does it feel for an ADC to watch a big daddy-level Lulu fall from the sky?
I can't wait to call my mother directly, okay? ?

Even if he was stunned by Qing Gangying, even if his ultimate move was blocked, the original worry of the puppy who had already lost one-third of his blood had completely disappeared.

Because, it was Lulu who came down.

And it's a quick 3-piece suit, Lulu, level 11.

The two-level big move, plus the spell bonus given by Lin Xiu's current equipment, why should Lulu be afraid of giving AD protection?
Not to mention that this ad is still a puppy in the most seasoned and proficient period of operation.

"Let's go down the road and hold on first, you guys hurry up."

Without saying another word, the puppy and Lin Xiu's attention was completely concentrated in an instant.

Because they knew that after Lulu came down, it was just the beginning.

At the end of the day, what they're going to do next is 3 on 5.

Even if King Ning and Rookie can come to support him, King Ning is too far away, at least 15 seconds away.

Because Rookie needs to save his skills, he can only walk to the casting range of the ultimate move, which takes at least 10 seconds.

Withstood the counterattack, then IG can turn the crisis into safety, and at the same time completely kill RW's counterattack.

"Xiu'er, don't hand in your skills yet, I'll delay."

At this time, when Baolan saw Lin Xiu coming down, his reaction speed was instantly full.

How to say that Lulu's current position is more like a support, it is impossible for him not to know how to play.

He knew very well that Lulu's role on the defensive end was much stronger than the Luo function he was playing now, so he had to save Lin Xiu's skills.

So, without any hesitation, he directly activated the big move.

The target was the vampire and Qinggang Ying.

This time point was very good, and it fell at the moment when Qinggangying's big move couldn't be selected to land, and Qinggangying was charmed all of a sudden.

The second q that was already flashing again, couldn't be kicked out, so he just watched the puppy's little cannon being punished.

On the other hand, doinb seems to have seen the current situation of Qinggangying, so his choice is to throw out the r skill, and then the e skill will be charged + the w blood pool will be opened to avoid the charm of Luo's big move and deal damage.

"You can still control it."

Although the charm missed, Baolan's Luo still has a w skill that can knock him into the air.

A delay of 0.35 seconds, if you use this delay well, you can just get stuck in the vampire blood pool.

"Don't let him move!"

doinb can see clearly.

He now has two options, one is to evade the flash.

But if this is the case, it means that it will be difficult for him to fill up his output in a while. After all, the small cannon at this time has a flash, a big move, and a w skill rocket jump.

If this displacement distance is not restricted, it is enough for this trot to run from the first tower to the second tower.

Such a result is definitely not what doinb wants to see.

So since this is the case, use the second option.

Because he still has teammates.

And now the person doinb is talking to is RW's assistant Qi Ya.

He was playing Braum. At this time, Braum's ultimate move could be fully controlled continuously, and at the same time interrupted Luo's displacement.

At the same time, as long as the small cannon is passive, then when the time comes to cooperate with Braum's passive, the team battle advantage in this narrow terrain will be great.

"it is good!"

Qi Ya didn't hesitate when he heard the words, Braum directly flashed w and jumped onto Qinggang Ying's body.

Big move, glacier fissure!
"Want to zoom in?"

At this time, Lin Xiu had already fallen down, and he looked at Qi Ya's movements without any change in his eyes.

"In the end, everything is calculated."

Give it to me, hold back.

Lulu gently raised the wand in her hand, and saw that Braum's hands had been raised high, and the shield in his hand was about to be smashed down, but this time, it didn't come out no matter what.

because. . .

Qi Ya was turned into a sheep?

As the most imba soft control in the league, what was the result of being hit by Lulu's w before you had Mercury?
Jumping and jumping on the ground, the action level came to an abrupt end, and Bron, who was no longer fierce before, was the best explanation.


Qi Ya is in a hurry now, but he has nothing to do.

Although the time to transform into a sheep is not long, it is very useful in this battle situation.

And at this moment, the dizziness on Xiaopao's body has disappeared, and the imprisonment time of Qinggangying's big move has come to the moment when it is about to disappear.

It can be said that there is no problem for Xiaopao to survive in the future.

It's just that whether it's a puppy or Lin Xiu, their thinking is definitely not limited to this.


"Stop talking, go!"

"Okay, fuck them!"

Isn't it just 3 on 5?

The puppy is now broken + attack speed shoes + yellow fork + small electric knife, and at the same time, the level 9 e skill is full.

Why is he cowardly?
What you want is to directly ignorant the opposite side.

So in the next second, everyone in RW fell into a downtime again.

The small cannon did not retreat but advanced, and the e skill was directly hung on top of Qinggangying's head.

The key point is that this is not over yet, the puppy's small cannon was fired directly, and it rode on Qing Gangying's face?

The dilapidated hang started to output, and at the same time, Lin Xiu made the shield fall on the small cannon with a precise e skill, topping off most of the damage from the vampire's ultimate move.

Then, it was time for Pixar + Small Cannon.

"Fuck, what kind of injury is this?"

Although the equipment is not very good, but Qing Gangying saw the rate of decline in his blood volume, and felt that the thief Jill was outrageous.

His blood bar is almost decreasing at a straight-line rate.

Even Xiaopao's e skill had already fallen to half blood before it exploded.

At this time, the disadvantages of his spare parts king's outfit appeared.

It's true that his basic attributes don't look bad, with blood volume and attack, but the dual resistance is too low.

A top laner with empty blood and no dual resistance standing in front of a small cannon with a percentage output?
Afterwards, Xiaopao's E skill exploded, bringing Qinggangying to the killing line.

Flat a, still going on.

"[IG.Jackeylove] killed [RW.Mouse]!!"

Qing Gangying, die!
this. . . .
To be reasonable, although Ah Guang's psychological quality is already quite good, he still fell into a short period of sluggishness when he saw his blacked-out screen.


Why did a small cannon just ride on my face and kill me in seconds?
I think this tm is not the ad version.

You must know that it is only the early stage of S8, and the ad at this time is not very strong. On the contrary, because of the change of crit equipment, most of the ad will only exert power after the 3-piece suit.

This three-piece suit means that it takes a long time to develop, and it also means that AD should not have this kind of combat power at this point in time.

Unfortunately, everything is not if.

On the contrary, when everyone in RW saw Qing Gangying's death, their moods changed subtly.

King Ning and Rookie, who were still on their way, were a little confused.

"Fuck, are you cheating like this?"

"No, brother, can you give me a chance to participate in the competition?"

Am I tm making soy sauce?

Lin Xiu: Hehe

Puppy: Hehe

Regarding my slow Nakano, I don't want to complain about it for the time being.

RW on the other side. . .

"Now, it's over."

Doinb's face turned pale.

If it's another ad, it's fine after playing, but it's a small cannon.

And it's a small cannon with big moves, flash, healing, and Lulu's big moves all in one hand.

He killed an opponent, which meant that the killing of this little cannon had just begun.

"Next, it's time to take off."

The puppy is thinking clearly now.

Qing Gangying didn't have a big move, and the vampire skills had been exhausted.

Although his blood volume has also lost half of his blood, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of the few people he is facing.

The only one to deal with is Braum in front of him.

But as soon as this idea came out, the puppy suddenly realized that he had grown a lot bigger.

Lulu's ultimate move was released at this time.

I have to say that this time point card is quite accurate, which is when Bron's transformation into a sheep ends.

Because Bron jumped on Qinggangying's face, it means that Bron is also beside Xiaopao, and the knock-up effect brought by Lulu's ultimate transformation moment is triggered immediately.

That Bulong ascended to heaven again, and still couldn't release his skills.

Without Bron's big move, RW's remaining lineup has no restrictions on the puppy.

Pretty much an understatement.

Xiaopao jumped forward a little bit, so that he just landed in front of Braum, and turned back to push Braum with a big move.

Qi Ya:? ? ?
Who did I tm offend?

Qi Ya said that he is very wronged now.

I'm just a Bloom, do you want to do this?

Labor and management are either flying in the sky or crawling on the ground. Can you give me the dignity to live a good life?
The answer is, no.

Under the repelling effect, this assistant who has the e skill to raise the shield and the big move to fly, and the abnormally disgusting person in the early stage announced to stay away from the battlefield completely.

Troll, this kind of hero's E skill can be stopped by the small cannon, but flawless rushed too far, and the small cannon can start to output even without jumping.

"I'll give you control."

Baolan watched Xiaopao walking forward and kept reacting.

The E skill catches up with the small cannon that W pulled away from the body before, and the W skill is released towards the soles of the troll's feet.

"Run quickly, I can't fight anymore."

At this time, the voice in the RW team is shouting.

Flawless gritted his teeth and dodged Luo's w, but didn't want to follow up with another flash.

that is. .


"Now that you've come down, do you think you can get away?"

Lin Xiu is very clear about where her Lulu's strongest point is now.

Why do you think he's almost 3-piece?

Because the equipment he produced is enough to cause quite a disgusting effect in the early stage.

Hex Ice Lance, Twin Shadows, Q Skill, Glacier Amplification.

How do you run this 4-ice system?
The most edge technology gun landed on the troll precisely, putting a deceleration effect on the troll.

Small cannon, still outputting.

In order to maintain his own wild clearing speed in the early stage, the troll chose Tiamat as his first piece of equipment.

The equipment is not bad for close combat or field battles, but at this time, it is a small cannon with a long hand.

It is worth mentioning that the handling of the puppy is quite detailed.

When he was fighting Qinggangying before, he didn't use the Q skill, he just killed Qinggangying by relying on Pixar's bonus and 2 pieces of attack speed equipment.

But for a full-blooded hero like a troll, you need to use a higher attack speed to kill him without the E skill.

The Q skill is activated.

Further amplification of Pixar.

Even though it was only about 15 minutes, Xiao Pao's attack speed reached an outrageous 1.5?

The blood volume of the troll is also plummeting.

Soon, the troll who fled in a hurry could no longer bear the output of the small cannon, and his body collapsed.

"[IG.Jackeylove] killed [RW.flawless]!!"

Double kill!

All that's left is Xia.

Old thief Sima: . . .

The old thief Sima who didn't want to talk in the first place didn't want to talk even more now.

I tm, try to run.

The big move is directly pulled up and connected to the flash, leaving a feather and at the same time allowing myself to come to a relatively safe time.

Don't ask him why he has to turn in his ultimate move at this time, because the kid from the twin shadows on the ground is already going to stick to him.

As an ad with no displacement, being slowed down is tantamount to pronouncing Xia's death sentence, but there is still a glimmer of life if she runs away without knowing her skills.

However, the puppy's understanding of Xia is still there.

What can he do if he pulls the position like this?

I can't do the e barb to pull people to stop myself.

Unfortunately, this is not enough.

Flashed sideways, dodging the pull of Xia Dagou impartially, and at the same time, because of the use of the w skill refreshed again after killing the troll, the small cannon jumped 3 times in a row!

At this time, Xia has no big moves, no e skills, and some only have q+w.

Before Xia has no critical strike equipment, she can't pose any threat to the small cannon at all.

So even if he held the tower and handed in a mouthful of healing, he was still forcibly electrocuted to death by the puppy.

"[IG.Jackeylove] killed [RW.smlz]!!"

Three kills!

Lin Xiu: "Hey, hey, you two, wait a minute."

King Ning: ? ? ?
Rookie:? ? ?
"There are two more, can you arrange them?"

"Arrangement, must be arranged!"

After driving for a long time, King Ning and Rookie, who had finished killing the bottom lane, expressed that they still wanted to show some embarrassment.

With the help of Zac's ultra-long-distance jump and Galio's retention, the RW Zhongsuke who was about to retreat from the IG blue buff area was retained.

Puppy: "Give me the head!"

Ning Wang:. . .

Rookie: . . .

Then, two short system prompts appear.

"[IG.Jackeylove] killed [RW.Doinb]!"

"[IG.Jackeylove] killed [RW.Killua]!!"

Double kill.

Well, it's not connected, false pentakill.


RW, the group is destroyed!
(End of this chapter)

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