Chapter 211 Ready to move?

The opponent can't defend the middle lane alone, so he has no choice but to give up. There is really no way around this situation. The canyon vanguard can play a great role in advancing. Like this, the enemy has no way to repel the front and has no choice but to choose The back legs are the safest, otherwise it is very likely that you will die in this place, it is possible. .
RW's style of play is superior. Originally, they had to be on the back foot at this time. Although their momentum is very strong, it is true, but this situation naturally requires a wave of retreat, because they have already gained the advantage, and this situation continues to advance. What he said is really not in line with common sense. You must know that if this game is too greedy, there will be bad consequences. These players should know it.

Of course, it would be great if they could continue to tear down the opponent's defense towers, but this kind of thing cannot be forced. Now they should choose a more suitable time to conduct their own team battles. It can be said whether to start team battles or not. They even have the final say, and IG can only be passive here, but if they choose to continue pushing, the situation may not be certain.

The rw team chose to move forward, and just when the second tower was about to be demolished, a Lulu was killed from the river in the middle.

"Retreat!" Team rw discussed.


In this way, they still chose to retreat. After all, it is easy to be surrounded in this place, and it is very troublesome to be surrounded. Even if the team battle itself can beat them, if they mess around in this place, the opponent If they were caught off guard, the outcome might still be uncertain, so they also chose to retreat after seeing Lulu.

But can they retreat?This is still a problem, the other party has already locked them. It can only be said that if they chose to retreat at the beginning, they would not have so many troubles. Now they are surrounded by themselves.

At this time, the jungler Zac on the opposite side used q to hit the rw mid laner. This hero's q skill can still keep people, but it still needs another target, and the distance is relatively short, so it is not so easy.

Bron on the rw side immediately gave the mid laner a w skill. This hero's w skill can be released on his teammates. It is a very good defensive skill. With this skill, he can also protect his c position well. It is also the purpose of support, and the purpose of choosing this hero is even more so. It is here to protect one's teammates.

It can be said that Bron is in place, not only put a w, but also immediately put an e skill, there is indeed a way to protect teammates, this e skill can resist damage, it can be said that the protection effect is better than the w skill, So using these two skills at this time can really protect his teammates very well, which is his purpose here.

Lin Xiu, who originally thought she could fight back, felt reckless. It is normal for such things to happen in the game, and the consequences of impulsive people are full of unknowns.

It can be seen from this wave that the purpose of IG is obvious, which is to create trouble for the opponent. Even if they were demolished a defense tower, they still did not lose heart and continued to do everything they could to them. What your team does in a friendly way, if you don't do it, it will only make the other party look like they are easy to bully.

Lulu is going to die in this wave, it is inevitable, after all, it is not so easy for one person to do this kind of thing, what is a support in front of several people on the other side?It is true that there are very few things that can be done, but such a detour has also completed its own task, and the result is actually predictable, and it is normal to die. .
As the disadvantaged party, there are often more things to do, such as disconnecting and so on. Now Lulu is doing a similar thing, which is to make her teammates less injured, regardless of whether she will hang up or not. It's all for the sake of the whole team. This is the role of a support in the game. If you don't have the spirit of sacrifice, you can't win the game.

When this is basically on the top of the list, a person on the side teleported. Teleportation in this game is the best support method. You can find out where you want to go at once, but who will come to this place? Woolen cloth?You must know that coming to this place is very risky, and you may die together with this Lulu. It is impossible not to be prepared.

It turned out that the person who came here was Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao is here!

"I'm here to help you, Lulu, run quickly," the jungler Xin Zhao said.

"Thank you, I thought no one would come here to save me, it's really dangerous." Assistant player Lulu said.

In this situation, only his teammates can save him. Relying on him alone, even if he has good protection skills, can't resist the damage of several people. It can be said that this teammate came here is a stroke of genius, of course, it may be two people together It might be sent off, but anyway, coming here makes all this suspenseful.

"Don't want to run, want to run? That's impossible." IG said.

When Xin Zhao enters the arena, he directly activates his ultimate move. This is to protect his teammates, and he is also very confident that he can escape from this place. You must know that this ultimate move has a very good effect on resisting damage. This decisive His approach can also help his teammates escape. It can only be said that he did the right thing, and the current result is so smooth.

Lulu didn't want to fight at this time. She knew that even if she added Xin Zhao, she still couldn't beat the opponent, so she might as well choose to flash and run away. He came to die together, he knew this, he just wanted to live up to the brave actions of his teammates, and running for his life was the most correct way.

"What? It flashed, damn it, he ran away." The girl who hit the wild boar made a mistake in her prediction and was angry about it.

After Lulu left, the wild boar girl targeted Xin Zhao, knowing that at least one person must be killed, this is the most correct way, if this wave is fruitless, it will lose face, that's what it is Do the right thing, kill this Xin Zhao, then they will make a lot of money in this wave, and of course they will not lose money.

Fighting Wild Boar Girl gave Xin Zhao the ultimate move, Xin Zhao didn't love to fight, and found a breakthrough and ran away. It is true that Pig Girl can't beat him alone.

Xin Zhao knew that he was only here to save his teammates, not to fight, and he had no reason to fight, so he didn't do such risky things.

After this fight, the two sides did not dare to fight directly again. Anyway, they realized that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and they still want to take the other party's head under a more favorable situation. That is the most correct way. It’s not that time yet. In short, we must continue to look for opportunities, knowing that blindly speaking is full of unknowns. .
With the help of support, Galio has been farming soldiers and continues to develop. This hero is also very powerful when developed. It can be said that it has high damage itself. Coupled with the very buggy team battle ability, the result is that it will become Unstoppable, as long as the skill is used correctly, it can easily help teammates get rid of the group, and it is also a great hope for the whole team.

rw continues to develop here, and also saw the big dragon that is about to be refreshed, knowing what to do in this situation, the big dragon is naturally going to fight, but you can't fight blindly. The gain outweighs the loss, and we still need to find a suitable opportunity. This opportunity must be able to take down Dalong with peace of mind.

"Well, do you think we should take Baron, friends." rw jungler asked.

"Of course, who doesn't want the big dragon? Of course he wants it, but in this situation, it seems that the other party is also quite fierce. I think it's better to be careful. They are not without fighting power. I underestimate their words. The consequences will be serious." rw mid laner said.

"It's true, look, look for opportunities, we can't just fight blindly like this, we still have to make a plan, now I think we still have to squat first, so that when they come here, we can easily take them down, this That’s what we’re going to do now, we’ve got the rights to view, and it’s not difficult to do it, let’s see what they say.” RW assistant said.

"You still have a clear mind." rw top laner said.

The small cannon that lost the support can be said to have appeared in RW's field of vision. This is a very dangerous move. At this moment, the support is helping Galio, and the shooter has no protection. The result is very dangerous. It must be safe. It can be said that the small cannon has been targeted. It is not surprising that such a target is targeted. Even with the escape skill, the crispy skin is still crispy.

A shooter of the opponent is naturally the target they want to target. The position of the shooter is like this. If you don’t target them, it will be very troublesome. If you target them, you need to break through their defenses. It's a good time for them to attack. If this is the case, there will be no one to protect the small cannons if they run away.

"Hahaha, this little cannon, look, he appears in front of us now, you see, I can't beat him, he doesn't have support by his side now, I think Dalong should not fight for now, there are more important things now Things have to be done, let's go, let's go to play small cannons together, how can such a hero not be fought, we just have to beat him." rw jungler said.

"That's right, how can you not fight such a person, the most important thing is to deal with this small cannon first, and if someone appears on the other side, just take it away by the way." rw mid laner said.

Xiaopao didn't realize them, but went with the flow to insert the eye, but saw Bron, and found that it was not good.

Cannon knows what Braum can do.

danger!This wave of small cannons knew that the opponent was going to catch him, but he was still very conscious as a professional player. After all, he was also a hero with escape skills, so how could he be controlled here. .
However, if you want to talk about it, if you really get Q by the opponent's Braum, then the flash is useless.

Bron decisively chose the q skill. This wave of small cannons also knew that the w skill could be used, but it didn't come directly. After all, the w skill takes time to fly. If it is hit by the opponent while flying, the result will be It will die, there is no doubt about it, so it is the safest choice to flash at this time.

Xiaopao slowly pressed the flash to leave, but what he didn't expect was that Bron realized that he was going to do this, so he directly took the flash and pressed the r skill. Originally, the r skill could be resisted, but Xiaopao didn't expect He will flash his big move, and the result is that he will be hit, and he will be killed soon. This hero's control skills are so powerful.

"Great job! That's it, I knew that a shooter without support is scum, you did a good job." rw jungler said.

"It's nothing, I just did a very normal thing, anyway, just grab a small cannon, it's still very easy for me as a hero, if I can't do this, I don't need to play support here, just Go home and pick your feet, don't you think so? That's it, I should be so decisive." RW assistant said.

"That's right, that's it. Each of us has to be as tough as you. If we don't give each other a chance, we must continue to expand our advantages. Come on, gamer." rw jungler said.

The death of this wave of shooters is a good thing for rw, but a bad thing for IG.

After the Rw assistant wiped out the vision of the opponent's big dragon, he immediately started the dragon slaying.

In any case, they all have the advantage of numbers. There is nothing to be afraid of at this time. Even the other party has to be brave when they come here. After all, they have such a good momentum now. Show your aggressiveness, this is what a team should look like.

Rng has a headache here, and top laner Lin Xiu also knows that the opponent is in Dalong.

What can he do?The only way is to keep going forward to harass and protect your own safety. This is not an easy task, but as a person on the other side, it is impossible not to do so. Even if the chances are not great, you still have to work hard. This is what it means to be a part of the team What to do, don't dare to go forward and do something because you can't look at the danger ahead.

Rw saw him here, and continued to fight. He knew that it was better to continue to slay the dragon than to fight this person at this time. The value of dragon slaying was greater, and he understood that this person was here to harass him.

"Look, the opponent's top laner is here." rw shooter said.

"It doesn't matter, let him come if he wants to, we have nothing to fear, what can he do alone?" rw mid laner said.

"That's true. It's not a jungler. Even if he comes, he won't be able to grab the big dragon. Just ignore him. Of course, if we take the dragon and he doesn't leave, we need to collect the corpse. That's right. In this way, we are very safe." rw jungler said.

Rw is very confident here.

(End of this chapter)

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