As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 214 It Doesn't Look Like You Didn't Hit It

Chapter 214 It Doesn't Look Like You Didn't Hit It
The stone man was ready, and a r flash directly knocked three people into the air, including the blind monk Yasuo and the shooter ez. .
It can be said that this wave of stone men did a good job, but he is useless alone, and he can't fight several people alone. What he can do is to cooperate with his teammates to play output, so that he can get There is no other way to win the next team battle. There is no problem with this hero's single kill, but multi-kill is not the case.

The narrator continued to explain.

"Oh, this wave of stone man's big move is very beautiful, but no one helps him output, I'm afraid I'm lonely, this is a normal thing, it's okay to play some output, although it still doesn't kill the opponent directly Okay, but it’s better than nothing, it’s that simple, I still have confidence in him, I believe he can do a lot of things.” The female commentator said.

"Don't worry, I think this wave of ig should have teammates, then there is nothing to be afraid of, I believe ig will not join without some preparation, they are an experienced team, they can do a lot of things , I think this wave of stone men has ulterior motives, keep watching, maybe there will be some surprises, look forward to it, no problem." The male commentator said.

At this time, the surprise did come.

It's ice.

It turned out that Han Bing released the resurrection armor just now.

After he died, other people's attention was not on him, and the stone man went to fight the opponent again, so this wave didn't notice him at all. He was also waiting for an opportunity to see what good output would come out. Space, then come out and continue to output at that time. Although he died very quickly, the opposite side of this wave did not notice him, so it can have a good sneak attack effect.

On Han Bing's side, the three people were directly locked down with a big move, the same three people just now, but he went up to output, and found that the output was not enough, and he still couldn't stay there, so he hid again.

This wave of ice is helpless, it looks a bit cute, but the other party's focus is not on him, the other party wants to win the big dragon, this is the most important thing for them, except for this, they can't give it, even if it is A few people hanging here also want to take down Dalong, it's that simple, what they want can be said to be very clear.

It can be said that rw is very clear here, and ig is equally clear, that is to attack them.

In this way, one side chooses to attack the opponent, and the other side chooses to output the big dragon.

The result is that the party that outputs the big dragon has a lot of output against the big dragon, but it can't stand up very quickly. Of course, the dragon is also beaten very quickly, so everyone hangs here, and the last blind monk also uses the w skill Insert the eye to make a displacement, and then punish and take down the dragon. For them, the task has been completed, but the teammates basically hang up.

There is only one Noxus, and this Noxus is also very wretched. He has been attacking this big dragon in the innermost part of the dragon pit, and he has suffered the least damage. After finding that his teammates died one by one, he finally chose a wave of partition walls. The flash ran away, no one noticed him, and he was also the last survivor, leaving him alone, this Bonaron was naturally at a loss.

Originally, taking the dragon is for buff effect, killing the big dragon itself will not give too much money, just rely on the big dragon buff.

The big dragon buff strengthens itself and then strengthens the minions on its side, so that it can have a push effect. As a result, only the Hand of Noxus has this effect. It can be said that it is not so easy to use. .
This big dragon can be said to have taken a loneliness.The impact on rw is not small. It seems that they have won the big dragon. In fact, they basically have no experience. The other four people have no dragon buff at all. It can only be said that this makes them very dissatisfied. They originally won the big dragon. It's a pity that the loss of four teammates in this wave can be said to be a loss, and this kind of thing can't happen again.

But speaking of it, they didn't give the buff to the opponent. From this point of view, they are still an acceptable result. It cannot be said to be a success, but it is still acceptable. At least it will not be the worst situation, and they can still continue to fight against each other. , this is an obvious thing, if the buff is given to the opponent, then there is really no way to fight.

The ig team members communicated.

"Oh, this wave of big dragon buffs have not been taken down. It's a pity that they should be taken down. I can only say that the other side does have a set. We really can't underestimate them. We still have a lot to do. I believe everyone will There is no problem, let's keep going, everyone is the best in this game, and there is nothing to be afraid of without the dragon buff." The ig mid laner said.

"We made money this wave, okay? Four of them died, what's the use of taking dragons? We make more money than them, and Noxus, what can a person do with that buff? Indeed Can't do much, now we have to continue to advance, four people died, this is the best opportunity to advance, isn't it like this?" ig assistant said.

"Don't worry, I'll hit Xiaolong here and there. Soon, I won't stop. I'm a person of martial arts. I'm not afraid of them coming to cheat or sneak attack. Don't be afraid. Come cheat and sneak attack, okay? That's it It’s not good either, peace is the most important thing in playing games, and game morality is important, they are all dead now, can Noxus stop me? No, it’s as simple as that.” Lin Xiu said.

"That's right, I'll leave it to you, and we're going to push the tower." Other teammates said.

In this way, Xiaolong's buff was taken down, and teammates pushed it in.

This wave can be said that ig seems to be too much, and it is true. There is only one person on the opposite side, and they attack in three lanes, which means they can't defend anyway. Noxus chose to guard the middle. It is indeed a reasonable choice. The middle road is the most important road, and you can only watch the other two roads be dismantled.

Soon, after being dismantled, the opponent continued to advance.

Noxus guarded this wave in the middle, and the Qing soldiers did not clear it, but the opponent was already planning to attack the crystal.

He has no choice, but it is not so easy to go back at this time, if he walks, he will not be able to go back, and he will be killed easily.

Hand of Noxus had no choice but to return to the city. Unfortunately, when he returned to the city, he found that he could only watch the defense towers being demolished. There was no other way.

With four dead, what can one do?It's true that he can only watch the show, it's as simple as that, it's very normal for the game to be won, and he has no ability to stop these people from doing anything.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it. Oh, it shouldn't be like this. I thought I could win by taking down the dragon, but now it seems impossible. It's just my wishful thinking. There is no way, I have worked hard." rw said on the order. .
"What are you talking about? It's not easy for you to be the last survivor. How can one person beat several people? This is very normal and common sense. Everyone knows that it is impossible. Don't worry, this I don't blame you for the game, you are already great, I can only say that we did not consider the consequences for the purpose of taking Baron, and we lost here." rw jungler said.

"It's not easy for you to win the big dragon. Blind man, everyone has done a good job. There is always nothing wrong with taking the big dragon. The idea is right. It's just that we can't develop according to our thinking. It's nothing. , Everyone has tried their best, there is nothing, this is the result of our hard work, the result is that there is nothing we can do about it, we don’t blame ourselves.” rw assistant said.

"That's right, we are very good. It's because they don't talk about martial arts. I can only say that I don't like this result, but what can you do if it happened like this? There is no way, we can only win in the next game Come back, there is no way, let’s not think too much, hurry up, let’s go, let’s go to rest first.” rw Sagittarius said.

The two sides had an intermission and met backstage.

Team Rw rolled their eyes when they saw them.

"What's the matter with them, do normal people play games like that? Yes, they are the monster team." rw shooter said.

"That's right, if you don't talk about martial arts, such a teammate is not worthy of fighting with us, and I might as well fight with elementary school students." rw top laner said.

"Don't talk about it, that's how they play games. It's not like you don't know it. They're such a pissy person. Everyone knows it. If you don't use some tricks, you can't win the game. It's not like everyone doesn't know that. " said the rw assistant.

"Have you said enough? Isn't this a joke? We won the game openly, what a weirdo." The ig jungler couldn't bear it.

"Oh, I'm still angry, and I don't even ask myself if I'm worthy." rw Sagittarius continued to taunt.

"We didn't use any tricks to defeat you, it's just a normal routine, there's no need to say anything more, it's just your lack of strength, if you say this, it's better to go back to study, don't waste time with me here, you know?" ig mid laner explain.

"Then you guys are really good. If you don't talk about Wude so confidently, I really admire it, really." rw Shangdan said.

"What on earth do you want to do? I won't lose to you if you want to fight. Let me tell you that we won the game. I don't mind letting you lose clearly in reality. Come on, that's it, let's go heads-up. " said the ig shooter.

"Forget it, why should I fight with a fat man? I only need to take a few steps on my hind legs, and you are afraid that you will fall on the ground." rw Sagittarius said.

"What are you talking about, come on, come if you have the guts, am I afraid of you?" the ig shooter exploded.

"Don't be like this, calm down, it's meaningless, let's go back." Lin Xiu stopped.

Lin Xiu didn't want to cause trouble, knowing that it would be useless.

After Lin Xiu was tripped, his teammates helped him up. .
"Are you okay? You won't be injured, right? Do you want to go to the hospital to have a look?" said the teammate.

"It's okay, why am I afraid of this, I can bear it, it's not a big problem." Lin Xiu said.

"No, I see that your hand did fall, I think, you should go to rest, don't worry, someone can help you up, we are not without people."

"I really have nothing to do, don't worry about me, I mean it, I'm not joking with you."

"Well, you've already said that, so I won't say anything more. In short, you have to take care of yourself. If you really can't do it, just tell the coach. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. There's nothing like getting hurt. It's normal, we rely on hand work, if the hand work is not good, there is no need to continue to play here, do you think this is the truth?"

"Thank you, I really feel your concern, but I know my own body, it's fine."

Having said that, you can still see his hands restless when he walks.

Seeing him like this, his teammates knew that he was reluctant, so they decided to tell the coach about it.

"Coach, Lin Xiu's hand is injured, I don't think he should play."

"What did you say? I'll go see what's going on."

The coach was worried and immediately went to find Lin Xiu.

"Lin Xiu, what happened to your hand? What happened?" the coach asked.

"There's nothing wrong, don't worry, I'm fine." Lin Xiu said while covering her hands.

"Will you cover your hands if it's okay? Don't say so much, I know what's going on with you, you still don't want to participate in this game, it's good for you, let me tell you, instead of causing more injuries , why don’t you choose to give up like this now, sometimes it’s better to give up, understand what I mean? Everyone is for your own good, this is just a game.”

"No, I really have nothing to do, how can I not participate? That's impossible, my state is fine, you really don't need to worry, I know what I know, don't worry, you're right , it’s just a game, so my hands won’t be a problem, you just have to do your job, and I’m the same way.”

"No, I can't let you take such a risk. If you regret it in the future, you will definitely blame me for not stopping you. Indeed, I want to stop you now. I can't do it if I don't stop you. This is not a world championship. You have to understand this truth , It’s okay, if you miss this game, then you can just wait for the next game and continue participating, understand what I mean?”

"I don't understand, I'm not taking risks, I'm not a risk taker, I said it, I know my own body, and I will never blame you, because this is my own decision, I want to play, that's it Simple, it's certainly not Worlds, but I know I can play, no kidding, so let me play."

"Then why are you covering your hands? Think about it yourself, if your state is really fine, why do you do this? Think about it, what should you do if your hands hurt when you are in the next game? No one can help you, You will definitely continue to play, and if you continue to play, it will continue to hurt, do you want this result? Do you not want to?"

(End of this chapter)

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