Chapter 217
ig continued to advance, and the opposite had to be on the back leg. .
While beating people and demolishing towers, there is no way to stop them.

The ig side is very arrogant. At this time, the big moves are basically restored, and the opponent also imagines it and knows that this is an unbeatable matchup.

This is a very normal reaction, except for the female gun on the other side, they are all controlled.

They experienced the terror of being dominated, and never dared to step forward again.

But this wave of Sword Demon Honey is confident, and directly opened the big move, thinking that he can do it, but can he really do it?This is really not possible.

After going up, the Sword Demon didn't die for more than 2 seconds.

Seeing this, the other teammates had no choice but to choose the hind legs.

ig doesn't let them go, Aoun is very fleshy at this time, he just fights the tower alone, and the other players go up to fight.

On the prince's side, an eq directly went up to control Rambo on the opposite side, and Rambo on the opposite side was killed without releasing his skills.

Not to mention Qiyana from Tes, she was directly killed by the female gun fire, without the ability to fight back at all.

Tes' small cannon saw this situation and had to use w to escape.

But at this time, the Japanese woman made a big move directly, and then used flash to control him, but Xiaopao also died.

Xiao Pao didn't expect that the other side treated him so much, and directly made him completely powerless to fight back. Indeed, in the face of so many controls, there was very little that could be done.

Bron did everything he could, and his ultimate move only delayed the death of his teammates.

In this way, the entire tes team was killed by ig.

This wave of ig did not choose to fight the ancient dragon, but directly chose to push the tower.

The narrator actually expressed his own views.

"I can only say how confident this is. The ig players believe in their abilities. This is an offensive that the opponent cannot resist. If they don't have such confidence, they will generally choose to fight the ancient dragon. It is true that fighting the ancient dragon will be more stable. It's a pity that they didn't choose this way, but confidently chose to advance, and they succeeded in the end, which is a manifestation of their strength." The male commentator said.

"In this case, ig also won today's victory, and the result is quite reversed. They also had a lot of opportunities in the past, and some groups defeated ig, but the stronger ig won the victory. This result tes It should be acceptable, indeed they didn't perform very well afterwards, maybe they didn't know that ig's counterattack would be so powerful." The female commentator said.

ig has a big dragon buff, and it was dismantled very quickly, and quickly won the game.

The players high-fived each other. This victory was not easy, but they did it. The choice of heroes was very wise. It can be said that one female gun plus four controllers, such a lineup can maximize the advantages of female guns. Bo is a victory for their team, they didn't lose confidence after being wiped out, but came out stronger, and that's the result of their hard work.

The coach is also very happy. Lin Xiu can have such a performance, which is beyond his imagination.

This was Lin Xiu's first match after he recovered from his injury. He was worried that the wound would worsen, but it turned out that there was no need to worry about it. Lin Xiu's performance exceeded his imagination.

"Does your hand hurt? Lin Xiu." The ig shooter said.

"It doesn't hurt, even if it hurts, it doesn't hurt, because I won this game, and I want to thank my teammates." Lin Xiu said.

"No, we should thank you, our starting player, Lin Xiu." The ig assistant said.

After the break, the second match between ig and tes began. .
The two sides chose heroes, and ig chose a crocodile on the road.

The hero crocodile is still difficult to operate, but it is not a big problem for Lin Xiu, and this hero is also fleshy, with flesh and output, there is really no problem in choosing this hero.

Tes went on the road and chose a wine barrel.

The hero of Wine Barrel is also very meaty. Although the crocodile will be a little more fleshy after using the big move, but this hero is also very flexible, and has several escape skills, which is completely worthwhile.

Then, the ig jungler chose the male gun.

The male gun is also a very strong hero. Whether it is playing in the back row in team battles or singled out with the opposing jungler, it is worthwhile, and it also has displacement. It is an explosive hero.

Tes chose Juggernaut as a jungler.

Juggernaut is a hero we are all too familiar with. Many people regard this hero as a nightmare. This is not unreasonable. It is indeed very powerful in some situations. , although this hero is also easy to be restrained, but if you can give yourself room to output, it is still very scary.

The ig mid laner chose Zoe.

This loli hero is also manipulative. If he can control people in a team battle, not to mention that he can deal tons of damage, his teammates can easily kill the opponent.

Tes mid laner chose the Czar.

This hero is pretty good against Zoe. If you really can't beat Zoe, you can still have means to protect yourself. It is said that this hero is difficult to play, but it is the same for players.

ig shooter chose VN.

The harvesting ability of this hero is very powerful. It can only be said that after the equipment is formed, the ability to chase people is very strong. Even if the opponent wants to fight back, he can use the stealth effect created by the big move to avoid the attack. All in all, this is A very flexible hero, if you let him stand up, it will be a very terrifying existence.

Tes shooter chose Jhin.

This hero has high damage, which has never changed. Although the attack speed is not as good as other shooter heroes, the output is different. In addition, this hero also has control skills. The ultimate move is also a good skill for harvesting heads. All in all, it is worthwhile to face VN. Even if there is no displacement skill, the damage is very high.

The ig assistant chose Bull Head.

Needless to say, the hero of Niutou is a classic hero who starts a group. This hero is very scary when starting a group. It also makes it easier for me to play two consecutive games. He is very fleshy in itself, and he is a hero who will be chosen no matter how many versions he has passed.

Tes assisted and chose the Japanese girl.

The Japanese hero is also a hard-control hero. The control of the whole body is not lost to the bull head. It depends on who of the two supports takes the lead. That way it is easy to determine the winner of the team battle.

It can only be said that the choice of heroes on both sides is very reasonable, and you can get what you want.

The second game officially started, what will happen in the end? If ig can continue to win the game this time, the result will be 2:0, which is equivalent to winning today's BO3. Let's see who has the last laugh, ig or tes? ,

The second game officially started, and after the game started, the fans also began to cheer for the team they supported. .
There was no team battle at the beginning of this game, and they all returned to their respective positions.

The ig jungler was the same at the beginning of this round, choosing a developmental routine and not catching people.

In fact, in the last round, the prince was chosen, and in this round, the male gun was chosen. Both heroes are very strong in the jungle.

The Tes jungler saw that the opponent's jungler was at this rhythm again, and felt that he wanted to resend the same thing as the previous round.

"Don't worry, you won't succeed in this round." Tes jungler said to himself.

After the ig jungler cleared his own wild monsters, he saw that there were no arrests on the opposite side, so he simply went to see if there were any remaining wild monsters on the opposite side, and finally saw the jungler on the opposite side.

It turned out that the jungler on the opposite side had been waiting for him, so he chose to leave.

However, the tes jungler here is directly on the top. He feels that the male gun cannot beat him at this time. It is a flash and q skill that forcibly catches up with the ig jungler.

Seeing him approaching, the ig jungler didn't choose to fight him, but chose to run for his life.

This Juggernaut is very clingy and has been attacking him normally, but after the ig jungler's gun e skill is ready, he immediately chooses to escape in a wave. There is really no way for this wave of Juggernaut to pass the wall.

The Juggernaut was very helpless, only 3% of his blood was left, and he was run away by this man.

He had no choice but to go to the ig wild area to have a look, and found that there were no wild monsters left. As a result, both of them returned to the city this wave.

After returning, the ig jungler replenished a piece of equipment, and then went out to brush the newly reborn wild monsters. After brushing, he went directly to the bottom lane, went to the stone man on the opposite side, and wanted to catch the monsters below like in the previous round. duo.

But at this time, the opposite jungler also appeared and spotted him.

There was still a distance between the two, and the ig jungler had no choice but to call the bottom duo to start a team battle.

The two sides fought, ig's bull head was directly the second company, and the Japanese girl on the opposite side was sent flying, and then the male gun e went to directly output a wave, while vn set the opposite Jhin to live on the wall, and then continued to output the Japanese girl .

At this time, the Juggernaut on the opposite side joined the battle, and a q came directly in front of vn. At this time, vn had no control skills, so he had to be grabbed and beaten by him.

Vn retreated, and the bullhead used up his control skills and had no choice but to help his teammates resist the damage of a wave of towers.

Jhin saw that the bull head on the opposite side wanted to run, so he used his w skill to resist the bull head, and then the bull head was killed by the defensive tower.

The other two people, vn and male gun, ran together.

But tes didn't let them go, and continued to chase.

Juggernaut can't catch up, after all, the q skill is not good in this wave, and vn's q skill is faster, and the distance is opened.

At this time, the Japanese girl's control was over, and a wave of self-confidence directly fainted, and she fainted on the male gun.

The male gun put smoke bombs in advance, this wave is not a big problem, but vn can see Japanese women and output Japanese women.

In this way, the Japanese woman continued to chase, and then emptied another control skill.

In the end, he wanted to run, but was killed by these two people instead.

This wave is one for one, and there is no further pursuit.

After the bull's head was revived, he walked with the middle lane, and came to the support opposite to the bottom lane squatting together.

Tes' assistant habitually inserted wards, but was directly caught by these two people.

The ig assistant directly controlled the Japanese girl by Erlian, and then Zoe's damage was very high, directly killing the Japanese girl. It can be said that in the early stage, this is still very normal, and the Japanese girl just now One died, and the development was not good. Now that another one died, it can be said that the impact is even greater. I don't know what will happen. .
After the Japanese girl died, the shooter on the opposite side had no choice but to lie wretchedly under the tower.

Seeing the situation on the other side, the ig assistant also called the jungler to fight Xiaolong together.

It was still very easy for two people to fight Xiaolong together, but at this time the opposite mid laner leaned over.

ig found them here and called his teammates to gather.

The male gun deliberately didn't hit the little dragon, and waited for his teammates to come over before taking out both the man and the dragon.

In this way, after both sides are ready, the team battle begins, which is a wave of 5v5.

However, this wave of Jhin directly launched a big move, scaring the people on ig back.

Tes took the opportunity to seize the dragon area, and the wine barrel also used skills to harass, the Juggernaut opened a big move, and the Tsar used skills to protect his teammates, and the opposite side did not dare to approach for a while.

In this way, tes took down the little dragon, which was the result of ig's carelessness.

Originally, they could have directly taken it down, but now they have nothing to do with it. This is their responsibility.

However, they were not discouraged because of this, knowing that the most important thing now is to win this wave of team battles.

Tes wants to run after taking down the dragons this time, thinking that taking down the dragons is enough, and there is no need to fight any team battles.

However, ig couldn't just let them forget it like this, they just chased after them and started a group.

The crocodile made a big move directly, and after going up, he fixed the barrel for a while, but the barrel had resistant shoes, so he broke free quickly, and then escaped with e.

The ig male gun is aiming at Jhin on the opposite side. Knowing that Jhin on the opposite side has no big moves, there is nothing to be afraid of. He directly goes up to E and has a set of skills. The skill controlled the male gun.

Zoe continued to control people, this time he controlled the czar, and beat the czar to his blood at once.

The Tsar had no choice but to amplify his move and wanted to run, but at this time, one of them activated his ult.

That person is vn, vn is here, and he starts his big move, and if he catches up, he will directly harvest the tsar.

Jhin on the opposite side saw him and wanted to stop the vn, but he hid invisibly, but he chased him, and Jhin was also chased to death.

At this time, it was too late for the Japanese girl to make a big move.

The Juggernaut saw that VN was very powerful, so he also rushed up, but was directly nailed to the wall by VN.

Then vn took the head of the Juggernaut, which was a wave of three kills.

There was no way on the other side, and the remaining two people ran for their lives immediately, which was helped by a big move of the wine barrel.

The big move of the wine barrel was kept, and it played a role at this time, at least it saved his teammates, and did not let his teammates be killed.

The two had no choice but to return to the city.

There were five people in this wave of ig, and none of them died. They were directly wiped out together with the wild monsters on the opposite side, and another tower was pushed.

ig is ready to go home.

The ig jungler still felt that it was not enough, so he took down the defensive tower in the bottom lane.

In this way, tes can be said to be a big defeat.

After resurrecting, continue back online.

This wave of Tes junglers didn't even spawn wild monsters, and went directly to the bottom lane to catch the opposite duo.

However, the duo on the opposite side had vision and preparedness, so this wave did not die.

(End of this chapter)

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