Chapter 234 The Broker

"No, it's too early, I don't think the coach will agree, it's that simple, it's all for the sake of the team, I think it's too early, I should have some time to test my situation. "Shaobo said. .
"Don't think like this, it's okay right away, why wait, can you? You tell me, if you say you can, then there's no problem, don't worry, it's not a big problem to leave this matter to me, What's the point, let me tell you, I can do it, it's all for your own good, you won't refuse me, I'm willing to do it for you." Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu took the initiative to find the coach and talk about it.

Seeing how excited he was, the coach specified that there was something to do.

"What's the matter, Lin Xiu, speak slowly, it doesn't matter." The coach said.

"I want Shaobo to play." Lin Xiu said.

"You are here again, look, I told you, he is not in the state of the game, it is useless to think about this kind of thing too early, I know you are thinking of your good friend, But, you don’t need to discuss this matter with me, because the result will be the same, let me tell you, you just need to focus on yourself, understand.”

The coach felt that it was useless for him to come several times, which was a decided matter.

"That's not the case. If things hadn't changed, I wouldn't have come to you. Of course I know you have reasons for refusing, but from now on, I don't think you have such reasons for refusing. I mean it. , I'm not joking with you."

"Okay, don't be joking, you know? Do your own thing well, he still needs time to wait, let me tell you, some things can't be rushed, just keep waiting if you have to wait, there's nothing wrong with that, isn't it?" Do you want to do what you want, it's nothing, but it must be within a reasonable range, you can help him, but not too much."

"Okay, let me just say it directly, in fact, Shaobo has solved his problem, don't worry about it now, coach, I'm not joking, I'm serious, let him play, this is not a mess Said."

"Really? Are you sure? But hasn't he lived long?" The coach was dubious.

The coach believed in Lin Xiu and knew that this child was not a liar.

However, it was resolved so quickly that it still makes people wonder if this is true.

"Yes, he really has no problem, let him play." Lin Xiu said.

"That's fine, but if something goes wrong, I will continue to make adjustments." The coach said.

"Yes." Lin Xiu left happily.

Lin Xiu went to tell Shaobo the result, and Shaobo was very happy about it.

In the next day's match, Shaobo was ready, and partnered with Lin Xiu again, and the two of them killed all directions, as if they were back to the beginning.

And this time Shaobo's state is better than ever, which surprised everyone.

Seeing him like this, Lin Xiu felt happy for him, and felt that he didn't have to worry about anything else.

As a result, the rng team defeated omg.

After the game, Shaobo was interviewed. Undoubtedly, his return was the biggest highlight. Naturally, he was the one to interview. No one is more suitable than him. It can only be said that his performance in the game is also the most outstanding.

"Shaobo, congratulations to your team for winning today." The interviewer asked. .
"Thank you for your compliment." Shao Bo said.

"You disappeared from the field for a while, what did you do?"

"Well, I actually went to a secret special training."

Shaobo didn't tell the truth, knowing that it's best not to tell at this time.

"Secret special training? No wonder the game is in such a good state, but what we want to ask is what kind of secret special training are you doing?"

"Well, I can't tell you, otherwise it wouldn't be a secret."

"Okay, but how do you feel about winning the game?"

"It's good, I feel like I'm back, I belong here, there's no doubt about it, I can only say that some people question me, but I use my own efforts to get back to where I belong, but I won't be inflated like this, I know I still need to continue to be stable and continue to perform well, this is something for the team, I think no one knows this urgency better than me."

"Well, do you have anything you want to say to your fans?"

"Well, actually, I don't know if I have fans, but I want to say that I am very grateful for your support. Your support is my motivation. I will continue. It's that simple. I will work hard to play well. Yes, I know it’s not easy for you, I can only say that I don’t want to disappear on the field, there is a reason for leaving, and it’s the same when I come back.”

"So what do you say to your teammates?"

"There are many, I can only say that I am very grateful to these people from the first day I joined the team, I can only say that they know my ability, know my personality, are willing to sacrifice for me, and do a lot of things for me. It is indescribable in words, needless to say, I will always remember your kindness, continue to work hard, winning glory for the team is what I do for you."

"Interview results, go back."

"Okay, I slipped away."

Shaobo happily returned to the base with his teammates and returned to the state he wanted again.

The manager of the tes team who had failed to poach him before was very angry when he saw him return to the game. He felt that this person did not respect him at all. To deal with Shaobo, understand that such a little devil is fully capable of destroying himself, and it is not difficult to achieve his goal.

Even if Shao Bo is unwilling to join his team, he can directly destroy Shao Bo's career.

The Tes team manager arranged for a peerless beauty to go to rng's team base.

When everyone saw such a beautiful woman come to the base, their eyes almost fell out.

"Beauty, who are you looking for?" Uzi asked.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your body shape." The beauty directly refused.

Uzi reluctantly left, the next one.

"Excuse me, is the beauty free? Do you want to go for a drive with me?" Xiao Ming asked.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you either." Rejected again.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to leave, the next one.

Xiaohu knew that such a routine was useless, so he went straight to the point and handed the beauty to Bidong, but the beauty didn't even look at him.

Helpless to leave, the next one.

When the beauty saw Shaobo, she immediately fell in love with him.

The others couldn't believe it, they didn't expect that Shaobo would get such a goddess girlfriend, they didn't expect it.

"Hello, I'm your new manager, nice to meet you." The beauty stretched out her hand. .
"What? Agent? Really? Do I really have something like this? Is it real? Do you have any?" Shao Bo asked the other team members with a blushing face.

The other team members felt that it was too sour. With such a beautiful woman posting up, they just ignored his words.

The beauty approached him directly, and she saw what she shouldn't have seen.

Shaobo was even more shy, not daring to look directly at this beauty.

"Beauty, what's the matter?" Shaobo asked.

"I'm here to see you. Didn't I just talk? I'm your manager. I have something to tell you. Do you mind talking to me alone?" the beauty said.

"Okay, I'll come right now."

Although Shaobo was shy, he felt that the manager still had to be dignified in front of her, so he forcibly pulled himself together and left with her.

Then, the beauty told him about work matters, and said that she would come to him directly for any arrangements in the future, and Shao Bo said there was no problem.

Afterwards, Shaobo returned to the base, but the beauty sat next to him.

"I'm sorry, beauty, what I want to say is that you shouldn't have your own job? You've been here all the time, I'm very restless." Shaobo said shyly.

"What's the matter, I'm a manager, we're meeting for the first time, I want to know more about you, okay?" The beauty approached him.

The beauty got closer this time, which was directly a very lethal performance.

Seeing this, Shaobo didn't dare to look at her, and didn't know what to do.

"No problem, you can do whatever you want." Shaobo had no choice but to naturally not refuse such a beauty, and his heart was always jumping.

It didn't feel like an agent came, but more like a blind date.

But such a beautiful blind date partner is usually not encountered. It can only be said that Shaobo feels that everything happened too suddenly. Maybe he can grasp himself and behave well, maybe he can change the relationship from a manager to a girlfriend.

Shaobo started to think wildly and smiled.

"What's the matter? What did you think of, why are you so happy?" the beauty asked.

"It's nothing, why don't we play games together, beauty, there are a lot of computers here, it doesn't matter." Shaobo said.

"Sorry, I don't know how to play games. I just know something about your profession, and you are also working as an agent. I don't know about other things."

"So that's it, that's good, then you can do what you want, and I'll play games."

When playing games, the beauty interacted with him from time to time, and even asked Shaobo to teach him how to play, which can be said to be very intimate. ,

Although Shaobo doesn't go directly to see this beauty, but this beauty is still too lethal, and you can still see a very sexy look from time to time. polite.

As a result, Shaobo couldn't stand the excitement, and he was not in the mood to play ranked at all, and played very badly.

Shaobo didn't know what was wrong with him, he could only say that he was very excited all the time. It can be said that he had never had a girlfriend before this, not to mention that such a beautiful woman was in front of him, and he felt that everything was not real. I also hope that this kind of life can continue. This is the happiest day in his life so far. There is nothing to question. This feeling is so wonderful.

The beauty played games with Shaobo until the evening, and she didn't plan to go back at this time. .
"Shaobo, let's go have dinner together." The beauty said.

"Here, I want to eat with everyone." Shaobo said.

"You mean you don't want to eat with me? Is that what you mean? So you despise me so much."

"No, how come, well, then go with you."

Shaobo felt that he had to maintain a good relationship with his agent, so that his schedule would be easier in the future.

After going there, the beauty sat with him directly.

"Well, I think it would be better for you to sit opposite." Shao Bo said.

"What's the matter? Let's sit closer so we can communicate with each other," said the beauty.

"Yes, you are right."

Shaobo felt that he had nothing to do with this beauty. He could only say that this beauty really knew how to get closer to people, and it was not easy to refuse such a beautiful person, so he could only develop like this.

He just felt that sitting so close and becoming more shy, would be different from the previous expression, would appear unnatural, and he would have no way to control himself.

The most important thing is that Shaobo has no experience in love. This kind of scene feels no different from being in love. It can only be said that he also wants to look hard. Maybe this beauty is so active because it is interesting to him, so he must not have noticed it.

But if this is the case, how to get along with this beautiful woman, he has no idea how to get along with this beauty.

When Shaobo didn't know what to do, the beauty suddenly took food in her hand and fed him.

Shaobo blushed all of a sudden, he didn't expect that he would have such a day, although he was very sure about his appearance, but he didn't expect that the beauty would be so proactive, this was something he didn't expect, this kind of experience was never , It can be said that this is the shyest time he has been so far, not one of them, he just feels that he is in heaven.

Regardless of whether this woman is interesting to him or not, anyway, Shaobo has been completely fascinated by this beauty, and feels that there is nothing in the world that is as good as this beauty in front of him, and treats him so well, which is something that cannot be obtained anywhere s things.

"It's not good." Shaobo blushed.

"What's the matter? My friends and I are like this." The beauty said.

Shaobo had no choice but to eat what she fed.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

After that, the beauty continued to feed Shaobo, and the two became very close.

However, Shaobo didn't have this experience, and still faced such a beautiful woman, he felt too amazing. He was overly excited all of a sudden, and felt that he needed to relax. This kind of thing happened too violently all of a sudden, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet." Shaobo said.

"Okay, go slowly." The beauty was polite.

Immediately after he left, the beauty sent a message to the tes manager, saying that everything was under control.

This beauty didn't expect this job to be so easy. It can be said that Shaobo's performance looks like a little devil who has never been in a relationship. Such a person is best to be deceived. Now that everything is under control, what will happen next? Development is all a matter of thought. I think this little devil is too easy to deal with, and the task must be completed, it will be very easy.

What's next?
(End of this chapter)

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