Chapter 237

"Don't say that, although I don't understand the game, but I see that you are playing against opponents at the crushing level. I believe you are one of the strongest in the world now. I'm not kidding, I mean it , so don’t underestimate yourself, I know you can do it, I think it’s only a matter of time before you become a superstar.” The beauty agent said. .
"It's not as exaggerated as you said. Let's go back together. It's not very good to continue talking here." Shaobo said.

"Well, that's it, let's go."

On Lin Xiu's side, she thought that she was not important to Shaobo, and felt sad about it. She didn't expect that she would not even be given a chance to apologize. He quarreled with Shaobo, because he thought that the beautiful woman was here to disrupt Shaobo's career at the beginning, but in the end, he saw the beautiful woman giving him motivation.

He didn't want to be like this, but he just didn't want to lose such a good friend as Shaobo. He understood that Shaobo himself was not bad, and the conflicts between brothers would naturally be resolved. It would be fine if an apology could be resolved now, but for now Being like this, I haven't had a chance to apologize, but the more I think about it, the sadder I don't know what to do.

Back at the base, Lin Xiu had no choice but to use the game to relieve her worries, and played many rounds of the game. Of course, Shaobo was not here at this time, and Shaobo left with the beauty.

Lin Xiu understands that it is normal for a brother to be inferior to a woman, and he would do the same, but he didn't think of it at the beginning, but now he finally thinks about it, and understands how important that beautiful woman is to Shaobo, and he really can't come up It's really impolite to doubt someone else's identity. The other person is just beautiful, so it doesn't mean it's a mistake.

At this time, Shaobo and the beauty had a good atmosphere, and went to eat together, but this time Shaobo was not satisfied with just eating together, and there were many things he wanted to do with her, not to mention that after winning the game, he wanted some encouragement from his own heart. I don't know if the beauty will take the initiative. You must know that he is still very passive in front of the beauty and dare not make such a request. After all, it is the first time such an experience.

Before this, Shaobo had never been in love at all, and had no such experience. He just felt that this might be the peak moment of his life, and he couldn't ruin such a good opportunity. During this period, he realized the power of love.

"Is there anything you want to do?" the beauty offered.

"Well, let me think about it." Shaobo blushed with embarrassment.

Shaobo didn't have the other party to really take the initiative to invite him, so what would he do?In fact, Shaobo wants to do too many things with her, but he feels that it is not good to say it directly. After all, Shaobo himself is fascinated by the other party. This does not mean that the beauty must also be interested in him, or it may be because The reason mentioned before is lack of love, that's why he treated him like this.

"Tell me, anything is fine," said the beauty.

The beauty is doing her best to satisfy the other party, and she also wants to completely want the other party to fall. She understands that her task has not been completed yet. The task is actually to destroy Shao Bo's career. Let alone destroying it now, it can be said that it is a career for Shao Bo to play. The most exciting battle of my career, how can this be possible?It will only make your purpose drift away, it is just a waste of time.

The beauty manager doesn't want to waste any more time, and wants to leave a deeper impression on Shaobo's heart. This impression is enough to make him be influenced by himself, resulting in him being unable to play the game. The current level is still not good, and he still needs to continue to develop It is possible, something must be done, this is all to make this thing come true, and it is not possible now. .
Originally, it was to satisfy the other party, so let the other party do whatever they wanted, and in this way, the goal was achieved.

"Why don't we go to the movies?" Seeing that he didn't reply, the beauty had no choice but to take the initiative.

You should know that watching a movie is not the most important thing, the most important thing is what to do while watching a movie, this is the most important thing, there are many things you can do, as long as you can achieve your own goals.

"Okay, I think so too." Shaobo was satisfied with the proposal.

What Shaobo thought of was watching a movie, but he felt that his current relationship with her did not know whether this request would be rejected. Now that the other party offered to watch a movie, it was undoubtedly the best arrangement. He could only thank God for giving him such a favor. Opportunity, that's what he wanted, this kind of experience is also the first time, nothing is more important than the first time, and it is easy to propose in the future.

In this way, the two of them went to the movies, and the movies Shaobo liked to watch were chosen, and Shaobo also thought that beautiful women should choose them, but the beautiful women said that he could watch whatever he liked, so it was impossible to refuse, and the result was like this, but He felt that as long as it was arranged by the other party, there would be no problem at all, and anything could be accepted.

Shaobo is happy, this is a date, what should be used to describe it if it is not a date?Of course, no woman invited him to do such a thing before, but he felt that such a thing was indeed not something that a friend of the opposite sex would do, and he would not feel that the other party just regarded himself as a girlfriend, which did not exist. This can only be explained by love.

He feels that he can perform well this time. He doesn't know how the other party will behave when watching a movie, but he is also looking forward to it. The movie he chose is a funny movie, and he thinks it is the best. He also thinks that there should be no scary scenes, so as to scare the other party. , It may cast a shadow on the movie theater, and I don’t know if the other party is a timid person, so it is conservative to choose funny movies.

As a result, a scary scene appeared in this funny film for no reason, which frightened the beauty.

The beauty was frightened and lay in his arms.

Shaobo didn't expect such a good thing to come here to watch a movie. It really wasn't wrong. He originally thought that such a horrible scene would not appear in this movie, but it still did. The result can only be regarded as good.

"It's terrible." said the beauty.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't worry, the scene has passed, so it should be safe." Shaobo said.

Shaobo likes this feeling very much, as if he is protecting her. Don’t feel too comfortable with this kind of feeling. He just thinks that if there are more pictures like this, he may be happy in heaven. I’m not kidding, I just want this kind of feeling The feeling lasts.

He feels that if he continues like this, he can really win the other party, and the other party can't hate him. If he hates himself, doing this kind of thing will be very disgusting. However, the beauty is more and more active, and he feels that this is true love. .

The beautiful woman can't bear it, if it's not a mission, she would never do this kind of thing with such a man, and she has to forcefully change her personality, all in order to please the other party, I think this is really difficult, Of course she is paid to do things, but she can't do everything. .
"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." The beauty manager said.

"Okay, you go." Shaobo said.

Shaobo thought she was shy, after all, she was really close to him just now.

After the beauty went to the toilet, she called and chatted with the manager.

"Wow, I can't stand it anymore." said the beauty.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Aren't you easy to handle?" said the manager.

"Stop talking, if you don't give too much money, I wouldn't do such a thing."

"Okay, don't complain anymore, you have to know that what you do is not ordinary, you can ruin a person's life, I just fancy your talent, I know you can do it, so Don't give up halfway."

"No, you said that I did so much, but he won the game. What do you think is this? Shouldn't he be fascinated by me, and then the game is not in a good state? It should be such an arrangement. Yeah, I think it's weird."

"Okay, I see, this kind of thing is very normal, I understand that it is not easy for you, but you only know him for a few days, how can you achieve your goal so quickly, this shows that you You haven’t done enough, you know? Only you can do this, so you should keep working hard, it’s not ineffective now, is it?”

"That's right, we went to the movies together just now, but I gave it for nothing. I've worked hard this time, but I'm not sure if I can make his game worse."

"I think, you should think more before doing things, so the effect will be better, that's it, I believe you can do it, in short, just think more, think about how to get him kicked out by the team .”

"But do you really hate him that much?"

"Of course, if he doesn't come to my team, I want to let this brat know how powerful he is. In short, you should go back quickly, don't be suspected."

"I see."

At this time, Lin Xiu was worried and asked someone to investigate the beauty's identity.

As a result, there was no harvest, and the origin of this woman was unknown.

In this case, Lin Xiu felt that it was really possible that she had misunderstood her. It is true that she should not be prejudiced just because the other party is beautiful. This is also a sign of disrespect for Shaobo. Bo's looks are not bad either, Lin Xiu knows this very well.

Lin Xiu felt that it was really necessary to apologize to Shaobo. It was a good thing to see his good brother get better anyway, and he should bless him instead of thinking about something that would disturb their relationship.

He also has a girlfriend, and he knows how crazy it is for a person to have someone he likes. If these two people are true love, they really shouldn't destroy their relationship.

Lin Xiu just felt that her worries were superfluous. Shaobo was not a child, he knew what he was going to do, and it wasn't because he had a high vision of beauties. He also met many beauties with a low vision. possible things.

Lin Xiu sent a message to Shaobo, asking where Shaobo was. .
Shaobo glanced at it, put down his phone, and felt that he should concentrate on the date now and not think about other things, that would be superfluous, he can only say that he really only has that beauty in his heart now, and there is no room for other people.

The beauty came back from the toilet and found that the movie was also over.

"I'm sorry, I didn't watch the movie well. This is the movie you want to watch. I should watch it with you." The beauty said.

"What's the matter, haven't you been with me all the time? Don't think too much, you have done a good job, you just went to the toilet, it's okay, I'm already very satisfied." Shaobo explain.

"Then let's go back."

"makes sense."

Shaobo and Lin Xiu were about to go back, at this time Lin Xiu sent a video chat.

He felt helpless about this. He didn't know why Lin Xiu did this. He had clearly shown his attitude, so there was no doubt about it. He didn't look for a sense of presence like this. Respect him, already know that he is with a beautiful woman, then the thing to do should be not to disturb, not other things.

"What's the matter? Do you have anything to do? If there is, I can avoid it for a while." The beauty said.

"It's nothing, I'll solve this problem right away, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it," Shaobo said.

Shaobo was in a bad mood all of a sudden, and immediately typed to tell Lin Xiu not to disturb him.

Lin Xiu was very helpless, she just cared about the other party, but she was treated like this, and felt that the misunderstanding was getting bigger and bigger. In this case, she could only wait for Shaobo to return to the base, and then speak clearly. Otherwise, it would be impossible , It will undoubtedly be very troublesome not to listen to what he said now, but I just think this is what a friend should do.

Shaobo just felt that no one should bother him at this time.The atmosphere is so good, no matter who comes to spoil their good deeds, they will not respond with a good attitude, they just feel that they should not be disturbed.

"It's okay, let's go." Shaobo said.

"Okay, let's go," said the beauty.

"Where is your home? Do you want me to send you?"

"No need, I'll just go back by myself, but you, you have to be careful when you go back, you know? I'm different from you, you're a big star, do you know? Now you're already famous, don't you know us Will we be photographed together? It’s possible, isn’t it? But you shouldn’t regret doing these things with me, right?”

"Of course, I don't have any opinions on this kind of thing. Don't worry, if they dare to shoot, let them do it. I won't harm you. Don't worry, I will protect you. Of course, I’m not really a big star, I’m just a rookie in the league, it’s really not worth mentioning, I’m not joking with you.”

Shaobo understands that he is still a long way from being a big star. Of course, everyone wants to be at the top, but he understands that he has only played a few games. It is too early to say this, and what he needs to do now is to stabilize What is my position in the team? Thinking of this, I feel that there is such a beautiful woman by my side while playing games, why not do it.

(End of this chapter)

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