As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 239 This Is Called Zhang Chat

Chapter 239

In fact, Lin Xiu also appeared during the chat. .
Lin Xiu wanted to see if Shaobo had slept, but he hadn't, and seeing him smiling happily, she thought of chatting with beautiful women, and knew how she felt, knowing that she was also like this when chatting with her girlfriend, Such things are not surprising at all, and there is indeed no need to destroy other people's good deeds, just let him continue such things.

The next day, the players went to the stadium to participate in the competition.

Shaobo didn't sleep, he felt very sleepy, and wanted to sleep at this time, but seeing that the team members were getting ready, he had no choice but to persevere, get dressed and wash, this process was not easy, it can only be said that his head was very It's dizzy, of course the process of chatting with beautiful women is very good, but people are human after all, and their mental power has a limit, so it's really not easy to do this.

In desperation, Shaobo had no choice but to participate in the competition with the team.

"Is it really possible? He looks like this? Didn't you all urge him?" The coach saw that Shaobo was not in the right state.

"It's okay, I can do it, coach, don't worry, coach, I want to play the game." Shaobo insisted.

Shaobo knows that the game still needs to be played well. The beauty will chat with him all night. He is probably sleeping at this time, but it is impossible without actual combat. When you watch your own game, you should show off your level. Before that, you need to practice with your opponent.

In this way, Shaobo participated in the competition, but his condition was very bad.

Shaobo played abnormally and made many mistakes. Those are low-level mistakes that professional players should not make. Even the commentator can't stand it.

When the coach saw this scene in the lounge, he was also angrily pounding the table.

Lin Xiu found him like this, and understood that something was wrong with him, probably because he didn't sleep last night, knowing that Shaobo's current state is not at this level, it shouldn't be at the level that makes others worry, and now it is like this Definitely no way to win the game.

The game was lost and the players returned to the waiting room.

"What the hell are you doing? Sleepwalking? If you're not ready, don't play. Didn't I tell you before the game? If you can't, then don't play. You're here to force me. What's the result? You just lost so badly." , Do you think this is good? This is not good at all, don't underestimate a game, every game is very important, and our record is not optimistic."

The coach got angry and knew that this was the reason for Shaobo.

"I'm sorry, coach." Shaobo had no choice but to accept the criticism, and he couldn't refute it with a word.

"Coach, there's nothing wrong with his level, it's just that he's in a bad state. He didn't sleep well last night. I know he will be able to adjust. It's not a problem. He's not an ordinary player, but a top player in this league. Player, I believe he can do it, how about it? You just need to trust him, it’s not difficult.” Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xiu wants to speak for Shaobo. In fact, it doesn't matter who is in the game. The result of the game is the most important thing. But now that Shaobo has a problem, it is indeed normal to be scolded.

Shaobo is a capable player, Lin Xiu knows this best, probably better than anyone else in the team.

"Don't give me a problem in the next game. Let me tell you, is your record this season impressive? It's not impressive. I don't want to see you fail to make the playoffs. If this is the result, then I I will also make my own decision, don’t blame me for being ruthless, it’s that simple, I’m for the sake of the team, I don’t care who you are,” said the coach. .
"I know, I will work hard." Shaobo said.

Shaobo is aware of the seriousness of the problem, but he still has no energy.

As a result, when the next game started, Shaobo was still very confused, he had to close his eyes, and shook his head a few times, all to cheer himself up.

Originally, if there were beauties to cheer, no matter how sleepy I was, it would be fine, but now there are no beauties, no motivation, and I still feel very sleepy, so my state is naturally very poor.

The result is still the same, another game, the result of the game is still the same.

The other party felt very happy. They were originally the unpopular party, but they were the ones who had the last laugh.

To be defeated again and lose the game is very frustrating for the players.

Lin Xiu understood that no one would think about losing the game, and Shaobo also had a problem, but he did not question his desire to win.

The coach asked Shaobo the reason, and there was nothing he could do to get angry. He understood that this was no longer the solution to the problem. He could only say that the players had such problems, and they were the only ones who could solve them. The team, in that case, everyone would have been kicked out of the team long ago, but it is definitely not good to continue in this state.

"What's the matter with you? Just say it, I don't want to lose the game inexplicably, there must be a reason, tell me, I'm not angry anymore, it's useless to be angry with you, you have to know You are not playing for yourself, but for this team, tell me, what can you say, what problems do you encounter. " said the coach.

"I'm sorry, coach. In fact, I played with my mobile phone all night yesterday. It's the truth. I really shouldn't do it. I won't do it next time. I'm serious." Shaobo said.

Shaobo didn't lie, he was indeed playing with his mobile phone all night, but he just used his mobile phone to make calls with beautiful women all night long.

"Don't stay up all night, especially on the eve of the game, you know? You don't want to think about yourself, but also about other teammates. Do you want to see these players lose the game with you?"

"I don't want to, I'm very sorry, I know I was wrong."

After Shaobo returned to the base, he went to sleep immediately. Anyway, he has reached his limit now, and he is no longer able to do it during the game, not to mention that he is already too sleepy in this situation, so he must have a good sleep.

When he got up, it was already morning, and he missed the training time again.

However, before that, the beauty came to the base one step earlier.

Lin Xiu had something to say to the beauty, and felt that it was necessary to clarify some things with this person in person, to understand that even if the beauty's intentions were not bad, she still needed to know that the game would not be affected.

"Can you talk to me?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Okay, just come on." The beauty said.

"Let me ask first, are you a real agent? I have always cared about this."

"Well, of course it's true, otherwise why would I come here."

The beautiful manager manages her expressions well. Of course, she is not a real manager, but someone who was sent here to do a task. However, her task has not been completed yet, so she doesn't want to mess things up here. Naturally, To keep things a secret. .
"Well, let's not mention this question for now, but did you call Shaobo yesterday?" Lin Xiu said.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" said the beauty.

"It's because he's not in good form today. Do you understand what I mean? He lost the game and was in poor form in both games. You know, this is a five-player game. Indeed, one person can destroy a team. "

"I'm very sorry. It turned out to be like this. I really didn't do what an agent should do. I won't do it next time. I will think more about him. Don't worry, there won't be a second time for this kind of thing. Will do his job well."

"That's good. I think you are sincere, so I believe you. But are you really in love with Shaobo now?"

"This, be it."

"Is it?"

"Oh, I haven't fully figured out even this kind of thing. Don't look at me like this. I have very little love experience."

"So it turns out that Shaobo probably has very little love experience, but when I saw you for the first time, you already had a very good relationship with him, so for a while I doubted your relationship and felt that you were developing too fast. "

"That's right, but don't worry, we are very sincere and have not deceived."

"That's good, then I can only ask you to take good care of him in the future. He is still young and doesn't understand many things. You should be older than him. If you have anything to teach him, to be honest, now you He is too important, nothing I say has much effect, only you can talk about him, understand? Besides, it’s not me who said it, so you’d better not affect his game.”

"I know, I will do this, I will not affect his game, I know that my relationship with him is not good, I will talk about him, don't worry, he is listening now my words."

"That's it, I won't say more, I don't want to interfere in your love affair, but it's good if you are sincere, and it's best not to let me find out that you actually have other intentions, then I won't let you go, Because he is my good brother, even if our relationship is not so good now, it is because he is in love, understand what I mean?"


The beauty felt his pressure and understood that this man was different from Shaobo.

This man is domineering, but he is very rational, knowing when to be tough and when to be soft.

After Shaobo woke up, he found two people chatting.

"What are you talking about?" Shaobo asked.

"It's nothing, you woke up, I came to see you, I sent you a message and you didn't reply, it seems that the effect of staying up all night is not small for you, but in fact I should apologize, I did not do it right , I shouldn’t let you stay up all night and go to the game the next day if you don’t have the condition, the game is very important to you, right, I know, that’s it, I’m very sorry.” said the beauty.

"What's the matter? Don't think so, I voluntarily, don't want to know this way? Just do your job well, don't worry about other things, I know you didn't mean to harm me Yes, I believe in you." Shaobo said.

The beautiful manager manages her expressions well. Of course, she is not a real manager, but someone who was sent here to do a task. However, her task has not been completed yet, so she doesn't want to mess things up here. Naturally, To keep things a secret. .
"Well, let's not mention this question for now, but did you call Shaobo yesterday?" Lin Xiu said.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" said the beauty.

"It's because he's not in good form today. Do you understand what I mean? He lost the game and was in poor form in both games. You know, this is a five-player game. Indeed, one person can destroy a team. "

"I'm very sorry. It turned out to be like this. I really didn't do what an agent should do. I won't do it next time. I will think more about him. Don't worry, there won't be a second time for this kind of thing. Will do his job well."

"That's good. I think you are sincere, so I believe you. But are you really in love with Shaobo now?"

"This, be it."

"Is it?"

"Oh, I haven't fully figured out even this kind of thing. Don't look at me like this. I have very little love experience."

"So it turns out that Shaobo probably has very little love experience, but when I saw you for the first time, you already had a very good relationship with him, so for a while I doubted your relationship and felt that you were developing too fast. "

"That's right, but don't worry, we are very sincere and have not deceived."

"That's good, then I can only ask you to take good care of him in the future. He is still young and doesn't understand many things. You should be older than him. If you have anything to teach him, to be honest, now you He is too important, nothing I say has much effect, only you can talk about him, understand? Besides, it’s not me who said it, so you’d better not affect his game.”

"I know, I will do this, I will not affect his game, I know that my relationship with him is not good, I will talk about him, don't worry, he is listening now my words."

"That's it, I won't say more, I don't want to interfere in your love affair, but it's good if you are sincere, and it's best not to let me find out that you actually have other intentions, then I won't let you go, Because he is my good brother, even if our relationship is not so good now, it is because he is in love, understand what I mean?"


The beauty felt his pressure and understood that this man was different from Shaobo.

This man is domineering, but he is very rational, knowing when to be tough and when to be soft.

After Shaobo woke up, he found two people chatting.

"What are you talking about?" Shaobo asked.

"It's nothing, you woke up, I came to see you, I sent you a message and you didn't reply, it seems that the effect of staying up all night is not small for you, but in fact I should apologize, I did not do it right , I shouldn’t let you stay up all night and go to the game the next day if you don’t have the condition, the game is very important to you, right, I know, that’s it, I’m very sorry.” said the beauty.

"What's the matter? Don't think so, I voluntarily, don't want to know this way? Just do your job well, don't worry about other things, I know you didn't mean to harm me Yes, I believe in you." Shaobo said.

(End of this chapter)

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