As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 249 Who proposed the competition?

Chapter 249 Who proposed the competition?

Lin Xiu didn't want to accept it at first, but he had to give the coach face, and he couldn't refuse the coach's request in front of many students. .
So, Lin Xiu nodded and said, "I'm not as good as he said. It would be an honor for me to be able to compare with the coach."

The coach smiled, "I have observed you before, and it is indeed similar to what he said, very good."

The coach is always smiling, and he will never notice his emotional changes. Everyone's impression of him is a coach with a smile on his face.

"He is so courageous that he accepted the coach's request. Isn't that a slap in the face?"

"I knew he would lose even before the competition?"

"It's not obvious. The coach is so good, how could he lose? And look at him, a person like this is [-]% impossible to win, and it is impossible to become our captain."

Some people talked about Lin Xiu's appearance, because he was not very good-looking, but he was quite courageous and dared to challenge the coach.

They overlooked one thing. It was not Lin Xiu who said they wanted to compete, but the coach.

Yuanyuan didn't allow anyone to slander his idols. He looked at them with his arms akimbo and said, "I see, are you deaf? It was the coach who told me to talk about the match just now. Did you selectively lose your memory?"

After Yuanyuan said it, the man was embarrassed for a while, and then everyone saw Lin Xiu and the coach.

Because they are about to start the match, it is already obvious who will lose and who will win this round.

During the game, Lin Xiu was always being suppressed by the coach and had no chance to resist at all. Not long after the start, Lin Xiu had already lost.

This was the first time that he was so nervous and knew his own shortcomings. He was still too confident before. Although he knew that he would not win the coach, he did not expect that he would lose so badly.

It's only been a short time, so I lost today, and Lin Xiu feels ashamed.

Immediately afterwards, that person was very happy to see Lin Xiu lose, as if he had won the game, "I just said, he can't win, and you still don't believe me, and you even talked about me."

It made people laugh so happily, with so many people, everyone just applauded. They didn't smile so obviously like him, but it was like he was afraid that others would not know that he was smiling.

"Don't be dejected, you're not that bad, but you're not very good at hiding your own strength, which is a fatal injury, showing him is completely telling others about your weakness."

Through this competition, the coach found that Lin Xiu has great potential, he is a good player, and he admired him very much.

Seeing that the coach treated him so well, the man immediately lost his mood, and what the coach said in the next second made him feel even more dissatisfied.

Because the coach told everyone that Lin Xiu would be their captain in the future, the players refused to accept this.

"Why? He didn't even win, why did he fight our captain, and I don't think he is very good."

"Just be envious and jealous! If Lin Xiu wasn't so powerful, would the coach let him be our captain?"

Yuanyuan ransacked that person.

"Go away, and I didn't talk to you, why interrupt?" The man just refused to accept it, and asked to compete with Lin Xiu. He never thought that Lin Xiu was so powerful.

Lin Xiu agreed, and Yuanyuan cheered him on.

"Hmph, I can't tell, so you like being a follower so much."
Lili is jealous that Lin Xiu has such a good relationship with him, and it seems out of place to drink water by himself.

For this reason, he hated Lin Xiu even more, because he always thought that Lin Xiu was a very ordinary person, and he couldn't see any advantages in her, and he couldn't understand why the coach chose him as the captain.

"You're right, I just like to be a follower dog, if you don't like it, don't look at it, did I make your dog look down on people?"

In the face of someone he doesn't like, Yuanyuan's temper is not easy to provoke, he doesn't care what the other person is, as long as he violates his bottom line by talking about Lin Xiu, he will shut you up in minutes.

"Who do you call a dog?"

"Whoever speaks, I will call anyone a dog."


"Call Wangwang to listen."

Lili is no match for Yuanyuan at all, and is completely weaker than Yuanyuan in terms of eloquence.

He couldn't say no to him, so he looked at Lin Xiu, because he wanted to compete against him, not the person he couldn't say no to.

"If I were you, I wouldn't take the initiative to give up the captain's position, so as not to wait a while for the game, and the loss would be too embarrassing, and I would always feel ashamed for you."

Taunting Lin Xiu vigorously, hurting others, he will not lose.

Lin Xiu didn't care at all, she just ignored him, and didn't pay attention to what he had to say.

When Lin Xiu's behavior made him feel that it was disrespectful to him, he then said: "People who can't do anything are still treating me like nothing, trying to deal with me."

"I'm not as boring as you say."

"Hey, you're finally willing to talk to me. It's the first time you've talked to me."

Lin Xiu doesn't hate when he speaks, and it's wrong when he doesn't speak. Anyway, any of his actions are wrong in front of Lili.

"The game is the most important thing, we don't need to discuss this, it's completely boring."

"You're telling me that you're bored talking to me, and you're still saying that you're bored about competing with me?"

Lin Xiu had nothing to say, because he knew that no matter what he said next, he would make the other party feel unhappy, so he shut up properly to avoid arguing later.

It was a very ordinary match, and he didn't want to make it too embarrassing, so that everyone could not get off the stage, and it was not good for him.

"Let's compete, I'll let you see how strong I am." Lili was so confident in himself that when Lin Xiu was competing with the coach, he felt that Lin Xiu's skills were not good enough, not half as good as his.

The match officially started, and just after the match, Lili felt that the situation was different from what he had developed. He was being pressed all the time, and he had no chance to fight back. If he was in a hurry, it would become even more chaotic.

He couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, so he would be ashamed. The competition had just started, and he kept changing into Lin Xiu, and he was so hungry.

"Damn it, Mad."

During the game, within 30 seconds, he had uttered countless dirty words, and he couldn't control it.

Lili directly bowed down, and in the end, he knew that he was powerless to fight back, struggling was useless, and he lost without holding on for a minute, a complete loss, and a particularly miserable loss.

Lin Xiu won the game, and the happiest person was Yuan Yuan, who stepped forward and gave Lili a haha, and then congratulated Lin Xiu.

"I lost the game.".
Even if Lili refuses to accept, he has to bow his head at this time, because he really lost.

Everyone applauded Lin Xiu. In this match, they also found that Lin Xiu was actually pretty good. The reason why he lost to the coach was because the opponent was superior to him.

"You still have to be humble, don't be too blindly confident, and treat yourself badly. To others, you are just an irrelevant person."

The coach said this not only for listening, but also for everyone present. He doesn't like everyone, compares with others, doesn't like them, and is blindly confident.

Such a person will not listen to you well at all, and will not train well to become a truly capable person, because in their minds, they are already the strongest one.

Everyone replied in unison: "Understood."

The coach nodded in satisfaction, and then asked them again, if anyone still dissatisfied with Lin Xiu, he can come out and compete with him, if he wins, he will be the captain.

"I agree, he is our captain."

Yuanyuan was the first person who came out to support Lin Xiu, smiling more happily and excitedly than anyone else.

The coach deliberately waited for a while to see who else was dissatisfied. What he needed was absolute approval, not because he made Lin Xiu the captain. Everyone chose to remain silent. If they were dissatisfied and refused to speak out, in the long run, it would accumulate. resentment.

The coach wants everyone to become a loving family, not privately, no one is convinced by anyone.

After a few minutes, seeing that no one stood up, the coach asked everyone to welcome their captain together.

On Lin Xiu's first day as captain, he did a lot of things. The coach asked him to communicate more with the players and know their strengths and weaknesses.

That is to say, he plays a statistical role, and then tells the coach the information he has collected, so that the other party can make a plan for everyone to train.

Time passed very quickly, in the blink of an eye, the training was over, the coach left first, and the others should leave the training base one after another and go back to the dormitory.

Lili didn't leave, he was waiting for the opportunity, and then apologized to Lin Xiu, "Before I went too far, I shouldn't say that about you."

Lin Xiu forgave him and told him to pay too much attention to this matter so that he would not feel anything.

After being forgiven, Lili was quite happy. He thought Lin Xiu would tell him something, but he didn't expect that the other party forgave him so quickly.

"Then we will be friends from now on."


Lin Xiu didn't like him, nor did he hate him. One more friend is better than one more enemy.

What's more, the other party also knew his mistake, and instead of continuing to entangle with him, he apologized to him, and was quite sincere.

"It's such a happy thing to make a friend, then let's go drink."

Lili wanted to invite Lin Xiu to drink, but once he was happy, he forgot what the coach had said.

"If you drink, forget it, we can't go out."

When they were brought, they could still go outside, but now, playing with group owners has been banned.

"Don't worry about this. People come up with the solution. If they have this trick, then I have other tricks."

Lili smiled and told Lin Xiu that he had a way to go out by himself, and also said that he would not be discovered by others, but Lin Xiu still disagreed.

"Don't be like this, I really haven't had a drink for a long time, just this time, okay?".
After Lili saw this situation, he had no choice but to resort to grievance tactics at this time.

A very pitiful look, Lin Xiu saw the other party's pitiful look, and for a moment didn't know what to say, she never thought that he would behave like this now, could it be Do you really want to go drinking with him?It always feels like something is not right.

"Okay, okay, since you've said that, then I can't help it, but just this time, next time I won't go with you."

There is really no other way, Lin Xiu can only say at this time that she can agree to this matter, but only this time, she will not agree to such a thing next time, this is the only one once.

"Okay, I see. Let's go quickly. If we don't go, it will be too late."

Lili didn't want to say anything more, the others felt very happy after seeing Lin Xiu agreeing to come down, and pulled Lin Xiu to leave in a hurry from the direction of the back door. Sneaked out secretly, but what I didn't expect was to bump into Yuanyuan at this moment.

After Yuanyuan saw Lin Xiu appearing in this place, she couldn't control so much, and actually pulled Lin Xiu away directly, and pulled Lin Xiu away without waiting for her strength to say anything.

"What are you doing? Lili wants to take me out."

Lin Xiu felt a little surprised when she saw Yuanyuan's actions. She didn't know what he wanted to do. Why did she suddenly pull herself away?Do you have something to say to yourself?But just now, he had just agreed to Lili to go out with him, and Lili seemed to be waiting for him like this.

"What are you doing here?"

Yuanyuan looked at Lin Xiu with a serious face. Lin Xiu and Lili actually secretly wanted to leave this place through the back door. So what are they going to do? It seems a little strange indeed. .

"It's because Lili felt a little scared, so he wanted to go out with me. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. We'll be back in a while, you go in first."

After Lin Xiu heard this, she hurriedly explained. In fact, the reason for this situation now is that Lili felt scared in his heart, so he just hoped that he could go out with him. It's not a big deal There is no need for Yuanyuan to worry about this matter.

"I don't think this matter is so simple. It's probably Lili's conspiracy. Don't think about it too simply."

After Yuanyuan heard this, he waved his hands, thinking that Lin Xiu's thoughts were too naive, and he actually had such thoughts. He felt that people like Lili were indeed not simple characters. If Lin Xiuzhen just left with Lili, it would be very easy for trouble to happen.

Lin Xiu doesn't seem to have the slightest bit of defense against Li Li.

This is really very bad, and we still have to be a little defensive.

(End of this chapter)

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