As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 258 Did an Accident Happen?

Chapter 258 Did an Accident Happen?
This is how the exchange match was lost. .
When Lin Xiu sent Yuan Yuan to the hospital, the doctor in the hospital also checked Yuan Yuan, and then told Lin Xiu what the general situation was like. Afterwards, everyone knew about Yuan Yuan's midnight training.

After those team members learned about this incident, they didn't say anything. They also knew that Yuanyuan did such a thing because he wanted to catch up with everyone's progress. This is not an unforgivable thing.

Lin Xiu found out that Yuanyuan was in a bad mental state because of such a reason. When problems like today's game arose, she would feel a little helpless, and she didn't know what was going on in this guy's mind. In fact, this approach is actually a bit stupid.

It is of course no problem to spend all your thoughts on training, but you also need to have a certain degree of restraint in time. It cannot be said that you spend all your time on training. It is necessary to have a certain period of rest.

Man is not a machine, how can it be possible to achieve endless operation forever?
But when faced with Yuanyuan's weak appearance, Lin Xiu had no way to say accusatory words.

"Forget it, you should take a good rest during this period of time. Your physical condition is very bad, and you must take a good rest. Don't think about training in your mind recently. , You can put aside all these things like training and competition first.”

Lin Xiu came to Yuanyuan's side just to comfort him, telling him not to take training and competitions seriously, because at this time, for Yuanyuan, training and competitions are not the most important things. What matters is his own body.


Yuanyuan knew that he performed very poorly in the competition, especially the opportunity in the second match was the result of his repeated fights with Lin Xiu, but in the end he failed Lin Xiu's expectations.

I also felt very uncomfortable because of this incident. I always felt that if it was not me at the time, then maybe everyone would be able to win this exchange match, especially in the exchange match where everyone was desperately trying to save the situation. He behaved so badly.

Yuanyuan clearly knew that he had dragged down the entire team.

"Okay, don't think about these things so much. Everyone knows you because they don't care about it. It's just because you want to have a tacit understanding with everyone. You should rest first and wait until you are healthy. Come back to train with everyone after you recover.”

Lin Xiu comforted him and told him not to take this matter too seriously.

Although this is indeed a somewhat serious matter, the game has already been lost, and it is completely meaningless to worry about these matters now. Lin Xiu comforted Yuan Yuan before leaving this place, and Yuan Yuan's I felt more and more guilty in my heart.

Originally, the root cause of this game was on himself. Now he really regrets fighting for that chance, and even has some doubts about his own strength, questioning whether he can cooperate well with everyone .

Afterwards, the entire team was trying to figure out how to explain the problem of the exchange match. .
Because they really lost in this exchange match a bit ugly.

They didn't really win any of the three rounds. It can even be said that they lost all three rounds very ugly. If it is an ordinary team, no one will take it seriously if they get this kind of result, but their team No, they are a very strong team.

There are also many fans who have suddenly achieved such a result. They need to explain to the audience and their fans, but they don’t know how to explain this. If the truth of the matter is really told to those fans, then the fans will definitely attack Yuan Yuan because of this matter.

"Let's find a way to suppress this news first. Before we figure out how to explain this matter, try to suppress the news as much as possible."

Under such circumstances, the only way Lin Xiu can think of is to use all the resources to suppress the news of this exchange match as much as possible. As long as everyone doesn't know that they lost three games, there will be no What is the problem? Of course, Lin Xiu is very clear in her heart. Even if they want to suppress the news, they can only suppress it for a certain period of time.

Sooner or later, these news will break out.

At that time, they have to think it over, and the explanation plan must be unified by everyone, and that statement must be foolproof.

This will ensure that no accidents occur.

The other team members also nodded, and didn't think there was any problem with what Lin Xiu said. After tossing around like this for a while, they still didn't know how to explain this matter.

And it didn't take long for the exchange match, and the ugly news about their martial arts was directly exposed.

This is indeed the case in many cases. No matter how hard you try to suppress the news, there is no way to suppress it. Even if you suppress it for a period of time, the news will still be exposed in the end.

All of a sudden, everyone was discussing this matter, discussing why a former king team turned into what it is now?

"No way, just kneel down three times in a row. None of the three games is worth watching. I think Lin Xiu is a bit out of order now. He was able to turn the tide no matter what kind of situation he faced before. Is this myth really about to fall?"

"I also think that Lin Xiu may not be very good now. Although he is not very old, some other problems have gradually appeared now. In fact, he was not so good before, but he It’s just opportunistic.”

That's it, because the backbone of this team is completely on Lin Xiu, and the loss in the three exchange games is very ugly. Although it can't be blamed on him, everyone will subconsciously take this issue into consideration. The key is to blame him.

Especially before Lin Xiu, he did a lot of things to turn the tide.

No matter how badly his teammates performed, he seemed to be able to recover, but this time he failed to recover, and he failed to recover three times.

Just like at this time, almost everyone on the Internet is discussing the topic of Lin Xiu's current strength. .
Everyone had various speculations about this matter, and Lin Xiu's fans felt very dissatisfied after seeing many people say this.

Some of the fans knew the truth of the matter. Seeing Lin Xiu being attacked like this inexplicably because of Yuanyuan, they naturally felt a little upset, so some fans couldn't control themselves, so they directly exposed the truth of the matter.

"Do you still want to join the team with such strength? In the end, the delay was too serious. If it wasn't him in this exchange match, Lin Xiu would definitely be able to win with his strength!"

"Yeah, this Yuanyuan is really disgusting, isn't he sent by someone else to be an undercover agent?"

After learning the truth of the matter, many people began to black out.

Of course, there is indeed a big problem with Yuanyuan's incident this time, and after Lin Xiu's fans exposed all this, they immediately let everyone know the truth of the matter.

People on the Internet were talking about it in full swing, of course Yuanyuan soon found out about this matter and also knew that everyone was scolding him. When he saw the news on the Internet, he felt even more guilty.

There are many people on the Internet who asked Yuanyuan to quit this team, because they felt that his strength was not worthy of being in the same team as Lin Xiu. In fact, the average strength of this team is very strong, and a person like Yuanyuan is He is completely unqualified to stay with other people in this team.

"Actually, what they said is not wrong. I am indeed not as strong as the other players in the team, and my qualifications are not as old as theirs. If I continue to stay in this team, not only will I not be able to make any contribution to everyone , On the contrary, it is constantly dragging everyone down, maybe I should really quit this team."

When Yuanyuan thinks about these things, he actually feels a little unwilling in his heart. He put in a lot of hard work to join this team, and Lin Xiu helped him a lot, and finally he was able to join this team. of.

When he joined the team, he felt very happy.

But after that, he didn't stay in the team for a long time and didn't make any contribution, so he suddenly wanted to quit the team. Thinking about it, he would naturally feel a little reluctant, but if he didn't quit the team , then it will harm everyone.

He has been thinking about these things, whether he really wants to give up his dream and leave the team. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally feels that he has to leave the team, even if he wants to give up his dream. , and should not continue to harm everyone.

"I'd better quit this team. Although I really hoped to be able to join this team before, I can't play any role in the team at all. I just keep dragging everyone down. Without me, then this The team will definitely develop better, and under Lin Xiu's leadership, they will become stronger."

After thinking about it, Yuanyuan finally decided to leave.

When Yuanyuan told other people about this matter, all the members of the team actually agreed. .
Because they actually thought in their hearts that Yuan Yuan continued to stay in the team, and there was no benefit at all.

It will only drag everyone down.

They didn't have any special feelings for Yuanyuan. They knew it before. Yuanyuan had trained for too long at night, so this problem happened. In the end, they couldn't blame Lin Xiu, but they didn't I don't think he's doing it right.

When Lin Xiu learned that Yuanyuan was leaving the team, she was very surprised.

"Why are you quitting the team all of a sudden? This is absolutely not acceptable. I know that this matter cannot be entirely your fault. I will keep you here."

Of course, Lin Xiu didn't want Yuanyuan to leave this place. When Yuanyuan came to the team, it was something she put in a lot of effort to do.

How could he let him leave so quickly now?
Now several other members wanted Yuanyuan to leave this place, and Lin Xiu was the only one who wanted Yuanyuan to stay.

Because Lin Xiu still has a certain identity and status in this team, she finally managed to stay in the team.

He also saw the rumors on the Internet, and even the matter of Yuan Yuan was published, and everyone was talking about it fiercely. They also looked down on Yuan Yuan very much, thinking that the source of all failures a steady stream.

When Lin Xiu saw the news on the Internet, of course he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. There were so many people talking about these things, even if he wanted to refute those people, there was no way he could refute them. It is also impossible to make those people change their minds.

And this thing has been on the hot search.

The only thing he can do at this moment is to suppress the hot searches.

In this way, it can reduce other people talking about this matter. Although Yuanyuan already knows about this matter and many people know about it, at least you can't see so many people talking about this matter like before. This is Lin Xiu The only thing that can be done.

Lin Xiu tried her best to suppress the trending search. Seeing that there were fewer people discussing this matter on the Internet, she felt a little relieved. No matter what, these things will pass slowly, even if It is because there are many people talking about this matter at this time, but when other new things happen later, they will forget about these things.

The speed of network replacement is very fast, and the attention of those online netizens is also very limited. When new and interesting things appear, they will ignore the current things.

But this time, although Yuanyuan said he didn't leave the team, he was looked down upon by other people in the team.

Other members of the team, except for Lin Xiu, basically felt that Yuan Yuan was a drag on the entire team.

They originally wanted to take this opportunity to let Yuanyuan leave the team directly, but because of Lin Xiu, they failed to do so.

But even if Yuanyuan stayed in this place, there was no way to get their good looks.

(End of this chapter)

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