Chapter 271 Mobilize All

It seems that he really doesn't take himself seriously a little bit. If he takes himself a little seriously, then he shouldn't say such a thing, but should pay more attention to himself. .
"Wanting to be a coach will not be such an easy task. Otherwise, let me ask you a few technical questions and see if you can give me a satisfactory answer."

The coach suddenly opened his mouth at this time, and directly asked a few relatively uncommon technical questions. Those few technical questions could not be answered by ordinary people, although Lin Xiu was indeed quite powerful. That kind, but when I heard these few uncommon technical problems, I still shook my head.

These questions are actually just some theoretical knowledge, and the test in the process of playing the game is not theoretical knowledge at all, but practical operation. In practical operation, Lin Xiu can solve the problem in a short time Just figured out what to do, but theoretically Lin Xiu might not be that powerful.

"I thought you could give me an answer quickly, but I didn't expect that you couldn't give me an answer. It seems that if you have time, you should practice more, and you can't patronize me. Others improve their strength, but they ignore themselves."

Although the coach's words sounded harmless on the surface, in fact he was deliberately satirizing Lin Xiu. During this time, he had been focusing on improving the strength of those players, but he didn't know that his own strength was also Those who are not strong enough will have to spend some time improving them.

Immediately after the coach answered these uncommon technical questions, Lin Xiu didn't take what the coach said just now to heart at all. Instead, after hearing these answers, Lin Xiu suddenly thought of the previous question. At that time, the details of almost being overturned in a few games.

At this time, he is thinking more about the game, not like the coach, but actually about his personal things.

For Lin Xiu, the competition is the most important thing. He knows that the next world competition is almost a life-and-death competition for the entire team, so it is very important.

When I heard what the coach said, I thought more about whether I could think of something useful from the answer to such a question.

"Wait until I suddenly remembered, in the past, we were almost overturned by the opponent in several games. Although we have been playing very seriously during this game, but due to In the end, the opponent's strength was relatively strong, so we were almost overturned several times, and everyone should remember."

The details of the game at that time kept appearing in Lin Xiu's mind. After thinking of those things, she turned her head excitedly and told everyone about it. At that time, everyone was actually a little flustered. The strength can be considered relatively strong, and the remaining few teams after the fight are all relatively strong teams.

So at that time everyone was very scared.

But fortunately, he won the game in the end.

"Yes, that's right, because the opponents are stronger in the future, so even if we meet, they will inevitably encounter some troublesome things, such as the opponent's use of some operations to almost turn the tables."
Everyone nodded after hearing this, and they all recalled the things that happened at that time, those things that happened at that time did make them feel a little anxious, because at that time the other party almost made a comeback, If the opponent is allowed to come back, then they will not even have the chance to participate in the finals, let alone win the game.

Lin Xiu's team is a relatively special team. Their strength is obvious to all. Many people know that Lin Xiu's team is very strong. Naturally, there is no need to say more about their team's expectations. Not only did they fail to win the championship, but if they didn't even have the chance to participate in the final finals, it would really make people laugh out loud.

So if Lin Xiu really failed to do this, she would definitely be ashamed. Because of this, everyone was very anxious during such a match.

Every time the opponent almost won the game, I was very anxious in my heart. Fortunately, they still won the game in the end, and nothing happened, but now I think about what happened at that time. Thrilling.

"I know what to do when I encounter such a situation in the future. What the coach said just reminded me very well. I will analyze it with everyone now. If I encounter such a thing in the future, How should it be done?"

Seeing that everyone still remembered this matter, Lin Xiu was immediately very happy, and then took this opportunity to start analyzing with everyone.

What the coach said just now had a relatively large effect on me. What I didn't expect was that the coach's reminder just now was just to let me know what to do when I encounter such a situation in the future.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and began to listen to Lin Xiu's analysis seriously. Lin Xiu told the team members all the things that came to mind in a flash of inspiration just now. Understood, when encountering this situation again, I feel very happy to know exactly how to operate it.

Because the things analyzed by Lin Xiu are indeed more useful to them, if they follow Lin Xiu's operation to do such a thing next time, there should be no problems. They are all gearing up now. Immediately picked up the mouse to a.

"Your analysis is so useful. I didn't even think about it before. If I encounter this kind of situation next time, I will know how to solve it. Finally, I don't have to worry about them suddenly. There is a chance for a comeback in no time, and the situation before that really scared me."

Everyone sighed with emotion. They no longer had the idea of ​​complaining like before. Instead, they were very glad to have a replay with Lin Xiu at this time.

Because in this process, everyone has learned a lot.

If such an opportunity is missed, then it is estimated that there will not be such a good opportunity next time. Sometimes some thoughts in the mind will only appear for a moment. Maybe you won't think of it. .
Seeing everyone looking so happy, Lin Xiu was also very happy to know that I was a little sorry for everyone by asking everyone to replay on the train this time. Fortunately, everyone is in the process of replaying. It is true that I have learned something, and it would be a pity if everyone could not learn something.

Then this time, as everyone said, it was just a waste of time. After the coach saw this situation, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After hearing Lin Xiu's analysis, he was actually a little surprised. When he said those words, he didn't think of the content of Lin Xiu's analysis at all, but under this situation, he would not think about himself. Is there some problem with his insight ability? As a professor, is there a lot of things that he has not done well? On the contrary, he is a little jealous of Lin Xiu's mobilization ability at this time.

Lin Xiu was obviously disgusted by everyone at the beginning. When he proposed to replay on the train, many people felt that he could not accept it, but now he gets along well with everyone.

And it seems that the relationship with everyone is really good. This naturally makes the coach feel a little unacceptable. It feels like Lin Xiu has completely occupied his position. Obviously, he was the one who should be mobilized at the beginning. Everyone who is doing replays.

He was thinking about this matter in his heart, and naturally he would not let others know what he was thinking in his heart. If Lin Xiu and other team members knew that he had such thoughts in his mind as a coach, he would definitely I feel that I am a narrow-minded person. Although it is true, the coach still holds back and pretends to be nonchalant on the surface.

And Lin Xiu didn't take the coach's situation too seriously. He has put all his thoughts on training at this time, hoping to improve everyone's strength to a greater extent. After all, after training, They still have to meet the World Championship.

Everyone returned to the training camp. Lin Xiu originally wanted everyone to train for a while and then take a good rest, but what he didn't expect was that the coach suddenly proposed to lead everyone to continue the attack.

"If you won such a beautiful win this time, why not celebrate it? Although we still need to prepare for the World Championship, it's okay for us to have a good time today. Everyone is exhausted on the train. We should Have a good rest!"

Regardless of Lin Xiu's persuasion and strong request, the coach must do hard work tonight. After hearing this, he felt very helpless. The team members naturally wanted to relax, although they were more willing to listen to Lin Xiu's words. But when the coach said that they were going to celebrate, they couldn't control their hearts. If they followed Lin Xiu, they must continue to train.

Training must not be as comfortable as celebrating.

So in the end, everyone is willing to go out with the coach to celebrate. .
Lin Xiu saw that everyone's attitude was like this, and the coach was also very firm, and she was very helpless immediately. It seemed that the original plan must be destroyed.

"Okay, then you all have fun."

Lin Xiu knew that under such circumstances, no matter what he said, it would probably not have any effect. Even if he explained clearly, he needed them to train well tonight, then rest earlier, and officially start training tomorrow It will not have any effect, all of them are now only thinking about celebrating.

Of course, winning the final championship this time is a very difficult thing, but it has not reached the point where you can completely relax. It's just a pity, since those words have no effect, Lin Xiu also He could only choose to give up, and let the coach take all the players away triumphantly.

Only Lin Xiu and Yuanyuan were left, and the two of them practiced against each other in the practice room to find their hands.

"Actually, I don't know whether to say or not to say some things, but I think you should have felt it. It's quite obvious. The coach seems to be targeting you a little bit."

Yuanyuan had already sensed that something was wrong just now, or it could be said that he had already felt it on the train. The coach was targeting Lin Xiu a little bit, and he believed that according to Lin Xiu's clever mind, he must have already felt it. When he came out, the coach seemed to be targeting him.

But he still brought up this matter here. He wanted to know what Lin Xiu thought about this matter. Since the other party has been targeting him in this way, he can't just do nothing.

If the coach continues to target like this, then Lin Xiu's training here will also be a bit difficult.

But I really don't know what the coach is thinking in his heart. Why did he target Lin Xiu inexplicably? Lin Xiu has done a very good job during this period of time here. He led everyone to train, and his strength is also very strong, and he has never let everyone down. The coach targeted him for no reason.

"Forget it, I don't really care about this kind of thing. In fact, you should know in your heart what I care about most at this time. What I care about most is whether I can improve the performance of the game. As long as it can improve the game If you get the grades, you don’t need to worry about other things.”

After Lin Xiu heard this, she shook her head. Although she felt that the coach's attitude towards her seemed a little strange, as if she was deliberately targeting her, she didn't take this matter too seriously. No matter how the other party targets me, it is not very important to me.

He is most concerned about the results of the competition, and hopes that everyone can get a better result in that competition in the next world competition.

Yuanyuan knew what kind of person Lin Xiu was, and felt a little helpless after hearing this. I hope the coach can adjust his mentality as soon as possible, and stop being so malicious towards Lin Xiu in the future. After all, Lin Xiu did nothing wrong what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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