As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 279 Hesitation will lead to defeat

Chapter 279 Hesitation will lead to defeat
Lin Xiu found that the opponent didn't seem to be targeting her hero, Kai'Sa. .
This was something that surprised him. Before, he still thought that the opponent would target him even more and ban all the heroes he used frequently. This would affect his operation.

But what he didn't expect was that the hero banned by the opponent was not his own Kai'Sa.

"Coach, the people in their team don't seem to be targeting my Kai'Sa."

This was a bit of a surprise. Lin Xiu turned her head and reminded the coach in a strange way. Although this was indeed a bit of a surprise, it was still worth reminding the coach.

After the coach knew about this, he nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, I found out."

There is no doubt that the coach naturally noticed this.

In fact, he also felt a little strange. He didn't know what the other party was thinking. Judging from the strength of the entire team, Lin Xiu was undoubtedly the most powerful person in their team. It is equivalent to targeting their entire team, but they did not do so.

Could it be because they have full confidence that they can fight against Lin Xiu's team?
It shouldn't be possible. Although Lin Xiu's team has not reached the point of being absolutely victorious, it is still a strong player in this industry.

No matter who mentions Lin Xiu, their team will always praise their team, especially Lin Xiu has played a great role in the entire team, Lin Xiu's presence makes their team so strong, this ucca Although the team can be regarded as a veteran strong team, it is not as strong as Lin Xiu's team.

So for their approach, the coach thinks it is more likely because they don't know enough about Lin Xiu, and they didn't realize that Kai'Sa is a special hero for Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu also uses this hero more often.

The next two coaches continued to ban new heroes.

Both of them are relatively tacit, and the next 4 heroes are all junglers.

This is also a relatively common thing, and everyone will not be surprised to see this kind of scene, because this type of hero can easily change the situation of the team.

Moreover, they feel that the heroes they banned are relatively important heroes for the opposing team. The reason why there is such a link before the game is actually to test the meaning of their team's understanding of the opposing team.

If you know enough about the opponent's team, even though there are only a few positions for banning heroes, you can make good use of them. Using these positions is enough to solve many problems.

Enough to make it difficult for the opponent to move an inch.

If you don't know each other well, these positions will naturally not be of much use, and this matter is handled by the coach, so this is also a test for the coach. Although the coach of each team says Not participating in the process of the game, but participating in the training of the team.

At the same time, they also participated in some preparations in the early stage of the game. After the official entry into the game, the coaches will not be of much use, and they can only rely on themselves.

At this time, the coach has actually discovered that the level of the opponent's coach is not low. .
In the past, people in the entire team actually looked down on the people in the opponent's team, not only their players, but also their coaches. From the coach's point of view, their team's strength is indeed not very strong , because they have fought before, so they don't take their team too seriously, but what happened now made the coach change his view.

"It feels like their team's coaches are stronger than I imagined. If their coaches are of a certain level, it means that their players are absolutely impossible to be that weak..."

In fact, at this time, the coach has begun to worry a little. The players taught by a capable coach should also be of a certain level. What strength.

However, although he was a little worried at this time, he understood that if he mentioned such a matter to everyone with a serious expression at this time, it would actually be meaningless at all.

It will only make the originally relaxed players panic. If they suddenly become extremely nervous before the game, then they will definitely not be able to perform well because of nervousness later.

In this kind of competition, emotions are also very important and must be controlled.

As a coach, he knows these things all too well, so no matter how worried he is, in order to boost morale, he now has to despise the opponent.

"You are also clear about the strength of their team. You have fought against them before, so there is no need to worry about their weak strength. You can just fight hard. If you want to use your strength to defeat them, it is simply impossible. It's not a difficult thing."

When the coach said this, he also encouraged everyone to play well in this game. After hearing this, everyone nodded and agreed. They didn't see what was wrong with the opponent's coach or the opponent's players. , in their view, the opponent is still very weak.

So I don't think there is anything wrong with what the coach said.

Although the coach was a little worried in his heart, he never expressed his inner worries. At this time, there were only two popular and strong junglers, one was Olaf, and the other was the male gun.

Because all the heroes they have banned for such a long time are junglers, and both sides have banned all junglers. In this way, most of the popular and powerful junglers have been banned.

The next hero selection seems to be a bit limited for them, especially in the jungle category, other heroes are relatively easy to choose, and this category of heroes is a bit tangled.

Now at this time, everyone is starting to think together, thinking about which hero they will choose for the next game. In fact, this is also a relatively critical thing, which may determine the next victory or not. So you still have to think about it carefully, and you can't make a random choice.

When it came time to choose a hero, the coach decisively chose the male gun, leaving the opponent with Olaf. .
At this time, there is almost no opportunity for discussion. How the coach thinks about this matter in his heart has become a very critical matter.

The coach's choice was the male gun. When he found out that the coach's choice was him, Lin Xiu nodded immediately. He thought the coach's choice was very good.

"The coach is really very thoughtful this time. He chose the male gun, which is very advantageous for our entire team. Although these two heroes are relatively popular and strong junglers today, there is no There is no doubt that the male gun is more suitable for our team."

Lin Xiu repeatedly admired the coach's choice at this time. If he hadn't considered it very carefully, it was absolutely impossible for him to make such a choice.

Lin Xiu is more confident about the next game.

Lin Xiu is different from the other members of the team. The other members of the team may not know that much about the opponent's team, but he knows more about the opponent's team.

Because he had already suspected that the opponent was hiding his strength from the very beginning, he just felt that the opponent was hiding his strength, so he had more desires to understand the opponent's team in his heart.

He also went to watch some videos of the opponent's team's games. According to his guess, the opponent will most likely choose the rock sparrow.

"I don't know whether my guess is correct or wrong, but I have studied their game videos during this period of time, and I have a little understanding of their team. I feel that they should be able to Those who choose Chaffinch, if they really choose this hero, then our choice couldn't be more correct."

Lin Xiu also has the idea of ​​gambling at this time.

Because at this time, it is more the coaches who are doing this. The choice of heroes and so on is done by the coaches. The coaches of both sides can directly decide what kind of heroes their team members use, so many things still need to See what the coach thinks in his heart.

If Lin Xiu had the opportunity to speak clearly with the coach last night, then the coach’s choice might have been more thoughtful. It’s just a pity that some accidents happened last night and a quarrel with his girlfriend caused Lin Xiu Didn't get a chance to speak clearly with the coach.

And then the coach hung up the phone directly, and said some embarrassing words, those words made Lin Xiu have no chance to call the coach to clarify the matter with the coach.

I hope that what happened yesterday will not have some impact on today's game. If it does affect today's game, it is equivalent to Lin Xiu's personal affairs affecting this important game.

That's a big problem.

Thinking of this, his heart became even more nervous, as if winning or losing this game had been endowed with another layer of meaning.

However, this game is very important. No matter what the reason is, there should be no problems in this game.

They can only win, and they must win the final championship.

Now that everything has been arranged properly, the team members feel that they have a chance to win in the face of the possible rock sparrows. .
The strength gap between the two sides is really too big, and the players are more confident in their own strength. Coupled with a relatively popular jungle hero, the male gun, the possibility of winning is really too great.

At this time, the hero's heart also relaxed a lot. Originally, he still felt quite worried in his heart, but now it seems that there is no need to worry too much about this matter.

Should still be able to win this game.

Next is still a very intense hero selection process. Although the jungler has basically been determined at this stage, there are still other heroes that need to continue to be selected.

This is a very critical step.

If you can't win the first chance at this stage of hero selection, then you may be restricted to a certain extent in the next game.

So everyone still pays more attention to this step. Every time when choosing a hero, everyone takes a more serious attitude towards this matter, worrying about accidents.

Although this time they are facing a team that they think is very weak, they still take the matter of choosing a hero very seriously, and the coach is also more serious, otherwise he would not have made such a choice.

However, it is more difficult to make a choice on the ad side, because this time only one Samira was banned.

So the next choice will be more tangled. There are too many options to choose from, and the coach doesn't know which one to choose is the most suitable.

Although he has experienced a lot of games, logically speaking, he should already be a very experienced person, able to make the most correct choice in the shortest time, but the coach's ability is not that strong .

Although he can make an analysis in a short period of time, he can't directly determine which hero to choose is the most suitable, so he is still a little entangled now.

Not only the bottom lane but also two middle lanes.

These were all things that made him feel very hesitant, and he began to constantly think about which one he should choose was the most suitable.

Now everyone's eyes are on him, and his choice has become crucial. If he doesn't make a good enough choice, it will have a great impact on everyone, so now At this time, he was constantly entangled in his heart.

He began to hesitate, even though he knew that this was not the time to hesitate, but he was still very entangled, probably because he understood that this choice was really important to everyone, so he had to stop and think .

"Which one is the best choice?"

He continued to analyze, not only considering the strength of his own team, but also the strength of the opponent's team. Unfortunately, he didn't know the opponent's team very well, and the opponent concealed them intentionally or unintentionally. One's own strength, which makes the choice of coaches more prone to some problems.

In short, the choice this time is prone to some mistakes, so he needs to be more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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