As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 289 Problems That Must Be Solved

Chapter 289 Problems That Must Be Solved

"The possibility of choosing Morgana this time will be less likely to make mistakes. I believe there should be no mistakes.".
Lin Xiuxin's thoughts were very simple. He just hoped that the mistakes this time would be smaller, and that they would win the final victory steadily. If they won this round again, then they would not be far away from victory.

"Yes, your choice is very good. It can be said that you have considered everything."

The coach is also very satisfied with Lin Xiu's choice. In fact, before Lin Xiu chose, he never thought that Lin Xiu would choose Morgana as a hero, but now it seems that this hero choice is really very suitable.

Because Morgana happens to have a magic shield, and this magic shield can prevent the combination of Guanghui Q and the female police clip.

Obviously, it can be seen that Lin Xiu chose Morgana on purpose at this time, and she wanted to target the other policewoman, and she was brilliant.

Lin Xiu smiled and nodded after hearing this. It seems that the coach understands himself better, and he understood his intention so quickly, in order to prevent such a situation from happening.

Otherwise, if the two of them cooperate, I am afraid that no one on my side can deal with it. Even if I am in a disadvantaged state, with this magic shield, I should still be able to deal with the other party.

Everyone nodded after hearing the coach's analysis. Thinking about it carefully, Lin Xiu's selection method is indeed very good. She has considered many things.

"However, the female policeman's ability to push the line is very strong, so if we want to choose the bottom lane, we may have to choose a hero who responds with a defensive stance, so that we can fight against the female policeman, otherwise the development of the bottom lane may become It is a relatively difficult thing, and if the female policeman grows up, it will be more difficult for us to fight against him."

Immediately afterwards, the coach continued to analyze and set his sights on the policewoman. Although the Morgana Lin Xiu chose at this time can use the magic shield to restrain Guanghui and the policewoman, it is not a panacea. Solution.

The female policeman's ability to push the line is too strong, and they all know this in their hearts, so when the opponent chooses a female policeman, in fact, they will inevitably have some worries in their hearts. He expressed his worries, and at the same time provided a solution at this time, which is to choose a hero who responds with a defensive posture when choosing the bottom lane.

In this way, the development of female police officers can be avoided to a greater extent. As long as the female police officers cannot develop, then this problem is easier to solve. Otherwise, this matter is still difficult to solve. Everyone is very happy. Agree with what the coach said.

"It makes sense, then let's think carefully about which hero we should choose for the bottom lane. Which one is more suitable for a hero who uses a defensive posture to deal with the policewoman?"

Everyone agrees with what the coach said very much at this time. At the same time, at this time, they also began to seriously consider which hero is the most suitable for the bottom lane. Which one will be more suitable to deal with this situation.

After solving the problem of choosing a hero, the game soon began. .
Everyone has quickly entered the state at this time. After the two previous fights, both sides have actually understood each other's strength. They both know that the opponent's strength is very strong, so At this moment, everyone is actually quite nervous.

They were all worried that they would lose the game this time, so they were very attentive during the whole process.

Lin Xiu's bottom lane is in very good condition. They are guarding the bottom lane cautiously from the beginning to the end. They don't mean to provoke a team fight. They just want to develop themselves well. It was just thinking about the next situation, but what I didn't expect was that the opposite party had a grudge against the bottom lane, and the three of them attacked the bottom lane in groups.

Probably because they understand that the development of the bottom lane is very important. If they can continue to catch Lin Xiu's bottom lane, then their bottom lane will have no chance to develop, and the economy on their side can also be boosted. Take advantage, in this way, you can win this competition even more.

This may be a new solution they came up with after discussing it. After the loss in the last round, they actually discussed seriously what kind of strategy they should use to deal with Lin Lin in the next round. Show off their team.

If it is still the same as before, although a lot of thought has been spent, but there is no plan, it is still easy to have some problems.Lin Xiu's team is really too strong, this time they used a new strategy to deal with Lin Xiu and the others.

After going back and forth, the two team members on Lin Xiu's side also felt a little upset because of this incident.

Especially after a small team fight.

"I said what happened to you just now, you didn't release your skills when it was time to release your skills, if you used your skills to control the opponent, then such a situation would not have happened now! "

It was one of the players who was dissatisfied with his teammates first. He felt that in the small team battle just now, his teammates didn't directly use their skills, which led to the failure of the entire team battle.

Otherwise, I could have counter-killed the opponent just now, and I saw that his skills had already cooled down, so he could completely use his skills to control the opponent.

"You just know to ask me to use skills, and you don't even look at the situation I'm in. I'm already under the control of the opponent. How can I use skills? Think I don't want to use skills?"

That teammate was also a little irritable, and he felt very upset after hearing his teammates complain that he didn't use his skills.

He knew how to keep going, letting himself use his skills, let himself occupy the field of vision and so on, but he didn't know what kind of situation he was in at this moment, and he didn't see that he was already controlled by the opponent .

The two actually quarreled over such a thing.

In fact, emotions are very important in this kind of game. They can't quarrel at this time. Even if they are dissatisfied with each other, they must wait until the game is over before making it clear, otherwise it will affect the the whole game. 'But the two of them have already been dissatisfied with each other, and they have endured it for a very long time. They couldn't help hearing what they said just now, so they started arguing. Seeing this situation, Lin Xiu Also a little worried. .
What the hell is going on with the two of them?They clearly know that the most taboo thing in the game is disunity. If there are some conflicts in the game, they must endure it. They must not quarrel here, otherwise it will be bad for their game. caused a great impact.

"You two, control your temper first. No matter what kind of grievances you have, you can't quarrel here. Don't you know? If you continue to quarrel like this, we will probably lose this game .”

Lin Xiu can only try to adjust their grievances, and hope that they can stop as much as possible and stop doing such stupid things. If they continue to quarrel, they will lose the game. When the game is lost, then it is really nothing All gone.

Is this a good thing for them?But what Lin Xiu said didn't really stop them from arguing.

Not only that, but they became more and more violent, and even made it clear that they had a lot of dissatisfaction with each other, not only in the team battle just now, but also at other times, and they started to turn over old scores.

Many businessmen blurted out what they said about the opponent's game strength is actually very poor, and they are not qualified to join this team at all.

Lin Xiu was really helpless seeing this situation. Although he really hoped to calm the emotions of the two of them, there is obviously no such way now.

These two guys are really getting more and more arguing, mediating them by themselves and making them stop arguing will not only have no effect, but will actually make them even more unable to stop.

So it's better not to take care of their affairs. If you focus on their affairs, then you can't do anything about the competition. If they want to quarrel, let them quarrel. Well, I still have to control the situation on this side of the game. This game is so important to them, how can they lose?

No matter how ugly their quarrel was, Lin Xiu ran to the bottom lane and started to help, because the arrests on the bottom lane were relatively serious, and the people on the opposite side might have already thought about frequently arresting the bottom lane. Lu, Lin Xiu also knew that under such circumstances, she had to help a lot of people get off the road.

The bottom lane is very important to the whole team. If the bottom lane collapses, then it is almost impossible to continue playing and win this game. That's why Lin Xiu has to go to help out frequently.

However, the quarrel between the two players still affected other players. After hearing the quarrel, everyone became a little irritable, because their quarrel directly made everyone's state worse.

At the beginning, everyone was full of momentum and wanted to win the game, but now they were directly affected, and Lin Xiu could feel that everyone's emotions were wrong.

But in fact, he really didn't know how to resolve such a conflict. It was also the first time for him to encounter such a situation in a game. Before, he had never seen such a deep conflict between them. .
Maybe these two people really had a lot of dissatisfaction with each other early in the morning, but they had always pretended to be friendly on the surface, but in fact they had a lot of complaints about each other in their hearts.

This time I couldn't bear it anymore, so I started arguing.

The tower on the road was not defended, and the teammates began to have some complaints.

"Can the two of you stop arguing, can you have a little team spirit, we have all been influenced by you, we played very steadily, if the two of you continue to quarrel like this , we won’t even know how we lost when we lost!”

Some players couldn't bear it anymore, and directly expressed their thoughts in their hearts. They were really too much. Don't they realize that this is a very important game?

If it weren't for their influence, the tower on the road just now would not have exploded at all.

Everyone has worked very hard in this game, but they don't seem to put their minds on this matter at all, which is really a very speechless thing.

The two team members didn't feel convinced when they heard this, and they didn't think they had done anything wrong. They just closed their mouths and never communicated with each other again, but they thought in their hearts that it was all the fault of the other party.

If it wasn't for the other party deliberately provoking confrontation, how could I possibly quarrel with him?
The responsibility for this matter does not lie on him at all.

Seeing that the two of them did not continue to quarrel, several team members also breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what they were thinking in their hearts at this moment, at least they did not continue to quarrel, as long as they did not continue It is good for everyone if the quarrel continues.

So everyone didn't continue such a topic anymore. If we continue to talk like this, I'm afraid it will affect the emotions of teammates to a greater extent. No one wants to be affected by this kind of thing.

Lin Xiu also answered this game more seriously, because what happened this time made him feel a sense of crisis in his heart. Originally, because of the victory in the last game, Lin Xiu felt that they should have something to do this time. Confidence can win the victory, but the quarrel between the two players made Lin Xiu realize that the situation may not be so simple.

There will still be some surprises this time.

The team members also started to cooperate and went to the top road to catch people. The tower on the top road just broke down, which made it difficult to defend the top road at this time. The people on the opposite side also discovered this, so they often ran on the top road.

At this time, the cooperation of the players here is very much needed.

Fortunately, although everyone seems to be at odds with each other, but because they have played so many games together, there is no way to easily erase that kind of tacit understanding. Even if they don't speak, they can still cooperate to do a lot of things.

This is really rare.

After catching a wave on the road, the team began to fight against the dragon collectively, and they also wanted to bring back the economic advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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