As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 291 1 wave is not flat

Chapter 291

After the victory, everyone was very happy about this matter. Although it was true that during the game just now, everyone might have been a little unhappy, but fortunately, the final result was quite good. , It is already very satisfying to win the final victory. .
After going out, it may be because I was too happy that I ignored some other things. A member of the team unexpectedly got into a car accident.

"What's going on, there was a car accident? Is the situation serious?"

After Lin Xiu and the others found out about this incident, of course they felt very anxious. Although everyone may not be as harmonious as it seems on the surface, they would still feel very worried when they learned that the team members had a car accident. Lin Xiu was very worried. Ask anxiously if the other person's situation is serious.

"It's okay, but I feel that I still need to see him."

The coach sighed softly after hearing this, and he couldn't tell if it was serious or not, but he still had to go and visit after a car accident, Lin Xiu also nodded and thought it was necessary.

Although there were some conflicts among the few of them, they had to go to visit after a car accident. After hearing what Lin Xiu said, the other people didn't have any big opinions and felt that it was necessary to go a trip.

So Lin Xiu brought several team members to the hospital to visit the team member who had a car accident. The team member who had a car accident has now recovered to a sober state.

It was obvious that the car accident was not very serious. Although he suffered some injuries, they were only skin traumas, and there were no injuries.

The coach also came over at this time.

Of course, the coach also watched their game and knew that they did have some serious conflicts during the game, and even almost lost the game because of this conflict.

When the coach saw this situation, he actually felt a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't expect that the team he brought out would almost lose the game due to conflicts.

This really made him dare not think about it. He had already emphasized the importance of team unity before, but they seemed to have never understood this truth.

"Actually, I want to talk to you about something this time. This is also a very rare opportunity to bring everyone together. I know that you may be somewhat dissatisfied with each other during the process of getting along. This is also very It's a normal thing, but I hope everyone understands what is the most important thing in the game."

The coach began to reason with them very seriously.

And the attitude is very serious.

He hopes that everyone can think about this matter carefully. This time, such a situation is actually very thrilling. If it is not for Lin Xiu who can control everyone's emotions in time, and then let everyone adjust their state, the official start If it's a match, then I'm afraid they will be the losing team.

The opposite team also had the same situation.

This is enough to show that this kind of emotional problem occurs in every team.

I also hope that this will not happen again next time.
"It seems that what I said is quite reasonable. Maybe we really have to put personal grievances aside during the game. Even though we may feel a little uncomfortable because of some things, we shouldn't worry about them right away. .”
After everyone heard what the coach said, they all had some emotions. Many players also expressed their thoughts in their hearts, and they also understood that during the game, personal gains and losses should not be considered but Focus on the game first.

The most important thing is not to lose the game, and to have team spirit.

Several team members expressed their opinions one after another. The coach was quite satisfied after hearing what they said. It seems that they already know how to reflect, and they have already figured it out. Things are not what they imagined So simple, the game is far more important than some of their personal things.

But one of the team members looked unhappy.

The coach also noticed that the player's mood was a little wrong. He probably didn't agree with what he said, so the coach wanted to persuade him to change his mind. Otherwise, if he was allowed to play in the future, the coach would It feels like a time bomb has been placed in the team.

If it is reported again during the game, then it will definitely make the situation very bad, and that is not what I want to see.

"Maybe I said this, and there are still some people who can't understand what I mean. No matter what kind of conflicts you have, during the game, you are all brothers, and you must protect your teammates..."

Before the coach finished speaking, the man interrupted what the coach said with an angry face.

"No need to say anything else, I will never apologize, anyway, I didn't do anything wrong, they just know to talk about it, what to use skills, what to say to occupy the field of vision, etc. Yes, you know how to find fault with me, and you don’t pay attention to what my situation looks like.”

That person looked relentless, and didn't intend to let this matter pass like this.

And he refused the apology with a very serious expression. In his opinion, an apology is absolutely impossible. Why should he apologize if he did nothing wrong?No matter what the situation is, you have the right to speak out your inner thoughts.

Maybe it was because he was too emotional, the coach also wanted to persuade him, but instead he turned his anger on the coach and started talking about the coach.

I even felt that the coach was deliberately partial to other people, so he said such a thing. After hearing this, the other players couldn't help being a little angry. The coach actually didn't say anything excessive, nor did he favor other people. , but he misunderstood the meaning of the coach.

"You are really heartless, don't you know what kind of person the coach is? Don't you know in your heart? How good the coach was to you before, and you can say such hurtful words. "

Several team members were very angry and began to accuse this person.

Because what he did was too much, and the previous coaches treated him very well.

He hurts like this.

"Okay, don't talk about it, how about it, you go out first, I want to have a good chat with him.".
The coach hurriedly prevented them from continuing to quarrel like this, because he knew very well in his heart that it was meaningless to continue scolding like this, but it would make this person have a rebellious mentality and make everyone's relationship stronger. It's getting worse.

He can see that this person has a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart now, so he needs to have a good chat with him and let him speak out what is in his heart, so that this problem can be solved.

The other people were a little helpless after hearing this, but in the end they followed the coach's arrangement. First, the coach left the place, closed the door, turned around, and watched this person start chatting with her.

"Actually, you understand that I didn't mean to be partial to anyone. What you said was just angry words. I can see that you are very angry because of this matter, and feel that everyone does not understand you..."

The coach began to slowly analyze these things from his perspective. As a coach, what he usually has to do is to adjust the relationship between everyone. If the relationship between the entire team is not harmonious, then there is no way to play games. can be won.

Several other people looked very angry outside.

"What he said is really too much. How can he say such hurtful words? The coach has always been so kind to him. He actually said that the coach is partial to us. He is really joking. I think we are right. He's so nice!"

"Yeah, such heartless words can be said, anyway, I can't understand this guy very much!"

Several people were very annoyed when they discussed this matter outside. In their opinion, every word that person said was very excessive.

Other things aside, he shouldn't hurt the professor no matter what, saying that the professor is partial to others. In this way, the professor has always been kind to everyone, everyone is like this, and everyone sees it Yes, so I feel very uncomfortable.

"Otherwise, let's deal with him secretly and let him know what he should do and what he shouldn't do. I think he should suffer a little bit."

One of them couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart. Although it might be evil to do so, they really couldn't accept some of the things that person did.

Such an idea has actually been approved by several people. They are very disgusted with this guy, so they all plan to do it at this time. If he can make that guy suffer, he should not dare to do this again in the future. Things like this, don't say such things again.

Seeing that they were about to discuss how to do this, fortunately, Lin Xiu was also at the side at this time, and after hearing what they said, she hurried over to stop them.

"What are you doing? This is not what you should do."

Lin Xiujiao really didn't think that they would come up with such a method, but this kind of thing is really not what they should do, but fortunately, he is here, otherwise, if things get serious, it will be out of control.

"Captain, why are you trying to stop us? You should do this with us. It's not like you haven't heard what he just said. It's too much. Can you bear it?".
When they saw Lin Xiu stopping them, they felt very strange. They couldn't understand why Lin Xiu did this.
After all, Lin Xiu should be on their side.

"But it's not a smart way for you to do this, because the coach doesn't want to see this kind of scene, right? Don't forget that we are a team that plays games. What you do will only make the coach more nervous. uncomfortable."

Lin Xiu began to analyze with them very seriously. This kind of approach is actually very naive, and they also need to understand what the coach thinks in his heart. The coach hopes that they can unite and stop because of this. There were disputes over things, but what they did was provoking even greater conflicts.

This is of no benefit to everyone at all. After hearing what Lin Xiu said, those few people began to hesitate a little. It seemed that what they said was somewhat reasonable. Would the coach want to see them, Do you continue to quarrel because of this kind of thing?
The coach and the team member inside had a good reasoning, hoping that he can think about what he said, but the team member was also silent, wondering if he really did something wrong.

"Okay, I also know that it will be a while. It will be a little difficult for you to understand this matter. Otherwise, you should think about it carefully, and then tell me when you understand it. , Think about it and see if what I said is really very reasonable."

After the coach said this, he turned around and left. He wanted to give the player some time to think about it. Some things might be blurted out without him thinking clearly. Now he has analyzed the matter with him. He was so careful, and it was time for him to come to a conclusion.

If it is said that it is already at this time, but he still can't figure out what to do, then there is nothing he can do to help, maybe he is really not suitable for staying in this team.

After the coach went out, he saw that several of them were still staying in this place, so he explained to them about this player.

"You can don't bother him these days, let him think about it, I have explained the matter to him, I believe he will have an answer slowly, he should not let We are disappointed."

After all, we are playing games together, with teammates and coaches who have been playing for such a long time, in fact, I really hope that this person can figure out all this, and then return to everyone's side and everything will return to the original state is the best.

After hearing this, everyone nodded and agreed. As for their thoughts just now, no one mentioned it now. They all understand that this kind of thing is definitely what the coach does not want to see.

After the coach left, Lin Xiu saw that everyone's emotions were not right, so she proposed to take everyone to skateboard. They seem to need to relax now.

(End of this chapter)

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