As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 3 Just do it and get it done, LPL debut

Chapter 3 Just do it and get it done, LPL debut

"Master Dog, sit down."

As if suddenly thinking of the scene where UZI hit four in a dormitory, Lin Xiu looked very docile.

"Cultivate your hands first, and the future will be long."

The puppy's competitive state has indeed been maintained at a very high level, but his hand injury has gradually become the most troublesome hidden danger for him.

On the other hand, Lin Xiu always felt that Xiaogou was worried that he would play RNG?

Forget about that kind of thing.

Fishing is fishing, professional ethics is still necessary.

At this time, the puppy himself didn't think about it that much, he scratched his head and continued: "Actually, I just want to win my first victory first."

As I said earlier, RNG has never won a single official game since the Spring Finals.

The puppy has a strong desire to win, and it really made him feel uncomfortable after such a toss.

"Besides, my hands are recovering well."

"If I don't play games anymore, I feel like I'm going to rust."

As if aware of Brother Feng's worry, the puppy clenched his fists, appearing full of confidence.

Brother Feng planned to stop him at first, but in the end he just sighed lightly.

He knows that the current RNG is really inseparable from the puppy.

Many people will lament the reckless play style of the hot pot in the team, surprised that he can unscrupulously display his offensiveness, but forget the line power that this style of play needs most.

Especially the bottom lane where the puppy is.

It is precisely because of his stable laning suppression that Xiangguo doesn't have to worry about being invaded by the opponent, and can disgust the opponent to his heart's content.

But if the bottom lane is not strong enough, Xiangguo's jungle rhythm will definitely be affected, so their aggressive players can be said to complement each other.

"Since this is the case, the next one, puppy, you too."

He raised his head and glanced at the time, which belongs to the intermission. It was almost the end, and he looked around at his own team members. Brother Feng's serious expression softened a lot.

"It's still the same sentence, no matter what, don't worry too much."

"Winning or losing is just the result after all, but what we can do is do our best."

"Fight to my death, and I will take the blame for you."

Simple words show Brother Feng's determination as the head coach.

"in addition."

"My ugly words are up front. If someone messes up, they will go back at their own risk."

Speaking of this, Brother Feng glanced at Lin Xiu deliberately, the meaning of which was beyond words.

Lin Xiu pretended not to hear it at all.

My buddies are now barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, so why do you care so much?

Just do it.

. . .

On the other side at the same time.

On the field, the commentary seat has already received the news that RNG is about to change players.

"Dear viewers, according to the news we just received, there will be personnel adjustments for RNG's second game."

"First of all, the long-awaited puppy, the official return of the audience."

"Secondly, RNG will send a new top laner. I don't know what kind of surprise this player will bring us."

While speaking, Lin Xiu's makeup photo appeared on the big screen.

Then, the scene and the major live broadcast rooms fell into a brief silence, and then bursts of heated discussions broke out.

"Fuck, RNG actually has a normal person?"

Fortunately, the RNG players except Lin Xiu didn't see this sentence, otherwise they might die of anger.

Even if they are indeed a little decadent, free, bohemian and careless about image.

Of course, the more important thing is that Lin Xiu's appearance is really good,

Qingjun's face is clear and clear, and his eyes are clean and bright, which seems to have some kind of wonderful attraction. He looks confident and sunny without losing his composure.

Even compared with the popular mystic and watch, it is not inferior at all.

It's a pity that he didn't appear after S8.

Otherwise, according to the gradual intensification of fan circles at that time, Lin Xiu's presumably could harvest a group of diehard fans just by looking at her face.

As a veteran commentator, Doll and Miller glanced at the barrage intercepted by various platforms, and immediately discovered the hot topics of discussion among the audience.

Wa Wa smiled: "It seems that everyone is more interested in the RNG rookie top laner."


Miller pushed his glasses, and took the words logically: "This young player, Lin Xiu, reached the top of both servers in just one month this year, and he was also the best rookie in the German Cup last year."

"And he himself just turned 17 last month."

If Rank represents the lower limit of strength, then age is the upper limit of future e-sports players.

With the regularization of the LPL, situations like Holy Gun and puppies who started playing at a young age are destined to never happen again. A 17-year-old player like Lin Xiu is quite rare.

Thinking of this, many viewers have a little more expectation for Lin Xiu.

Because youth is capital.

But LGD, who heard the news on the other side, didn't think so.

"what is this?"

LGD's veteran support Hirano Aya said: "If you lose the first game and send a newcomer, who would look down on you?"

Even though LGD is not the strong team in the past, RNG's attitude still makes them very uncomfortable.

In fact, the LGD lineup in the summer split doesn't look bad.

Top laner Jinoo, mid laner stateless, jungler emmy, and bottom laner imp+pyl.

Leaving aside the rookies in the jungle, the paper strength of the rest of the positions can definitely be considered in the LPL.

Coupled with their miraculous physique of robbing the rich and giving to the poor, even the most established teams have to be serious when facing them.

The problem with RNG's attitude is that there is always a feeling of being a sparring partner for the newcomers on the opposite side.

"Don't think so much."

LGD's coach stopped the discussion of the players in a timely manner, and his tone was very serious.

"No matter who the opponent is, be 100% serious and respectful."

Newcomers may not be colored pens, and old people may not be invincible.

The most important thing is to do well in the moment.

"Jinoo, Commander, you've done well."

"I hope you will continue to play steadily and play well in this game."

"I know."

With a thick accent that he didn't know where he learned it, Jinoo nodded and said in fluent Mandarin: "By the way, let me tell him what professional cruelty is."

Even being number one in cold clothes is worth boasting about?Who the hell hasn't been on it yet?

 I feel that my brain is really confused, copying and pasting clearly, I don’t know why it turned into a paragraph *3, if there is no message prompt, I probably didn’t pay attention.Regarding the comments from readers, the author has actually read them all. As a humble rookie, there are indeed many shortcomings, and he has not been able to satisfy every reader. However, the author will carefully study the suggestions of the readers, and wait for the status If it is better, the previous content will be refined and proofread, and thank you very much for your support for this book.Finally, readers, please take good care of yourself. We haven’t eaten anything for almost 2 days, and we rely on drinking water to survive. I hope that my buddies can persist until the day of victory in the anti-sheep war.

(End of this chapter)

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