As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 303 You Have No Confidence

Chapter 303 You Have No Confidence

Of course, the teammates had no opinion after hearing this. They knew that Chu Yaoyao's current situation had no way to rest assured. .
Although it is said that because of Chu Yaoyao's direct surrender, everyone will feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but after what Lin Xiu said, they have accepted this matter in their hearts, and they are no longer I plan to worry too much about such a matter, but in the final analysis it is not a big deal.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiu accompanied Chu Yaoyao to go shopping in the snack street. Lin Xiu could tell that the other party was not in a good mood at this time, so she kept making her happy.

Chu Yaoyao's mood relaxed a lot, and she also saw many things she wanted to eat in the snack street.

At this time, she definitely doesn't care about losing weight or anything like that. All she thinks about is eating. Since she has encountered such a bad thing, she must relax.

In this way, it can be said that eating along the way was very satisfying. Lin Xiu saw that Chu Yaoyao seemed to be in a much better mood at this time, and her heart was considered to be a little more stable. She was really worried about his situation. And feel worried, and now it seems that there is no need to worry about this situation, but fortunately, my persuasion has played some role.

At this time, the hostile Le Kehan ​​appeared in this place. Seeing that Chu Yaoyao was also here, Le Kehan ​​walked over with a smile, but his eyes were full of unkindness. Lin Xiu didn't notice it at first, It was only when she saw Chu Yaoyao stop suddenly that she noticed another girl walking towards her.

Lin Xiu originally wanted to ask if she knew someone, but later she saw that Chu Yaoyao spoke provocatively.

"Hey, isn't this Chu Yaoyao, the little princess of our e-sports family? Why did you come to a place like the snack street? Shouldn't you spend all your time in your room practicing your e-sports? Didn't I say it's like You have such rubbish skills, you should practice more, otherwise, who can you defeat, except those who deliberately let you, I am afraid you will not be able to defeat anyone!"

The tone of Le Kehan's words was very rude, she had always looked down on Chu Yaoyao, just now she saw Chu Yaoyao appearing in this place by chance in the snack street, and she couldn't bear it and walked over , obviously wanting to come over and give the other party a blow.

Although she also noticed that Lin Xiu was next to Chu Yaoyao, she didn't take this matter too seriously, she just focused on sarcasm Chu Yaoyao.

Lin Xiu didn't expect such a situation to happen. At the beginning, she thought that the two of them were just friends. Lin Xiu's thoughts were mostly on E-sports. I don't know much about emotional matters, and now I realize that the other party doesn't seem to be so friendly.

If it is really a relationship between friends, it is definitely impossible to speak so badly. The man's face will become a little ugly because of the words that Le Kehan ​​said. I was in a bad mood, and finally eased up a little bit, and now I'm back to the original state.

"What nonsense are you talking about, where is my technology rubbish...".
When Chu Yaoyao heard this sentence at the beginning, the first reaction in her mind was to refute it, and then she also felt that there was nothing wrong with her technique.

But later, he suddenly thought of such a thing as losing to Lin Xiu in today's game, and he lost so embarrassingly. If his skills were not rubbish, how could he lose so embarrassingly?Thinking about it this way, it might actually be what she said.

Thinking of these, Chu Yaoyao has no confidence to refute what the other party said, maybe what Le Kehan ​​said is right, she is really just a person with very rubbish skills, and she has been talking about it before E-sports or something, but in fact I don't have the qualifications at all.

Le Kehan ​​also saw that Chu Yaoyao lacked confidence at this time, so he took this opportunity to actually hit Chu Yaoyao: "What I said is not wrong, you bitch!"

Just when Le Kehan ​​slapped Chu Yaoyao who was about to succeed, Lin Xiu directly stopped her.

Originally, at the beginning, Lin Xiu didn't want to care about the affairs between the two of them at all. The main reason was that there was no way to manage it, and he didn't know what happened to the two of them before. Things are also relatively bad.

But now that the matter is over, although he doesn't understand these disputes very well, especially the disputes between girls, he can barely see that this Le Kehan ​​is obviously bullying, so he can't help but move directly. hands.

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Xiu to hit a girl directly, but it is also impossible for Le Kehan ​​to hit Chu Yaoyao in front of her.

"How can you be so hostile as a girl? How is Chu Yaoyao's e-sports skills? What does it have to do with you? I think her skills are very good, but you are strange." Yes, we are shopping here in the snack street, and you suddenly ran over and said those nasty things, and now you want to hit people, I really have never seen such a lack of quality like you!"

Not only did Lin Xiu stop the other party, but she couldn't help it. At this time, she directly reprimanded the other party.

He really couldn't understand Le Kehan's behavior at all.

No matter how much you hate someone, you shouldn't do such a thing in the street.

Lin Xiu really couldn't understand what happened between the two of them, but judging from the current situation, what Le Kehan ​​did was indeed wrong, and it was a big mistake. Swearing at people and beating others is a manifestation of lack of quality, and there is no way to justify this.

Chu Yaoyao was also stunned after seeing this situation. Just now she thought that Le Kehan's slap was about to fall on her face, but she didn't expect Lin Xiu to block herself like this, and now They are still counting on each other.

This is obviously protecting himself, and it feels so good to be protected.

She couldn't help being moved in her heart, she was moved by the other party, and under such circumstances, she was able to defend herself without hesitation, thinking that she was the right one.

After Le Kehan ​​discovered that something was wrong, she also noticed that Lin Xiu had indeed noticed that there seemed to be a man beside Chu Yaoyao at the beginning, but as for who this man was, she didn't pay too much attention in the past, and only now found out It turned out that this person was not an ordinary person, but Lin Xiu, the captain of a well-known team. .
In the e-sports world, Lin Xiu can be said to be an existence that everyone knows.

After all, it is really rare for a character with such strong game playing skills.

"A person like you can only find a man to help you. With rubbish technology like yours, even if you find someone as powerful as Lin Xiu to guide you, it will be useless!"

Although he has recognized the other party, Le Kehan ​​still speaks in a very vicious tone at this time, all of which are full of sarcasm and deliberately mocking Chu Yaoyao as a useless person.

Of course, even if Le Kehan ​​is very uncomfortable at this time, he still admits that Lin Xiu's strength is very strong. This is something that has to be admitted. Everyone knows that Lin Xiu's strength is very strong.

"It's okay, just say what you want to say, your strength is also very strong, and there are some other factors in this failure, so you don't have to be afraid of this person in front of you!"

Lin Xiu could see that Chu Yaoyao had no confidence at this moment, so she quietly encouraged her, hoping that she could become more confident.

"These things have nothing to do with you. I have the ability to know. People as powerful as Lin Xiu are my ability. Besides, I don't need you to judge my skills!"

Hearing what Lin Xiu said, Chu Yaoyao really became confident. Many of them realized that the other party would not be able to defeat them at all, so they directly responded back. It was also very rude to go back and talk. It has nothing to do with Le Kehan.

Le Kehan's complexion suddenly became ugly, and then she turned her attention to Lin Xiu. Although she knew that Lin Xiu's strength was very strong, she didn't think that Lin Xiu's strength might be better than that of her team. The strength should be even stronger.

"Lin Xiu, I've heard a lot about you, and I've seen your games, and I think you're really strong, but maybe you're not as good as our team at all, or else it's like this, I I want to challenge you on behalf of our team, if you think your team is strong enough, you can fight us!"

At this time, Le Kehan's thinking was relatively simple. If he could beat Lin Xiu's team, wouldn't he be able to feel completely elated?This way the matter will be resolved more easily, and Chu Yaoyao's face will definitely be very embarrassing.

Anyway, his own team is strong enough, and it might not be that difficult to want their team.

These teams, who have not played many games against others, are very confident. In fact, when watching the game, they are more from the perspective of God. People in the game are definitely more likely to make some mistakes, and Chu Yao Yao obviously didn't realize this, so she thought that Lin Xiu might not be as strong as her team.

"I have to ask my teammates about this matter to see what they say. If they want to, that's fine."

Lin Xiu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, as if she didn't expect that the other party would directly mention the fight against her team at this time. .
But this matter definitely cannot be decided directly by himself. He feels that he must talk to his teammates. If the teammates have no opinion on this matter, then the duel can be officially started. Can he not be alone? It's up to people to decide on such a thing.

"No way, you, the captain, can't even decide this kind of thing. In fact, it's not that you can't decide this kind of thing, but you are afraid. I see that although everyone praises your strength as very strong, but It was just blown out!"

After seeing this situation, Le Kehan ​​couldn't help but began to laugh mockingly.

In her opinion, Lin Xiu must be able to decide this matter. After all, it is no big deal for the captain to decide a game, and it is just a small game. It is a duel between two teams. It's not a big game, so you don't need to discuss this kind of thing with your teammates. The reason why Lin Xiu said this is because she is afraid of losing. If she loses to herself, it will be really embarrassing.

So I deliberately said something like this here.

"Don't talk nonsense, Lin Xiu's team is regular, and they will still discuss many things with their teammates. After getting everyone's consent, they will decide whether to fight or not. It's not like your team has no rules and won't fight with teammates. Get along in a friendly way!"

Chu Yaoyao really couldn't take it anymore, so she simply stood in front of Lin Xiu and responded. It's really a bit too much when I go back. Nandu's team is very formal , so doing this is only in the opinion of one's own teammates.

Besides, this is the rest time for his teammates. If Lin Xiu wants to occupy the rest time casually, he must get everyone's consent. If everyone doesn't want to play, then Lin Xiu can't force his teammates to play, right? The reason is very easy to understand.

But Le Kehan ​​grasped this point, and didn't want to listen to the other party's explanation at all. At this moment, the two of them were about to fight. Seeing this situation, Lin Xiu hurriedly stopped them and was very moved. , Chu Yaoyao argued with the other party for herself.

"I'm warning you that it's best not to touch your hands like this again. I've made it very clear. Regarding the duel, I will ask my teammates. If my teammates have no opinion on this matter If so, then the matter of this duel has been settled, but if they are unwilling, then I have no right to decide."

Lin Xiu stopped between the two of them, and then said such a thing to Le Kehan ​​seriously, hoping that the other party could understand the meaning of what he said, anyway, whether to fight or not , I can’t decide by myself, it still depends on my teammates.

Let's see if there is any problem with the teammates. Le Kehan ​​was speechless when he saw this situation. In the end, Lin Xiu also sent Chu Yaoyao back first. After all, the sky is dark at this time. It's already dark, and it's almost time to go shopping in the snack street.

(End of this chapter)

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