Chapter 305

Le Kehan ​​is now the jungler in the team. Although she said that there has been no behavior of giving away heads since then, her eyes have always focused on Lin Xiu's teammate, and it is very obvious. Seeing Lin Xiu's teammates appeared, she couldn't help wandering around there. Lin Xiu naturally also found out about Le Kehan's situation, which was very wrong. .
Although no more kills were given away, it was obvious that he was absent-minded about this game.

It was the first time Lin Xiu met him in this kind of game, and he didn't know how to deal with it. After seeing it, I really couldn't stand it anymore. I still hope that Le Kehan ​​can be more serious. To face this competition, since it is an invitation to initiate a duel, shouldn't it be more serious to deal with it?Instead of dealing with this game so hastily.

"I said you don't hang around him all the time, okay? Don't you realize that your actions at this time have affected several of your teammates? Your teammates are very serious at this time You are playing this game, you really don't deserve to be the captain with this attitude!"

Lin Xiu really couldn't stand it anymore, so at this time, she directly spoke out what she wanted to say and accused her, hoping that she could respect her own teammates a little bit. He is dealing with this game seriously, maybe not as technically as Le Kehan, but this attitude is very serious, Lin Xiujiao's attitude is more important than other things.

Of course, Le Kehan ​​also heard what Lin Xiu said. As soon as he heard Lin Xiu start talking, Le Kehan ​​deliberately pretended not to hear it, and was also afraid that what Lin Xiu said would happen to be heard. Lin Xiu's teammate, who was seriously playing the game next to him, heard it, so he deliberately used a relatively high voice to talk to the teammates around him.

"Oh, you should also be careful. If you do this again, there is nothing I can do to save you. By the way, there is something wrong with the situation over there. Hurry up and pay attention, and don't give them any chance!"

Le Kehan ​​was talking on purpose like this. Some things in the game seemed very normal, but Lin Xiu could hear that she deliberately raised her voice to talk to the teammates around her after she opened her mouth to speak. , This is obviously trying to cover up his voice, this kind of intention really couldn't be more obvious.

In fact, when Le Kehan ​​was doing such a thing now, he was also very flustered in his heart, and even couldn't help but write in the direction of Lin Xiu's teammates. Talk about what you did not do well.

Maybe this is the way to like someone. It is the first time for Le Kehan ​​to experience this kind of feeling. His heart is full of excitement. He also hopes that the other party will notice him, but he is afraid that the other party will notice him. As for the competition, it seems that it has become an unimportant thing here in Le Kehan. The most important thing is to get that person's attention and get that person's like.

Losing doesn't seem to be such a bad thing, as long as you can be with that person.

After Lin Xiu understood the other party's intentions, she sighed helplessly in her heart. She really didn't know what to say, so she simply stopped talking. Anyway, no matter what she said, she seemed to have no choice. You can change this guy's attitude the same way. .
Then just do whatever you want, just do what you have to do well. As for what is going on with Le Kehan ​​and their team, Lin Xiu doesn't want to figure it out anymore. All their attention was put into this game. Although it was not such an important game, they still hoped to win the final victory.

Next, Lin Xiu began to concentrate on playing wild and squatting. He knew that he had to grow up. Just now, because of Le Kehan's abnormality, Lin Xiu spent a lot of time persuading and mediating there. Now It is true that we should focus all our attention on the game. Anyway, the people on both sides only have such a chance to contact, and there will not be too many opportunities to contact in the future.

After this competition is over, maybe we won't meet again in the future. Lin Xiu's heart becomes a lot easier when he thinks of these people. He thinks that as long as he wins the competition this time, Le Kehan ​​probably won't be able to say a word. I dare not say more.

Lin Xiu quietly came to the middle of the middle lane after finishing a wave of wilds. At this time, she didn't notice Lin Xiu's arrival at all. Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu cooperated with her own middle lane to face the opponent's middle lane, and then directly took After a while, the speed was so fast that the opposite mid laner didn't even have time to react, and didn't even have a chance to release his skills, so he was directly taken away by Lin Xiu's strong control.

After taking the first blood, Lin Xiu quickly left and continued to clear the jungle. At this time, Le Kehan's eyes widened in shock. She never thought that such a situation would happen. Le Kehan ​​had Known as a genius girl in the e-sports world, she has always been praised very highly, and her own team can almost crush the opponent's team every time.

Although I knew that Lin Xiu's team might be very strong this time, I didn't think that the other party might suppress me. The team wins the final victory.

Now at this time, Lin Xiu's first blood finally woke up Le Kehan, making her realize that the situation seems to be different from what she imagined.

"This guy seems to be a bit capable. If I'm not careful, something might really happen. I have to improve the economy first. After this guy got the first head, the economy has already overwhelmed me. No, no, no, you have to get serious!"

Le Kehan ​​realized that this situation was very wrong, and then he also paid attention to the economic gap between himself and Lin Xiu, and found that because he kept wandering around in the early stage, he didn't pay much attention to clearing the wild, and Lin Xiu found After Chance took the first head, there was actually a little economic gap between the two, so he quickly planned to go to the jungle to develop.

At least keep up with Lin Xiu's economy.

After that, Lin Xiu stopped squatting. After taking this head, he did not greedily do other things, but left here very quickly, and continued to develop his own economy. Lin Xiu also Those who value the economy more, although he knows that he may have certain advantages in operations, but this does not mean that he can not develop the economy unscrupulously. .
A few minutes later, when the little dragon appeared, Lin Xiu noticed that at this time, for people like them who played so many games, they could know exactly how many minutes the little dragon would appear, so He noticed that the little dragon was about to appear, and he didn't care about anything else, so he directly appeared in the dragon pit.

After the little dragon appeared, Lin Xiujiao started to fight the dragon directly and the speed was very fast. Now because he has developed quite well at this time, the speed of the dragon fight is also very fast. It didn't take long to directly kill the dragon Xiaolong's blood was gone to only a little bit, and Le Kehan ​​actually noticed that Xiaolong originally wanted to come over as soon as possible, but he also wanted to finish the wild at hand first.

When he wanted to go over and take Xiaolong as soon as possible, he found that it was too late, and Le Kehan ​​also noticed that Lin Xiu still has an advantage in blood volume at this time. , definitely not his opponent, not only there is no way to snatch Xiaolong, but Lin Xiu may have to give Lin Xiu his head. Thinking of this matter, Le Kehan ​​rationally decided not to snatch the dragon.

"Anyway, it's just a small dragon in the early stage. A small dragon in the early stage is actually not that important. Although it can improve the economy of the whole team, if I pass at this time, the risk is too great. I always You can't take the risk of giving away your head to snatch this little dragon. Lin Xiu's operation is very powerful, and now the economy is higher than mine, and she has advantages in all aspects. Otherwise, I just took advantage of this opportunity to go Grab the wild in his wild area!"

Le Kehan's mind is indeed very flexible. In such a short period of time, he figured out what he should do next. Knowing that what he should do next is actually very simple, go directly to the wild area Just brush wild inside.

But instead of going to his own jungle area, he went to the opponent's jungle area. Lin Xiu is busy fighting dragons at this time, so he definitely won't pay attention to the situation in the jungle area. If he finishes his jungle area by himself, it can also help him. The improvement of the economy and the impact on Lin Xiu's wild hunting, Le Kehan ​​didn't hesitate any more after thinking about it, and set off directly to the wild area to clear the wild, and the speed was very fast.

Le Kehan's brain is actually quite active, but he was blinded by love just now, and now he realizes that if he doesn't play well, he will definitely lose this game, so he focused, and The focused Le Kehan ​​is indeed quite powerful.

At least she is much stronger than Chu Yaoyao, and the heroine is definitely not as good as Le Kehan ​​in this respect. No wonder she was constantly ridiculed by Le Kehan ​​and not recognized by the other party.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's attention is all on the dragon in front of him, and he doesn't care about other things, because other things are not as important as this one. .
He is very clear in his heart how important the early Xiaolong is to a team. For a player who has participated in so many games, he understands these things very well in his heart. The others have not participated much People in this kind of competition may not pay much attention to this little economy, but sometimes this little economy is the most critical.

It didn't take long for Lin Xiu to beat the dragon to death. Le Kehan ​​has been paying attention to Lin Xiu's movements at this time. It must be reacted in time, otherwise, if you are directly surrounded by the opposite side, you may not know it.

So at this time, it must be avoided as soon as possible.

Le Kehan ​​noticed that Lin Xiu had already beaten the dragon to death at this time, and his reaction was also very fast, no matter what else he went to squat directly.

But in fact, it was Lin Xiu who Le Kehan ​​didn't know. She had noticed it from the beginning. After she went to her wild area and found out about it, Lin Xiu kept staring at Le Kehan. Because at that time, killing the dragon was the most important thing, and clearing the wild was just to improve one's own economy, but killing this little dragon would improve the overall economy, which must be more useful.

So at this time there is no more control.

Instead, he planned to kill the dragon while paying attention to the opponent's movements, and then consider what to do next after killing the dragon. It turned out that Le Kehan ​​actually planned to go to the bottom lane to squat.

"It's not that simple to squat under the nose!"

Lin Xiu kept staring at the other party, so she quickly sensed the other party's intentions. After realizing that the other party was going to squat under her nose, she smiled softly. If she wants to squat directly at this time, she must It is not that easy.

After he finished fighting the dragon, he appeared directly in the grass where Le Kehan ​​was. Lin Xiu was shocked when he saw Le Kehan ​​appearing in this place, and he didn't react at all. Then he fought with Lin Xiu.

However, because the reaction speed was slower, Lin Xiu's control skills had already been released at the beginning, so Le Kehan's blood volume was consumed very quickly, and he became a state of residual blood within a short time.

"Oh my god, this guy is really amazing. I've been squatting here for a long time, but he still found out, and he appeared beside me so quickly. I'm almost scared to death. I'm going to be beaten to a pulp by him in no time, so hurry up and run, don't wait until he accepts the little dragon and then accepts my head, so the development will be even more violent!"

Le Kehan ​​also really felt quite helpless about this matter. He didn't expect that things were as troublesome as he imagined, but Le Kehan ​​was not in love with fighting. Knowing his current situation at this time, he planned to escape soon and keep Little life is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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