As we all know, playing LOL is just a job

Chapter 308 I'm Waiting For The Dragon, What Are You Waiting For?

Chapter 308 I'm Waiting For The Dragon, What Are You Waiting For?

As Le Kehan ​​waited for a long time, he became a little anxious as expected. .
He really didn't know what Lin Xiu was thinking now, as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

When such thoughts arose in Le Kehan's mind, he suddenly felt a little rebellious and quietly walked out of the tower,
Then he saw Lin Xiu playing wild. Although he didn't know what Lin Xiu meant, Le Kehan ​​still followed.

Even if they didn't kill the opponent's personnel, hitting some wild monsters can be regarded as gaining some experience.

It won't be so embarrassing at that time, Le Kehan ​​thought so and followed Lin Xiu directly.

He didn't worry about whether Lin Xiu would attack him directly, but he was so careful.

Naturally, it was not enough to look at Lin Xiu in front of him, and he also deliberately drew the other party out like this.

Playing games does not depend on hand speed, but on strategy.

He admitted that sometimes Le Kehan's hand speed is indeed very powerful in some aspects.

But sometimes my mind is still unclear, and my one-sidedness on some things is still not high.

After Lin Xiu's teammates saw Le Kehan ​​following Lin Xiu, they had a special competition for a while.

I really didn't expect the other party's face to be so thick.

"Did the captain just let him follow us like this? And if it looks a little bad from the outside, I always feel very awkward."

When Lin Xiu heard this, she suddenly thought of something and laughed out loud.

Then he looked at Le Kehan ​​who was following behind him, not in a hurry.

Anyway, their most important cemetery is just a matter of time to kill Le Kehan ​​directly.

Since he wants to play, then he will accompany him.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, we are aboveboard. They are just hiding in the tower. If they are laughed at, it must be them. We just pretend that we don't know anything."

As soon as Lin Xiu's words came out, everyone started to laugh. That's true.

What Le Kehan ​​did was really not open and aboveboard. Isn't this just to make people laugh at their team?

I really don't know how this captain is, he doesn't take his team members seriously at all.

Lin Xiu looked at Le Kehan ​​who had been following behind her, and suddenly seemed to have an idea in her mind, so she set off and disappeared in place.

In fact, as long as the team members have a little bit of strategic testing, they will think that Lin Xiu's operation is nothing more than fishing.

But now Le Kehan ​​can't think that much at all, he just thinks that Lin Xiu has given up now.

I am impatient and just want to leave.

Thinking of this, Le Kehan ​​finally showed a smile on his face, and then he went back to the tower and said to his teammates.

"Now we can develop. Lin Xiu and the others have already left, and the jungler can also develop slowly. Although the time is relatively slow, I think it should still be possible."

Le Kehan's teammate had already been suffocated to death, and now he heard Le Kehan ​​say that.

Everyone started running like a sheep.

Seeing his teammates disobedient to discipline, Le Kehan ​​felt a little angry for a while.

But thinking that Lin Xiu would not come over, he didn't let it go.

But how did he know that their peaceful appearance was part of Lin Xiu's plan.

Lin Xiu naturally knew that if he kept playing in the jungle, the opponent would definitely be suspicious.

It's just a matter of time, so it's better to make room for the other party.

Lin Xiu once watched Le Kehan ​​in the dark, having fun with his team members. .
For a moment, I couldn't help laughing out loud, I didn't expect Le Kehan ​​to be such a simple person in his heart.

He was just playing a little tricky, he really thought that he was impatient and went back to the city in an instant.

Shaking his head for a while, he directly used his big move to kill Le Kehan ​​back.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiu turned out to be a fishing rule, and her face turned pale with fright.

Seeing that his team members were more or less out of blood, he said loudly in an instant.

"Hurry up and go back to the city to add blood, this son of a bitch is waiting for us here!"

When Lin Xiu's teammates saw Lin Xiu's operation, they were immediately applauded.

I really didn't expect to use fishing rules to catch Le Kehan, Le Kehan ​​is really stupid.

How could it be possible for such a big fat fish to give up immediately after returning home, so he took his own team members and came out carelessly, without any precautions.

Le Kehan's teammates were also cursing. They listened to Le Kehan's words and came out well.

But before they had developed for a period of time, they had already accepted such a big move.

The teammates have now recovered, and the opponent is waiting for them here.

But his captain really sent them to this guy so blabberingly, no elementary school student could send them off.

Thinking that Le Kehan ​​and the others must have returned to the city now, there is no one to take care of him.

Now is the best opportunity, Lin Xiu said to his teammates after thinking for a while.

"They don't have time to care about the tower right now. They rush to push the tower first. If possible, they can just push the tower down. If not, they just scare them. We must win today's account."

At the beginning, Lin Xiu was not quite sure that he would win this game.

But now, after seeing Le Kehan's series of operations, his confidence suddenly increased.

The teammates naturally knew what Lin Xiu was talking about, and after laughing a bit, they rushed over with the soldiers.

Without hesitation at all, the posture seemed to eat that tower directly.

After his blood was almost increased, Le Kehan ​​suddenly thought of something.

His eyes widened in an instant, and the person looking at Lin Xiu on the computer trembled angrily.

"Hurry up and go back to the tower, they must be going to push the tower!"

But now most of Le Kehan's teammates haven't recovered their blood.

Some of them are in a particularly weak state, and they are simply not ready to leave the city immediately.

"Captain, look at us now, we will definitely be beaten to death as soon as we go out in this state. By then, instead of dying in the hands of Lin Xiu, we will die in the hands of his soldiers. That would be a shame!"

Le Kehan's teammates are already a little impatient, and he is very anxious now.

But before Xue returned to the door, he didn't dare to go out at all, it was just to die.

But at this moment, Le Kehan ​​can't wait for a long time, he doesn't want to fail so casually.

So he gritted his teeth and rushed over. Le Kehan's teammates watched Le Kehan's desperate operation.

I was a little surprised for a while, no matter how anxious I was, I couldn't just give it away like this!

It is not so active to deliver a courier these days, but now it is rush to deliver a head.

For a while, everyone felt a little resentful in their hearts.

Now that Lin Xiu has reached the side of the tower, it is naturally impossible for him to bypass this big fish.
And he believes that his teammates will definitely block Le Kehan,
When the time comes, Le Kehan ​​will watch his own tower being ruthlessly pushed down by him. Thinking of this, Lin Xiu's childishness suddenly comes out.

Push the tower down directly in an extremely slow way, and at the same time, there is no burden on the opponent.

It's because he doesn't have a long memory, so doing this by himself is nothing more than teaching him a lesson.

Thinking of Lin Xiu pushing the tower even harder, he didn't care how heartbroken Le Kehan ​​was.

Le Kehan ​​now only wants the time to return to 5 minutes ago. He will definitely not come out in such a hurry, but wait until Lin Xiu starts to leave completely and kill Lin Xiu directly.

Instead of bringing his teammates to develop, the development is not well developed now.

And I lost so many things, I really regretted it for a moment.

And when Le Kehan ​​saw the side of the tower, Lin Xiu's teammates appeared out of nowhere, and stopped Le Kehan ​​directly

Although the tricks used are extremely gentle, but it is more than enough to resist the current Le Kehan.

Le Kehan ​​just watched helplessly as his tower was ruthlessly destroyed by Lin Xiu.

And I was helpless, there was nothing I could do.

At this time, Le Kehan's bottom lane also began to rush over. For a while, Lin Xiu's bottom lane was also relatively two-on-two, and the current situation was relatively fair, so they started to fight directly.

But obviously, the current Le Kehan ​​seems to have forgotten a point.

It was his teammates who hadn't succeeded in adding blood, and now they rushed out suddenly.

He didn't have the strength to defeat Lin Xiu's teammates at all, but he was already blushing.

He completely forgot about this matter, and by the time he realized it, his top road was already dead.

While Lin Xiu's teammates dealt with it carefully, they also talked to each other.

"The health of the opponent's bottom lane is not full, so I can't bear to hit him directly. If I hit him now, will I be taking advantage of others' danger?"

Another teammate laughed outright when he heard this, and it was presented on the computer present.

It's the picture of himself resisting Le Kehan. In fact, he really has a little bit of trouble with Le Kehan ​​now.

The other party was really stupid, and he just used a small trick, so he couldn't get out at all.

"Let's procrastinate first. Anyway, their purpose from the beginning was to procrastinate to play with us, so it's better to take advantage of their wishes to procrastinate the time slowly, and finally kill him with a big move and let them stand aside Go cry!"

Lin Xiu listened to the voices of his teammates discussing, but did not stop him.

This is indeed the way I thought at the beginning, if the opponent fights him openly.

It's not that he just wants to escape back to the tower, he will naturally have a corresponding method.

But it is obvious that the other party is relatively cowardly this time, so he can only use the same method.

At this moment, Le Kehan ​​was biting his lips tightly, and really didn't know what Lin Xiu and the others ate so badly.

There is no chance for them to breathe at all.

And Le Kehan ​​also found that the other party must be playing with him, and he can obviously defeat his teammates with one move.

But they have been enduring.

And just when the soldiers on both sides were rushing forward, they found that the dragon had come out. .
Looking at the big dragon, Lin Xiu's eyes radiated a ray of inevitability.

Anyway, now Le Kehan ​​has no power at all, and if he fights against them, it would be better to maximize the benefits and directly blow that dragon down.

The other party can only endure slowly, and can't do other things at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu put all her eyes on Dalong.

At the same time, he also manipulated the characters under him, and slowly walked towards the dragon.

Le Kehan ​​also came to his senses at this moment, and realized that he could not beat Lin Xiu at all.

If they follow that dragon now, they will almost be wiped out, not worth it at all.

And there are quite a lot of people on Le Kehan's side, rushing up now would be nothing more than death.

He said directly to his teammates.

"Their line of sight must be inside that dragon. We took the opportunity to escape, and then returned to the city to increase blood. Now we can't continue to charge, otherwise we will really reopen the dead end."

The teammates are naturally a little unconvinced. There is actually a chance to win this game.

But after Le Kehan's series of operations, their chances are slim, and there is no end in sight.

Gritting his teeth, he still thinks that Le Kehan ​​is telling the truth, their current abilities are extremely weak.

After another blow, I'm afraid it will really have to be reopened.

At the same time, Lin Xiu looked at the current situation of his teammates while chasing the dragon.

Their mental state is actually not very full, because Hele Kehan ​​and the others have spent a relatively long time.

In the case of that big dragon, I should be able to deal with it alone for a while.

"The two of you go back to the city to increase your blood first, and leave this dragon to me. When the status is full, come and help me immediately."

The two were not polite, and after returning to the city in an instant, they carefully gave Lin Xiu instructions.

"Although Le Kehan's teammates are a bit embarrassed, Le Kehan's condition is relatively full."

"If I fight with all my heart, I won't be Le Kehan's opponent, so every time I paddle, now that he sees the big dragon, I guess he will go towards you."

Lin Xiu nodded understandingly. In fact, he was not afraid of Le Kehan ​​at all. He even wanted to wait here for Le Kehan.

Lin Xiu carefully attacked the dragon while observing the surrounding situation.

He wasn't sure if Le Kehan ​​would take advantage of others' danger, or deal him a fatal blow out of the blue.

If she was allowed to reopen because of this state, then Lin Xiu would probably die of grievances.
So his attention is directly divided into two sides. Although it will be a little difficult to attack the dragon, but always put safety first.

But Le Kehan's current thinking is that since he can no longer beat Lin Xiu.

If you insert it forcibly, I'm afraid you will be in danger, so it's better to disappear for a while to recharge your batteries.
Wait until the last moment to go on a rampage and smash the dragon in one fell swoop.

Although I thought so, Le Kehan ​​still didn't dare to take more actions for a while,

He could only slowly observe Lin Xiu's movements, and wanted to rush forward when Lin Xiu was not paying attention.

Anyway, when the time comes, Dalong will be his own, so even if he wants to say something, it will be useless.

Lin Xiu naturally didn't know what Le Kehan ​​was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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