Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 108, One person wiped out tens of thousands of troops

Chapter 108, one person wiped out tens of thousands of troops
All I could see was sword energy in the sky and countless white lights.

People in the Dragon Zone Alliance are optimistic about this scene.

"Jiang Chen is so strong, he just killed like crazy."

"It's too powerful, and there are too many dragon knights."

"Nonsense, that's the Nordic League, where there are the most dragon knights, and there are enough angels in the American League. They're here to support the Sakura League."

"Fortunately, there is Jiang Chen, otherwise this battle would be unthinkable."

"What do we do now, do we just look at it like this?"

"It's okay, we can get in when the Korean Alliance breaks through the defensive cover."

"That's 9 people, can we resist it?"

"I'm afraid..."

When Jiujin Neixiu saw the dragon knights coming to support, he was overjoyed: "I'm going to rush out and kill them. This time, 4 people will die here."

At this moment, Jiujin Neixiu seemed to see a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Jiang Chen also noticed something strange.

Open the city gate at this time, is this going to encircle and wipe out [-] troops? It seems that they will kill their dragon knights and angels as soon as possible, and return to support.

Jiang Chen accelerated his speed, and three hundred sword qi rushed over.

At this moment.

Seeing the members of the Sakura Alliance coming out, the Korean District Alliance was startled. Didn't they agree to hide in the city? Why did they run out?

"Come on, they opened the city gate."

"Rush over and kill them."


Ruoli turned on the boost mode, and after a while of BUFF, Ruoli said: "The city gate is open, the protective shield is gone, rush over, we can't give them a chance to encircle us."


"Fuck them."

2 people rushed to the city gate and followed the Korean District Alliance to attack.

The war is about to start.

Jiang Chen saw an opportunity, since the city gate was opened, he could enter the city from above, so it would be much more convenient.

"Wang Meng, bypass the city at low altitude, I'm going in."

"Okay, boss."

The wind dragon was on the city wall, flying at low altitude, Jiang Chen made a deep jump and jumped onto the city wall.

Now is the time to hunt.

Jiang Chen ran all the way, white light shone everywhere he passed, no one could block Jiang Chen's sword attack, killing everyone with one strike.

"Damn it, who is this man?"

"Not good, he entered the city, immediately besieged and killed him."

"This is impossible, why is this person's attack power so powerful?"

"I can't get close at all, this person is invincible in melee combat."

"How can there be such a powerful person?"

"We have 8 people here, how could we be frightened and kill him?"


The heroes of the Cherry Blossom Alliance flocked to Jiang Chen, white light flashed, and those who were killed by Jiang Chen were sent out.

In less than a moment, 1 people were gone.

Jiujin Neixiu vomited blood and became angry from embarrassment. He made a mistake and thought that the angels and dragon knights would come to support him. He took this opportunity to wipe out all 4 people.

But he didn't expect Jiang Chen to jump onto the city wall and kill inside.

He also never thought that Jiang Chen's attack power would be so terrifying.

With himself as the center, within [-] meters is his attack range, and hundreds of sword qis revolve around him, and wherever they pass, brave men die one after another.

This guy is simply too strong.

Time passed by second by second, Jiang Chen was still crazily killing in the city, that was killing anyone he saw, anyway, there were no ordinary people in the city, all of them were brave.

Jiang Chen also has a volley flash mode, if there is no one in one place, then go to another place.

In short, it is killing, killing madly.

Jiujin Neixiu said angrily: "He must not be allowed to approach the crystal. Once the crystal is broken, we will die. Stop him."

The Angel of the Sakura Alliance shook his head: "It's useless, the end is already doomed, you failed, this guy is very interesting, he could have broken the crystal and killed you all, but this person is just playing, he seems to like this process very much."

Kutsu Neishu was stunned.

just play?
Shame, great shame came up.

We are at war, and you are playing?

Jiujin Neixiu still hesitated, and led everyone to rush towards Jiang Chen.

5 minutes later...

The heroes of the Cherry Blossom Alliance are no longer madly attacking, this kind of attack has no effect at all, and all the attacking people died under Jiang Chen's sword.

At this point they were numb, completely numb.

Jiang Chen looked at them, it was time to end.

Jiang Chen broke through the crystal with a wave of his hand.


The crystal shattered in an instant, and the Sakura League was over.

All are forcibly teleported out.

"What's going on? It's only been two days, how come the alliance battle is over?"

"What happened to them inside? They were sent out in just two days."

"Looking at them, they should have lost, completely lost."

"That's 10 people, just lost like this, obviously No.5."

"No.5, you might as well be the last one, is the commander an idiot?"

"This time I lost completely, and I have never lost like this before."

All the people who fought in the Sakura League returned to the academy.

They only had fear of Jiang Chen in their hearts.

So terrifying.

Jiang Chen walked out of the city, 4 people shouted.

"Great, finally killed the Sakura Alliance."

"Now that the Sakura League has been killed, the Nordic and American Leagues are left. We will attack them tomorrow."

"Thanks to Jiang Chen this time, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen, it wouldn't be so easy to break through the defense."

"The commander of the Sakura Alliance is really an idiot. He actually opened the defensive cover. Isn't this courting death!"

"Let's go!"

"Go home."

Li Xiaozhen frowned. This guy rushed into the city and killed at least tens of thousands of people. As long as he opened the protective cover, no one could stop him.

Really strong as hell.

He is invincible in the Dragon Zone Alliance.

Ruoli said with a smile, "Well done, junior, what reward do you want, senior sister will reward you."

"I want to drink...milk."

"I don't have milk, do you want human milk?"

"You have?"

"Screw you."


When a group of people returned to the city, they ate and drank enthusiastically with good wine and meat.

Jiang Chen looked at his own record.

Killed more than 7 people, so many!
Korean Union Conference Room.

Li Hongyi watched them return: "Victorious?"

Li Xiaozhen nodded: "En."

"So fast?"

"I didn't expect it to be so fast. That Jiang Chen is very powerful. He rushed into the city by himself, killing crazily. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people. There is no one to resist his pace."

Li Hongyi gasped.

One person killed tens of thousands of people?

Is that human being?
This is simply the devil.
Li Hongyi sighed: "In other words, we can only get No.2. With this person, there is no way we can defeat the Dragon Zone Alliance."

"Yes, this person is invincible."

"No.2 is No.2. Anyway, it's not bad, at least it's not No.5."

Li Xiaozhen: "The next step is to deal with the angels and dragon knights. This is the tough nut to crack. Especially their superiority in the air is very obvious. There is absolutely no way to control the air."

Li Hongyi nodded.

Both dragon knights and angels can fly in the air, and the Korean Alliance also has angels and dragon knights, but the number is much different, at least dozens of times.

Controlling the air power means controlling the absolute main force.

Li Hongyi: "I will discuss with Heifeng how to deal with Dragon Knight and Angel."

(End of this chapter)

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