Chapter 110, we have an undercover agent here
whoosh whoosh

A few beams of light were aimed at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen controlled the Pegasus to dodge in the air, easily dodging the attack.

Jiang Chen smiled, sure enough.

After communicating with Pegasus, being able to avoid attacks is the most important thing. In the air, the enemy's hit rate is also reduced a lot. Relatively speaking, Pegasus is safer than Dragon.

Yulong opens in the sky.

"It's him, a swordsman from the Dragon Zone Alliance."

"Hey, he actually changed his mount. It's not a dragon, but a pegasus."

"This pegasus is as fast as a dragon, but it doesn't have any attack power. This kid is crazy!"

"Attack him together, and we must not let him live."


Hundreds of light beams came, and vitality bombs flew in the air, Jiang Chen quickly dodged and flew towards them.

swish swish...

Wherever the sword qi passed, the dragon knight was killed, and the people on the dragon's back were also killed. No one could withstand Jiang Chen's attack.

Increase attack by a hundred times, various data bonuses, that is not a level of battle at all.

Wherever it passes, white light shines.

Dozens of dragon knights died.

All the dragon knights in the Nordic Alliance vomited blood angrily.

"Damn it, how could there be such a tough person?"

"The attack power is so terrifying, and every sword qi, we can't resist it at all."

"Is this guy a prophet? He didn't ride a dragon today, but a strange beast. The dragon knight has the biggest target."

"What should I do? This person is terrifyingly strong, and there is no way to kill him."

"Retreat, retreat immediately."


Hundreds of figures fled in an instant, unable to resist Jiang Chen's attack, they could only leave in embarrassment.

Li Xiaozhen leaned over on her giant dragon.

"Thanks to you this time."

"We are an alliance."

"This time it's just a test. What do you think about the next battle?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "If you have any ideas, just attack directly. It's the same as attacking the Sakura Alliance. You send 3 people and we send 3 people to jointly attack the Nordic Alliance."

"As long as the city gate is broken, we can completely kill the Nordic Alliance."

Li Xiaozhen nodded, she has seen Jiang Chen's horror before, the only place where the sword energy passes is death, is this guy really a swordsman?
Li Xiaozhen still remembered that when he attacked the Cherry Blossom Alliance, he killed at least tens of thousands of people in the city of Neijiang, one person was comparable to a hundred thousand troops.

As long as the city gate is broken, Jiang Chen has enough confidence to destroy everyone in the entire Nordic Alliance.

"Okay, I'll pass on your news."

"Okay, let the commander decide, I'll go back first."

Jiang Chen drove the Pegasus back to his own city.

When Francis heard the report from his subordinates, his face immediately became angry: "What, more than 100 dragon knights, plus super long-range professional attacks, they still can't kill the opponent, and let the opponent kill dozens of us?"

"Then Jiang Chen is a god? How did you attack?"

Francis was so angry that he wanted to swear. More than 100 people teamed up to deal with one person, but he was killed by the other party. He really couldn't understand that he could survive under the ultra-long-distance attack of more than 100 people. Could it be that the other party is a god?
Bernal, the god of the Nordic Alliance, stood up: "Francis, don't get angry, anger is not what a commander should do."

Francis lowered his head and said, "Yes, my lord envoy, but I really can't figure it out, then Jiang Chen is just a swordsman, why is he so strong?"

"Don't underestimate any profession."


Francis looked at Vernal, the commander of the US region: "Fernal, you remember that you have a treasure, it's time to use it!"

Vernal nodded: "Yes, but you have to find an opportunity to trap that swordsman before it can fully exert its effect."

Francis: "Okay, you give it to me. We use this to directly fight against the Dragon Alliance. We just need to kill Jiang Chen. As for Black Phoenix, even though he is a blood recovery fighter, don't worry at all."

Dragon Zone Alliance meeting room.

Hei Feng said: "Jiang Chen, the Nordic League and the American League are going to attack you."

Jiang Chen nodded: "They have already started, but don't worry, this time we will secure No.1 in the league competition."

"No, this time is different."

"What's the difference?"

"They have rolled sleeves, one-time rolled sleeves, ready to seal your skills."

Disposable roll-up sleeves.

The sealing sleeve can seal all the skills of the brave, and all the skills will turn gray. When the time comes, if you don't have the skills, you will be slaughtered.

This is the rolling sleeve against the sky, the rolling sleeve that can make all brave men fear.

Jiang Chen asked in confusion: "How do you know?"

Ruoli smiled: "Of course there is an inside story, we have undercover agents in the enemy camp, now you understand!"


Spy, can you still play like this?

Jiang Chen didn't expect this to be popular now.

But Hei Feng reminded him that Jiang Chen had to be careful.

"Don't worry, I have time to kill him before others use the sealing sleeve."

So what if there are sealed scroll sleeves?

Can it be used?

In front of the powerful perception, no action can escape Jiang Chen's eyes.

Hei Feng: "I know you are powerful, but what if someone from our side does it!"

"You mean to say that we have an undercover enemy on our side?"

Hei Feng nodded: "Among 10 people, there are always one or two undercover agents. Of course, I'm just guessing. If I can play like this, then others can't send undercover agents."

"I know, I'll be extra careful."

"I just want to remind you to prepare you. Once you are sealed, then we will face the attacks of the two major alliances. It should be a full-scale attack without flinching."

Jiang Chen stood on the windowsill.

Ruoli followed, and whispered: "Jiang Chen, let me tell you a secret."


"Actually, I'm an undercover agent."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes: "It's already this time, stop joking, okay, even if Hei Feng is an undercover agent, you wouldn't be an undercover agent?"


"Pretty women are not undercover agents."

Ruoli smiled: "Student, you are so cute, if I am an undercover agent, what are you going to do with me? Catch me, torture me, whip me, candles..."

Jiang Chen chuckled: "If you are an undercover agent, this will have no effect on you at all, I will use another method to torture you."

"what way?"

"You want to hear it."

"Say it."

"I'll put your head in the toilet and let you taste the toilet water."

Ruoli froze in place, furious, damn it, one day, I will let you know how powerful I am.

Jiang Chen walked on the street.

Seal the sleeves!
The Nordic Alliance and the American Alliance will not launch an attack, unless there is a way to contain Jiang Chen and seal Jiang Chen away, then they will make a surprise attack.

But who is undercover!
Finding an undercover agent among 10 people is almost as difficult as reaching the sky.

Forget it.

Let's talk about it then.

Two days later, there was no movement from the Nordic League or the American League.

Jiang Chen was bored, walking on the street.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen turned his head, and a man ran up to Jiang Chen, this man Jiang Chen knew, was Gao Hong, also one of the dragon knights.

(End of this chapter)

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