Chapter 115, sister, this cucumber is so small
Turning to hell-level difficulty, there are 160 attribute bonuses, [-] points more than simple tasks, only the higher the four-dimensional, the higher the growth potential in the future.

In addition to the equipment bonus, there is only one's own potential points.

Jiang Chen sat down.

Heifeng was the first to speak: "Jiang Chen, I want to ask you for help this time, to accompany me through the mission of hell-level difficulty."

Jiang Chen asked: "What mission?"

"Kill a supporter of the evil god. This person is the level 50 demon king Elliott. He is located in the Kanster territory of the Nordic Union and is also the strongest boss inside."

"I need to kill him and get his heart to complete the mission of the first turn."

Jiang Chen asked: "How much blood do you have?"

"No blood."

"How could the monster have no blood volume?"

Heifeng explained: "Health volume is the characteristic of demonized objects. Only demonized objects have blood volume. This kind of demonized object is just an ordinary soldier under the evil god. Elliott is the demon king under the evil god and has no blood volume. Just like our human race, they belong to intelligent creatures."

"And the hell-level difficulty is to kill the demon king under the evil god. Elliott belongs to the evil god's subordinate under one turn. He is stationed in the Nordic Union Canster. Every different world has the strongest BOSS stationed. They are all hidden in the Deepest."

Hei Feng said: "If you want to gain military merit, you have to kill the demon king under the evil god."

Jiang Chen nodded.

There is a little difference between the guild and the legion. The guild has badges, but there is no badge attribute, while the legion has attribute values, from level 0 to level [-], and each level has different attributes.

Tier [-] is the best badge attribute.

Hei Feng said: "This demon king is very strong, I need your help, just ask me, as long as I can do it, try my best to meet your request."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "No need, I'm interested in every boss, when are we going?"

"Let's go tomorrow."

"Since it's a BOSS, the equipment will always explode!"

Heifeng nodded: "Yes, but you probably won't be able to wear it. It should be the equipment after one turn. After one turn, it's not like now. You can get finished equipment through dungeons."

"After the first round, they are all collected by individuals, and there are very few dungeons. Strictly speaking, the dungeons only exist after the first round, so that people can go through the novice period, and the road to equipment after the first round is even more difficult."

Jiang Chen looked at Ruoli: "Senior sister, don't you want to turn around too, don't tell me you are also killing hell level monsters?"

Ruoli nodded: "Well, but I'm different from you, I can seek help from others, that is, I can form a team with me, and then I will trouble you again."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Senior sister, it's too outlandish for you to say that."

Ruoli chuckled; "Okay, I will make it up to you then, what do you want to make up for?"

Ruoli gave Jiang Chen an ambiguous look.

"Give money."

Ruoli: (⊙o⊙)...

Damn, you lost your money, don't want big beauties, you actually want money, curse you for being single for the rest of your life.

What Jiang Chen thought was, this woman still wanted to take away one billion elite soldiers, how could it be so easy.

"Call me when you leave tomorrow."

"it is good."

Jiang Chen turned around and left, he still has things to do, I don't know how Fatty Wang is doing, whether he has reached level 25, and brought this fatty to practice together.

Jiang Chen agreed, since it is a BOSS after all, it is estimated that the equipment will be revealed.

Ruo Lidao: "I think my junior is inhumane. I've already shown my cards. He didn't take the bait. Do you think he is a man?"

Hei Feng glared at him: "Don't forget, you are my wife, and if you flirt with others in front of me, do you think I don't exist!"

"Actually... I just want to try."

"Try your big head ghost, go home and find you a cucumber and try it slowly."

"The cucumber is a bit small."

Just as Jiang Chen walked out the door, he almost fell to the ground, what the hell... can you guys wait until I get out to talk about this topic.

Ruoli whispered; "Did Jiang Chen hear it just now?"

"It looks like I heard it."

"It's over, my perfect image collapsed instantly in front of him, what should I do?"

"Do you have an image, you are like a shrew in a brothel."

"Cucumber, sell cucumber!"

Jiang Chen glanced at it, the cucumbers in this world seem to be a bit small indeed.

"Boss, a small cucumber."

Jiang Chen gnawed on a thumb-sized cucumber.

Well, what a small cucumber!

But very sweet.

in the dormitory.

Jiang Chen knocked on room 5028, waited for a long time but didn't open it, and there was no message when he made a call. He wondered in his heart, where did this fat man go?

early morning.

Jiang Chen took Angelina out. Since he was fighting a boss, how could Angelina be missing? Blessed by the gods, she has a very awesome skill.

Hei Feng and Ruo Li were waiting at the door.

Jiang Chen had a cucumber in his left hand and a cucumber in his right, eating it with relish.

Ruo Li was stunned.

What the hell, junior, you actually eat cucumbers?

Ruoli asked, "Have you not had breakfast?"

"Eating a few cucumbers in the morning is enough, but this cucumber is too small. Have you eaten breakfast? I happened to buy some yesterday. There are quite a lot of them. I will give them to you."

Ruo Li waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need it.

Ruoli stared at Jiang Chen.

"I suspect you are here to disgust me."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Absolutely not, isn't this cucumber delicious, and it has other uses."


Ruoli glared fiercely, damned junior, are you courting death?

Angelina smiled and said, "Sister, you guys are here so early."

Ruoli looked at Angelina; "You also like cucumbers?"

"It was delicious."

"Have you tried different varieties of cucumbers?"

Angelina was full of doubts, "Are there other varieties?"

Jiang Chen coughed; "Let's go now?"


Several people walked and chatted.

Jiang Chen asked: "That Demon King Elliott needs you to complete it alone?"

Black Phoenix shook his head: "No, I just need Elliott's heart. Kill him and get his heart. You can also form a team to complete it. This is the easiest task in hell."

"It is also dependent on the care of the envoy, otherwise I will be assigned a separate task, and I will never be able to complete it in my life. When you turn around, it is best to see the swordsman professional envoy."

"Buy her some breakfast every day, send coffee or something, and just build a good relationship."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Jiang Chen didn't fight and kill, it was his way of life.

This is the back door.

Ruoli said with a smile: "I heard that the Swordsman God Envoy is a woman, and she is very beautiful. Maybe you can go to warm the bed and let you just turn around."

Jiang Chen righteously said: "Is this a human thing? Am I the kind of person who relies on selling my appearance?"

Angelina said: "Jiang Chen is not the kind of person you imagined."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Angelina still understands me, but if the envoy is empty and lonely, I can still consider it."

Angelina was eating cucumbers, and when she heard this, she glared at Jiang Chen, and was so angry that she threw the cucumbers at Jiang Chen.

Ruoli laughed loudly: "How dare you say that in front of your girlfriend, Angelina, let him kneel on the washboard when you get home at night."

"We don't live together."

The two were stunned.

Good guy.

Could it be that Jiang Chen is really inhuman...
The territory of Kanst, Nordic Union.

A few people passed the teleportation array to the Nordic Alliance, and soon arrived in the small town of Canster.

There is a rift in Kanster.

Heifeng said: "Let's form a team and enter the crack together."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No need for now, I'm teaming up with Angelina, your levels are too high, I can't allocate experience at level [-], and I'm forming a team when I meet the boss, but it's agreed in advance that the boss will drop it when it dies The equipment is mine."

Ruoli gave him a blank look: "Don't worry, as long as the equipment is yours, look at you, a tall boy, why are you so small-minded."

Jiang Chen chuckled: "My mind is always bigger than a cucumber."

Ruoli: ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

Jiang Chen looked at Ruoli's deflated expression, and instantly smiled, chatting with senior sister is really interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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