Chapter 118, The Mist in the Darkness

Caroline: What's the matter?
Jiang Chen: I'm on a mission, and I'm facing a dark mage. This person can resurrect newly dead soldiers and use them in battle. Is he the same as you?
Caroline: Yes, the Dark Summoner has a soul sacrifice skill, which can turn the demonized objects after death into pets. The more powerful the pet, the stronger the Dark Summoner. What are you doing?
Jiang Chen: Kill the Demon Lord Elliott.

Caroline: Are you crazy? Elliott, the demon king, is the demon king sat down by the evil god. He is very powerful. Why did you mess with him?

Jiang Li: Have you already turned around?

Jiang Chen: Not yet.

Xueli: Be careful, there is nothing scary about a dark mage, just be careful with his summons.

Caroline: Jiang Chen, the scary thing about a dark summoner is that it can store summoned items. If it is a powerful summoned item, it needs to attack his soul fire.

Jiang Chen: I know.

Caroline: If you kill the devil Elliott, what kind of skill book will be revealed, don't forget me, dear brother.

Jiang Chen turned off the legion communication: "Sure enough, as you said, the demon king Elliott is the dark summoner, but I have a question, why does the demon king under the evil god know the hero skills?"

Heifeng explained: "They are people from another camp. They not only have summoners, but also have other professions. They grow up like us."

Different camps!

Heifeng continued: "There are many people in our world who have not successfully changed jobs, and some subordinates of the evil god penetrated in, took them away, turned them into slaves, and turned them into monsters, just like the film warriors you saw. "

"Can you still do this?"

Heifeng nodded: "Just like the last time they attacked the city, why they invaded is because they want to enslave them. Those who are disobedient will become food, and those who are obedient will become slave soldiers."

Hei Feng continued: "They are called assimilation. If one day, we are caught by evil hands, we will either become food or dark creatures."

"Do you still have memory?"

"What do you say!"

Several people moved on.

Soon approaching the palace, several people looked at the tall palace, the dark atmosphere enveloped the palace, and the whole palace seemed to be hiding in the mist.

Jiang Chen's figure flashed, several flashes entered the mist, and retreated.

Jiang Chen said; "There is a dark atmosphere inside, and it is very dangerous to enter the mist. You can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands, just like a maze."

Heifeng frowned.

You can't see your fingers, how can you kill the devil Elliott.

This guy is hiding in the palace, is it possible to give up?

But there is no choice to give up at all. Once you choose to accept the mission, even if you die, the mission will still be there.

Hei Feng felt a little regretful.

Choose difficult level missions early on.

Hei Feng pondered for a moment: "I won't give up, Jiang Chen, take Ruo Li and leave, if I can't come back, help me take good care of her."

Jiang Chen just wanted to speak.

Ruoli nodded; "Don't worry, Jiang Cheng will definitely take good care of me, you go!"

Hei Feng gave a blank look.

I am your husband, you asked me to go?
This woman misses me so much.

Jiang Chen chuckled; "I don't know how to take care of her, as long as she has cucumbers."

"Can you leave out the cucumber."

"Cucumber quenches thirst."

Angelina stomped her feet angrily: "Stop flirting, you two, what time is it now, and you're still in the mood to joke around."

Jiang Chen looked back at Angelina.

Hei Feng is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?
Jiang Chen said: "There are two ways now, the first one is that I will go and kill the devil Elliot alone, kill him, and give you my heart."

"However, in this way, you will face danger, after all, you are followed by two oil bottles."

Ruoli is not happy anymore; "Hey, who do you think is the oil bottle?"

"When did I become an oil bottle, Jiang Chen, please explain clearly."

Hei Feng was thoughtful, the first one was obviously not suitable, it was her first-rank mission, she didn't want to put Jiang Chen in danger, and Ruo Li and Angelina had no attack power.

Once the monster attacks, it is easy to die.

This is not the result that Hei Feng wants to see.

Heifeng asked; "What about the second type?"

"The second way is that we go together, but we must hold hands. In the fog ahead, we can't see our fingers. If we get separated, we will be easily attacked."

"Hand in hand? How do you attack?"

Jiang Chen said: "You don't have to worry about this, my sword qi doesn't need to be attacked with hands, it's a mind attack."

Angelina smiled; "We can wait for the dark mist to clear, so we can go in."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "It's not as simple as you think, this fog has obviously existed for a long time, let alone you wait, even if you wait for a year or so, it won't be able to dissolve."

Hei Feng said: "Jiang Chen, you can take Angelina and Ruoli with you, and I will follow behind you, just follow in your footsteps."

"And I'm a warrior, as long as I can't be killed instantly, I'll be fine."

Jiang Chen thought about it.

That's fine too.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's Yulongzaitian skill can be used without hands, otherwise it would be hard to say this trip, Angelina held Jiang Chen's left hand, and Ruoli held Jiang Chen's right hand.

Ruoli's little finger drew a small circle on Jiang Chen's right hand.

Jiang Chen's right hand trembled.

He turned his head and stared.

Sister, can you stop being naughty at this time, you can't be serious at the moment of survival.

Jiang Chen felt that Ruoli's hands were very white, slippery, and was almost like water.

Ruoli smiled: "Look at me, I've never seen a big beautiful woman before!"

"Stop it."

Ruoli chuckled: "I believe it now."

"Believe in what?"

"I believe you are a pure man."

At the moment of life and death, you tell me this...

Hei Feng watched the two of them holding hands and flirting face to face. This woman should clean up when she goes back.

In fact, Hei Feng was quite beautiful, and her plump body couldn't be concealed even by a suit of heavy armor, but there was a man's heroic feeling in her bones.

Born to be a man, it's a pity that she is a daughter.

As for why Hei Feng and Ruo Li got together, it was because of Ruo Li, a bitch.

Ruoli stopped his hands, it was just a trial.

Moments of life and death.

There is still a sense of proportion.

He just enjoyed holding Jiang Chen's hand, if it wasn't for Angelina's presence, Ruo Li would probably pounce on Jiang Chen's chest.

Jiang Chen didn't have time to think about this, but paid close attention to the movements around him.

Where you can't see your fingers, only perception skills can do it, so there are many monsters hiding next to it!
Neither Angelina nor Ruoli had the ability to protect themselves, so Jiang Chen had to be cautious.

Just when the four of them entered the palace.

The surrounding stone statues opened their eyes, things fell off their bodies little by little, their pupils were black, and they walked towards Jiang Chen and the four of them with weapons in hand.

Hei Feng was puzzled: "What voice?"

"I don't know, it seems that danger is approaching."

Jiang Chen said: "There are monsters approaching us."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, the sword energy swept out, and he attacked quickly. Dozens of sword energy swept away the surrounding monsters, but what surprised Jiang Chen was.

After the monster hit, it didn't die.

(End of this chapter)

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