Chapter 125, Conflict Escalation, Alliance Battle
Eat the food prepared by Angelina when you are hungry, and drink water when you are thirsty.

If you are tired, set up a tent to rest.

Don't mention how moist this day is.

In short, Angelina has prepared all the necessities needed for life, and there is nothing missing, except for a pair of sunglasses, otherwise she is really here for vacation.

Angelina seems to have become a babysitter in life.

Jiang Chen tried every other day to see if the crack was opened, but it hadn't been opened for three days, which also made Jiang Chen a little worried that it wouldn't really be sealed forever.

It shouldn't be possible, this is a different world, and there are still many people who need to upgrade their level.

Another world will not be closed forever.

At this moment.

In the deepest part of the dark zone, Demon Lord Berkeley watched the passage close, and said with a smile, "What are these humans planning to do? Are you going to close the crack completely? I still want to use the meat of the brave as food!"

"The meat of the brave is the most delicious food, but it's a pity that we can't eat it anymore."

In front of the Demon King Berkeley was a brave body, strictly speaking, a brave female body. The woman looked at the Demon King Berkeley in horror, and saw Berkeley holding a sharp knife in his right hand and a fork in his left.

Demon King Berkeley praised: "Praise the great evil god."

At this time, Jiang Chen and Angelina continued to upgrade their levels.

Without other members of the Cherry Blossom Alliance to fight monsters, the experience of the two improved rapidly, and they soon met a team of people.

【Devil King Berkeley's Guard】

【Level: 39】

[Health Volume: 90000/90000]

[Physical Attack: 350-550]

[Physical Defense: 390-560]

[Magic Defense: 390-420]

Jiang Chen looked at the guards.

These are the people around the BOSS of the Dark Land. Aren't they all hidden in the depths? How could they appear in this place?

These monsters have ferocious faces, their bodies are black, and they look neither human nor ghost, making people want to vomit just looking at them.

This team also noticed Jiang Chen's side.

Saw Angelina.

More than a dozen monsters screamed and rushed towards Angelina with their knives in hand. Angelina had never seen such a scene before, and hid behind Jiang Chen.


Seventeen sword qi rushed over and killed them instantly.

Angelina whispered; "Why do I feel that these guards are coming for me?"

"They are subordinates of the Demon King, and they must be coming for us. Why don't we go to the depths and kill the Demon King Berkeley?"

Angelina shook her head: "It's better not to go, we don't know the devil king, what if he dies? Don't forget, we don't have a resurrection point here, and resurrection sleeves are useless!"

"We almost died in it last time."

"You are right to worry, then continue to upgrade. If this little devil doesn't provoke me, then let him go temporarily."

Jiang Chen continued to kill monsters and improve his level.

into the night······
The two were lying in the tent, and Angelina was obediently lying in Jiang Chen's arms.

Angelina said: "I think it's pretty good in the wild, it's very exciting."


"Yeah, think about it, we are very dangerous in the wild, isn't it exciting to rest in the wild?"

"Actually, I have a more exciting way."

"What method? What are you doing..."


Angelina: Well, this is really exciting...
early morning.

The two still took turns sleeping, one sleeping in the first half of the night, and the other sleeping in the second half of the night. No one from the Cherry Blossom Alliance came to attack.

Jiang Chen also went to sleep boldly.

As for not taking a bath at all, Angelina is a priest and has a skill called Cleansing, which is even cleaner than taking a bath.

Angelina joked: "You said we will live here for a year, will we have children when we go out?"

Jiang Chen: "You think too much!"

"That's not necessarily true, what if!"

"Then your wish will come true, you can open a hotel and be your proprietress."

"Then I don't need it. I still want to visit other places. I heard that there are other worlds besides our world. The world of elves, the world of Titans, and many other places I haven't been to!"

"After we turn around, we can also go to another world."

"Well, come on, Xiaochen."

For seven days in a row, the crack channel was gray and did not open. Jiang Chen didn't want to care about it so much, and continued to upgrade the level. One day, the crack would open.

At this moment.

After receiving the news, Heifeng led a group of members of the Black Dragon Legion straight to the dark area with only one purpose, which was to rescue Jiang Chen.

After Heifeng heard the news, he immediately assembled a large group of people from the legion.

Go straight to the dark zone of the Sakura Alliance.

ta ta ta ta tao

Near the cracks in the dark zone, not only the Black Dragon Legion in the Dragon District, but also the Sanhe Legion and the Sanhui Legion of the Sakura Alliance gathered a large number of people here.

The two sides were at each other's throats.

The deputy head of the Sanhe army scolded angrily: "Heifeng, don't forget what this place is. This is the border of the Sakura Alliance. What are you bringing the Black Dragon Army here for?"

"Heifeng, don't rely on your brother's backing to do whatever you want, you are not qualified yet."

"Black Dragon Legion, do you think we are afraid?"

"If you have the ability to start the battle of the alliance, everyone will fight with real swords and guns."

Hei Feng snorted coldly: "I have only one purpose here, I think you are very clear, to open the dark crack channel, otherwise there is only killing."

" you think we are afraid?"

Black Phoenix drew out his double swords, hundreds of brave men from the Black Dragon Legion drew out their big swords, and the knights even raised their shields. The dragon knights soared in the air, ready to fight at any time.

The same is true for everyone in the Cherry Blossom Alliance, drawing long swords, broadswords, and maces one after another.

It was just a roar, and it was about to start.

Hei Feng said coldly: "Ruoli."

Ruoli stood by and flew into the sky: "Warriors, accept my blessing!"

Superimposed BUFF, ready to go to war.

Just now.

A roar came: "Stop it all, what do you want to do? Do you want to start an alliance war?"

Two figures hurried over.

The person who came was none other than the God Envoy of the Dragon District Alliance and the God Envoy of the Cherry Blossom Alliance.

The two stand in the center.

The Angel of the Cherry Blossom Alliance had a gloomy face and roared angrily: "Put back the long swords, you are all brave under the gods, are you planning to kill each other?"

Deng Li turned her head: "Heifeng, take back the long sword."

Everyone in the Dragon District Alliance put their swords into their sheaths one after another.

The same is true for the members of the Sakura Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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