Chapter 129, Hitomi Chiyoshima Appears

Since it is a war, Jiang Chen will never be soft on the enemy.

In less than a while, hundreds of people gathered at the edge of the passage. These hundreds of people did not dare to go through when they heard that Jiang Chen was blocking the door.

Dozens of corpses were piled up on the edge.

Blood stained the entire dark place red, even Jiang Chen's feet were covered with blood, slowly converging into a small pond.

Finally someone couldn't stand it anymore.

Slowly approach Jiang Chen
Jiang Chen glanced at it, it was the pastor who was let go in the morning, this pastor was not from their legion, the pastor said tremblingly: "I know the rules, I will show you the badge."

Jiang Chen nodded, and made way for a path.

The pastor breathed a sigh of relief, and now he finally understood that the person he wanted to kill was a member of the guild.

The priest walked through the passage and disappeared.

The rest were discussing.

"The priest passed by just now, but he didn't do anything. Why?"

"She is not from the Legion. This swordsman should be killing people from the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion. I met him in the morning, and he killed my teammate without hesitation. At that time, I didn't understand why he let go Me, now that I think about it, it's because I'm not part of their legion."

"What? He is provoking the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion. This is the third and fourth ranked legion, but there are tens of thousands of people."

"Fortunately, I am not from their legion."

"Then what should I do? We are all members of the legion. If we walk over, won't we be killed?"

"We can only wait for the people from the legion to save us. I have already sent a message. At this time, the outside must be exploded."

crack outside.

Everyone is talking about this matter, and it even exploded on the Internet.

Jiang Chen of the Dragon Zone Alliance blocked the passage of the Dark Land, and exclusively killed members of the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion. Hundreds of people were unable to return home in the Dark Land.

Dragon Zone Alliance.

Hei Feng also noticed the message and frowned.

Jiang Chen really dared it!
In the territory of the Sakura Alliance, challenge the two major legions, which are tens of thousands of legions, are you really afraid of triggering an alliance war?

Hei Feng originally thought that this matter was over, but thinking about it now, it was not over at all.

Instead, the incident intensified.

Hei Feng got up, made a phone call immediately, and told Deng Li, Deng Shenshi.

Only she can handle this matter.

Deng Li frowned when she heard about this.

Although killing people in another world will not be sanctioned, how can such a large-scale killing flower alliance give up?
What if the envoy makes a move?
Although the envoys don't care about the battles between the legions, they are blatant and large-scale killings, and the envoys will also intervene.

Deng Li said: "I see, I'll deal with it, this kid is just restless, at night, I have to go for him."

Deng Li hung up the phone and set off for the Sakura League.

At this time, the Triad Legion exploded.

meeting room.

"Bastard, how dare that swordsman provoke our Triad Legion, whoever dares to kill us, this person must not be let go, and it would not be a pity to kill him if he was smashed into thousands of pieces."

"Immediately gather an army to rush in and hack him to death."

"Don't be impulsive, this person is very strong."

"I don't care if he is strong or not, isn't it just two people? Are thousands of us still afraid of him?"

"Don't forget, this person won No.1 in the league competition and killed 20 masters."

"Then we let him kill our people?"

As Mi Jinyang Jie is the deputy head of the triad army, he never thought that Jiang Chen would do such a thing, would block the passage so blatantly.

Dare to single out their legion directly.

But this person is really powerful.

Everyone looked at Yosuke Yonezu.

Yosuke Yonezu pondered for a moment: "Immediately disclose this matter to the Envoy, and let the Envoy deal with it. Once this person confronts the Envoy, he will definitely die."

"That's right, my lord envoy will never allow such a murderous monster to exist."

"Okay, I'll contact God Envoy immediately."

"There are also people from the Sanhui Legion, who are also on his list."

At this moment.

Jiang Chen stood guard in the passage, looking at the rest of the people, looking at the hundreds of corpses on the ground, his expression was still indifferent.

Just then.

A group of people rushed into the dark area, Jiang Chen glanced at them.

Two words appeared above the head.


Hitomi Chiyoshima, as the angel of the Sakura Alliance, looked at the corpses all over the ground, was so angry that he could not speak, and looked at Jiang Chen viciously.

Jiang Chen smiled: "I've seen the envoy."

"You can still laugh, you have killed so many members of the Sakura Alliance, you can still laugh?"

Hitomi Chiyoshima was furious.

Doesn't this guy have a heart of compassion?
That's hundreds of lives.

Jiang Chen sighed and said, "I'm also helpless, my lord envoy, they want to kill me, I can only defend passively, if I don't make a move, they will kill me, so I can only make a move."

Jiang Chen watched Chiyoshima Hitomi's chest rising and falling, fearing that the envoy would die of anger.

This woman is very predictable!
Many people gathered around and scolded angrily.

"My lord envoy, he's quibbling, he's blocking the way, and he won't let anyone from the Triad Legion or the Sanhui Legion be spared."

"Yes, my lord envoy, you have to make the decision for us!"

"He is the devil, he must be under the evil god, kill him."

"Master God Envoy, this person must not be let go."

"Master God Envoy, he is just quibbling."

The brave men who were trembling with fear just now saw the Chiyojima Hitomi God Envoy coming, and came to complain one after another, angrily denouncing Jiang Chen's despicable behavior.

With the support of the envoy, they are not afraid, and there are people from the legion behind the envoy, so they are even more fearless.

Jiang Chen also has no interest in doing anything, after all, the God Envoy is here!

As the person who manages the alliance, the envoy has high power, which is equivalent to the existence of a monarch.

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "In the morning, the people from the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion chased me down. I thought that the people from the Triad Legion and the Sanhui Legion started a legion battle. They killed me, I killed them, everyone came and killed , isn't this normal behavior?"

Hitomi Chiyoshima looked back at Yosuke Yonezu and the members of the Sankai Legion and asked, "Have you started the Legion War?"

Yosuke Yonezu lowered his head and said, "No, Master God Envoy."

Hitomi Chiyoshima looked at Jiang Chen, and said coldly: "To start a legion battle, you must get the consent of the envoy. No matter who it is, you can't start the legion battle without authorization, otherwise you are challenging the authority and the rules under the alliance of gods."

Jiang Chen said: "Then I don't understand, why do the people from the Triad Legion want to kill me? Could it be that I offended them? I have a very good temper and like peace."

Hitomi Chiyoshima didn't know what to say.

You kill so many people and say you like peace?

The devil believes you!
Yonezu Yosuke looked at Jiang Chen coldly. In fact, everyone understood what the reason was, but they didn't reveal it.

Why Jiang Chen dared to block the passage here is because killing people in another world is not under the rules of the Alliance of Gods.

There are no rules in another world.

Rules only apply in their original world.

So what if the divine envoy knew about it?

Does the envoy dare to make a move?

The reason!
At this moment, Deng Li walked into the dark area wearing a heavy armor, looking at the corpses all over the floor, Deng Li also had a headache on her face, why did she kill so many people?
(End of this chapter)

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