Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 139, It turns out that everything is just a conspiracy

Chapter 139 It turns out everything is just a conspiracy

Which one of Heifeng will speak first: "Going to help Hitomi Chiyoshima kill the Demon King?"

"Of course, that's my job."

Ruoli smiled: "It's normal for a junior to help his lover fight monsters. After all, he has a beautiful family. It is said that he is the most beautiful one among the angels of the Sakura Alliance."

Ruoli looked at Angelina: "Xiaona, your man is going to be taken away, so stay with us from now on, men are all hypocrites."

"I believe in Xiaochen! It has nothing to do with that envoy."

Ruoli looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, this silly woman actually believes you?

This shouldn't be!
So obvious, can't you see it?

Heifeng said: "Jiang Chen, have you ever thought about why Hitomi Chiyoshima attacked you, why the Triad Legion and Sankai Legion of the Sakura Alliance would attack you and seal the crack?"

"What's the problem?"

"On the surface, there is no problem, but when it comes to envoys, there is a problem. Some people want Hitomi Chiyoshima to step down."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Heifeng continued; "There are people supporting the Sanhe and Sanhui legions. If you enter the dark area of ​​the Sakura Alliance, it is very likely that someone from the Sakura Alliance is behind the scenes to make things worse."

"The final result is that Hitomi Chiyoshima makes a move. Once Hitomi Chiyoshima makes a move, it is a violation of the alliance's regulations and interferes in the battle of the legions without authorization."

"You are a member of the Dark Legion, the Triad Legion, the Sanhui Legion, even if there is a small-scale battle between you, the envoy will not care."

"Because there are small-scale battles between the legion and the legion, this is commonplace, but someone exaggerated the matter and led to Hitomi Chiyojima."

"Things are not as simple as you think."

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you know there is an inside story?"

Heifeng shook his head: "I don't know, but many people in the family understand that this is a battle within the Sakura Alliance, a battle of gods, I advise you not to go to the dark area, Hitomi Chiyoshima is just a victim in the battle, She's a bit impulsive."

What Hei Feng said was very clear.

This is their internal struggle, they want to take advantage of Jiang Chen's death to get Hitomi Chiyoshima to step down, and in the end they want to put their own people on the throne and compete for the position of God Envoy.

Hearing what Heifeng said, Jiang Chen already understood that he was being used.

As for who is using it behind the scenes, it is unknown.

Heifeng said: "So I advise you not to get involved in the envoy dispute, don't get involved, this is a matter within the Sakura Alliance, Hitomi Chiyoshima is doomed to step down."

"That's not necessarily the case. Within three days, as long as Hitomi Chiyoshima takes the head of the demon king Berkeley, he will keep the position of the envoy."

"That's right, Chiyoshima Hitomi is not an opponent at all, and no one in the Sakura Alliance will help him, so she is doomed to fail."

Jiang Chen said, "There's still me!"

"Do you have to go?"

"I heard what you said just now. I was used by others. I hate being used by others the most. No matter who it is, I have to die."

"What if the other party is an envoy!"

"The same must die."

The three of them dropped their jaws in shock. Does this guy even disregard the envoys now?
Even dare to kill the envoy?

Ruoli gave her a blank look: "You also said that you have nothing to do with her, and you are helping her now, are you fighting in the dark area for three days and three nights?"

"I just don't want to be taken advantage of."

Heifeng nodded: "Then be careful, if the envoy attacks you, dodge it if you can. Even if you kill the envoy, the envoy will be resurrected and will cause trouble for you."

"Resurrection at the resurrection point?"

"No, resurrected on the spot."

Jiang Chen smiled...
Since this is the case, then don't let him be resurrected, and then kill him after resurrecting to see how many times he can be resurrected.

Heifeng continued: "The resurrection of an envoy is different from ours. An envoy only has three chances. Once it dies three times, it is a real death. If it is killed by the devil, an envoy will not even have a chance to be resurrected."

Jiang Chen was puzzled: "How do you know so clearly?"

Ruoli explained: "Of course, his father is the envoy of God."

Jiang Chen was quite shocked: "Your father is an envoy of God, so how can you build a legion?"

Hei Feng said: "This is not a conflict, he will not interfere with our legion's affairs, but with him, other legions can also give three points of face."

Ruoli smiled and said, "Otherwise, when you were trapped last time, why did Heifeng dare to bring more than 100 people to rescue you? Do you think other legions would dare to do this?"


This world is not as simple as Jiang Chen thought.

The family has the interests of the family, the legion has the interests of the legion, and the family, legion, and guild are all inextricably linked.

No wonder Hei Feng dared to go to other places unscrupulously.

People are people with background.

What the hell, how can you have no power when you come out to hang out.

No wonder Zhang Wencheng said that wanting to be an envoy is not that simple, it involves interests, and where there are interests, there will be fights.

You are alone and want to be an envoy of God?
There is no such possibility.

Jiang Chen asked: "What kind of envoy is your father?"

Hei Feng said: "Judging the envoy is when you are judging, one of the three envoys, he is very optimistic about you."

Jiang Cheng thought about it, there were three divine envoys at that time.

Among them was a younger envoy, that must be Heifeng's father.

Jiang Chen figured it out.

No wonder he killed more than 100 people without being punished, maybe he was behind it!

Jiang Chen smiled: "I'll treat him to dinner when I'm free."

"Okay, I will convey it, but my father will not show up easily, otherwise he will be criticized. My father should meet you at that time. After all, you are very strong and can represent the world in the world war."

Jiang Chen nodded, and left with Angelina.

Ruoli asked: "Do you think that Jiang Chen has something to do with that Hitomi Chiyoshima? I suspect that this kid must be lying, after all Hitomi Chiyoshima's boobs are so big."

"Why do you care about this! This is someone's private matter."

"I'm just curious, why isn't this kid interested in me?"

"I don't think he's interested in hot chicks."

Ruo Li nodded and stared.

"Who are you calling coquettish!"

"I am talking about you."

"Go away, I haven't flirted with you on the bed!"

Black Phoenix: (⊙o⊙)...

Or is he too small, the other world is too complicated, conflicts of interests are everywhere, what Jiangcheng is unhappy about is being used by others.

Especially being used as a spear by others, not even a divine envoy.

Angels also had to die.

Jiang Chen thought carefully, maybe it started when he entered the dark zone.

Seal the dark zone.

Legions clash.

In the end, Hitomi Chiyoshima was drawn out, and Hitomi Chiyoshima made a move to kill Jiang Chen.

According to the plan, Hitomi Chiyoshima killed Jiang Chen, and Hitomi Chiyoshima was deprived of his status as an envoy, and someone took over and became an envoy.

It's a pity that things backfired, Jiang Chen didn't die.

Hitomi Chiyoshima is not dead either.

In this round, Jiang Chen is just a dispensable brave man who can sacrifice at any time.

Angelina asked, "Xiao Chen, what are you thinking about!"

"I'm thinking that if there is such a day, I want to open a tavern and sell wine in it. You will be the proprietress, and I will be the boss. It will be fun."

"That's good! Why don't you take advantage of it now!"

"Not now, I don't have the strength yet."

"When will it be?"

Jiang Chen looked towards the sky: "When you become a god, when you dominate everything."

(End of this chapter)

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