Chapter 145, So You Are a Big Boss
Hitomi Chiyoshima stopped, looked at Jiang Chen, she really didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Chen, and said coldly: "What do you do with me, now you are qualified to be promoted to the position of God Envoy."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I have no interest in the position of envoy at all."

"Then what was your purpose for doing this?"

"I just want to look familiar in front of everyone."

Hitomi Chiyoshima looked in disbelief.

Hitomi Chiyoshima didn't understand Jiang Chen's purpose at all, could it be just for reward?She couldn't figure out Jiang Chen's thoughts at all.

Jiang Chen is indeed not interested in rights, but it doesn't mean that others are not interested.

For example, Jiang Li, the sister of the Dark Legion.

The status of the envoy is supernatural. If Jiang Li can become the envoy, it would be good. After all, the envoy is not as dangerous as the brave man, and there is no need to be afraid of the brave man's plot.

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "You have to trust me, I'm very sincere."

"Sincerely a ghost, we will contact less in the future, and it is best not to contact."

Hitomi Chiyoshima turned and left.

Jiang Chen smiled, this woman... didn't she just ask you to kill Chuan Teng, what does it matter.

"Jiang Chen, are you free for a drink?"

A big man stood behind Jiang Chen, with a slight smile on his face, this man was none other than Long Zhantian and Heifeng's father, the envoy of God of Judgment.

Jiang Chen turned his head, looked at Long Zhantian, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "You are the Lord Envoy of the Judgment, and I will naturally not refuse the invitation of the Lord Envoy."

Long Zhantian nodded; "You originally thought you were the same as Xiaofeng, but now it seems that you are much more mature than her."


"'s Black Phoenix."

"Isn't his surname Hei!"

Long Zhantian:······
"Her original name was Long Tianfeng, but her nickname was Heifeng."

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, let's go and have a drink together."

Inside a private room.

Long Zhantian was smoking a cigarette, and gave Jiang Chen one whenever he could. Jiang Chen took it and lit it, and smoked silently. Long Zhantian came to him not just for drinking.

Long Zhantian spoke first, "Do you want to be an envoy of God?"

"What's the problem?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. If you want to be an envoy, you have to go step by step. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You need to have enough qualifications. Besides, you haven't changed yet, and you can only wait until you turn once." qualifications."

Jiang Chen nodded; "I know this."

"Actually, being an envoy has advantages and disadvantages."

"Appreciate further details."

"The advantage is that the status is supernatural, and there is no danger. You must already know this, so let's talk about the disadvantages. After becoming a god envoy, you don't have time to practice, and the level will increase very slowly."

Jiang Chen nodded.

This is the same as working in a government department. You are now a civil servant, enjoying the national five insurances and one housing fund, allowances, and various benefits.

But you can't start a business alone. The angel is equivalent to a career waiting for death. You can't fill your own pockets, and you can't participate in private battles.

To put it bluntly, being an envoy of God has both advantages and disadvantages. In a word, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

No wonder there are so many people on Blue Star who want to be civil servants.

With the gradual promotion, the higher the status, the greater the power.

Long Zhantian continued: "If you want to be an envoy of God, I can arrange it for you after you turn around, but I think it's a pity for you to be an envoy of God."

"You are very strong, there is no need to get involved, the envoy is involved in a dispute of interests."

Long Zhantian continued: "In addition to envoys, there are also apostles and orders. You can do these too. There is not only one choice."

"What is an apostle?"

"An apostle is also an envoy of God, but he will not participate in anything. It is equivalent to killing the devil. Wherever a disaster occurs, this is what the apostle will do."

"Order is the person who maintains world peace. It is also equivalent to the envoy of the gods. It is equivalent to monitoring the envoys of the gods and has certain rights."

Angels are equivalent to civil servants, apostles are the police, and order is the procuratorate.

If you understand it that way, you are right.

Which one is the most powerful?

That is naturally order.

The Procuratorate has the greatest power.

Judging the envoys is equivalent to order, Long Zhantian is, Jiang Chen really wants to hold Long Zhantian, big brother, so you are the boss!
Long Zhantian said: "You have to be careful of the Chuanteng family, this time they failed, and also died an envoy, a preparatory envoy, which is very dangerous for you."

"Probably not. I am helping Chuan Teng to avenge the envoys. How could they deal with me?"

Long Zhantian smiled: "Ordinary people may think that there is no secret at all, but as long as smart people think about it, they will understand."

"Don't treat others as fools, just like Chiyoshima Hitomi was calculated. In their link, you are already dead, Chiyoshima Hitomi is deprived of his position, Kawato Shichiro takes Chiyoshima Hitomi's position."

Chuan Teng Saburo was killed by the Demon King, Jiang Chen killed the Demon King to take revenge, isn't it normal, but those who are interested will find that Chuan Teng Saburo is no match, Jiang Chen killed the Demon King.

Could there be this possibility, did Jiang Chen kill the envoy and the devil together?
After all, the Chuanteng family is the seat of the peeping envoy.

Long Zhantian continued: "But you are strong enough, not only united with Hitomi Chiyoshima, but also controlled Hitomi Chiyoshima, you have a bright future."

Long Zhantian just wants to say one thing: young man, I am very optimistic about you...

It's not the same as talking to a judging oracle, people can see through it at a glance.

Is this the so-called standing tall and seeing far?

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You're wrong about one thing, I can't control Hitomi Chiyoshima."

"Maybe not now, but definitely in the future."

"Why are you so sure?"

"She wants something from you."

Jiang Chen was even more surprised, since this woman killed Chuan Teng Saburo, she had a lot of opinions on him, and she didn't even want to talk to Jiang Chen.

In Hitomi Chiyoshima's heart, even if the envoy made a mistake, Hitomi Chiyoshima would not kill him. The status of a gentleman is detached, and the envoy symbolizes honor, and honor in Hitomi Chiyoshima's heart is very important.

Hitomi Chiyojima, according to the current words, is a policeman.

Hitomi Chiyoshima saw civilians killing policemen, no matter whether they were good or bad, they were envoys of gods, how could Jiang Chen be able to kill them.

Moreover, Jiang Chen forced her to do something, this was even more unacceptable to Hitomi Chiyoshima, and Hitomi Chiyoshima finally accepted it because she saw the murderous intent in Jiang Chen's eyes.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen didn't kill Hitomi Chiyoshima.

She was being used by others, and she was not a scheming person at first glance.

The last thing Jiang Chen wanted was to deal with scheming people.

Jiang Chen was puzzled: "I think you are wrong, she won't beg me."

"I will. Within ten days, there will definitely be someone asking for you. How about we make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

"Regardless of whether you win or lose, your friend will be a godsend in the future, and I will try my best to arrange it. If I lose, please take care of Hei Feng for me. She has an impulsive personality."

Sure enough, it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, whether Jiang Chen loses or wins, there are benefits.

This is a must-win ending.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Uncle Long, you made a mistake on one point. Heifeng and I are friends, now and in the future."

Long Zhantian nodded: "Well, I used to be like you, and when I was young, I was as young and energetic as you are now."

Young people are not arrogant, how can they be called young people!

Brother Long, you are behind the times.

The two didn't talk about anything.

Long Zhantian went back.

But there is a doubt in Jiang Chen's mind, the Chuan Teng family already has two angels, plus the third one, it is not three angels.

This is not what everyone wants to see.

So is there a possibility that Long Zhantian is actually making plans and doesn't want the Chuan Teng family to grow stronger?


If he thinks this way, Jiang Chen seems to understand something!
This is a battle of interests.

Why did Long Zhantian assign the task to let Hitomi Chiyojima kill the Demon King Berkeley to complete the task and complete the position of God Envoy? Maybe it was to make the Chuanteng family and the Chiyo family fight.

Regardless of the final outcome, the two of them were the ones who were injured.

It has nothing to do with the Dragon Zone Alliance.


Seems like that's the case.

(End of this chapter)

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