Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 154, meeting the black dragon, the negotiation broke down

Chapter 154, meeting the black dragon, the negotiation broke down
Jiang Chen passed the legion badge.

Jiang Chen: Alice, is the black dragon going to annex other legions?

Alice: You have also heard about this news, and I only heard about it recently. The Black Dragon did have this idea, and even found me, but I refused.

Jiang Chen: Alright, if the black dragon contacts you, you tell me, I will talk to him, I don't care about annexing other legions, but annexing the dark army won't work.

Alice: Only you can stop him at Shenlong Academy. In fact, what he means is very simple, that is, everyone unites to form a powerful legion to fight against the alliance. He has ambitions and goals, but other legion leaders will not agree. .

Jiang Chen: There are still many people in Shenlong Academy, where did they go?
Alice: The people above the first rank went to other places for experience, and the people of the second rank also went to other places. Now the Dragon Academy is dominated by the Black Dragon family.

Jiang Chen: Understood.

All powerful people have ambitions, and the Black Dragon is obviously one of them.

Jiang Chen sent a message to Ruo Li.

Jiang Chen: I don't care about the Black Dragon annexing other legions, but the Dark Legion can't, you tell Black Phoenix to convey my opinion.

Ruoli: All right, I guess you will definitely not agree, I just forgot what I wanted to tell you when I was drinking just now.

Jiang Chen: Okay, no matter what the ending is?You are still my senior sister.

Ruoli: I just like to hear your words. Why do you think these men are so ambitious?

Jiang Chen: I am not...
Ruoli: Find a place to talk alone, just the two of us...
Jiang Chen smiled.

Can this woman stop seducing me...

Jiang Chen put down his phone, went home and slept.

Room 5028.

Jiang Chen knocked on the door, but there was still no movement inside, and the phone couldn't get through. Jiang Chen was a little worried about Wang Gang's comfort, and didn't know if this kid Wang Gang died in the wild.

Inside the villa.

Hei Feng looked at his brother and said bluntly: "I object so much, other legions will never agree."

The black dragon responded lightly: "I won't give them a chance."

"You want to go to war?"

"It's not necessary. Don't say that they all fight together. I can defeat them by myself. From now on, the Dragon Academy will only have the Black Dragon Legion, and there will be no other legions."

Hei Feng was silent, he understood his brother's character.

do as promised.

Once the decision is made, it will never be changed. If the other legions of Shenlong Academy are annexed, the rest of the legions will definitely unite to resist, but she also knows how powerful his brother is.

Even if everyone combined, they couldn't resist the black dragon.

Hei Feng said; "The Dark Legion can't."

"I have already approached Alice, but she refused, but I will work hard. I know that you have a very good relationship with Jiang Chen. First of all, you are the deputy commander of the legion. You have to think about the legion and let go of your personal feelings."

The black dragon is still indifferent.

In his plan, it was to annex other legions.

The black dragon continued: "Either Alice gives up the legion, or joins my alliance, there are only two possibilities."

"Jiang Chen will definitely make a move."

"Then, I will fight him."

"You can't beat him, he is someone who can kill even the devil king, and I seriously suspect that Chuan Teng Saburo was the one who killed Jiang Chen when he killed the envoy."

Heilong's expression was indifferent.

Kill the angel?

Immune to 99% of the damage, but also able to kill the envoy, the attack power is so terrifying, even if the black dragon turns two, it can't face the envoy.

After all, immune to damage is invincible.

Hei Feng said: "If he stops you, you will definitely be killed, so giving up the Dark Legion is your only choice."

"I'll talk to him when I find a chance. In fact, if he wants to be the head of the army, I can step down. You know, I don't care about the position. I just want to make the Dragon Alliance strong. I don't want to see the Dragon Alliance fall apart."

"He can't see it."


At this moment, Hei Feng received a call from Ruo Li, and passed Jiang Chen's words to Hei Feng, Hei Feng hung up the phone.

Hei Feng said: "Jiang Chen's meaning is very obvious. He has no objection to you annexing other legions, except for the Dark Legion."

"Do you have his phone number?"


"Ask him out and I'll talk to him."

"it is good."

Inside the Love Bar.

Jiang Chen entered the Sensation Bar, and saw a group of people. These people were all high-ranking members of the Black Dragon Legion. Countless people watched Jiang Chen come in.

In the innermost place, Hei Long sat beside him, and Hei Feng and Ruo Li also sat together.

Ruoli stood up, waved at Jiang Chen, and said with a smile, "Jiang Chen, here."

Jiang Chen walked over with a smile on his face: "I drank wine just now, and now I'm drinking again. If I keep drinking, I'll soon become an alcoholic."

"It's okay, you're drunk, I'll help you."

"Where do you dare to bother senior sister?"

"Hehe... that's all right, come and sit down, Black Dragon asked you out and wants to chat with you."

Jiang Chen sat opposite the black dragon.

The black dragon asked lightly; "What to drink?"

"Bloody Mary, I like the taste."

"it is good."

Soon the waiter served a few bottles of Bloody Mary and put them on the table. Jiang Chen felt the taste, it seemed to be a little bit worse, and the Bloody Mary from the small town of Tatens Hills tasted better.

Black Dragon said: "Straightforward, I am going to annex other legions, even including the Dark Legion."

"Other legions can, but the dark legion can't."

"Then there is only one option, and that is to disband the Dark Legion."


"What if I go my own way!"

"I will stop you, and if necessary, I will even kill you."

The conversation between the two men was very simple, without too many words, Heilong didn't want to talk nonsense, and Jiang Chen didn't want to talk nonsense even more.

Ruoli stood beside him and said with an embarrassed smile: "Men like to fight and kill, how nice it is to sit and chat and drink!"

Jiang Chen looked helpless: "I don't want to either!"

Black Dragon was silent for a long time.

He opened the mouth and said: "Our world is just one of many worlds. In other worlds, there is no legion of the Dragon Zone Alliance. Even if there is, it can be said to be insignificant."

"My goal is very simple, to create a powerful army that will stand on top of the world."

"If you think I'm doing it for power, then you're wrong. After I annex the legion, I can abdicate and give you the position of general commander."

"No one is qualified for this position except you."

"I don't need rights, I just need to lead the Dragon Zone Alliance to go out."

The black dragon is very clear that once other legions are annexed, only powerful people are qualified to sit in this position, and apart from the black dragon, only Jiang Chen is the only one.

Black Dragon also knows about Jiang Chen, No.1 in the alliance competition.

Beheaded 20 brave men.

The master of killing the devil.

Even the angels are killed.

Such a strong man with such prestige is absolutely qualified to be the head of the legion.

Jiang Chen shook his head, but still refused: "You talk a lot."

Jiang Chen was not interested in the legion, even if the black dragon handed it over, Jiang Chen would not accept it, if someone else would definitely want this position.

But for Jiang Chen, the legion is a burden.

He is not strong enough now.

(End of this chapter)

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