Chapter 156, Learn new skills and become stronger again

Skill Hall.

Jiang Chen learned new skills at level [-], this time he has skill points again, let's see what other skills he can learn.

The teacher looked at Jiang Chen: "Why are you here again? Last time you learned three skills, are you still not satisfied?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "No one would dislike having many skills."

"That's right. You swordsmen have few skills. It's good to learn more. How many levels are you?"

"Level 45."

The teacher opened his eyes wide.

Level 45?
He remembered that this little guy was only level 38 a few days ago, and it's only been three days, and he has increased by level 7?
How did such a terrifying upgrade speed be achieved?

The teacher asked: "Okay, let me show you. Anyway, there are only a few swordsmen in Shenlong Academy, and there is only one. There are many skills left for you."

The teacher turned over the computer, and Jiang Chen looked at the skill introduction on it.

[Blade-Storm: Requires swordsman level: level 40. 】

(It was said earlier that it was level [-], it has been changed)

[Single-body skill: send out a sword qi forward, and the enemy hit will be attacked by ten sword qi storms...]

This is the skill that Jiang Chen saw last time. Jiang Chen did not exchange it last time, but exchanged three skills, and now he can exchange it when he comes here.

The requirement level is 40, which is just right for Jiang Chen.

A hundred times the increase, that is the damage of a thousand sword qi attacks, such a terrifying amount, who can deal with it.

Jiang Chen said: "Is there only this one?"

"There is also Shattering Slash."

"Forget it. It's just a level 20 skill. There's no need to learn it. I need skills to increase the number of skills, skills to increase attack power, and skills to attack faster."

"There is a book of Thunder Swordsmanship, which is a passive skill. Didn't you exchange it? This book increases attack speed, and it is an attack with additional attributes. It is also the best skill for a swordsman."

This book is in Jiang Chen's warehouse, but it can only be learned after a turn.


"There is also a copy of Sword Qi Broken, which is also level 40."

[Sword Qi - Broken]

[Single-body skill: send out a sword qi forward, when it hits the enemy, the sword qi will shatter and transform into a hundred shattered small sword qi to attack the enemy...]

The teacher said: "If this skill is broken, it can meet your requirements."

Jiang Chen nodded; "Okay, I need these two skill books."

"Exchange for 30 points."

Jiang Chen chose to exchange. When he collected the King's Crown set, he had a lot of materials, and these materials were exchanged into points.

And killing the demon king Berkeley also got 100 million points.

Jiang Chen's points are enough.

[In the process of skill increase, the increase is successful. 】

[Single-body skill: send out a sword qi forward, and the enemy hit will be attacked by 1000 sword qi storms...]

[In the process of skill increase, the increase is successful. 】

[Single-body skill: send out a sword qi forward, when it hits the enemy, the sword qi will shatter and turn into 10000 shattered small sword qi to attack the enemy...]

Yes, with these two single-target skills, it is enough to deal with HLJ Chen turning around and leaving.

on the square.

"That's the Black Dragon, the number one legion of the Dragon Academy. It is said that it is a strong man who has awakened his talent."

"Nonsense, any legion commander is a strong man who has awakened his talent, why are they all gathered together!"

"I heard that there was a conflict with Jiang Chen, and the black dragon singled out Jiang Chen."

"The black dragon is almost at the second turn, Jiang Chen hasn't arrived at the first turn yet, has he done anything?"

"Who knows, but Jiang Chen is really powerful. He is the strongest existence in our freshman class, the champion of the individual competition in the alliance competition, and even the brave man who killed 20 people. God knows how he killed people."

"It's not our class, but it's a tyrannical existence under the second rank. Don't forget, Jiang Chen killed the Demon King."

"I don't know if it's true that Jiang Chen killed the envoy?"

"That's all rumors spread by the Sakura Alliance, just to target Jiang Chen."

"Damn Chuan Teng family, none of them are good people, Jiang Chen is a brave man under the alliance of the gods, how could he kill the envoy of God!"

Murong Xue stood by and heard them discussing.

Once upon a time, Murong Xue followed Jiang Chen to build the pagoda, now that Jiang Chen has become famous, he can challenge people below the second rank, and even slay the devil king.

Murong Xue looked at herself, she was only level 25 now, and there was still a long way to go in one turn, not to mention facing the devil, even the devil's guards couldn't do it.


Jiang Chen took Angelina to the appointment on time.

There is no need to say anything about the battle between men, the black dragon has his principles, Jiang Chen has his own principles, the black dragon wants to annex all the legions, Jiang Chen doesn't care, but violated Jiang Chen's bottom line.

"Black Dragon, if you want to annex all the legions, we will not agree."

"We will unite to protest and stop your conspiracy."

"Jiang Chen, kill HLJ Chen, we all support you."

Regardless of Jiang Chen's disregard, these are other legions, obviously under threat, Jiang Chen said: "Where?"

Heilong responded lightly: "Go outside! What I said, you can think about it, you are the most suitable candidate for this position."

"I don't like playing child's games."

The black dragon was silent.

Child's play?

This guy······

When the two left the city, a group of teachers from the Dragon Academy stood on the high wall and watched the duel between the two. They did not stop this battle.

"That's the freshman of this class. Challenge the black dragon. This little guy can do it. Even if he fails, he is proud enough."

"That's not necessarily the case, Jiang Chen is very strong, but he is the guy who would kill even the devil."

"The black dragon has also killed the demon king before,"

"That's completely different, the black dragon is the one with the legion, but Jiang Chen is alone."

"Do you think that Chuan Teng God Envoy was killed by Jiang Chen? Why are there so many messages on the Internet?"

"This is all the fault of the Chuanteng family. We lost a divine envoy, a reserve divine envoy, and now another one has died. Now there is only one Chuanteng family left."

Zhang Wencheng said: "Okay, killing an envoy is a serious crime, so don't talk about it."

"I'm afraid that the message will become a fact, and the Chuanteng family is likely to make a big move."

Zhang Wencheng said: "Without evidence, what can he do?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen and Heilong faced each other.

The black dragon took the lead in pulling out the double swords and activated the skills, while Jiang Chen activated the sword array, activated the flash in the sky and Yulong Zaitian mode.

It was the first time that Black Dragon saw three hundred sword qi surrounding Jiang Chen, and it was also the first time he saw such a powerful attack method.

Both are melee classes.

It's just that Jiang Chen's attack distance has surpassed that of long-distance combat occupations, even comparable to ultra-long-distance attack occupations.

The black dragon rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

This was not a gorgeous battle. As soon as the black dragon stepped into the sword array, he was attacked by a hundred sword qi, and his body was instantly pierced. At the same time, the scars on the black dragon's body quickly recovered.

It seems that those sword qi can't hurt the black dragon.

This kind of powerful physical body, unless it is to kill the opponent in seconds.

Jiang Chen could tell that the black dragon also had the strength of a demon king, but its speed was much slower. The attack method of the black dragon was very simple, that is, to fight in close quarters and release skills.

Facing the HLJ Chen rushing towards him, his thoughts moved.

The three hundred swords turned into flowing light and rushed towards the black dragon.


(End of this chapter)

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