Chapter 181, Hitomi Chiyojima's second mission
Inside the hotel.

The seven of Jiang Li were sitting together, and they were all very happy. The appointment had been issued, and all five of them had become envoys of the gods.

The most important thing is that you don't need to work, that is, the idle angel.

This is a good thing for them.

Alice stood up: "Cheers to us becoming God's envoys."

Several people stood up and raised their glasses.

They said in unison: "Cheers."

They also understand that Jiang Chen will leave the world, go to the world of Silero, and participate in the world war, Jiang Chen has this ability.

after drinking
Jiang Li asked, "Little brother, what are your plans for the future?"

"Will go to Silero World."

"Participating in the War of the Worlds?"

Jiang Chen nodded, Long Zhantian's original intention was to let Jiang Chen participate in the World War, and get a good ranking, lead the Black Dragon Army to kill a bloody road, and completely let the Dragon Zone Alliance rise.

From then on, she broke away from the shackles of the family, and established a firm foothold in the world of Silero, and no longer had any intersection with the Gregory family.

But Jiang Chen refused.

Alice smiled and said, "Now you are famous. Everyone calls you the God of Slaughter, but you are the belief of the entire Dragon Zone Alliance."

"We are all in your light!"

"Being an envoy means that you are no longer a student of Shenlong Academy. I really miss that feeling!"

"You can graduate after one turn, and it's meaningless to stay in Shenlong Academy. Now we are envoys of God. I didn't even dare to think about it before."

"Now that the brave ones see us, they have to call us God Envoys."

Jiang Chen asked: "Don't you have your own contract beast?"

Several people shook their heads.

Alice said: "We also think about it. Contracted beasts need huge financial support. Although we have all opened the contract seal, it is difficult to find our own contracted beasts."

"That is, contracted beasts can only be born, and it is impossible to establish a contract once they reach adulthood."

"And the best contracted beasts are dragons. They are quite dangerous in the world of giant dragons. The five of us originally wanted to go and see them, but the dragons inside are too strong, so we gave up this plan."

Several people understood that once Jiang Chen turned around, he could open the contract seal.

Obviously Jiang Chen wanted the contracted beast.

Jiang Chen said: "After a while, I will go to the world of giant dragons. At that time, we will go to explore together, and bring back a few dragon eggs by the way, and use them as contract beasts for you."

Several people nodded, they knew that Jiang Chen had this strength.

This is indeed a good choice.

Alice nodded: "Okay, just let us know when the time comes, and now I feel like an envoy of God, and I'm not used to it."

"It's a pity that we withdrew from the Dark Legion."

"It's no pity. Anyway, there are only a few of us in the Dark Legion. We can also contact and go out often to improve the level."

After the meal, Jiang Chen returned to the hotel.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, he received a call from Hitomi Chiyoshima. Jiang Chen counted the time, ten days had passed, and this woman's second-rank mission started.

"I've arrived at the second mission."

"I'm just waiting for your call, who is the second-turn demon king?"



"In the depths of the Nordic League, like the Scarlet Moon Demon King, he is also a second-turn demon king, and he is also a very powerful character. This time, it is not only me who has been promoted to the second-level envoy, but also the envoys of the Nordic League. With you, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it."

"okay, see you tomorrow."

"Thank you."

Jiang Chen hung up the phone. The second-rank demon king didn't know if the equipment would be released, and it was gold-level equipment. Last time, the Chiyue demon king revealed the Chiyue shirt.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen met Hitomi Chiyoshima in the Nordic Union, Hitomi Chiyoshima was alone, Jiang Chen asked with a smile: "Why are you alone?"

Hitomi Chiyoshima rolled her eyes: "Now my position in the Sakura League is very bad, and they have great opinions on me."

Ever since Jiang Chen destroyed the members of the Sanhe Legion and the Sanhui Legion, the Sakura Alliance has long regarded Jiang Chen as an enemy, and Hitomi Chiyoshima has a close relationship with Jiang Chen.

Not to mention the Sakura Alliance, even the whole world knows the relationship between Jiang Chen and Hitomi Chiyoshima.

Some people speculate that Jiang Chen is Hitomi Chiyoshima's lover.

Some people speculated that Jiang Chen and Hitomi Chiyoshima killed Chuan Teng together.

Some people even speculated that Hitomi Chiyoshima would leave the Sakura Alliance and become an envoy of the Dragon Alliance.

In short, there are rumors of all kinds.

Although Hitomi Chiyoshima is now an envoy, his status is not as good as before. Many envoys have alienated Hitomi Chiyoshima, resulting in no status in the Sakura League.

But Hitomi Chiyoshima is still an envoy.

"I'll tell Long Zhantian, how do you feel about transferring you to the Dragon District Alliance as an envoy?" Jiang Chen proposed;

Hitomi Chiyoshima shook his head: "No, if I transfer to the Dragon League, it doesn't prove that we have a relationship, I will still stay in the Sakura League."

"Okay, you decide."

Jiang Chen didn't quite understand the second rank of God's Envoy, so he asked: "Can't your second rank be done at any time?"

"You need to wait for the second rank. The higher-ups will issue tasks. It's not that you can get the second rank if you want to. When you think you are strong enough, you can receive the second rank task."

"After the completion, it will be a second-turn god envoy, and its status will also be promoted."

"It's completely different from a turn."

Jiang Chen asked: "That is to say, there must be a mission before you can turn two, and if there is no mission, you can only wait?"


Jiang Chen is thoughtful, this is the same reason as taking office!
If there is a vacancy, you go up, if there is no vacancy, you just wait.

"When will it happen?"

"It happens once a year, and there are not many envoys who can turn two. There are many envoys who have one turn. Those who haven't completed the task in four years can only stay at one turn for the rest of their lives."

Jiang Chen remembered the Swordsman God Envoy, and stayed for five years without turning twice.

If it wasn't for meeting Jiang Chen, it would be impossible to complete the task of the second rank, but stay at the first rank for a lifetime, and there is no possibility of a second rank in this life.

"There are also people in the Nordic Alliance who accept the mission like you?"

"Yes, his name is Marianne, and he has hooked up with the people above. Someone is helping her and letting her transfer. We want to transfer secondly. We have to go to the above to establish relationships and find people with connections. This is the only way to have a chance. "

Hitomi Chiyoshima continued: "Your job-changing envoy, An Siqi, also went to the top. At that time, someone fell in love with her, but An Siqi didn't agree, so there has been no second transfer, but I heard She has already turned [-] now, it should be your help!"

Jiang Chen nodded, it seems that An Siqi has a secret!

No wonder they went to the Scarlet Moon Devil's Nest with a dozen or so people, probably because some big shots were obstructing them.

"The people above sent a message, whoever dares to help An Siqi turn two is to be his enemy, so you have an enemy."


And this kind of thing?

(End of this chapter)

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