Chapter 185, the showdown, in fact, I am the god

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

It seems that I have to go back and ask Long Zhantian or the Gregory family, they should know better.

According to Chiyojima Hitomi said.

Angelina is very likely to be the reincarnation of a god. After all, she is very similar to the god of sacrifice, and her skills are also different. Now there are very few people who know Angelina's skills.

If Angelina's identity is exposed, is there any danger?
The trio returned to the Dragon Zone League.

Jiang Chen found Long Zhantian immediately.

Inside the office.

Long Zhantian was full of doubts: "Is there something wrong?"

"I suspect that I am the reincarnation of a god."

Long Zhantian: (⊙o⊙)...

After saying this sentence, Long Zhantian was stunned, so why don't you just say that you are the son of a god, why are you a god reincarnated?

Long Zhantian smiled and said: "Jiang Chen, I know you are very powerful, but this is absolutely impossible."

"Why are you so sure? What if I am?"

"Then how can you be sure that you are the reincarnation of a god?" Long Zhantian asked with a smile;

"If it's a god reincarnated, aren't its skills different?"

Long Zhantian nodded: "You are right, according to ancient records, if a god is reincarnated, his skills are indeed different from those of ordinary brave men."

"First of all, his skills have no cooling time, and his attack power is also extremely powerful."

"Isn't that just like me?"

Long Zhantian smiled: "This is different. After the death of a god, he will indeed be reincarnated, but after reincarnation, it will be his original profession. For example, if he is a dragon knight after the death of a god, then he will definitely become a dragon knight in his reincarnation."

"The rest of the gods are the same, they are all original professions."

"I have never heard of any god of swordsmen falling, and in the records, there is no such god as swordsman."

"There is no God of Swordsman?" Jiang Chen asked;
"Of course, there are gods of assassins, gods of priests, and gods of elves. In short, there are many gods, but there is no god of swordsmen. Do you know why swordsmen have so few skills?"

"It is because there is no god that it is called a garbage profession."

"Swordsmen only have sub-gods, not real gods."

"Then is there such a possibility that I am the reincarnation of other gods, but when I awakened, I awakened the swordsman."

Long Zhantian thought for a while: "This is really unclear."

Long Zhantian didn't know this at all, he was just a second-rank master, and he was still a long way from Yashen!Only the top knows.

Long Zhantian knew that gods would be reincarnated, much more than Chiyo.

"If my identity as the reincarnated god is revealed, is there any danger?"

Long Zhantian nodded: "Yes, and there is a great danger. Not only do you have to face the pursuit of the evil god, but you also have to face the pursuit of other people. After the god falls, the mark of the god will be reincarnated with the god. After reincarnation and death, there will be a mark of God."

"This is something that other people dream of. There have been gods reincarnated before, but they disappeared later. They were either killed by the evil god, or they were killed by others to snatch the mark of the god."

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat, is there still a mark of God?

I don't know if Angelina has it?

In fact, Jiang Chen already knew that he was not a god, he just wanted to know for sure, if his identity was exposed, would there be any danger?

Long Zhantian can't be trusted, after all, the identity of God is important.

In the face of huge interests, anyone can betray.

Jiang Chen only believed in himself.

Jiang Chen believed that Long Zhantian would not believe that he was a god, because no god would be a swordsman, such a rubbish profession.

Long Zhantian was surprised and asked, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"When I met Hitomi Chiyoshima, she thought I was the reincarnation of a god, so I came back to make sure."

Long Zhantian shook his head: "Impossible, in fact, there is a person as powerful as you in our Dragon District Alliance. Zhang Xiaoxiao is a Forbidden Curse Master, and he is a Forbidden Curse Master who has awakened his talent. He can annihilate tens of thousands of people." .”

"I admit that you are very powerful, but it is absolutely impossible for you to be the reincarnation of a god, and this news must not be exposed, or you will be hunted down endlessly."

"Whether others believe it or not, as long as you dare to say that you are the reincarnation of a god, they will hunt you down."

Jiang Chen turned and left.

It seems that Angelina will not be able to team up with others in the future.

Especially after entering a different world, you must never form a team with others, otherwise you may be discovered, and it will be dangerous at that time.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks, turned around and asked, "What is the mark of God?"

"That is a symbol of status. Only a god with the mark of a god is a real god."

"If I get the mark of God, will I become a god?"



"Because you are a swordsman, if you want to become a god, you have to challenge the swordsman god, kill him and get his god's seal."

Jiang Chen turned and left.

Long Zhantian shook his head and smiled wryly. Could this guy be crazy? How could he think he is a god?If you are God, then I am God's father.

Inside the hotel.

Jiang Chen was lying on the bed, Angelina came out from the bathroom, wearing a nightgown, respectfully said: "Dear God, what service do you need?"

Jiang Chen laughed, this woman...
"What service do you think I need?"


Angelina is allowed to get under the covers...
A burst of operation is as fierce as a tiger...

Lost another billion elite soldiers.

Jiang Chen smoked a cigarette, and said solemnly: "Xiaona, you can't form a team with others without my permission in the future, understand?"

"Okay, my lord."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes: "Stop making trouble, I'm not a god, don't you realize that you are different from others? You have the blessings of the gods, the gifts of the gods, and the protection of the gods, which is completely different from other sacrifices."

"So you are God."

Angelina was stunned: "I am a god?"

"Well, you should be the reincarnation of a god. Haven't you noticed that you are very similar to the god of sacrifice? This is enough to show that you are so special. You are either a god or a descendant of a god."

"But I have no memory!"

"Maybe you haven't recovered yet, do you want to be a god?"

"Of course I did."

"Well, I will help you become a god."

Angelina nodded, and buried her head into Jiang Chen's arms.

"Xiaona, can your skills be turned off? For example, blessings from the gods, gifts from the gods."


"If you don't say it early, it should be closed, and no one else will know."

"You didn't ask!"


It's fucking true.

"Where are you going tomorrow?"

"Go to the dragon world, by the way, if you team up with my sister and the others tomorrow, all your different skills must be turned off to help them find dragon eggs, but you also need the heart of a red dragon to hatch dragon eggs."

"Can't even trust them?"

"It's not that you can't believe it, it's just to avoid exposure of your identity. You can just treat it as an ordinary priest in the future."

"Oh, everything is up to you."

"Go to sleep!"

"I want to do it again..."


(End of this chapter)

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