Chapter 187, Robbed

"Jiang Chen, the Nordic secret realm disappeared, so you couldn't be the one who killed the giant dragon!"

"Did you get the dragon egg?"

"Oh my god, that's the dragon egg of a destruction dragon, it's really yours."

"This dragon foot can be your contract beast."

Several people looked at Jiang Chen's smile, and immediately understood that Jiang Chen must have obtained a dragon egg, a dragon egg of a dragon of the destruction department, this is a treasure.

This kind of dragon egg is rare.

Alice: "Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

A group of seven people left here and walked on the street.

Alice whispered: "It's best not to talk about destruction-type dragon eggs here. This kind of thing is a treasure, and it is very likely that others will miss it."

"In the world of Silero, it is more dangerous than in our world. Here, there are all masters above rank one, even masters of rank two, and even masters of rank three."

Several people immediately shut up.

No wonder Alice became the head of the legion. With such a cautious attitude, she can definitely be the boss.

Angelina whispered; "Jiang Chen, why don't I leave it to you, it's better for you to sign a contract beast than me."

"No, I'll give it to you. How can there be so much nonsense."


Angelina didn't know how happy she was.

Several people heard the two talking and exclaimed in their hearts.

Sure enough, this guy had a dragon egg of the destruction department, and he actually gave it to his woman. Several people looked envious, jealous, and hated, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined.

"Everyone, I heard that you are looking for the red dragon heart spar. Unfortunately, I happen to have the red dragon heart spar. I will provide you with as many as you need."

Just as they were leaving, a blue-haired boy stopped Jiang Chen and the others.

Seven people stopped in their tracks.

He looked back at the blond boy in front of him.

I saw the young man walking over with a smile on his face: "My name is Servis, and I have the Red Dragon Heart Crystal, how much do you need?"

Jiang Chen asked; "Do you really have the Red Dragon Heart Crystal?"

Seeing that the man in front of him was suspicious of him, the boy took out a small piece of red and blue crystal from his pocket, and this blue crystal emitted strange power.

Jiang Chen looked back at Alice, who nodded: "This is indeed the Red Dragon Heart Crystal, but this small piece is not enough."

"Of course I know it's not enough. I have more red dragon heart crystals. It depends on how much you need?"

"What about the price!"

"One hundred thousand one gram."

What the hell is the Red Dragon Heart spar, it is simply more expensive than gold, 1 million yuan per catty.

Alice nodded: "It should be this price."

"how much do you have?"

"It depends on how much you need?"

Jiang Chen was also uncertain, he knew that the golden dragon egg needed the red dragon heart spar to hatch, but he didn't know how many grams it needed, and there was no exact quantity for this thing.

Servis said: "If it is an ordinary flying dragon, it usually needs about ten catties. If it is a higher-level dragon, it needs more red dragon heart crystals."

"If it's a top-level dragon, it needs about 100 catties."

Angelina counted her fingers.

"One catty equals 500 grams."

"One hundred catties equals 50000 grams."

"One catty is 1000 million, and one hundred catties is 10 billion..."

Jiang Chen turned his head and gave a blank look, this woman is really the reincarnation of a god, could it be that she was a fool in her previous life?

Servis smiled and said, "The price is already very cheap. If you ask other places, they may not have it. Even if they do, they won't have so many red dragon heart crystals."

"This spar is difficult to obtain even in the dragon world."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, then buy a hundred catties."

"Okay, please come with me."

Servis walked in front, and Jiang Chen and the others walked behind.

Alice reminded in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, be careful, this person came here for no apparent reason, this is very likely a trap."

Jiang Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

Thinking about it, it's not that simple. Several people just wanted the Red Dragon Heart spar, and suddenly one of them came out and said he had it.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

What is the red dragon heart spar used for? Naturally, it is used to hatch dragon eggs, so their purpose must be dragon eggs.

If you can trade, you can trade, if you can't trade, then you will eat black.

What Jiang Chen likes most is cheating and cheating.

Robbers get a lot of money!

Alice looked at Jiang Chen's eyes, and suddenly realized that Jiang Chen was fishing, and this guy probably guessed it long ago.

Alice didn't speak anymore, but followed behind Servis.

Jiang Li and the others looked at each other and nodded.

They are not fledgling braves, and they are ready for the transaction.

Servis enters a tavern.

Servis turned back and said, "We need to go through a teleportation array to reach the station, everyone please follow me."

Jiang Chen nodded, and followed Servis into the private room in the tavern.

There are many teleportation arrays here, which can teleport into the legion.

There are many such taverns in the world of Silero, and these taverns are connected to each other. This tavern is not a place to drink, but a teleportation array. Many private legions will establish a teleportation array in the tavern.

It can be sent to the station through the teleportation array.

Servis entered the teleportation array and disappeared, and several people followed closely.

Several people entered a legion garrison through the teleportation array.

There are many brave men here, and they laughed as they watched Servis bring a few people forward.

Come on.

And here comes another lamb.

Hey, there are still seven people, six women, and one man. This lamb looks good!
Everyone around is gearing up.

Servis turned back and said, "This is it."

Jiang Chen glanced over, and saw them put their hands on their waists. At this moment, Jiang Chen had already understood that this was robbery!

Jiang Chen remained calm, and said with a smile: "Who are you trading with?"

"I need to see if you have enough funds?"

"Then I still need to see if your Red Dragon Heart spar is [-] catties!"

Servis waved his hand.

At this time, a large number of brave men gathered around.

Alice frowned: "Jiang Chen, this is one-way teleportation."

Servis smiled and said, "You are right. This is indeed a one-way teleportation. Now I will give you a chance to survive. Take off all the equipment on your body and take out all the equipment on your body."

"Of course the most important thing is the dragon egg."

Jiang Li and the others drew out their weapons, ready to strike at any time.

Servis stretched out his right hand, shaking his right index finger from side to side: "I advise you to be obedient and hand over your things obediently. This is my place, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will survive."

"Boy, it's important for you to take it out, haven't you found out! This place has been sealed by our enchanter."

"They still have dragon eggs. It seems that they caught a big fish this time!"

"These little rookies look like human beings from the small world. This is an important lesson for us to teach them."

"Better obey, or die."

Facing the threats from several people, Jiang Chen didn't care, and Jiang Li and others didn't take it to heart. Mu Lier stepped forward and said, "Jiang Chen, don't do anything yet. Damn you, I want to suck their blood dry."

Jiang Chen looked at Mu Lier, and saw Mu Lier showing her fangs.

Eyes also turned blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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