Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 195, Jiang Chen's Contracted Beast is His Highness

Chapter 195, Jiang Chen's Contracted Beast is His Highness
Malthus: "Charles, do you feel it?"

Charles nodded: "Well, such a powerful dark wave must have been done by the masters of the evil gods. They are preparing to invade the entire world of dragons."

"It should be an evil brave of rank four, this battle is not easy to fight!"

"Let's go, if it's not easy to fight, we have to drive them out of the dragon world. It seems that they have extremely rare space mages who use dark magic to open space channels and forcibly raid the dragon world."


The dragon on which Charles sat roared.

Charles looked at the mount; "Don't worry, old friend, we will definitely defend your homeland, let's go..."

At this time, Jiang Chen also rushed to the direction with the greatest fluctuation at an extremely fast speed. The maximum distance in the volley flash was 200 meters, and only a white light flashed quickly, rushing towards the final battlefield.

He wanted to see what kind of monster it was?There is such a terrifying magic power fluctuation.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was standing on a mountain peak a thousand meters away, looking at a huge deep pit, he was suddenly dumbfounded, and saw an 800-meter deep pit appearing in front of him.

The pit was tens of meters deep.

At first glance, it looks like a huge eyeball. Above the deep pit, there are several people fighting. There are all kinds of magic, and all kinds of magic are intertwined.

Even the mountain that Jiang Chen occupied was affected.

Jiang Chen teleported, and a mountain was covered by magic, turning into powder in an instant.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

Good guy.

This attack power is too scary, isn't the magic fluctuating a thousand meters away?

It's a good thing his mother had a flash in the air, otherwise it would be over.

Is this a battle between gods and gods?

This kind of fighting method can even directly destroy the world of giant dragons. As expected, he is too weak. Now that he has just turned around, facing a powerful god, it is impossible to kill him at all.

The gap between levels, the gap between equipment, cannot be made up by a hundred times increase.

Jiang Chen originally thought of using paralysis to directly forcefully kill God!

The result is this?

Before meeting God, he was shocked to death by the aftermath.

Looking at the battle, Jiang Chen only saw several figures in the sky casting magic, the aftermath of all kinds of magic was released, all kinds of explosions on the ground, and countless mountain peaks were wiped out.

Countless dragons died tragically under the aftermath of magic.

Jiang Chen had lingering fears in his heart.


I can't help you, let's just stand and watch the show!
At this moment, more than a dozen figures appeared in the sky. They were the figures of a giant dragon, and there was a person on the dragon's back. Jiang Chen glanced at it, and it was a strong man under the alliance of gods.

The powerful from the Silero world came to support.

The giant dragon cast a spell on the enemy not far away. I don't know what kind of magic it is. In short, it is white, and it is a thousand meters long.

The enemy a thousand meters away seemed to have been prepared long ago, and a ray of light enveloped the earth, enveloping them all.


The white magic hit the light and was instantly bounced back.

The dragon dodged quickly, and the white magic headed towards the sky, only to see a mushroom cloud appear in the sky.

Jiang Chen glanced at it.

Good guy.

What kind of magic is this?It's so powerful, it's hitting the sky, it's as powerful as an atomic bomb explosion.


Should be hiding away...

Whoosh whoosh...
Jiang Chen quickly retreated, stood on the high ground and watched the battle between them.

At this moment.

Jiang Chen sensed someone below, and saw a group of brave men covered in blackness chasing and killing a little girl, they were the brave men of the God of Evil.

It looks pretty weak.

Do you want to make a move!

Hey, that little girl seems quite cute, running with a limp, is she injured?
As a brave man under the alliance of the gods, how can he refuse to save him!

Still such a cute little girl.

It's definitely not because the little girl is good-looking, but because these brave men are too hateful.

Let go of that girl, let me come...


Jiang Chen quickly landed his figure and landed in front of the little girl.

Little girl: "Gulu Gulu"

What the hell?

Can you speak proper language?
In the mode of Yulong Zaitian, in the mode of sword array, three hundred sword qi passed by the little girl, frantically killing the evil brave who came after her.

【Experience +1000】

【Experience +1000】

【Experience +1000】

Seems like a lot of experience...

In the frantic killing, dozens of dark warriors died instantly.

Jiang Chen looked at this little girl, about one meter tall, with a round face, long black hair, and a pair of charming and lovely eyes.

Did this little girl develop too early, why is she as old as Mu Lier?

Jiang Chen seriously suspected that this girl had eaten too much Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

Little girl: "Gulu Gulu."

Jiang Chen: "You know how to toad, don't you?"


"Can you speak proper language?"


Just as Jiang Chen was about to turn around and leave, the little girl blocked Jiang Chen's way, and babbled a lot of words, which confused Jiang Chen.

The little girl rolled her eyes, waved her hand casually, and cast a magic circle.

Then he pointed to Jiang Chen, and pointed to the magic circle.

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl gesticulating, understood something, pointed at himself and the magic circle with gestures: "You mean to let me stand on the magic circle."

The little girl nodded.

Jiang Chen stood in helplessly, the magic circle turned into a light beam and entered Jiang Chen's body, and then the little girl disappeared.

? ? ? ? ?

What about people?

Could this girl still be invisible?
No, Jiang Chen's perception is particularly strong, he didn't sense where the little girl went at all?

Did the teleportation disappear?
But isn't it me who teleports?

"Thank you for saving the great highness Olive, you will be my truest friend in the future."

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

What about people?

Gone, still talking?

What the hell!

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen tried to ask;

"My name is Olive."

"Where are you!"

"Stupid human, don't you know where I am?"

"Are you a ghost?"

"What is a ghost?"

"Anyway, show up to me right now."

"I'm healing right now!"

"Where is the healing?"

"Contract space."

Jiang Chen: (⊙o⊙)...


contract space?

Wait, could it be that the formation just now was contract magic?
I established a contract with this girl?

Isn't it possible to establish a contract with a dragon?How can you establish a contract with someone?

Is this girl...
"Are you a dragon?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm a dragon..."

"But why are you human?"

"I am the great Highness Olive, and I can naturally transform into forms. Please call me Your Highness Olive in the future. I am the great dragon, the strongest existence in the world."

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

You are the strongest, yet you are being chased and killed by a few second-rank evil god brave men?

This girl won't have secondary illness!

Is it a psychopath?
How the hell did I make a contract with a psychotic dragon?

Is it possible to establish a contract with a dragon?
Jiang Chen couldn't turn his head, and suddenly established a contract with a little girl out of nowhere, and he even claimed to be the strongest dragon in the world.

Of course, this dragon doesn't seem to have anything special other than being able to talk big.

(End of this chapter)

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