Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 205, the shocking secret, the person who fell turned out to be genuine

Chapter 205, the shocking secret, the person who fell turned out to be genuine
"So, we are using each other. We need it to grow up, expand our family's interests, and expand our position in the alliance of the gods. And he needs us to protect his family. In fact, this is a transaction."

A Ling suddenly realized.

"After all, isn't it an exchange of benefits? What kind of friends are you talking about?"

"You're wrong, there are deals between friends."

"Then what should I do now?"

Gregory Arnold sighed, he said everything so clearly, why don't you understand?This little sister is really silly and cute.

"What you have to do now is to take over Jiang Chen's family and settle them down, help them become envoys of God, and send someone to protect them."

A Ling nodded.

Jiang Chen didn't go far, and sighed: Gregory Arnold is really not simple, you can see from this, my acting skills are already very good, how did he find out?
into the night.

Jiang Chen looked at the legion information.

Now Jiang Chen is already a member of the Secret Sword Legion, he has joined the Secret Sword Legion, this is also a deal between Jiang Chen and their family.

Jiang Chen read the information in the legion.

There are 78 people in total.

These 78 people are all second-turn professional masters, that is to say, they are above level 100, and A Ling's level is even higher, at level 145.

God knows how this silly girl raised her level, and it was as high as level 145, which means that she is almost three turns.

One turn at level 50, two turns at level 100, three turns at level 2...

Every time you upgrade 50 levels, you will change jobs.

Jiang Chen waited until this matter was over, and slowly raised his level.

Team up with Angelina, wait until they are at the same level as Jiang Gracilia, and team up with Jiang Gracilla to raise the level.

Legion badge.

Legion leader A Ling: "Let me introduce my teammate formally. He is Jiang Chen, a swordsman. He is a new member. We will fight side by side in the future."

"Welcome new teammates."

"Swordsman, has anyone heard of this profession?"

"This seems to be a profession in the human world. I don't know the specific situation."

"Why doesn't this newcomer speak up?"

"It should be a treat, our Secret Sword Legion has another newcomer."

"Why is the level only 50? Newcomers, you have to work hard, we are all second-level jobs."

"I don't know if this newcomer is handsome or not?"

"Don't even think about it, he is very likely to be the lover of the legion commander. I guess this newcomer must be very handsome."

Jiang Chen looked at the message and smiled.

Now back to the era of team battles, Jiang Chen directly closed the message, laying on the bed smoking a cigarette silently, at this time Olive ran over, lying on the bed, next to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen: ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

Why does it feel uncomfortable to have one more person all of a sudden?

Jiang Chen: "Go back to sleep in the contracted space by yourself."

"How about that? I want to sleep next to my brother, and even more so to sister Angelina. This bed is so big that it's enough for the three of us to sleep."

Jiang Chen just wanted to say, although this bed is big, it's not suitable for you.

Jiang Chen coughed: "I still have some things to do!"

Angelina giggled.

"What's the matter, do you need my help?" Olive asked with a naive smile;

This made Jiang Chen unable to rectify.

He's only three years old, so you'd better not know about programs that are not suitable for children.

Second brother: I used to work overtime and stay up late every day, and I can finally rest. God knows how I survived...
Angelina smiled and said, "Okay, the three of us will sleep together."


Angelina glanced at Jiang Chen, her small eyes seemed to say, Xiao Mian, someone can cure you now, right?
Jiang Chen regretted it, he would have given up if he had known earlier.

Why are you so angry!
This is clearly asking for trouble for himself.

In the future, I must find an opportunity to train and train this girl well. How can a contracted beast sleep on the bed?Should stay in the contract space.

Jiang Chen walked to the window, looked at the sky, and smoked silently.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen got up, and soon received the news. This time, Jiang Chen didn't take Angelina with him, and killed the falling person, so he had no experience points.

After Jiang Chen got up and gave orders, he left the hotel.

Get ready for new challenges.

In a square.

A Ling brought two people to the square, a man and a woman.

A Ling introduced; "Jiang Chen, this one is Matt and this one is Rachel, they are also members of the Legion, this time the three of you will participate in the operation to encircle and suppress the Fallen."

Jiang Chen glanced at them. Both of them had blue hair and blue eyes, and they were both natives of Silero World.

Matt held out his hand: "Hi, my profession is an archer."

"My profession is also an archer."

"Swordsman, Jiang Chen."

After a brief exchange, A Ling left, and before leaving, she ordered: "Jiang Chen, this time you have to listen to Matt's arrangement, he knows the fallen person very well."

Jiang Chen asked: "Matt, how much do you know about the fallen?"

"The attack power is strong and the speed is fast, but they must not attack the fallen in melee. They are invincible in melee."

He knows this.

Matt continued: "The strength of the Fallen is not the sword. Even without a sword, they are very powerful in unarmed combat. Those brave men who are killed by the Fallen will never be resurrected. The resurrection sleeve is useless at all."

"That's what makes them strong."

Jiang Chen asked: "Have you ever fought against the Fallen?"


Matt pulled out his sleeve, and it was a scar: "This is the scar left by the fallen!"

"You should ask the priest to heal you."

Matt shook his head: "It's useless, priests can't heal wounds, they can only recover slowly, and their unique qi can damage cells."

Jiang Chen was stunned, as if he had heard the biggest secret in the world.

"What did you say?"

Matt is confused, you are deaf, can't you hear clearly?

Matt reminded again: "The wound can only heal slowly."

"No, you just said you were really angry?"

"Yes, that's what they call it. Who knows what Zhenqi is?"


It seems that I know this!

True Qi, isn't it what Qi practitioners cultivate, how can there be true Qi here!Could it be that they are a group of ancient Qi practitioners?

What era have I traveled to?

Could it be ancient?
This is not right, this is clearly a different world!
Jiang Chen asked, "Do they have badges?"

"The badge belongs to our Alliance of Gods, they don't have a badge."

"That is to say, their power comes from themselves?"

Matt nods.

Rachel seemed to see what Jiang Chen meant: "I know what you think, do you want to gain the power of the fallen? Actually, many people have this idea, but they failed in the end."

"Because you can't understand it at all, and you can't get it. We don't understand their inheritance at all. Many fallen people were once imprisoned and had so-called skills, but they still can't get their power."

"That's why the Alliance of the Gods issued a statement: The brave cannot obtain the power of the fallen. Tens of millions of people have tried it, and no one can obtain this power."

Think about it too, everyone wants to obtain such a magical power from the Fallen.

But no one can get it.

This is the rule.

Jiang Chen thought about it, looking to try it in the future to see if he can get it.

The two of them also saw Jiang Chen's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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