Chapter 213, the tavern owner is not dead
Along the way, Amei finally saw Jiang Chen's methods.

The sword energy swept across everything, and the animals within a thousand meters around became Jiang Chen's food, a wild boar appeared from time to time, and a black bear appeared from time to time.

After Jiang Chen walked around, he returned in 10 minutes and brought wild boars, black bears, and many hares. Amei was completely stunned.

In addition to the fixed steamed buns, they went to the wild to hunt these animals.

But never has it been this rich.

by the fire.

Amei watched them eating the food and asked, "Your perception is so strong, is this the skill of you brave people?"


"You are different from other braves. I have never seen such a powerful brave."

"Because I am a swordsman."

Amei shook her head: "No, Bajie is also a swordsman. He used to be a brave man, but according to what he said, the skills of a swordsman are very few, and this profession is very bad."

Jiang Chen nodded: "He's right, but I'm different."

"What's different?"

" sword is a bit long."

Amei was puzzled.

Does it matter?
In two days, they quickly arrived at the border, and there was no longer a thick white mist on the opposite side, but a thick black mist filled the sky, as if the whole world was split from the middle.

On the opposite side is a red moon, in stark contrast to this side.

There is a mountain on the border with many caves, and it is clear that this was once a gathering place for fallen people.

Amei said: "Here we are."

"You guys are living here?"

"Yes, the Alliance of Gods can't tolerate us, and the evil gods can't tolerate us either. We can only wander outside, but we have long been used to this kind of life."

"Do you have anything to eat?"

Amei was silent.

Jiang Chen could see that their life was very difficult, Jiang Chen said: "You guys just stay here, I will bring some food over when I have time."

"Fortunately, it's not too far from the city."

Amei nodded: "Thank you."

"Not so polite."

"You are a good guy."

Jiang Chen turned around and left, now is also the time for Jiang Chen to leave, he used his volley flash skill, and soon arrived at the small town, and returned through the teleportation array.

Gregory A Ling looked at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, why have you been away for so long this time?"

"be lost."

Gregory Alling rolled her eyes.

be lost?
"This excuse is really not good, but this time you are not without gain. Although Patrick died, they brought back their leader."

Jiang Chen was shocked, the tavern owner is not dead?

Jiang Chen exclaimed: "Patrick is dead?"

A Ling nodded: "Well, not only is Patrick dead, but everyone around him is dead. Dozens of people came back, and the higher authorities are investigating this matter. According to their investigation, there has been a master of the fallen."

What Jiang Chen is worried about now is whether the tavern owner will betray him.

After all, people are unpredictable.

If the tavern owner really betrayed him, he would never survive.

But Jiang Chen felt relieved a lot, because he didn't encounter any danger when he came back now, which meant that the tavern owner didn't betray him.

"Where is that leader being held?"

"What do you ask for this?"

"He killed so many of our heroes, I want to meet this one."

Carole shook her head: "He is now in the prison of the Alliance of Gods, no one can see him, and he is in the Petty family."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

The Patty family!
What the hell are they trying to do?
You must know that the fallen man lives under the cover of the Petty family, isn't he afraid of his identity being exposed?
"The Petty family is strong?"

"Of course, he is stronger than our family. Patrick wanted to use this siege operation to advance to the [Natural Disaster] sequence, but unfortunately this guy died at the hands of the Fallen. He died well."

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "It's not good to say so blatantly."

A Ling stood up: "You killed a person, it's not in vain."

"What will happen to the fallen?"

"Two days later, beheaded for public display."

Jiang Chen nodded, it's a pity, let's behead him!
A Ling continued; "Actually, this time is a trap to lure out the people behind the scenes. In our city, there are still many fallen people hiding in the dark, just to lure them out and kill them with one blow."

"They are not fools, so they naturally know that this is a trap, and they will definitely not come again."

"If you don't come, the leader will definitely die, and you don't know the identity of this person."

"What identity?"

"Baiyun's disciple."

It turned out that he wanted to draw Baiyun.

He just didn't know if Bai Yun would come to rescue him, but Jiang Chen was really looking forward to his coming, he wanted to see how powerful this guy was.

Baiyun is undoubtedly the master among the fallen.

A Ling looked at Jiang Chen in deep thought, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Is this Baiyun very powerful?"

"Nonsense, he is very powerful among the fallen, and belongs to the top masters, so this time we have prepared dozens of Rank [-] masters, waiting for Bai Yun to show up and kill Bai Yun."

Dozens of five-turn, the level is above 250.

Boy, so many people!

I don't know if Baiyun can resist it.

Really looking forward to it.

It seems that it is important to improve the strength as soon as possible. Now it is only level 50 after one turn, which seems to be too low.

Jiang Chen said: "If nothing happens, I will continue to raise the level."

"Of course there is something, otherwise why should I ask you?"

Jiang Chen frowned, and muttered in his heart, why are there so many messes?
A Ling continued; "Three days later, the entire Silero world will form a powerful army, ready to face the monsters under the alliance of evil gods."

"This is a great opportunity and an opportunity for you to show your skills. Not only you, but even me will participate in this battle."

"This war is at least a million legions."

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

An army of millions?

How much does this have to be upgraded?
The battle with the alliance of evil gods is completely different from the battle with the fallen. Killing the masters of the evil gods can gain experience points, including military merits.

A Ling smiled and said, "If you gain prestige this time, we will nominate you to be promoted to the rank of apostle. You can only be promoted to the [Apostle] sequence if you show great strength."

"Of course, the more you kill on the battlefield, the better. Whether our entire legion can rise depends on whether you can make a name for yourself on the battlefield."

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "I can't refuse this request."

"Okay, I will contact you in three days. You can't disappear by then. By the way, I have prepared a house for you. Angelina should be waiting for you inside."

Jiang Chen smiled.

There is even a house.

"I not only prepared a house for you, but also for your sister and the five of them. You don't need to stay in any hotel in the future."

Jiang Chen walked over with a cup of tea, and started his own performance.

Just a little bit short, tears flowed down: "Thank you so much, I don't know what to say, don't worry, I will definitely do my best for you in the future, until I die."

A Ling glanced blankly: "My brother is right, you are really acting, I don't even know what you are thinking now."

Carole took the cup and drank the tea.

Carole really enjoyed this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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