Chapter 219, the master appears

I wondered in my heart, is this guy crazy?Didn't see the enemy so strong, how dare you go up to die?

The commander looked at Jiang Chen: "This person's attack power is very strong and his speed is very fast, are you sure? If you are not sure, don't go up to die."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "It's okay, if it's dealing with other people, I'm not sure, but when dealing with him, I'm very sure."

The rest were puzzled for a while.

Jiang Chen strode up...

At this moment, Demon King Berkeley smiled when he saw someone coming again.

Human race?

A mere human race would dare to fight against me, the Demon Lord Berkeley, a lifeless thing.

As Jiang Chen's distance got closer and closer.

Demon King Berkeley also gradually saw Jiang Chen's face, which gradually disappeared.

Will not?
How could it be this kid, how could it be this freak.

Has this guy turned around?

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Demon King Berkeley froze when he saw this smile. This is really the guy who hides a knife in his smile.

Demon King Berkeley stretched out a hand to stop Jiang Chen from advancing, and whispered: "Wait, big brother, you forgot, I also invited you to drink tea."

"It is you!"

"Yes, it's me, my little brother."

"I think you seem very arrogant."

"I dare not, no matter how arrogant I am, I dare not be arrogant in front of you."

Jiang Chen slowly drew out the long sword.

Demon King Berkeley was dumbfounded, and immediately knelt on the ground in fright.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"what's going on?"

"Why are you still kneeling on the ground?"

"They seemed to be having a conversation just now, I don't know what they were talking about."

"Who is this human race? Why are the opponent's people afraid as soon as they play?"

The Cthulhu Alliance was also stunned. They didn't understand why Berkeley would kneel in front of that human race.

At this moment, Berkeley made a move.

He raised his hand as a signal and said loudly, "Because I have fought for two rounds, my body is overwhelmed. I apply to go back to rest for 10 minutes before coming back to fight again. If you kill me, you will take advantage of others."

What the hell...

Does this work too?
Do not talk about martial arts...
Demon King Berkeley quickly ran back, and went directly to the evil god, without giving Jiang Chen a chance to react, Jiang Chen froze on the spot, just went back like that?

For the sake of treating me to tea, I will let you live.

After Berkeley went back, he immediately changed to another player.

Jiang Chen looked at the person coming.

This person has a strange figure, with four hands, four legs, a lizard head, and a weapon in each hand. He runs fast, and he doesn't know what kind of monster it is.

The lizard ran towards Jiang Chen, and directly attacked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen just glanced lightly, and casually took a sword.

The running lizard instantly split into two halves.

Demon King Berkeley looked at Jiang Chen's attack, and exclaimed in his heart: This kid is getting stronger and stronger. Fortunately, this Demon King is smart. Otherwise, I will be the one who dies. Hurry up and leave this place. Anyone who meets him will die.

The Alliance of Gods shouted excitedly.

"Damn who is this kid?"

"Where's Berkeley? Why didn't you see him?"

"This kid didn't know where he hid. He ran away when he saw this human race."

"This kid actually pointed a sword at us, I'm going to kill him."

Jiang Chen saw a black shadow rushing towards him, the speed was comparable to that of an archer, even faster than an archer.

But just as this person charged within 50 meters of Jiang Chen, he struck another sword.

Sword Qi·Storm······
Another instant kill with one sword strike.

On the side of the League of Gods, the rank four professional masters nodded one after another.

"Who is he? This man is so strong."

"It's a member of the Secret Sword Legion, and its occupation seems to be a swordsman."

"Secret Sword Legion, members of the Gregory family? It seems that the Gregory family has found a strong man, whose attack power can instantly kill the opponent."

"Finally found the place."

A Ling stood on it with an excited expression on her face, as did the members of the Secret Sword Legion.

"Is this the swordsman? I feel that he is so strong."

"It's terrifying to kill with one sword."

"It's terrible, no one can beat it."

A Ling smiled and said: "This is not the scariest part of him. When the war starts, that will be the scariest part of him. You will see what it means to be a real strong man."

A Ling still remembered that sword.

That shocking sword killed tens of thousands of fighters instantly, and the attack distance even reached hundreds of meters. Such a terrifying attack power, terrifying attack speed, and terrifying attack distance are simply desperate.

A Ling is looking forward to Jiang Chen's performance more and more.

Jiang Chen looked at the opposite side: "Who else?"

"Damn human, I'm going to kill him, this man is simply too crazy."

A black shadow flashed quickly and rushed towards Jiang Chen. This was the magician's teleportation. Jiang Chen sensed where the magician teleported, and waved his hand like a sword.

Berkeley shook his head and sighed: This guy is so powerful, it seems that he cannot be surpassed.

"Can you send powerful people over here, so that the garbage doesn't come over." Jiang Chen said lightly, causing a commotion completely.

"Damn it, how dare he humiliate us like this?"

"Is this a blatant humiliation?"

"Rush up and kill this guy together."

"Where is Berkeley, why did this guy run away? Let him go up and fight."

When Berkeley heard this, he was immediately shocked. You guys want to go to hell, but I don't want to. This guy is a pervert.

At this time, the Son of God looked at the black shadow on the city wall and responded lightly, "Ferdinand Gall, go and kill him."


Ferdinand Gall flew towards Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen noticed Ferdinand Gall. This man was the same as Berkeley, similar to a human being, with a devil horn growing on his head, and a few tentacles floating behind him.

Jiang Chen felt that this person was completely different.

This is a master.

Seeing Ferdinand Gall approaching, he did not hesitate to strike Ferdinand Gall with a sword, and the sword hit him.

But Ferdinand Gall did not fall, but walked towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

How is this going?Why is the tried and tested sword energy unable to cause damage?

Could it be that the equipment on his body can absorb damage?

Can absorb 100% damage?
Jiang Chen swung his sword again, this time it was the same reason, Ferdinand Gall still stood in front of Jiang Chen, and continued to walk towards him.

The Alliance of Gods frowned for a while.

"What's the matter with this guy? Why can't he be hurt?"

"This guy should be the royal family among the demons."

"Is it something that can shield the damage?"

"No, this is a rare professional space mage. In fact, his body is not in this space, or it is just a phantom." A commander seemed to see Ferdinand Gall's skills.

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

A flash of white light flashed, and the blade instantly penetrated Ferdinand Gall's body.

At this moment, Jiang Chen understood that what was in front of him was not an entity, but a phantom, so the attack had no effect at all, watching Ferdinand Garr continue to approach.

(End of this chapter)

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