Chapter 230, The powerful six-turn nightmare strikes

"They will baptize you spiritually."

"At the beginning, you may object and feel disgusted. As time goes by, your spirit will change, and your willpower will also change, so that you will become a person who truly believes in him."

"You may not understand this spiritual power."

"No, I understand."

MLM brainwashing, he understands this, MLM has always existed, why is it not because of desire, people will take advantage of desire, and brainwash if there is desire.

Some people didn't believe it, went in, and became one of them completely.

Annie was surprised: "You know?"

"Tell me so much because you want me to let you go. You are so naive. You think that if you tell me the truth, I will treat you as a friend. Your bewitching skills are not very good!"

Annie: (⊙o⊙)...

How did this person see it?

Annie shook her head: "I didn't confuse you, but told you the truth."

Jiang Chen smiled.

It is very dangerous in a different world. He only believes in himself now, and will not trust anyone, let alone Annie, not even Milton, the son of God.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to find Roxani, she was from the Son of God side, if this woman talked to Annie, wouldn't it expose Angelina's identity?

Although I don't know what the outcome will be, it's no good anyway.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was more afraid of Annie, if this woman really stabbed her out, the result would still be the same, then it would be troublesome.

The only safe way now is to find an opportunity, enter the dark camp, and kill Annie's body. The key is that Annie is connected with the clone's soul. Once Jiang Chen leaves, this woman Annie will definitely know.

Jiang Chen had a headache.

Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?

Jiang Chen lay on the bed, thought for a long time but still had no idea, so he just went straight to sleep.

into the night······
A figure appeared in Jiang Chen's field of vision, Jiang Chen was stunned.

what happened?

How did she appear?
Cang teacher······
Teacher Bo...
And the teachers also showed up?

Nima, what's going on?
Annie was overjoyed, the teacher finally came, now you are dead.

Right now
A black shadow entered Jiang Chen's dream, looked at the magic circle, stretched out his right hand to cover the magic circle, and the magic circle disappeared instantly.

The person who came was none other than Annie's teacher, the sixth-level succubus Daphne.

After Anne was trapped, she notified Daphne immediately.


Daphne nodded: "It's good to see that you're fine, I already know, now enjoy the memory of this little guy with me."

"Okay, teacher."

At this moment, Daphne is looking at some wonderful scenes, various difficult movements...
Daphne: (⊙o⊙)...


Skip again...

There seems to be a lot of people, and there seem to be a lot of moves...


Jiang Chen drew out his sword, instantly beheading the teachers around him, who the hell would dare to invade Lao Tzu's dream and summon these teachers out.

I am a person who wants to become a god, how can a mere teacher stop me?

Jiang Chen looked at the stranger in front of him. A beautiful woman with jet-black hair was standing not far from Jiang Chen. With flowing black hair and tall figure, could this person also be a teacher?

Why haven't you seen it?
Good guy, this looks much better than Mr. Cang.

Look at the sword...

Jiang Chen killed it with a sword, the sword energy quickly disappeared, Jiang Chen was stunned.

What's happening here?
Daphne smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Daphne, I am Annie's teacher, and my occupation is rank six succubus."

What the hell?

Six-turn succubus?

A level [-] old monster?

Nima, how could there be such a terrifying existence?

Too bad I'm not a teacher...
"Hello, Teacher Daphne."

Daphne stretched out her right hand and swayed her little finger from side to side: "Little brother, don't have bad thoughts, it's very unfriendly to me in front of the strong."

"Senior is already rank six, isn't it too much to attack someone who is not yet rank two like me?"

Jiang Chen was still in shock, how did she invade the dream with such a terrifying existence, he had to find a chance to wake up quickly.

Daphne said: "When you sleep, a dream space will be created, and I am a succubus, I can enter your space silently and transform your dreams."

"I said there must be a starry sky."

Suddenly the whole dream changed, countless stars appeared above Jiang Chen's head, and the three of them stood in the void...
"I said let's have the sea."

The dream changed again, and the three stood on the sea...
Jiang Chen was completely convinced.

Very perverted ability.

"What advice does the senior have?"

"It's nothing to advise. I took Annie away. I just came here to tell you that young people should pay attention to their bodies. Difficult movements can easily hurt their bodies."

"Can you peek into my memory?"

"As a succubus, it's very simple, and this is one of my skills, unless you don't have dreams."

I just want to...

Jiang Chen kicked his feet and sank into the water.

Countless seawater poured into Jiang Chen's throat, Jiang Chen was taken aback, actually I want to worship you as my teacher, don't get me wrong!
Jiang Chen's thoughts quickly changed.

I was wrong······

I was really wrong...

Jiang Chen rushed out of the sea, looked at Daphne: "I'm convinced, it's not wrong to fall into your hands, what's your order, senior?"

"I just thought you were very interesting, so I stopped by to have a look."

So simple?
"One thing, you can rest assured that I am not here for the mark of God, and I will not reveal this secret. I hope that one day you can grow up, and maybe we can cooperate."

"Cooperation, senior is so powerful, how can I cooperate?"

"I'm just a rank-six succubus, and I'm still far from becoming a demigod. You are very strong. After you grow up, I may need your help someday in the future."

"This is a seal that can seal your memory. The succubus is not just me. It can prevent others from viewing your memory, and it also prevents the Alliance of Gods from viewing your memory."

"The bad memories in it helped you seal them up, even including the fact that you killed the Petty family and helped those who fell, which can be regarded as the basis of our cooperation."

After finishing speaking, the two disappeared...

Jiang Chen: (⊙o⊙)...

These bosses are unpredictable, come and go quickly.

Jiang Chen woke up suddenly.

Cold sweat broke out on his face, what kind of existence is a succubus?
Jiang Chen quickly summoned Olive, saw Olive's sleeping figure, and immediately shook her awake.

Oliver opened his eyes in a daze, with an extremely impatient expression: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Do you know about nightmares?"

"what happened?"

"I ask you if you know about the profession of succubus. I was invaded by succubus just now, and this old woman came in without anyone noticing."

Olive's eyes widened: "Then you're still alive?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dream demons are very scary. They belong to the super god profession. They can enter other people's dreams silently. After they enter the dreamland, they can display their powerful strength."

"Summon monsters to kill you, drown you with sea water, smash you to death with rocks, in short, in the dream, the succubus has ten thousand ways to kill you."

Jiang Chen asked; "How can she enter my dream? She is not around me."

"A dream is actually an independent space. You will enter this space when you dream, and the succubus is inside, but it is very difficult for her to find your dream space, unless she is nearby, or she can track you." Olive opened her eyes wide, and said;
"Then how can we kill the succubus in the dream?"

Olive: "Unless your spiritual power surpasses the succubus, you have this chance. It's just a chance. In the dream, her skills are very powerful. I don't know how to deal with them. But if you want to kill the succubus, the best way is to kill the succubus." The best way is to destroy her in reality."

"She is an ordinary person in reality, completely powerless, but succubus is hard to find, she can be anyone, very few people can kill succubus in reality."

Jiang Chen asked: "If you are killed in a dream, will you not be resurrected?"

"Yes, if you die in the dream, you are already dead. The succubus kills the enemy in the sleep and increases the level, just like you."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

What a strange profession.

Killing the enemy in the dream can also increase the level?

"Then are you dreaming?"

"I don't dream. In order not to be invaded by the succubus, my mother trained me a long time ago to let my consciousness fall asleep when I sleep, so even the succubus can't do anything to me."

"How to put consciousness to sleep?"

"It's simple, look at me."

Olive walked up behind Jiang Chen, and slashed at the back of Jiang Chen's neck with one hand.

Do not talk about martial arts...
(End of this chapter)

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