Chapter 232, I suspect you are seducing me
Milton said; "In this way, you will not be dreaming, nor will you enter the dream space, and the succubi will not be able to invade your world."

"This is the easiest and most direct way."

"There is another way, which is to overcome your own fear. To put it bluntly, the dream space is the space you created, which is your independent world."

"As long as you have no fear in your hearts, the succubus cannot defeat you."

"You must have the belief that you will win."

Olive whispered; "He's right. The succubi's ability is to create fear. For example, if you are afraid of fire, he will create flames to burn you. When you have the idea of ​​being burned to death, then you will burnt to death by the flames."

"Dream devil killing people is using fear to kill people."

But in this world, who is not afraid!
Everyone has it, even Jiang Chen.

Olive said: "But my mother said that everyone has fears, even gods. The best way is not to dream, and the succubi can't help it."

How to face the next battle.

How to face the nightmare.

When you really want to sleep, let someone give you a sap?

Straight into a coma.

You have to go back and learn how to fall into meditation with the fallen person, so as to avoid falling into a dream.

As for Orife and Angelina, one can enter a deep sleep, and the other has no dreams, so there is no need to worry about the succubus invading them.

But why didn't the succubus kill Milton.

This guy is the Son of God, if he killed him, wouldn't he be more credited?
They should have unique means to prevent others from invading dreams, or they should be able to enter deep sleep and not dream like Olive.

"This should be okay?"

"Give me a sap, so I can't fall into a dream?"

"Just tell yourself not to dream."

"Forget it, how can you not dream, you can't control yourself not to dream at all."

"Actually, succubus isn't that scary. As long as you don't dream, it's fine. In the real world, succubus has no strength at all."

"It's better for someone else to give me a sap."

A group of brave men talked about it.

After the meeting·····
Luoxani found Jiang Chen: "Master Shenzi values ​​you very much, and specially asked me to come here to protect you."

"I just don't dream at night."

"That's not something you can decide. I have a way to protect you from the succubus?"

"any solution?"

"Sleep with me."

Jiang Chen: (⊙o⊙)...

Will it be misleading to be so direct?

This request is really...

Angelina was stunned by the side, and so was A Ling...

Roxani explained: "Don't get me wrong, I can enter your dream, cast a skill enchantment, and prevent the succubi from invading your dream, the only condition is that you hold my hand when you sleep. "

A Ling coughed; "No, I think Lord Shenzi's method is very good, I can just give him a sap at night."

Jiang Chen looked at A Ling, did you want to do this a long time ago?

Coughing: "I think it's better for Master Shengji to say, what if you beat me to death with a heavy hand?"

A Ling rolled her eyes.

I suspect you have another purpose, but I have no proof.

Angelina said: "It's okay, I'm next to Jiang Chen!"

"Why don't you go to A Ling's room for a squeeze at night?"

Angelina kicked and gave Jiang Chen a hard look.


What are you thinking, I am protecting you, this one is a priest, a holy priest among priests, what if she finds out your secret?
Her occupation is the same as yours, and the mark of God on your body is what she needs most.

I am sacrificing myself to protect you.

Stupid woman, do you understand?


As a woman whose man protects himself by sacrificing his luster, it is too difficult for me...
The man from the Secret Sword Legion laughed.

That's a holy sacrifice!
The women beside the Son of God are not only beautiful, but also have various skills.

"Tonight, I'll come to find you again." Luoxani said, and after finishing speaking, she turned and left.

A Ling coughed; "Let's go, men are bad guys, don't pay attention to him."

Everyone comforted for a while.

"In the human world, you just hold hands and sleep, and you don't know how to do anything."

"That's right, you're thinking too much."

"Isn't it normal to hold hands!"

"Yeah, it's just holding hands. I often hold other people's hands!"

inside the room.

"I think Milton, the Son of God, will not give up on Jiang Chen, Isabel, what do you think!" A Ling asked her deputy army commander in the room.

Isabel nodded: "Well, Jiang Chen is still very powerful, he definitely wants to be under his command, even Roxani sent him to protect Jiang Chen."

"Then what should we do? Jiang Chen was fooled at the first sight, this guy is just an old pervert, Isabel, why don't you sacrifice your luster too."

Isabel opened her eyes wide: "Me?"

"That's right, you look at Jiang Chen differently."

Not a bad idea.

Isabel shook her head; "Forget it, I guess he will be recruited by the Son of God sooner or later, aren't we against the Son of God?"

"Hey... I finally found a strong man, but was snatched away by someone else. I am so unwilling!"

"You are the leader, why don't you seduce him?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this, if he leaves, there's nothing I can do about it." A Ling had a headache for a while, thinking about Jiang Chen leading their Secret Sword Legion to make great achievements!
As a result, a lord son of god cut off his beard halfway, which is so embarrassing.

Jiang Chen looked outside the city wall.


It seems that the evil camp will not send troops today.

Sure enough, just as Annie said, the Son of God sent Roxani, and it was obvious that Roxani had really become Milton's lackey.

It's really unethical to engage in pyramid schemes!

Even the body can be sacrificed.

Just don't do one.

Jiang Chen left the camp, returned to the world of Sillero, and went to the place where the Fallen were once encircled and suppressed through the teleportation array, which small town used to be.

Still a thick white mist.

Just in Jiang Chen's perception, he knew that there were people in the town.

Jiang Chen flashed quickly, and appeared in front of a fallen person.

The fallen man turned pale with shock, seeing Jiang Chen approaching, he quickly launched an attack, a sword energy rushed towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen immediately dodged.

"I'm here to find the Eight Realms."

"who are you?"

"You don't have to worry about who I am, just take me to the Eight Realms."

The fallen man's eyes are vigilant about his surroundings, and he doesn't know whether the brave man in front of him is an enemy or a friend.

"I came alone. The Eight Realms are not here. Is Amei there? Is Siyuan here?"

The fallen man looked at Jiang Chen and said it.

"Wait a minute, I'll go back and tell the leader, what's your name?"

"Just tell him that the old friend in the tavern asks him, and he will understand."

The fallen person left quickly. Under Jiang Chen's careful sensing, the fallen person came to a hillside, knocked on the door, and the mountain door opened.

"How about the patrol?"

"Someone is here. It's a brave man. He's calling to find the leader. It looks like he's a friend of the leader."

"What about others!"

"In town."

"Report to the leaders of the Eight Realms immediately."

Jiang Chen was sitting on a rock next to the small town, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen, this person was the tavern owner Bajie.

(End of this chapter)

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