Chapter 234, the six-turn succubus reappears

Boom boom boom...

Jiang Chen stepped forward to open the door, Luoxani stood at the door.


This is a bit fast!

It's not dark yet.

Angelina lowered her head; "I'm leaving."

Roxani asked; "Your woman?"


"very beautiful."


"Follow the Son of God, you can get any kind of woman you want."

Jiang Chen looked at Luoxani and joked, "Including you?"



This pyramid scheme is really harmful.

Jiang Chen said; "Go back, you are the woman next to the Son of God, I dare not want it!"

Luoxani looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"You are special."


Luoxani turned and left, Jiang Chen slapped himself, why are you pretending to be innocent!People deliver it to your door, don't you want it?

Aren't wild flowers more fragrant...

Boom boom boom...

A Ling opened the door and looked at Jiang Chen: "What are you doing?"

"Roxani is gone, where is Angelina!"

"It's in there!"

"Let her out."

"She's already asleep."


If this woman can really sleep, is she not worried at all?
Jiang Chen lay on the bed and silently smoked a cigarette, looked at the night outside, sat cross-legged, and entered into a state of meditation.

Milton looked at Roxani and asked in surprise, "Why are you back?"

Luoxani said: "This swordsman is not simple. He seems to have a soft spot for the women around him. I didn't succeed."

Milton smiled: "A person who can be sober about beauty is indeed not an ordinary person. It seems that this person can't be subdued, he can't be used by me, and he won't be used by others. I hope he will not be used by the gods, otherwise That is our worst enemy."

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged, entered the dream space, he could do whatever he wanted in his dream, and with a wave of his hand, it became a tea set.

Jiang Chen drank the tea: "Unfortunately, it doesn't have any taste."

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a question, he was a god in the dream world, is it possible that he is also in the body of a god in the Silero world?
Is the Silero world the real world?

Or are we also tools created by God?
Jiang Chen waved his hand to create Angelina, but it's a pity that Angelina only has empty eyes, just like a doll, she can create anything in the dream world.

Jiang Chen waved his hand again, Roxani was also created.

Then Teacher Cang...
A group of teachers were also created by Jiang Chen...

Jiang Chen laughed out loud, it was so interesting.

After seeing a group of teachers, he immediately felt bored, waved his hands and wiped them all out, they were just illusions, they were all imagined by Jiang Chen, they didn't really exist.

Jiang Chen waved his hand again, creating Daphne.

A sixth-order succubus.

Jiang Chen smiled, and under Jiang Chen's direction, Daphne poured tea from a teacup.

Daphne smiled and said, "Is it interesting?"

"Call me master."

"Is it interesting for me to ask you?"

Jiang Chen looked at Daphne, and was taken aback for a moment, what's going on?

Why are you disobedient?
Don't you still have ideas?

Who said that the manufactured people still have thoughts.

Jiang Chen waved his hands and made Daphne disappear, but unfortunately Daphne did not disappear, but looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was startled.

"Are you real?"

"Nonsense, otherwise!"

With Daphne waving her hands, a chair appeared. Daphne lay on it, with her legs crossed, her thighs exposed. She looked around and praised: "Yes, I learned how to be free."

"How can you be real?"

"Nothing is impossible. I am a succubus, and I can freely enter and exit any dream space. Do I have to call you master?" Daphne smiled lightly;
Jiang Chen looked embarrassed: "There's no need for this."

"Your dream space is very strong, able to resist the succubus who came to assassinate you."

"Any other succubus?"

"Of course, I'm not the only succubus. I just came here to take Annie away and take a look at you."

"You killed those brave men?"

"I didn't do it. Killing them is not a challenge for me. Others did it. Gresham's target is you, and he wants to kill you. As for the other heroes, it's just incidental."

Jiang Chen was very curious: "How did you kill people?"

"The dream monster's ability is to change other people's dreams and use the fear in your heart. As long as you think you will die, then you will die."

With a wave of her hand, Daphne created Gresham, the Son of God.

Jiang Chen looked at Gresham.

Daphne said: "In your heart, fear Gresham, I can create his abilities, but these are illusions, even if they are illusions, they can become real, as long as you believe in your heart that you will be killed, He is real."

"And the succubi's ability is not limited to this, it can also change the environment and put you in despair."

Daphne waved her hand, Jiang Chen's whole body was covered in flames.

Jiang Chen looked at the flames, and with a thought, he disappeared...
The flames disappeared quickly.

Daphne nodded: "Very good, you can stick to your beliefs, strengthen your spiritual power, and consolidate your dream space. I don't have to worry about you being killed by other succubus."

"This time I came here to remind you, it seems that my worries are unnecessary."

Daphne waved her hand, and a cigarette appeared in her hand.

She smoked silently, crossed her legs, her movements were very elegant and charming, especially those ecstatic eyes, which made Jiang Chen look down involuntarily.

Daphne seemed to notice the eyes: "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Chen coughed...

I didn't see anything.

Daphne said: "If you really want to see, you will see the same thing as you, maybe even bigger than yours!"

the same thing?

Jiang Chen's goosebumps rose.

"We don't have gender distinctions, we can be male or female, so I can be a man or a woman. Sometimes I like to appear in this posture, and I may also appear in the posture of a man."


I got a slot, obediently can't play...
Your mind is dangerous, young man.

"We were like two different camps."

"This doesn't prevent us from being friends, just like I can be friends with free people, and you can also be friends with free people."

"I will help you when you are promoted to [Order] in the future."

"Do I need your help?"

"Of course, do you think that anyone can be promoted to [Order]? Unless you are a descendant of God, you will be checked. This kind of check is to check your memory. You should know that this is very dangerous for you."

Jiang Chen was silent.

If so, it's too dangerous.

Daphne said; "Our succubus has another skill, which can modify your memory, allowing you to evade inspection. Everyone has secrets, and no one wants to be exposed. What do you say!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I agree very much, but what do I need to pay?"

(End of this chapter)

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