Chapter 242, Assassination Mission
Boom boom boom...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, Jiang Chen got up and opened the door...
A Ling stood outside the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"Go in and talk."

A Ling entered the room with a solemn expression: "Jiang Chen, someone wants to assassinate you, and the assassination mission has already been issued, this is troublesome."

Assassinate me?
I didn't offend anyone!

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you know who it is?"

A Ling shook her head: "My brother got the news from the Oak League. Someone released a mission to assassinate you for 30 billion. I told you that there is absolutely nothing good in the black market. It's okay now."

"Someone assassinated you as soon as you came back, did you offend someone in the black market?"

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

No one was offended in the black market, and if there was, there was only one, and that was the prophet.

But it can't be him.

If the prophet has 30 billion, why would he come out to set up a stall!
Isn't it good to use 31 billion to support him?
Why assassinate him!
Apart from the prophet, there was only the Liberty Tavern. Although it was only a small conflict, there was still this possibility, but after Jiang Chen thought about it, he put down his doubts.

If they are free, they will definitely send their own masters instead of hiring others to do it.

How many steamed buns does 30 billion have to buy?

If these two are excluded, then there are only people from the Carmen family.

The people of the Carmen family have always wanted to kill him, but they have never had a chance, and 30 billion may be just a drop in the bucket for the Carmen family.

Apart from the Carmen family, there is only the Cthulhu Alliance.

The Oak League is an assassination guild, anyone can post missions in it, and anyone can accept this mission.Apart from them, Jiang Chen never thought that there would be others who would spend a lot of money to assassinate him.

Jiang Chen nodded: "I will be careful."

"Then pay attention. Now your head is worth 30 billion. If you weren't my subordinate, I would be tempted. 30 billion is not a small amount."

"Then why don't you just take me to the Oak League and get the reward directly." Jiang Chen joked;

"What people want is the head, not the whole person."

"Just treat it as half selling and half giving away."

"I'm going back, be careful yourself."

A Ling turned and left.

Jiang Chen lay on the bed smoking a cigarette silently, he wasn't worried at all, the person who can assassinate him now is at least a rank five professional master.

And now here, no one will come to assassinate him at all.

Angelina snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms: "Aren't you worried at all?"

"What am I worried about, you should worry about yourself!"



"What am I worried about?"

"I'm worried that you will hold on at night."

Jiang Chen turned around and pressed Angelina underneath...
woo woo...
Milton, Son of God, looked at the message and smiled.

"My lord, what is so funny?"

"Someone wants to assassinate Jiang Chen. Now someone has accepted the task. This little guy has a lot of heads, 30 billion. This little guy is really troublesome."

Luoxani exclaimed: "He is the [Apostle] now, who dares to assassinate him?"

"Who else? It's from the Carmen family."

"Damn family, dare to assassinate the [Apostle] openly, are they trying to betray the alliance of the gods?"

Milton said with a smile: "Who said that the assassination was done aboveboard? They entered the Oak League and used the assassination guild to issue missions to assassinate Jiang Chen. They have always had enmity."

"Then do you want to remind Jiang Chen that this is a great opportunity to subdue him?"

"Don't tell him, I think he already knows."

"How could he know?"

"Don't forget, the Gregory family is quite powerful, they will also receive the notice, and Jiang Chen will also know that this person cannot be subdued, so there is no need to do anything now, just prepare for the battle with peace of mind."

Milton thought for a while: "He should be guarding against me."

"He is simply an idiot. He didn't accept Lord Shenzi's solicitation, and instead stayed in an inconspicuous legion." Luoxani was furious.

Milton smiled and said nothing.

"I remember when you went to recruit him, he once said a word."


"Wish to fight side by side with Lord Shenzi."

Luoxani thought for a while, nodded and said, "He seems to have said so, but what does it matter?"

Roxani couldn't figure it out.

"There are two meanings revealed from this sentence, the first meaning; he is rejecting me in disguise, and does not want to be my subordinate; the second meaning: he thinks that I have the same status as him, and he will not Because I am the Son of God, you respect me specially."

Roxani thought about it.

Does it have this meaning?

Milton continued: "Even if he obeys me on the surface, he must not be convinced in his heart. In his heart, we are equals."

"How dare he think that?" Roxani was furious.

"No, that's the key to being a big shot."

The next morning.

The Cthulhu Alliance has retreated, Jiang Chen is dumbfounded at this time, is he retreating?

Not a few fights to come.

A Ling smiled and said, "Finally retreat."

"They are not sure, so they will naturally retreat."

"With Jiang Chen here, the Son of God, Gresham, is also afraid."

"It's time to go back."

Jiang Chen coughed: "Let's just rush over and chase them down, what do you think?"

A Ling gave a blank look: "You are crazy, do you know the consequences of rushing over there? It is the territory of the alliance of evil gods. If you rush over there, you will be cursed. This kind of curse is irreversible. The magic energy will enter your body, making you unaware Do not feel dead."

"Otherwise we would have done it long ago."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I'm just talking."

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 72】

【Experience: 200000/6500000】

[Physical: 367]

【Strength: 150】

【Spirit: 385】

[Agility: 86]

It's only level 72, and it's still early for the second turn at level 99!
A Ling said: "Jiang Chen, don't forget, you promised me the conditions."

"Don't worry! Turn it on when you go back."

The Netherworld, now Jiang Chen has turned around, met the conditions, can open the Netherworld, and Jiang Chen can also upgrade the level in the Netherworld.

Nether Rune Attributes: [For monsters in the Nether World: experience +20%, explosion rate +20%, attack +20%, resistance +20%]

Improving the level inside is undoubtedly the fastest speed.

After several people went back, they entered the family.

The people of the Gregory family all gathered together.

Opening up the nether world has great benefits.

Jiang Chen stood inside the Gregory family.

Wait for them to discuss.

The three of Gregory Arnold walked out of the gate and looked at Jiang Chen.

Gregory Arnold said with a smile: "This one is my father, Roy, father, he is Jiang Chen."

Roy stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "Hello, I have heard of your name a long time ago. You alone resisted an army of millions. This time you are famous, and all members of the Alliance of Gods know you."

"They are all brave under the alliance of the gods, this is what I should do."

"Don't be impatient, this is what young people should look like. A Ling will follow him and study hard."

Gregory Alling stood by and murmured 'Oh'.

(End of this chapter)

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