Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 245, I can't betray my conscience, I have to pay more

Chapter 245, I can't betray my conscience, I have to pay more
Jiang Chen asked: "How much money do you have?"

"400 billion."

"If it doesn't work, there's nothing I can do." Jiang Chen sighed softly;
"I don't know who is so generous. There are many families in the Silero world, but none of them would spend 300 billion to buy a sixth-rank succubus, because it's not worth it at all."

If it's just to be a plaything, you can spend 20 billion to buy a one-turn succubi. Although the level is different, the effect is the same.

If it is for the merit of the head, it will be even more disadvantaged.

At least Arnold wouldn't do that.

Aristocratic psychology has been measured, and 300 billion far exceeds this value.

It would be different if it was the head of the Son of God.

The Son of God is a descendant of God, and his status is completely different from that of the rank six succubus. It feels like a farmer is not at the same level as the son of an emperor.

Arnold is also betting.

At this time in a box.

Christie Burton, son of god, frowned. The succubus of the sixth turn was just right for his taste. If it was the first turn, like the little girl just now, he had no appetite at all.

"350 billion."

"400 billion"

Christie Burton, Son of God, smiled: "It seems that the nobles of the Sileiro world are so rich, they are willing to spend 400 billion to buy it for a six-turn succubi."

"My lord, let me investigate and see who has the guts to rob you?"

Christie Burton, Son of God, shook his head: "Forget it, since they want it, let's give it to them. It's just a six-turn succubus."

As the auctioneer struck the hammer.

Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, which meant that he had bought Daphne.

Arno frowned: "The one who bid just now is definitely not a nobleman from our Silero world, but someone from another world, or even a big shot from the previous world."

"Of course, it may also be the nobles on the side of the evil god."

"Whoever it is, I don't care."

"No, this is likely to bring us trouble, it's better to be cautious."

Inside the hotel.

Daphne was caged and in a room.


Daphne's face was full of disappointment, because the man who came in was not Jiang Chen, but someone he didn't know, obviously Jiang Chen didn't come, or he failed.

Arnold smiled: "Daphne?"

"How could you possibly know my name?"

"A friend told me."

"Jiang Chen?" Daphne was dubious.

A Nuo turned back and said, "Come in, don't worry your friends."

With a squeak, Jiang Chen walked in, and said with a smile, "Seeing you like this, I really feel sorry for you."

Daphne rolled her eyes: "Men's lies are always so straightforward."

"This is real."

Daphne just wants to scold, really fart, you are obviously laughing.

Jiang Chen walked over and untied the cage.

Unexpectedly, a small iron cage was used to imprison the six-turn succubus, and the succubus had a dog-like collar hanging around its neck.

A Nuo said: "Jiang Chen, I'm leaving first."

"it is good."

There was not much language spoken between the two, and Arnold turned and left.

Jiang Chen untied the collar around the Dream Demon's neck, and the Dream Demon stood up and stretched himself: "Thank you this time."

"I spent 400 billion to buy you this time, and you have to pay back the money."

Daphne smiled and said, "Don't be ridiculous, it's obvious that someone else paid, and I predict that you didn't pay a dime."

"You don't want to renege on your debt, do you?"

"Okay, I remember your kindness, and I will return it to you in the future."

"We are friends, it's too alien to say this."

Get the hell out of here, if you really want to be my friend, you still ask me for money?
Daphne really thanked Jiang Chen.

This time she narrowly escaped death, otherwise she would become someone else's slave, and Daphne knew what it was like.

Jiang Chen took out a cigarette, and silently lit it.

"Give me one."

Jiang Chen handed it over: "One cigarette is [-] million."

"Screw you."

Jiang Chen clicked on it, took a puff, and handed it to Daphne, Daphne didn't mind, took a puff hard, looked at Jiang Chen, and laughed again.

Jiang Chen was puzzled!
What is this woman laughing at!
Daphne thought of the scene that disgusted Jiang Chen back then, and really frightened Jiang Chen, this young man is really interesting.

Jiang Chen asked: "How to deal with the Son of God, Gresham?"

"Don't worry, I don't know where its dream coordinates are now."

"You lied to me." Jiang Chen frowned;
"Although I don't know, others know that Gresham, the Son of God, has that hobby just like the nobles. There is a succubus who knows, and I just need to discuss it with her, so don't worry, Gresham, the Son of God, is so humiliating. I must die." Daphne's face was gloomy, she had never been so humiliated before.

Jiang Chen: "Since you're fine, then I should go back."



"I still have to send me back."

Jiang Chen smiled: "You have regained your freedom now, do you still need me to send you?"

"If I show up outside, I will be easily caught by others, so you send me back to the evil camp."

"Strange, you should be very strong."

"We are indeed very strong, but it's only in a dream. In reality, my strength is equivalent to rank two, and I can't deal with the strong."

"Then how did you survive?"

"Our succubus has a skill called servant. The servant will protect me and obey my orders for the rest of his life. He is a rank five dark archer, but unfortunately he died."

Jiang Chen looked suspicious: "You don't mean to turn me into a slave, do you?"

"Of course it's impossible. We need to invade a person's dream, change his memory, and sign a slave contract, just like you signed a contract with a dragon."

"And you are a member of the Alliance of Gods, I can only sign with the masters of the dark camp."

"Sign the Son of God!"

Daphne shook her head: "The camp of the evil gods is different from yours. To enslave the sons of the gods is to die, so you follow me now and help me find a suitable slave."

Jiang Chen righteously said: "I can't sell my conscience to help people from the Alliance of Evil Gods."

Daphne rolled her eyes: "I will cover your conscience with a reward."

"My conscience is great."

"Two rewards."

"One more."


After they got dressed, they walked out of the black market and headed towards the evil god's camp.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I didn't expect that after going out, it would be the camp of evil gods."

"No one knows where the real place of the black market is. It can only be sent out through the teleportation array, or it may be at the junction, hidden deep in a mountain."

Jiang Chen looked up at the red moon, and felt the black curse invade his body.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks.

What A Ling said is right, you can't enter the realm of evil gods without authorization, you will be polluted by evil spirits, even in other worlds, but the pollution is very small.

(End of this chapter)

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